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K Mag just wants to go down in history as the driver who got a race ban for the first time in like 10 years and in the process didn’t loose his team points but secured them some without it being himself


do the points reset afterwards? cos I got a feeling the madlad is gonna get straight back on it after the race ban


Yeah, the points reset after the ban


Listen, I’m pro Kmag/Haas but that’s kinda bs. If a driver has been wreaking havoc on the grid and finally gets banned, he’ll still be a menace if need be. There should be more of a deterrent.


Just qualify ahead of him next time. In all seriousness though, they can DSQ him if they’re serious about it. However, I doubt they are serious and will ever actually dish out a race ban in the first place.


>Just qualify ahead of him next time Till he cuts a corner to overtake


No DSQ needed, a drive-through penalty handed promptly is enough (and actually more effective than a DSQ).


They'll start handing -10 seconds bonuses to anyone who finishes behind him


I don't think KMag has been wreaking havoc on the grid. He was in the recent crash with Logan that was his fault, that deserves points. I felt terrible for Logan, especially for all the rumors going around. But the thing that gets people mad is his intense defending that breaks some minor rules and isn't even dangerous. I just think it's smart teamwork that is probably going to cause a rules change. Which is impressive. Not every driver changes the sport.


He has been a bit of a menace and feels like a guy in an evil character arc… but I’m here for it hahaha


It's not dangerous to turn in so late that you and the driver you're defending against go off the track? Or to re-enter the track after being overtaken by colliding into the person you're defending against to get ahead of them?


he crashed into 3 different drivers in 7 races already...


He keeps other drivers away from scoring points by blatantly cutting corners and dangerous overtaking/defending. I’m all for exciting racing but what he’s doing is in my book unsportsman-like. He laughs at the 10s penalties because he builds up a gap big enough for his team mate so it doesn’t matter. Clearly this is not what the rules were intended for, he should get more penalty points for this and Haas needs the points scored through it removed.


They need to enforce the penalty during the race so he isn't in the position to wreck more havoc. Drive thru penalty enforced within 1 lap makes sense to me.


I didn't know that


Yeah, the points do reset. But he's already noted for unsportsman like behaviour, it wouldn't do him any good to abuse the rules straight away like that.


I would love to watch him abuse to rules to the limit lmao Oh you gonna ban me? Let it be on one of the track we aren't gonna score anything anyway right before major upgrades


Paying with a race ban for 3 or so points is worth for haas. Team basically loses nothing, they can throw another driver in the car and thats it. It's not like the car or Kmag himself are strong points contenders and it's not like he loses anything by missing a weekend in a 24 race season. The race ban penalty is getting way too much drama from the media


Bearman gets an early drive. Bonus all round.


And kev gets time at home.


Absolutely. KMag's driving right now is all upside for Haas. And he can defend Bearman the same way he's defending Hulk now until the rules are shifted to address this specific tactic.


Needs all the neck workout he can get looking at footage from his first F1 race


nah, haas can barely pull 2g since it's so slow /s


This. With Nico gone and Kmag most likely losing his seat as well, it only helps Haas if Bearman gets as much driving time as possible.


Oh that’s quite silly. I thought the ban would be on both driver and car. Keep doing what you’re doing Kevin.


“Bad car! No more racing for you!”


You'd think that's how they approach this. There's so little incentive not to do what Haas are doing. I don't personally mind it though. Gaming the rules is all part of the fun.


If you aren't bending the rules you aren't trying


Hell, it's downright American!


"What's the number 1 doing!?" - Just riding the wall from the start of turn 3. :D


I mean, the incentive is usually for the driver - they miss a race, lose points, get an embarrassing incident (race ban) on their record, have a reserve filling in for them and the risk that they really impress, etc. It's pretty rare for a driver to sacrifice all that (a race, chance at points, reputation hit) just to help teammate/team. So, since it isn't that common of an occurrence, I think it's fine. Interesting, even - almost becomes part of the whole tactics game. Kmag is just in a place where he seems to need to re-earn his seat, either by performing at the same level as his outbound teammate (which imo he can pretty much do in race, but not in qualy atm), or by doing the most he can for the team - showing them that the reasons they might have for letting him go can also be the reasons they'd have for keeping him on - aggressive driving, long-time midfield experience, ability and will to use his own race to further the team. He has also expressed a sort of disdain for how he's been driving "tactfully" lately - which to me shows that it's not just him being reckless/aggressive, but acting strategically - once he sees he won't get in the points, instead of just "safely" shooting for the highest non-points position he can get like most drivers would, he uses his position to help not himself, but the team. Whether that's a good gambit or not, well we'll see what Komatsu thinks by the end of the season. But I think they should definitely take into account that he's driving this way for a reason, and for results which have come to fruition for the team. It can be argued if kmag's approach was necessary for some of these (I know some thought hulk would retain his position regardless in Miami, but that's probably not the case for Jeddah), as well as how much this strategy is even on kmag vs team orders (or what the team has discussed behind doors before races). Kmag's future depends on all this - how effective/necessarily his tactics have been, how much they come from him vs team, and if kmag himself is needed to achieve that strategy if it needs to be done (on the last point, I do think kmag has an edge - I can't see a rookie like Bearman being willing to do what kmag's done, and I'm also not sure if they'd be able to either, as it seems to take that kinda long-term F1 midfielder experience to pull off)


It's a bit strange thinking about but if you're hardly ever in a point scoring position anyway a race ban doesn't really do anything


It's important to have someone pushing the limits - to figure out where they should be, and to keep things exciting.


