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At a minimum I wish it would show how many unique plans they have. I hate seeing 100+ plans but it's someone who has like 72 copies of a random BioCommMesh plan


Can I interest you in a Mr. Handy buzz blade plan?


Or a mole-miner gauntlet perhaps?


can i interest you in a 1:1 IVORY PISTOL GRIP!! these things dont grow on trees yakno\~


I see your pistol grip and raise you a white fedora!


sorry just traded my uber rare sun mask for the white fedora


How about a Chemistry Table plan?


I’m selling one for like 10 caps for lowbies. I guess I should make it 1.


It spawns in a spot by the train yard near the airport. The only time it isn't there is if someone picked it up recently.


Shush, keep it quiet will you, I regularly sell these for at least a cap. (This isn't what i do, you don't need to comment, it wouldt cost me more to fast travel there, than I actually would earn).


This^ I caved and bought one for 250 caps within my first week of playing... only to find it 3 days later, then another 3 the day after that..


All my chemistry tables for a power armor rack


I went the longest time without the power armor station plan just to find out you get it as a reward for completing the quest for Excavator power armor.


I'm doing that now actually as it's cheap PA! And I have three frames laying around


The sun mask is rare?


lol no


Or cooking spit


Strange enough I had someone buy one for 50 c.. I felt like I scammed them.. poor fella


I'm playing a shotgun build, so I don't open plans for melee weapons, so the prospect of seeing my currently unknown plans in a vendor, would result in much frustration when I find out its just the moleminer or deathclaw gauntlet plan that's on sale.


I picked up like 80 of those plans off the ground yesterday


I see your Mr. Handy Buzz Blade plan and raise you a T-60 Motion Assist Servos plan.


4000 Mounted Bloatfly


lol how? I put all my mounted insects from 'stings and things' for 150 caps and they're usually gone by the next time I go back to camp for buffs


I only post them for 50 but golly do they sell fast. So did pemmican before this season. Now no one needs to buy my daily quest pemmican. I will never financially recover from this lost 80 caps a day.


I never saw anyone selling pemmican before but man am I happy about having the pemmican rack, I love that shit as a carnivore, free 8 endurance and it never spoils? Hell yeah


I do Stings & Things and Operation Tidy daily and they always reward pemmican. I'm an herbivore though. Trying to get enough Possum badges to buy out the vending machine. I've got the big purchases down at least.


How long doing those dailies until you could get the large backpack plan? I’ve been at it for about a week and have 3 badges.


Yeah it took me about a week hitting both those dailies and every campfire tales for the 8. As the other I've bought out most essentials and now moved to cosmetics.


Hmm. That's about right I think. Maybe a touch unlucky, but not too much so. IIRC they're a 25 percent chance to drop.


The holiday scorched event or whatever it was would give like 1-2 a gift. (Those gifts were duped to oblivion)


I saw a camp just about an hour ago with 1200+ plans, and over 1000 of them was the Mounted Mothman! (For reference, they only had one plan I didn't know for 14k, one of the Christmas ones)




Not necessarily. When I was a noob I bought over 1k plans for 1 cap each all mounted stuff. Took about 6 months to shift at 5c each. Noobs don't usually know about dupers straight away. I know I didn't.


What's a duper?


Yes, I found a big pile of them in a garbage can. I mean it started with a duper.


You're absolutely right. It definitely did. It's just unfortunate on the noobs thinking they got a good deal.


You aren’t interested in 700 Santa Crash and 400 Icicle Lights?


Yesterday the map said they had 179 plans. I went, they had 8. No duplicates. Just 8.


I think it's a good troll.


I've learned that when you see that many plans for sale you can be sure with 95% confidence that they are selling at least 50 Mole Minor Gauntlet plans


I never understand that one as each of those plans have weight


200 Santa crashes lol


Also this! Thank you!


And the price is 3000 caps...


Or seeing 1k and you own ALL of the plans shown.


Someone had 200 plans the other day 197 of them were miner gauntlets.


