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I feel like he should be W,R,U because then you can run cards like insurrection, and diplomatic immunity.


Also: Murica colors


Also he’s kinda red locking already …


Pay 13 Life - Exile target creature from the game


https://preview.redd.it/rmj5306ywh4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1678c640e9c81be0f69b4d4903dfadcc05c0a41 Property tax is the biggest crime


Papa hasbro commented on my post 🙏


You’re welcome. We here at Hasbro make sure each one of our players is valued and milked dry of their money buying cardboard rectangles


Wouldn't have it any other way!!!


I’m happy to hear it


Why did you put white text on a white background?


So you have to squint like trump did during lunar eclipse.


imagine a reality where local gamers complain about trump crime decks winning all the events :D


Unless Felony counters work like experience counters this would be hard to pull off.


They dont. they work like Fillibuster counters or +1 +1


Should have “Goad” but it affects creatures on his own side.


When a creature enters the battlefield it gains haste and is goaded. Creatures can only be cast during pre combat main phase


He would have way less power and toughness for 3cmc


Yeah I realised that afterwards. Doesn’t really matter as I’m not gonna actually play with him


Hey if you do play with him he might pay you off like Stormy...just sayin'.


not a bad idea


This is a guy who lies about his height and weight, so artificially inflating power/toughness are on theme...


Stannis Baratheon: "Fewer power and toughness."


Then if there are 34 or more felony counters on Donald trump, you win the game.


And the remaining players continue playing as if you rage quit the game.


I’m about to bust out laughing. This is funny af.


Would be nice to keep politics out >!this is funny as fuck though!<


yeah I didn’t expect people to take it so seriously I thought it was lighthearted satire


Fuck it, this is getting printed and made into a deck.


Doubly hilarious if he wins in november now.


yeah there’s no way he wins as a convicted fucking felon


Lmao, you're extremely disconnected from reality. He was already likely going to win. This conviction guaranteed it.


Unfortunately you’re probably right. America is so fucked up that they’ll let a convicted felon run for president.


Nothig unfortunate about it. The shame conviction of a misdemeanor being tried as a felony by a state when even the federal government knew it was not a crime, plus the fact the "crime" was committed in 2017, but is only able to be tried as a felony because it supposedly interfered with the election that happened 1 year prior...i'm sorry to insult your intelligence, but there is no one out there with even half a brain who thinks this conviction is anything real. Even the DA and the judge were unable to tell the media WHAT crime he supposedly committed. The dems wanted to say "Donald Trump is a convicted criminal" so badly they literally handed him the oval office to do it. Well, those of us who think he was the greatest president of our lifetime sincerely thank them for for their shortsightedness and selfishness, they gave America quite the gift.


Found the Russian LMAO


Yep Russian bot no doubt, either that or one of those Russian sheeple snowflakes with a blue line flag on his pickup that costs more than his yearly wage lol


‘What crime’ what crimes. Plural. The trial started in 2022, after the second election, the reason it took so long to come anywhere near to finish is because of Donald trumps legal team. They prolonged the trial so that they had a chance of winning. As for the crimes, is keeping government documents at his private gold course after he left office an acceptable thing to do? Same for insinuating a riot? Those aren’t petty misdemeanours, both of those are very serious offences. I made a silly magic card to make light of a pretty fucked up situation and take the piss out of a man I hold no respect for. And seeing people like you downplay his actions really sickens me. If you committed even one of the offences trump has you would be in the slammer, let alone all 34 of them. Not to get political or anything.


Blows my mind how the left has managed to brainwash so many of you maniacs in a day and age where access to information is easier than it has ever been.


Pot calling the kettle black, except the right wing is way worse about it despite being the ones crying the most.


Every accusation is a confession with the right. Heck, I’m currently posting in a right wing safe space.


Lmao truuu. Free magic is the safe space they all run to when they need to whine about the main subs.


Did you even pretend to read what I wrote or did you just assume you knew? Because nothing you said is relevant, let alone correct... Do you not understand that this case was for a very specific thing, and not at all related to "documents at a private golf course or insinuating [sic] a riot" lmao Trust me, no one here will read your comment and think you "got political with it", they will read your commet and realize politics is so thoroughly all encompassing your life that you literally don't understand basic aspects of law, and merely, like a zombie, think "orange man baaaaaaaad"


Trump reply guy spotted.


