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Same. He was part of my rotation of dailies I enjoyed doing. And when the first day went by and he gave me no quests I thought 24 hours maybe did not pass. But after 2 days of no quests, I knew Biv was broken.


A lot of mine aren't working daily like they should. I feel like there has to be some daily somewhere I've missed that I could add to make up for it in my heart because Ward just pisses me off.


Finally, someone with the guts to help.


He’s still keeping an eye on you. Even though you’ve found all he stolen junk and donated your reward to Foundation.


This is why I have a display in my CAMP with all of the things he's looking for... "You thought it was Raiders, but it was me, Baked_Smurf!" *cue Jojo meme*


"The stand user could be anywhere" the stand is just a gun lol


The dailies reset at a weird time compared to everything else. I think someone said it was like 8 PM EST or something.


Yep, Ward is a dick.


Yeah I get the same. I made to to do Heart of the enemy before noon, queen of the hunt same thing. Nope they keep on resetting late in the evening. Not really sure why causes it. Another daily that really should not have the word daily in it, is "Cop a Squatter."


I find cop a squatter gets cleared for me randomly every day. I get a notification for caps and quest complete and then the Sgt gutsy says thanks for clearing those squatters out for me


This happens because another player has cleared it out. It can be annoying but I enjoy when it happens if im sent yo a location I can't be bothered with.


Almost all the locations are in cranberry bog and I should do the missions there because I have so many 2mm but I need gauss rifles to scrap for the mods to unlock


Foundatuon as a whole pisses me off. They got all this stuff, and not letting people use it. Sounds like the BOS


He was becoming too powerful, Beth nerfed Biv


According to a [previous post](https://reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1den2ru/they_broke_biv/), the bug has been reported and Bethesda has said: > We are aware of an issue where Biv is no longer granting the repeatable daily quests “Tipsy Taste-Test”, “Wasted on Alcohol”, or “Wasted on Nukashine.” This issue will be resolved in a future update.


Baffles me how many times this was posted about probably broke because of the Biv model copy and paste they did for this update that broke him ( the motel they added In the bottom of the map had a big model in it )


Once upon a time there was a brain in a jar…


I wish I could let Biv live in my camp.


Ditto. Just like Drinking Buddy from FO4. In all my FO4 play throughs I never once returned him. That will be one quest uncompleted


Maybe thats why he's not working right. Bethesda plans on adding him to the next season and is in the process of moving him out of the basement. We'll finally get Biv at our camps and only those that have him as an ally can do his daily task for recipes. If so, im sure he'll be a rank 100 or more item.


Don't give up on your friend, Biv. Some days are harder than others. His phrases may seem short and slurred compared to the moments when he was in his prime, before the sky fell, but Biv is still there. He loves you, even if he doesn't always know how to best express it.


I'd like to tell him how swell I'm doin'!


Biv knows, not quite how Santa would, but he knows.


I check on Mr. Ridge every day, I think the High Voltage Jefe I gave him weeks ago fried his Robobrain. We just need to give him some time to recover!


Earning the Nuka Dark recipe from Biv was the real endgame all along. The government doesn't want you to know this but its true. FREE BIV


ARBD. It's tragic, but it happens. The true irony of using a robobrain as an alcohol QA inspector. Tho Rose using chems makes me think a Handy/Nanny/Gutsy would also be a poor choice.


Oh yeah! Think about Chloe as a babysitter!! And I don't even know what she's up to.


You mean Scotchbeast.


Hahahaha. I'll be calling him Scotchbeast now too. Thanks for that one 😂


Make Biv a camp ally! (He should come with his personal fermenter) I love that guy. He is the only NPC that made me laugh out loud.


Come back, Biv 💔


My friends are- *hic* They are great. 'Specially that lovely little brick over there. How you doin', bricky?


I used to get drunk in real life, and do Bivs quest depending on the drink he wants me to test out on. 


He needs a vitamin b infusion. He has Wernicke Karsakoff Dementia real bad.


Yeah, I realized this a few days after the new update. I thought maybe it was like the one mine quest that I thought was a daily, buy had an end. Figured maybe I got all that Biv had to offer. Yet, he still talks like we have things to do.


I only got one of the recipes before he went on the Fritz, I'm pretty disappointed


Yeah he's broken. I can still pick up the quest using the personal terminal, but when I talk to him the quest literally disappears.


From the beta and the first month… Biv was one of the few secure places. Damn. It was such a different game. Dying from mall nutrition or lack of water. Everything in the game felt like it was there to kill me. Even invisible enemies at the airports. But Biv was the place. The one place I felt save. It was fun unlocking the door and having Biv comment that I should take ‘yet another’. Thanks Biv.


All I want is the Rad Ant Lagger plan from Biv to no avail.


Signs of Dementia are starting to show in 'ol Biv


I discovered that quest a day before it was broken.


Same ...


Hopefully you at least got the fermenter and brewing machine.


Luckily yes, otherwise that's a lot of rerolls on score challenges!


Right?! Same, I’m glad I got those unlocked. It was a fun little side quest, I’m sad that it doesn’t work right now.


Yes, I've finished virtually every quest so I was hoping to get those dailies and recipes as something to come back for.