I wish it would show ME common through rare plans so I can remove them from my vendor myself. I don’t have time to memorize all that shit, so unfortunately I just dump them in there. I wouldn’t if I I could tell and/or remember which plans all of us have


Found someone selling 215 icicle lights. It was upsetting


The worst part is they have like 100 of same plan but still charge 1000+ caps for it


I’ve got a walking cane mod. I think it’s rare AF…


I once seen someone have 10,000 mounted tick plans


Bro facts lmaoooo


The flip side to that is good luck finding the diamond in the rough of someone selling a rare plan for cheap. Stuff like that would get snatched up instantaneously.


Agreed. I'm new and barely had 2500 caps to my name and some kind soul had a vintage water cooler for 1500 caps. I'd seem it for 10-20k before that and bought it right out. If I ever find another I'm gonna give it away to a sub lvl 100 player just to pay it forward.


Holiday Scorched is coming up soon, July 23 through August 6. VWC plans can drop from gifts. I got a good number last holiday by farming workshops. If you have Fallout 1st you can bank gifts like crazy and get lots of chances to get the plan, by taking every workshop on your Private map and placing a Santatron Collectron at every one. If you want to get ultra nerdy about it...don't take the gifts out of the collectron until there's at least two or three of each kind of gift. Instead, remove anything else (food items, etc.) that are in there, and the gifts will stack up a few more. Hope it helps you in your mission to pay it forward.




What’s the benefit of not taking the gifts out right away? With my luck I would crash. Do gifts collect faster if you don’t pull them out immediately?


They don't collect faster, you just have a chance at a couple more. The collectron has a kind of budget for how many items it can hold. The question is: what kinds of items do we want taking up that budget? My goal is to make sure my collectron has gifts taking up the majority of that budget. So I place my collectron, and it starts accruing items. Let's say after 10 minutes, it has gained a large gift and a small gift, along with a box of Sugar Bombs. The Bombs are now taking up a slot. I'd rather have a medium gift in that slot, so I take the Sugar Bombs and leave the rest. Why? Two reasons. First - if Sugar Bombs are there, obviously that slot can't be a medium gift, so we yank the Bombs to get them out of the way. Second - because now that a small and large gift are taking up a slot each, they can accrue more of that type of gift in that slot. 10 more hypothetical minutes go by. I go back to my collectron and YAY! Now we have all three types of gifts, and a couple more items. I yank the non-gift items because they are taking up budget. Now that those are gone, that collectron can accrue more gifts. It's not that this effort will result in a ton more gifts. It's more that you're ensuring the collectron is accruing gifts and not more Gum Drops or other less desirable items. It's basically an optimization. I usually go take as many workshops as I'm willing to mess with, then do loops to visit each one and clean them out of non-gift items. If I don't, then over the same amount of time, they could be filling up with junk and food items. Each time I get rid of a non-gift, it creates the possibility that the next item it gains is going to be a gift. As for crashing - if you crash on Private, reboot the game quickly, within a minute or two, and it will let you back into your Private world with all your collectrons intact. The workshops will not show you as the owner, but each one of those collectrons will still be there accruing items. (Tip: on Private, you don't even really need to bother retaking lost workshops because there's probably no other players to contest them, and the collectrons will keep working even if you don't hold the workshop.) If you're playing on Public, make sure you join a public team. Then, if you crash, you can rejoin your team on the same world with all your collectrons. Visit each workshop to reclaim it.


What's in the gift, I haven't really bothered putting down that collectron


I have 1st so yeah I'll be take that tip!


I didn't even think about this. Would it work with regular scrap collectrons too??


Yep! You can only have one collectron per workshop still, so be aware of that. I have the Brotherhood building kit that has foundations that are also walls and ceilings. Fun fact: foundations can't be destroyed by NPCs. So following the advice of FO76 redditors, I blueprinted a 3x3 structure with one regular foundation in the middle surrounded by the Brotherhood foundations. I arranged every resource collector I have and even managed to get the dang cement truck placed on top. I left the middle tile open on the ceiling - no doors, so I can drop in by jumping on top and dropping down through the hole. I used six of the Vault-Tec small generators (Atom shop item) to power everything because they stack very neatly to conserve space. I even managed to get a bed, a pinball machine, a weight bench, a weapon bench, scrap/stashboxes, a punch card machine, and a couple Vintage Water Coolers in there, along with the Santatron Collectron Station. (The cement truck, Turbo-Fert, and sap tree all had to go on top.) I blueprinted ALL of it, and now as long as I have the right perks equipped and materials to build it, I can just drop one down immediately after capturing the workshop. Everything on top of the structure and in front of the windows are liable to get destroyed since the BOS foundations don't cover those. But almost everything inside is completely safe because foundations can't be destroyed.