Get blocked, you weird creep. Following me and commenting on 10+ comments...


"I have friends" isn't the comeback you think it is, cry


Lmao fucking mad cause you got called out for popping up all over the thread slobbing on Trumps knob. If you wanna be the reply guy at least own it. Cause it's not like people can't see your comments.


You are truly a moron. Please, for the sake of everyone in this country, continue to "speak your truth" but never, ever enter a voting booth. You'll hurt someone, probably yourself. Geez, I cannot imagine someone as absolutely brain dead as you clearly are with this reply. Like, wow. You think the NY Alvin Bragg case has something to do with Mar a Lago documents and Jan 6. You are one of the dumbest human beings on this green Earth.


Too bad those aren’t any of what he was convicted of, much less charged with.


Didn't I just read a comment from you about wondering why people are taking this so seriously when you thought it was "lighthearted satire". Pick a belief and stick to it. The fence looks bad on anyone.


The fucking mental gymnastics to slob on the orange nob. Get a fucking life.


It's always sexual with you degenerates... disgusting.


Yeah, those ducking creeps fantasizing about their daughters... Oh fuck wait. That was Donald. My bad.


He paid a compliment to his daughter that didn't sound as nice as he meant it. Get tf over it. Biden, on the other hand, actually showered with and molested his daughter. Again, it's always you lefties who are the degenerate creeps.


He also waxed his carrot over the clip of him being creepy about his daughter. You sound like a southern inbreeding enthusiast yourself too so.


He just lost half his voter base, how could he win?


Huh? What are you talking about? He has more support today than ever before.


It may appear so in your little bubble, feel free to either question the legitimacy of the election or tell me I told you so in advance. So pick one.


I don't know what rock you're living under, but I would *highly* suggest coming out of it before November or the shock might legitimately kill you.


Vague answer Do you think Trump will win or do you think the system is inherently rigged and worth overthrowing?


538 says you're wrong. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/


The mental retardation in Trump supporters is amazing lol. No way should they be allowed to hold a drivers license much less vote




Guaranteed? Haven't the polls been showing the opposite is true? Sure it's possible trump wins, but it's getting less and less likely as we've gotten closer to election day.


"Guaranteed? Haven't the polls been showing the opposite is true?" No, they have not.


Maybe you don't know what guaranteed means. Unsurprised honestly. I don't expect much from people so pathetic they choose politics as the thing to be fanatical about.


That’s what everyone said in 2020 lol


They said this conviction guaranteed a win for Trump in 2020? Weird, must have been some time travellers or psychics.


I’d love to believe that, he human garbage, but all 2016 everyone laughed at his chances and said he had no chance. And the Democrats seem to have a pathological need to run the worst possible candidates.


I remember when everyone said a fast food salesman would never win but here we are.


Oh, I thought you were doing this in the spirit of fun. I didn't realize you were being a political cuckhold.


You say that now, but unless republicans get off their ass he’s gonna run, and has a good chance at winning especially over old joe AGAIN


We're off our asses. What you all don't seem to understand is we actually WANT him. He's not our "oh, I guess," he's our "Hell yes!"




Dude what a bummer for you :( I mean, criminal history aside, this guy is a complete embarrassment to the country. Failed businesses out the whazoo, barely coherent, ugly as fuckin sin, almost no sense of decency or tact, says whatever he needs to get attention. Honestly, pathetic.


Lol, and 47th president of these United States


Republicanism is a disease. I cannot fathom actually desiring that imbecile. It shows a high level of brain rot.


Lol. More projection


“Sacrifice a non-white permanent” OMG 💀💀💀


People thinking either of these two clownshoe's will do anything for our country is the biggest looming threat this country has. They are both bought and paid for. I hope someday people realize it's rich vs poor. The American dream died when all the tax breaks started going to Google,Facebook,and Amazon. You are more likely to hit the lottery than make a million dollar business. CEO's don't like competition. Anyway this is a magic reddit so...something something twiddle a bone flute


Democrats love preteen boy sex


You are aware that democrats are the ‘right’ so the people opposed to homosexuality?


