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I usually leave in on the side in a bowl covered with clingfilm in the shade. I check it regularly, I give it a squeeze to see if it’s still frozen in the middle if it’s soft it’s fine get it in the marinade then straight in the fridge. I’m from the UK though the climate here is very different to other parts of the world.


I also uk south east. Very warm today. Incase I want to do the bbq tomorrow I can use this marinate meat.


Yes I always use the local butchers as the meat is much higher quality. Bag it all up and put in the freezer. So I know if I defrost the chicken the day before I know it’s fine in the fridge for at least a day or 2.


Replace it with cold water every so often. It keeps it defrosting (cause the chicken is well below 0C on average) but doesn’t allow the surface to be sitting at like >4C. In restaurants you usually use running cold water to defrost stuff quickly. Never warm. If you keep it mostly below 4C, and its only warm for a couple hours, you can refrigerate it for a couple days after.


Will do thanks for the advice 😃


Just put the meat in the marinade frozen and toss it in the fridge, it will be marinated and thawed by the next day. Save yourself time and steps.


the safest way to defrost food is to do it in the fridge.


Definitely, fresh frozen and pulled a day or two before marinade. You can just water bath and marinate, in a pinch. PF meat takes on marinade in a shorter time in my opinion, so 8 to 12 hours will do. I would not do this commercially, or even for a large cookout, as chicken is just an inherently a funky meat when percolating.


Everyone thanks for the advice, been very helpful


Put the meat in a bowl with water and leave it in the sink with the cold tap on a trickle. I've been using this method to defrost meat for about a year now and it gets most everything defrosted in ~30-45 minutes and keeps you from getting into the danger zone (40F/4.4C) for too long.


I personally would just throw it in the marinade and let it defrost in the marinade in the fridge, though I don’t know if that’s the best option


Personally, i try to defrost at room temp for a short time( a few hours while it’s in a bag or container)and then put in the fridge to finish at a lower temp. If it’s for the next day it won’t be frozen by then. You don’t have to marinate for hours upon hours, the flavor will absorb still.