> vwc...10-20k Hey just a friendly heads up that some of us will list items at marginally ridiculous prices, Not to be assholes but because we don't want somebody to just completely clear out our supply (particularly if it's something that they can just turn around and stick in their own vendor to resell) If I list a bunch of VWC plans at 500 caps I won't have any more plans at the end of the day. But if I don't list them at all then you won't have any idea that I have a bunch of them available... (And I know this doesn't work great for PC players who don't use mods, but if you're on a console you can easily message me and ask "hey do you really want 700 trillion caps for that or do you think you could come down a little bit?" But you wouldn't know to ask me that if you didn't know that I actually had the plan.) Tldr, Don't necessarily assume that the price you see is set in stone and feel free to ask people. A lot of times it's the equivalent of just putting something up in your store shop window--maybe you don't want somebody to max out your caps at a really inconvenient time, or maybe you just don't want somebody to buy the whole lot of everything for a penny when you would rather spread the love. *(The fact of the matter is that most people who have a shit ton of rare plans like that probably also have a shit ton of caps. There's just not a great system for letting people know you have an item available without actually putting it up for sale for $SOME_VALUE)*


Man, I remember playing one night and I was low on caps so I could only get a few stuff. This one guy was selling aid items like stimpaks and serums for cheap (10 caps for the stimpaks and 330 caps for the serums). I ended up buying them all and didn’t have enough to the vintage water cooler plan he was selling for 300 caps. However, someone ended up buying a whole lotta of my stuff later on but that guy was gone by that point. That moment still haunts me to this day whenever I play 76….


The only reason I don't sell things super cheap is because of high levels being the only players that show up to rapidly sweep the store clean of them, to then re-list at +5000 caps more. I've watched it happen *three* times. Rapid buyout, instantly re-list on own store jacked up. Eat my shorts.


The trick is having a camp without the icon showing on the map, in a place where noobs will find it naturally but not somewhere an end game player would go. So nothing next to the Wayward, etc. Find somewhere a few hours into the Overseer's questline and build there.


Thats funny you say that, since its exactly my campsite, with noobs in mind


True, it's also the problem that the few plans I still need are rare and in most cases totally overpriced, so that I have to spend 10 k or more for one, so I also sell high priced to accumulate the caps I need


10k~ is a price I accept for R A R E plans, but little else. Don't flip your idle account's recent seasonal event drops for 15000+.


Is that reasonable grounds to nuke?


Entirely, but good luck. I don't nuke camps because...it takes 5 seconds to check the map when there's the global notice and move your camp. It'd be a massive waste of my time.


True! I've never nuked at all personally. But I will say that if I'm not in one of the zones that always get nuked I rarely check the map, especially if I'm at my safe little camp, so I'd have no clue if someone targeted my area lol so there's a chance the punishment could be received


It'll be good habit to map-peek after hearing the siren alert, moving forward. Also - almost the entire green forest zone can't be nuked.


Message received, will be more alert


See the thing is, I have literally never had someone max my caps and all the shit they buy up to resell (food, aid, etc) I already found for free. All chems for me are 15 each, the likelihood that someone comes to buy all 30 of them to resell at a higher value is wayyyy higher than the likelihood someone will buy them from them for whatever higher price they resell it for. The house always wins


I can assure you that at least some of us are buying those out to actually use them. They've helped me advance much more quickly, in fact. Particularly the fusion cores I've come across for cheap. Now I have a charger but i burn through them with my jetpack. Stimpaks and psycho too. I haven't started a vendor yet, though I've considered it. I should read about it and give it a shot next week.


So you’re saying that I’m wholesaling my farmed adhesives at 10 caps?


yes but im talking about plans exclusively. the rest of my shop is a 9-99 cent store.