Democrats are right wing but they are far to the left of Republicans


You're confused


Gotta work on the wording. You don't get Felony Counters, he gets them. So with the wording you have there, you won't win the game with him. (It is lore accurate that way, but it doesn't make sense from game perspective.)


The right can't meme


I’m not right wing?


Found the new commander for my proliferate deck.


so perfect lol


Just wait for the card "Court of Appeals" to come out in a future set. It's going to make this card unplayable.


Thats a lot of toughness for a donald trump card.


Honestly he should be a 3/1 with “Only the best people: reassign any damage dealt to this creature to another friendly creature”


Lol I don't have enough proliferate to cover this.


If reliant counters work like experience counters in that they don’t go away when he dies this is a really workable commander.


This is epic!


People are funny if they think an 80 year old man getting 34 charges of *forging receipts* as a felony is in any way serious. Especially when %100 of those receipts were to pay for a whore. Don't support the guy, but you probably A) hate him and B) think black people shouldn't get felony charges for carrying weed with a gun at the same time I just think this is a pretty ridiculous charge that people can lose their voting and gun rights over


He used government funding to pay for elicit services and then forged fake receipts so it looked like he paid for something else. Secondly the percentage sign goes after the number not before it so you clearly didn’t finish 6th grade maths, and finally why bring race into this? If someone carried a gun and weed - an illegal firearm mind you not a licensed one - they should get charged for it and receive repercussions regardless of their race. As for hating him, I wouldn’t say I hate him, I just don’t respect him as a person


The crimes in question took place before he was ever president There's also no such thing as a licensed firearm in most of the us, it's just specifically illegal to have a federal illegal drug and a gun at the same time.


But why does it matter if the person in possession of both the narcotic and firearm is black or not?


Because a common us liberal talking point is that black people are in jail over weed,when in fact it's weed plus firearm


There are people in jail over just weed though. Also liberals want to decriminalize weed which would solve this. If you want to practice your second amendment and get a bag of weed you should be able to. Freedom and whatnot.


Decriminalization of weed isn't going to "fix" a federally illegal drug being in the same place as a firearm getting you a federal gun charge. That's part of the neoliberal gun grab plan crossing wires with their "don't jail black people" plan


Yes it will if decriminalization involves changing weed in to a federally legal drug. Nice made up plans though.


Decriminalization =/= Legalization


Decriminalization: "the action or process of ceasing to treat something as illegal or as a criminal offense." Even if this would be the wrong word, the intent has always been legalization. Which would fix it.


No they didn’t


[literally first result](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/national-international/what-was-trump-found-guilty-of-a-closer-look-at-the-34-felony-charges/5462573/)


Doesn’t change the fact he committed 34 seperate federal offences


They're not even federal offenses, they're state charges


He must have gotten them confused with the other federal crimes he’s charged with.


Charged yes, but not convicted


how do you collect a crime?


Appeal will probably be successful. Trump 2024 :)


this is funny but there's no world in which Trump would be mono white


You need also to do an enchantment, that only judge him during election times.


The grand jury for this case started in jan, 2022. Its not the governments fault that trumps tactic has been to delay all trials as long as possible.


I thought about the one you mentioned. Enchantment "Election Time": Election time has 4 oil counters on it. During your upkeep remove an oil counter. If Election time has no oil counters on it, you lose the game. During Election Time you can tap your creatures for 1 mana of any color, your lands produce an additional mana.


An enchantment "Presidency": Whenever you commit a crime, add an additional felony counter on Donald Trump, Collector of crimes. Enchantment - Aura "Catch-and-Kill": Tap enchanted creature. If you pay 1 white mana during the opponents upkeep the creature does not untap.


A 3/3 for 3 is pretty good. Everything else is icing on the cake. Great card for a great president!


I can’t tell if that’s ironic


It’s a legitimately good card for a legitimately good president


Good for you buddy


You don’t like Trump?


Can’t say I’m a fan. As a non-binary person I don’t feel aligned with his ideologies or beliefs


Why did you make his card good then? Lol


It’s satire?