Biv finally had one too many giggle waters, and he's actually quite sick. Alcohol use disorder (sometimes called alcoholism) is a common medical condition. In this disorder, people can't stop drinking, even when drinking affects their health, puts their safety at risk and damages their personal relationships. Even "a brain in a jar" is susceptible to the ill effects of alcohol So let's not pretend like it's a coding error with Biv. I feel the guilt as I, too, was one to deliver a daily alcoholic libation to my favorite tipsy robot. Not knowing I was only adding to his issue as multiple vault dwellers were also supplying to Biv endless drinks, fueling his crippling disease Maybe what is needed is an intervention more than a simple coding fix


What they did to Biv was horrible but let's not forget about our boy "Vendor Bot Wallace". He was speaking too much truth so they silenced him and stuck him in that vendor prison. Wallace used to roam free and would occasionally help you take out the local riff raff. Now he is just another slave that occasionally sell bulk oil/lead.


Yeah my Biv interactions bugged out years ago too. Don’t have all his recipes but can’t trigger a new quest.


I miss biv too


All that Nukashine finally caught up to him


I was wondering what happened when I stopped getting quests from him…. Was this a recent change or a glitch?


Is that the guy that's in front of Vault Tec University sometimes? I saw him a bunch of times I was doing the Scourgebeast DNA sample turn ins and he always just had a loop to talk in nothing to do.


Biv is the Robobrain drink taste-tester in the little Nukashine lab, inside Big Al's Tattoo Parlor


Ahhh I'll go check it out.


Maybe when they fix Biv they can also make it so he gives me the damn lead Champagne recipe...I still don't have it after doing at least 100 tipsy taste tests.


Wait....... Biv is broken?? 💔 but .....


Seriously... They Broke Biv Too?


I finished the initial quest with him and never got to do another 😭 I guess it’s been broken ever since I joined, I PRAY they fix it, I know it’s gonna be added to my favorites


Same, I didn't even know there were supposed to be additional tests


This was me and the scout leaders doing stings and things and operation tidy for two weeks straight for possum badges. I refused to do the challenges for a high capacity bag mod. 2 weeks of those two quests netted me 6 badges. Think the chance to get them after completion is like 20%


If I interact with him and he just says a pat phrase, I turn away and try again. He usually responds on the 3rd or 4th try


We will always remember you Biv and how you introduced us to the wonders of Nukashine. Hopefully he gets fixed soon.


I went back looking to see for new quest and new recipes but na nothing new. No sugar free nukashine challenge


Felt that 😞


Now if Biv was an ally I'd get him right away, my bender friend.


Same here. Hopefully Bethesda pulls their head from their ass and fixes him. I want those recipes and I miss our drunken shenanigans


One of my favorite dailies is the Esme cooking task. But I haven't gotten that one in MONTHS. I'm so sad. Now she just says I'm her friend and asks me to join her for dinner sometime. 😭


I made sure to submit a ticket to Bethesda. They said they know about it and are working on it but maybe if more people submit tickets it might light a fire in their fermenter.


I'm having the same issue. Ole Biv gave me the ant alcohol recipe tried it said it was good and then nothing. Day after day, I checked in on my robobrain brethren just to hear the same Ole tune playing on the jukebox, the stills bubling, and that same line wishing to tell his friend he was doing swell. All the time he is standing next to a best friend he never knew he made wishing to hear him send me on a quest for a new brew, only to be dis hardened by the same old news. Rest in peace to a legend, the best there is Biv.


Well...seems like he is replaced by the Institute. Be aware now OP, HE IS SPYING YOU.


The only dailies I can guarantee work every day are the pumpkin house and tea dailies. Biv seems to have had some form of mental breakdown and hasn't given me a new quest in over a week. 😔 His dialogue options seem to have reduced by over a half as well.


Yeah, another patch and still broken. Please, hire real devs.


Biv's first name is Joe. Joe Biven. Make sense now?


I hate Biv it took forever for him to give me the Nuka Dark recipe 😑


Have any of you tried using the camp terminal to start the mission? It should be in your build list. You can thank me later.


Yep. It gives the mission, you go to talk to him, the mission disappears and he just keep saying the same things over and over.


All I can say is keep trying. I ran into this glitch myself once. Except it was about a year before I found a solution. Good luck.


But did you really find a solution? Or did they finally patch it after a year? Pretty sure it's just bugged in this case.


Well, normally I could just go to biv and start the quest. But then it stopped showing up. I already had all the plans so I didn't care too much at the time. Then one day I realized my character unlearned dark cola while doing dailies, so I started googling. Finally saw someone mention the personal terminal and gave it a try. It fixed biv and 2 camp quest I didn't care about anymore. It was also known as a common issue then. Well over a year ago. Maybe 2. I don't really remember.


Yeah. I talk to him and it just disappears no matter how many times I try it. I do still visit him every day in hopes that one day I will find the perfect alignment of the perfect server on the perfect day that will allow him to work again.


So not even the camp terminal is triggering biv for you?


It triggers it. I speak to him and then..nothing


Dang. Honestly haven't done that quest in some time. Already have all the plans. Only do it now from time to time when I'm bored and thinking about it. Drop whatever plan I get for someone to find at a train station. Think I'll give it a go in a few to see if I'm affected as well.


Let us know!


Just gave it a try. Had to build a personal terminal. Been awhile since I've done it I guess. But it did exactly like you said. Weird thing to me is that I went back to my camp and was able to restart it. I did this 3xs. Still no luck though. Guess it's broken broken this time.