Bought an Alien Disintegrator Plan at base price today. I missed the alien invasion event and kept seeing people listing the different mod plans, but not the gun jtself. As a fan of the alien blaster, it's nice to finally have the tech in my hands


Btw that reminds me, thank you to the level 1000+ person who sold all the specimen tubes (alien, etc) for 100 caps a pop along with a bunch of cheap Mothman stuff


I was happy to find a backpack plan for 170 caps whereas I’ve seen people selling that same plan for 10k. Love those people.


Agree. I put up EVERY plan for 15 caps. And I sometimes see highlands players buy it all in one swoop


I sell all my plans for 20 petty much regardless of what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️


I actually found a star light plan in someone’s vendor for 10k, I price checked with Fed76 which said 8800-13200 so I was like okay not a bad price so I bought it and regret nothing, may not be like super rare but from what I understand you can’t get it easily anymore


convenience is the death of consumerism. if you could see all my plans are mole gauntlets, then nobody would see my cute teddy bears for ONLY 5 caps *limited time annual once in a lifetime sale! 




I have a collection of those myself. They're almost a nuisance at this point.


Once I have more than 5 plans of something I start putting them into the donation box. While I've got a few plans in there stacked up to 5 that I've never sold they're good for getting people to come and check my shop so they're not totally useless. I use that plan pricing tool online and sell for the cheaper scale so I make decent caps but also don't feel like I'm scamming


What pricing tool do you use? I've only seen ones that list NPC vendor prices, which aren't helpful for pricing items at your own vendor




This is the one I've seen! Does it give any statistics about what these items sell for at actual player vendors or is it all about the NPCs


The price you see when you search a plan is the average price plans sell for in player vendors. While I am not totally sure how it's calculated it has not let me down yet. I had a plan for a supersledge mod that to me seemed unremarkable but the website suggested something like 13000-17000. I put it up for 13000 and it sold fairly quickly.


Wow okay! This surprises me. Like I saw the Acoustic Instruments plan there it says sells for 800+ but I consistently see it listed around 100-150. Gonna try matching these prices and see what happens.


Isn't that 74 pounds used up in stash?


For this I’d love it to be a QoL like: (Unique Unknown Plans) / (Total Unique Plans) (Total Plans) Like: 6/76(202) They’ve got 6 plans I don’t know out of 76 total unique plans. They’ve got 202 total plans for sale. Would be helpful to avoid the guy with 202 Mole Miner Gauntlets.


If anything, CAMPS should have the player's level next to their name. If I see a CAMP with 20-100 plans and the toon's level is either 1 or like, 400+, then you're bound to find some good plans.


I’ve started scrolling around the map looking for them now


I always check the teams list first before map-searching. Makes life a bit easier.


I feel like that takes more time than it saves just a quick tele in and see what they've got and on to the next


There's a lot of QoL this game is missing that you'd think would be common sense for me, the biggest one is: -Plans being in it's own section of the pipboy, instead of being buried in notes


And don't get me started on all those notes you can't drop because they're part of a quest you finished 3 years ago.


Many things that could be done a suggested, but few has made it to the ears of the Devs. A shame really, not utilising a community that plays the game more than any of the employed people on the staff. When there is a large consensus on what the game needs. Yet resources are put into making seasons grindy and tailored towards trying to milk more money, even though the game offers a subscription with QoL that really should be in the game by default. One can only wonder, rather than to listen to the wise and experienced gamers who have dedicated a lot of time play games. Am I salty, maybe. Edit: great suggestion by the way, much needed feature!


I like the impromptu foot/map race you have with another player as you both camp-hop looking for items, makes hard to find vendors actually fun as you both jump/jetpack around trying to get there first.


This is interesting. I'm interested in what makes you choose to travel to a camp for their vendor. Like, is it weapon numbers? Plans? Is it stims? Like, if I see a vendor with only 20 plans and 2000 ammo, I don't fast travel there.