Don't start giving Liberty the idea of even fewer than 20 cars


Yep. I’m really failing to see how this is some sort of tragedy for KMag. He’s playing the team game and racing for a seat. If he’s not in the points, ensuring his teammate is will be scoring points the best shot for him to keep his seat for next year. A race ban will just be a footnote to his season. Bearman or whoever gets the seat for his suspended race will have a shot at impressing the Haas brass that he deserves that empty seat next season.


Hopefully the race ban will be after Monaco, I need to see that menace back the field up to give Nico time to pit.


Monaco is the race for those shenanigans with how tough it is to pass.


It’s only really a “tragedy” for Kmag if he gets let go by Haas and then can’t find a drive because he has a reputation as a dangerous driver But I mean I’m going to be honest I think all of the above was on the cards anyway


I seriously doubt his reputation suffers in the eyes of other teams. He's not dangerous in the way that Grosjean was circa 2012, he is doing exactly what the team wants him to do without racking up big repair bills, and is otherwise an aggressive defender but not a crash-prone one. If anything he might have improved his reputation as a team player.


I don't think this particularly will harm his reputation, but only because I don't think other teams will value him very highly anyway. Being utterly destroyed by Hulkenberg after a 2 year absence really isn't a good look.


Kmag to Red Bull Confirmed.../s


Time your ban for Monaco, chill in a casino or on a yacht for a month, come back and start again


> Paying with a race ban for 3 or so points is worth for haas. Which implies that the punishment is too soft. Imagine 2021 but Botas does what Magnus did to Verstappen several times over the season. This behaviour is unacceptable. Its one thing to do it yourself (Senna, Prost, Schumacher, ...) because you as the benefital also get the punishment, but doing it as a remote tool for a teammate eliminates the possibility to punish the person gaining an advantage from those actions.


"I'd *hug* the whole paddock for 2 points" -Guenther Steiner


Oh no, if he gets a race ban he’ll get the same amount of point as he usually gets racing.


He'd probably get more media coverage as well.


and more stable contract. Look how much credit Checo gained by defending from Hamilton that one memorable year...in one night everyone forgot how mediocre driver he is. Same is here but from C-Suite POV - they will turn the blind eye on his bad races because "he was willing to put team over his own performance"


They are a little different. Checo’s defending in AD was fair and did deliver Max his first world championship. Kevin just drove recklessly. If you’re looking to recruit a ‘team player’ you kinda want to recruit one that is actually going to be on the team and not banned every 6 races.


Agree. Checo was competitive (likely due to less fuel) and defensive while being fair. Kevin did all possible to keep Lewis behind.


Please explain to me how checo could've had such a big difference in fuel levels at that stage of the race.


Conspiracy theorists say he was underfuelled on purpose and thus retired in the pits. Normal people just see that he did some great opportunistic and defensive driving


The most likely scenario is that some sensor popped out to the pit lane that could have risked the car stopping. Given how things were, they had to gamble everything on Max having one lap to race. If Checo stalled that would be impossible thus the retirement. It had to be something big; they still had a long shot at the constructors title if Max and Checo got maximum points and Bottas didn’t finish 9th. They were essentially relinquishing the title by retiring the car.


I said likely, or maybe he was more agressive on tires. It was great and fair battle anyway.


I have never mentioned anything about the style but only about the result of this "defence" which is on both cases something far more beneficial in a long term than his own result.


Feel like the next time he takes a penalty is going to end up just like Miami and Jeddah since he’ll know he’s already banned and just start racking up the penalties, nothing to lose at that point


They need to introduce something like if you get 3 penalties in a race you are DSQ’d.


They could already do that but dont want to because less running = less sponsors shown.


Easier would be to make it a drive-through penalty instead of keeping adding time penalties he doesn't care about.


In Haas's case they need a team ban though, Mag is racking up penalties to get Hulkenburg points. Hulkenburg is literally benefiting from cheating and its just ok?


Haas and Hulkenberg aren't breaking any rules. Even Magnussen isn't cheating as long as he properly serves his penalties. All that FIA need to do is properly rework their penalty system and then consistently enforce it, something that every other series seems to have done, but F1 is refusing to.


Rip Ocon


Max got three in Saudi in 2021, well before Ocon.


They already have a black flag rule.