For me it's usually the plans and the convenience. The last couple days it's also about the apparel (Fasnacht Masks). If they have over 150 plans, I'll go look. Even if they're out of the way, as long as it's under 20 caps to travel I'll go check them out. If they have \~50 plans but they're near Whitespring/Foundation/Fort Atlas (pretty much any free fast travel location and its surrounding areas EXCEPT 76/Wayward/Flatwoods), I'll take a look. I mean... I'll take a look at the 76 area if I'm there (and I'm there at least once a week collecting Firecaps for Disease Cures) but I'm not making a special trip.


Just in general a shop UI overhaul on the map would be good. I'd love for serums to get their own category. when I was first getting my mutations it was a crapshoot of randomly hopping camps and then finding ones where people would massively overprice the serums, which I get to a degree. the price of the plans to make them are deservedly pricey. An option to hide things already listed in your own shop would be amazing as well. I hate having to scroll through my plans to get to new ones to add.


It should put serum into its own category so that I’m not vendor hopping for hours, digging through stacks of rad-away to find out that the meds number is grossly inflated


I was really happy when they added the 'known' marker to the vendors. Before that you wouldn't know unless you had a copy in your inventory to show it was known. Bought many many duplicates


Went camp hopping last night. EVERY SINGLE CAMP I had everything.


999 plans half of them are overpriced early game plans the other half are overpriced winter scorched plans I hate this game sometimes


Most plans I find where I don't already know them are anywhere from 2,000-40,000. It's frustrating, and I'm always hovering around the 20k mark due to fast traveling (and yes I use Travel Agent) and buying necessities like Addictol.


LOL yes !!! 1K+ plans (that you already know) or 500 Radaways when you're already carrying 400-500 on hand XD


I would definitely appreciate this too, I’ve gone to so many camps with hundreds of plans but they’re all ones I knew. It wouldn’t deter me from going to anyone’s camp if I knew all their plans, because they might still have something else I’d be interested in. And I just enjoy checking out people’s camps, at least once a day someone truly amazes me with how incredible their camp is, the creativity out there is immense!


Just made a post searching for the weenie wagon plan because I’m STUCK! I missed the event and I’ve been travelling and searching for like a week now 🙃


r/Market76 might help you.


With the insane spaghetti code that is this game, I'm not sure they could manage it.


Is there a mechanism for sending suggestions to Bethesda officially? The whole stash limit is just brutal especially as a collector...anything that is put on display shouldn't be counted in your stash, it should have separate storage but if you take it out then it should move back to your stash. PA in display frames Magazines Bobbleheads Masks Apparel on mannequins Guns on display racks Plushies The list is almost limitless, it must be reasonably straight forward to add this surely


I got 225 filled in my vendor but it's stocked for 120 plans so as I do have a lot of different single plans some I have doubled some 7 etc. But yeah same idea would love to see who has my missing plans. I tend to hit the ones with the most plans but on a lot of occasions it's the players with 50 or less that have it. Quite expensive sometimes


Dude... this would be revolutionary


Quite frankly the one thing from ESO that I wish they had applied to FO76 is the global exchange.. Yes the camp vendors are a stroke of genius because you can't help but scroll through and normally end up stumbling across things you didn't even know you wanted, but having a global exchange would be brilliant! Just one little vendor located in say Whitesprings, or even the wayward (though imo it should definitely be located at one of the free fast travel locations (not that I'm trying to encourage them to make the wayward one of them 👀)) Who's sole purpose is to act as a global search engine for anything players have listed!! Pop in, search 'Plan', tick 'do not show known', enjoy your perusals!! I will finish by saying the system had soo many flaws when I last played ESO, but having such a thing run alongside player vendors inside camps would be amazing, and quite frankly would keep the market prices stable too!! Honestly, the amount of times I've caved and bought a plan for waaay above market value because it just had not appeared in any of my servers for days (despite my fiancee finding them at the proper prices hours before) is insane...


Player level would help too. A level 1000+ usually has better inventory than a level 37….usually.


Maybe this isn’t a popular opinion, but I like that it encourages you to visit people’s camps. If I looked at the list and saw no unknown plans, I wouldn’t go to their camp. 


Visiting camps is part of the game


I love visiting camps, but 9 times out of 10, the person either is selling nothing good or the camp is a floating box at the Whitesprings with all the crafting stations placed against the wall.


Traveling to another player's camp, that is not a teammate, should be free or 1 cap. Changed my mind, let me fast travel encumbered.


Look at this from a dev and player engagement perspective. Go visit their vendor, interact with other players, and check it out.


I would be infinitely more likely to visit someone’s camp if they were selling something I didn’t know versus being told that they might have a plan I don’t know or they could just have 100 duplicates. It would make vendor hopping actually fun instead of mindlessly wasting caps for an hour or so.


I would be infinitely more likely to gamble if I could read the dealers hand from a pause screen menu before he deals his cards. FWIW - I agree with you. It would be cool to search a vendor without having to travel, shop, wait for the other guy to finish, find the vending machine. I'm just saying - I don't think that's the game mechanic intention. I know the item categories for the stuff I'm looking for. I go to vendors that have those categories in abundance.


That’s a great idea, but if we did it, how would my Cannibal Serial Killer character lure victims to his death trap-house?


Is he a Serial killer that is a cannibal, a serial killer that kills cannibals, or both?


First one, then the other.


That's quite the vicious cycle he's perpetuating. Do you think he would consider soy?


The game doesn’t even properly identify bobble heads and magazines as aid items.


What bugs me I find lots with plans I have but then I see ones I don't have but the assholes have the prices at ridiculous prices and I mean ridiculous prices


I say you should be able to search vendor sales from your own vendor and purchase from the comfort of your own camp. Or have a prompt to fast travel to the players camp after finding an item you want for sale from your own camp.


This sounds decent at first but then this will be make people lazy and not actually visit players camps. And imo visiting camps and seeing peoples creativity is one of the things that make this game unique.


That’s why it would or should make you quick travel to said camp and buy the item.


It would be a fun little quest to go about finding the plans for an "improved vendor" that lets you connect to others this way. Good timing with the next season's updates too!


And how many are "mounted" plans. I get so exited seeing 100+ plans, I get there and it's 10-20 of each type of mounted creature plans and almost nothing else. And the number of vendors with a 40,000 cap "you've been insulted" is so cringe.


There is a hack where people can access your entire inventory If they buy out your whole vendor , people put multiple 40k items to stop that


THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS!! I hope the devs read this and implement this. This would be one of the best QoL additions they could possibly add to this game.


could be nice


Or at least separate recipes and plans, so many times i've went to a camp to get some new plans and its like a single human tube and too many recipes i already know


What they really need to do is let us sell plans to vendors. Idc if it's for 1 cap each, I'd rather get something for all my mole miner gloves and buzzsaw plans than nothing


Yes yes yes


It has been suggested before. I can imagine after a few days, there would be further suggestions of showing previews of the prices, splitting recipes,mod plans, weapon plans, armour plans, camp plans & PA plans up. Plus, someone would complain that they travelled to a camp that was showing 30 plans they didn't know, only to find that they were 30 copies of the same plan. Whatever suggestions people come up with, however worthy they may be, there will be someone else that isn't happy with what is actually given to us,& will badger for more. For instance, I'm sure it would be a fairly simple fix to show the current inventory total of each ammo, when using the ammo converter, so we don't get the 'conversion failed' error with each click. There was one or two fixes to the converter, nobody was satisfied with it, & Bethesda appears to have abandoned it, without any sign of any further changes being made.


I would love that! Also would be nice if players would have more than 1 vendor set up and not selling the rarer plans at 10k + but hey 🤷‍♀️


The mystery of camp hopping is what makes it fun.


As a new player I’m grateful because at least there’s almost always something new for me to find. Though I do get sad when people have multiple plans and upsell them far above value.


This guy gets it


I normally throw common plans in the wayward or stutton donation boxes. So people can snag them free. Also, I offload my over stock fusion cores there as well.


I also wish it would tell us the player level. That would give me some idea of what they might be selling. Higher level players with fewer plans tend to have more unique ones. Lower level players selling a lot of plans tend to all be garbage or already known.


Oh. So fuck me and my 1200 mole miner gauntlet plans?


I swear every mole miner was given plans in case they needed to know how to make one real fast. So many plans!!!