I'm sure Haas would be thrilled to get to try Ollie out in the car before they commit to a one or two year contract with him. And they'd have advanced notice for best prep. And hopefully for them Ferrari would throw them some extra cash for it too. Or they could always bring back Fittipaldi if he wasn't busy with Indy that week. That aside, KMag's tactics have been team beneficial. They also might be changing the rules of the sport, which is always a bit of an honor to literally be a game changer.


HAAS is currently 7th in the constructor’s championship, and if they can hold that position throughout the season, the extra points KMag was able to deliver could net around an extra $30 million dollar payout to the team (*probably more with the increasing rights payouts that go to teams) I hope if hes penalized again it’s in similar fashion, allowing his team to score points. I’m sure they’ll gladly take the race ban.


If this leads to actual enforcement of race bans and a reevaluation of race penalties I don't mind his shenanigans in the slightest to be honest 


As if the team really care if he takes the race ban... Besrman gets an early try out for Hulks seat, KMag comes back with a clear rep sheet and gets to play gap maker for the rest of the season. I actually kinda respect it... Hass have found an effective loophole in the laws and I love a loop hole


Way to point out the obvious


I didn't watch the full race, but the article says he got a penalty also for pitting under the SC and not changing tyres. What was the reason for him to do that?


He changed wing and not tyres I believe.


Oh okay. Tbh I didn't know about having to change tyres whenever you pit.


You don’t have to under racing conditions, but under SC you do. Because otherwise the pit lane may be shorter / quicker than the track (think of Canada / Spa)


Ah I see. Thanks!


WILLIAMS sign him now


“Magnussen got the penalties the regulations dictate; if they’re not severe enough, that’s on the rules, not the driver.”


He should drive lap 1 of Imola in reverse. Then enter the pit and do a donut near the FIA garage and then get out without changing his tyres and do a 300 kph in the pitlane.


It's a Haas master plan to get Bearman more experience before next year when they will be fighting for the championship :)


Man I’m really starting to like Kmag more and more


He’s not getting a race ban, fia isn’t gonna do it, stop these nonsense headlines until fia shows otherwise.


Kevin taking one for the team.


Haas are just calling the FIA's bluff on penalty points banning a driver, I (and a lot of others) don't think they'll ever do it, so fuck around and find out I guess?


He helped haas gain a point in Jeddah and Miami sprint. His crash in the main Miami gp gave alonso, Yuki and ocon a free pitstop while hulk stopped early and lost out big because of the safety car. This could have cost the team up to 6 points.


F1 doesn’t ban people. They pretend they are going to, but will do everything they can to avoid it


Imo he should have a 30 second stop and go at the next race. I.e moving the penalty he got to actually do something. Moving it to the next sprint is irrelevant. At the moment you can just do whatever you want in a sprint with no repercussions.


Having a grid drop for the next race is a penalty in some circumstances. Though generally in case of DNF on the current race. I would like formal written notice of change before penalties for the next race start getting handed out though. KMag took the designed punishment at the time. He didn't do anything heinous, just broke some non-dangerous rules and took the prescribed penalty.


Totally agree but from how the structure is right now, I would find it weird when the penalty then is for the main race because now sprint and main race are two completely separated events during the weekend


TBF, if he gets a race ban he'll still help Haas by seeing how Bearman performs in their car




They will gladly get a race ban because 99% they would get 0 zero points anyways with at least one car right?


If the way you get results isn't sustainable, you're not getting proper results. It's fun to see but in the same way b-movies can be fun. It's not good for the industry as a whole.


I think they are doing this on purpose to get Bearman in their car to see how he does in it considering he's a virtual lock for Hulk's seat next year. Where he is relative to Hulk will make a determination on if they keep Kevin or not as well Edit: /s in case it wasn't outrageous enough to be obvious


Are they allowed to still run the car? i thought the entire car would be banned for the weekend, if not it's a ridiculous system. No risk for haas to just continue these tactics.


It's a driver ban, not a team ban. In theory if he picked up penalty point 12 in a qualifying session, they wouldn't be able to field a reserve driver due to that rule.


I thought that, but someone quoted the rules to me, and apparently KMag would get a ban for the next race weekend. He'd be able to do the race after quali like normal.


If they did it on purpose, they would just swap them, why even make Kevin collect the points. Trust me, there's no masterplan, it's just Magnussen doing Magnussen things.


Let's not pretend he was the only one "braking" the rules.  Hulk went off track and gained an advantage (KMag fell out of DRS as a result of it) - no penalty.  KMag went off track in the same corner and gained an advantage - penalty.  The main difference here was that KMag didn't complain over the radio due to Hulk being a team mate, whereas Hamilton did for obvious reasons. When penalties are given consistently, then we can talk about erratic driving and unsportsmanlike conduct.


F1 doesnt do race bans, they care too much about seeing sponsors on the side of the cars instead of actually banning repeat offenders.


He already should have been black flagged twice this year. But stewards be like: I sleep, But damn that Logan guy over took some other Haas he couldn't see behinde the safety car and some white line. PUNISH HIM!!!