It's always overpriced crap apparel with a 40k "you've been insulted" and starter plans. I seen a level 100 selling chemistry station plan for 1k


Fact. It also shows the total number of plans, even when it’s a copy… smh. It’s so annoying. Oh cool, this place has at least 200 plans. Turns out it’s 5 different plans in large numbers. And I know them.


Anyone got Pepper shaker plans or can make a pepper shaker for me??? I really want Crowd Control as well, but I can't seem to get that event to start, idk. PS5 player


Or a way for it to tell you what's learned vs. What isn't would be nice, plenty of space to fit beside it but that might be too much memory for each individual server to process


I'm sorry, I knownim part of that issue but I like selling all the plans and recipes I come across or get as a reward. I sell all recipes and weapon/armor mods for 15 and all plans for 20. I don't get a lot of rare plans so I just sell all my known stuff.


I just left a camp that was selling nothing but plans. 1482 garbage plans. 1482.


Is there a list of sort after plans someplace? Would be worth knowing what's not worth putting into the machine.


Or how about when you get to their vendor and some of them aren’t even plans but recipes?!?


Much much needed , fully agree


Daewoo_XK12 sells all his plans at 99% off and all guns 50% off


Yes!!!! Upvote!! Upvote!!


Op are you on Xbox by chance? I’m selling a bunch of Fasnacht event plans for their base cost if that’s what you’re looking for


I would love this so much. Tired of jumping to everyone's camp only to have the stuff be too expensive or stuff I already know.




Its a really cool idea, but then I wont get to see a lot of cool camps when I visit their vendors and take pictures. The travel is part of the fun for me. And caps is easy to get, so I dont care much losing a couple of caps for travels


lol it’s pretty lame when someone has 900 plans for sale when the game “limits” you to 120. Which means Bethesda views each unique plan as one plan. yet they allow you to put multiple of each plan in, as many as you want, and then got too damn lazy to implement the same damn thing they do as a vendor selling plans. But hey, they have reskins to sell and decided to do an annual event 3 months after the last one without fixing ANY of the issues we had last time.


You should understand how code works on a machine. You’re client compares what server serves through vendor with your locally stored inventory. Then, any change is synced to server. List of vendors are made from all clients publishing their amount of classes to the server (other, help, weapons…). With this broken engine with out of memory events at every step, crashing and doing segfaults, could you imagine the amount of memory a server would need to sync every single item of every 24 players and compare all of them… everytime a player leaves/enters the server? They literally vanished entire sections of NPCs and random encounters for making room (machine resources) for Shenandoah.


You're overthinking this. All they would need is to extend the already-public object containing the player vendor information to include plan IDs. The basic data is already there and polled when you click their vendor on the world activity list or map. Then everything else would be done on the client.


I hoard event plans, but rarely list them in my vendor. Try making some posts about the specific ones you're looking for? Maybe someone will come to you!!


I’ve made multiple posts and searched the trading subreddit, but I can find anyone selling majority of the plans I’m looking for. And the few things I have found people want an arm and a leg for


It would be nice to have more details on camp vendors for sure. I have spent many many hours vendor hopping for an egg head serum on ps5. It's "great" visiting a vendor to find out they are selling 100+ Rad X.


Come see me. I'll give you a couple of you want. Wanderglobe on PSN.


I would settle for the vending system to correctly label plans vs misc 😒


This feels like the biggest thing keeping me from finding a mothman tome plan 😔


If you're on Xbox I'll build you one.


Im not but i appreciate you.


No problem. Good luck out there, Seven-Six


I don't think this will ever happen. I'm pretty sure the system is so crappy they would have to load the whole camp to know what's for sale.




+1 , yes please


This would be such a quality of life improvement!


But then the FOMO would end sooner and your engagement numbers and atomic point purchases would go down. Can't have that.


Plans should be an online database that spans all servers, players. A plan exchange of sorts. Everything else you have to sell physically... At vendor.


i love traveling to a camp with 300+ plans just to see that somebody is selling the entire Fallout animal encyclopedia, a Mr Handy Buzzblade and a squirrel on stick recipe. /s


We should be able to remotely purchase from vendors.


But I worked hard on my camp and I like when people see it :(


There was your first mistake. You're supposed to put your vendor in your shelter, so people can see that build.