What does a “non-binary person” mean?


It's someone who's mentally ill that wants to feel special, and also an excuse to feel good about talking out their issues on other people. Basically, they're Nazis; except instead of Jews, they blame everything on the "cisgendered", aka normal people. And also Jews, if all the Pro-Hamas crap being spouted by many such people are any indication.


Simply put it’s someone who doesn’t feel particularly aligned with either gender. And despite what some people think it’s not a mental illness in the same way being gay isn’t a mental illness. I haven’t chosen to be non binary I just feel more comfortable with being somewhere in between male and female.


This card is terrible (but funny). You can be at 33 counters and one board wipe or bit of spot removal and you have to start over.


It wouldn’t be bad in a Falco Spara EDH deck. That has counter synergy as well as access to blue and green for counter doubling cards like primal vigor, doubling season, and vorel of the hull clade. A 3/3 for 3, not to mention only needing one white mana, is very nice.


Oh my god. The flavor text 😂


I was hoping someone noticed


That’s pretty good! 😆 I always imagined a pre-conviction Trump card to be white/blue with “Trump Counters” that would gain control of whatever they were placed on


Donald trump commits crimes? Wait until you know Giulio Andreotti


We already have a Trump mtg card, it’s Pramikon.


Dude, that is awesome.


Interesting design. But you should put a limit on the amount of crime triggers you can get per turn (like wotc did with their crime cards). There are too many cards that would win the game instantly.


It would make him more fair, but let’s be honest Donald isn’t really a fan of fairness is he?


His skin is waaaaaaay too thin to have 3 Toughness.


I can't decide wheter him not being an Outlaw is a flavour win or a flavour fail


It's a flavor fail. He's going to be the outlaw president. Felon 47 is practically already in the oval office.


Bro you need to let it go, your vested interest in validating your voting history doesn't mean you need to defend a con man over the internet, he can't hear you


I'm voting for the greatest president of my lifetime, and top 5 president of all time, Donald J Trump. You following me from comment to comment and sub to sub doesn't deter me, it strengthens my resolve. I want to see losers like you cry again. Edit, /u/Kalinon You aren't very bright, huh? I said lifetime, not all time. All time, I said likely top 5. And yes, I stand by that. Most historians are extremely left wing biased, so their opinions matter very little to anyone being even remotely unbiased, and even less to anyone biased towards conservatism. He's easily top 5, and will be remembered as such down the road. I don't care what contemporary historians think tbh. This isn't history, it's the present. His 2nd term will hopefully be even better, rocketing him to top 3 or better all time.


You replied to me at 1 am of course I'm gonna egg you on, now I need more conservative cope


Bye bitch boy


Block me


lol greatest of all time. Cope much? He was literally ranked bottom 4 by historians. https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2021/06/30/trump-ranks-41-of-44-presidents-in-survey-of-historians-as-obama-cracks-top-10/


Trump god


Should read "If you have exactly 34 Felony counters, you LOSE the game. Because he is a Loser.


that was my original idea, but i though since he’s pretty good at rigging elections he’d win anyway


I'm sorry, what mainstream media publication ran a front page cover story literally entitled "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Campaign?" Oh, right. *Time* Magazine. Luckily, it's clear nobody but me reads *Time* Magazine because anybody who reads or hears those words on the cover, let alone the actual article, would and should fundamentally disappointed in the state and media apparatus that bragged about withholding and blocking information from the voter base that respondents to surveys after the fact said would have radically changed their votes. [https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/](https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/) Also, in response to comment elsewhere, there have been 11 polls taken in the time frame of 6/1/2024-6/4/2024; DJT is winning in 7 of them, JB 2, with 2 tied. https://preview.redd.it/yrxkvl5guq4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e522a178bcfea9cf6059fc2b116a70f62eabb458 \*Screenshot by me at time indicated 6/5/24




white and red because 🍊 (close enough)


Oh great, now I have to play "Custom Laws"


It should say “lose the game” so you’re incentivized to gift it to someone else, because if there is anything the overstuffed Oompa Loompa is good at doing it is trying to shift blame and avoid responsibility


Yeah I was gonna make him lose immediately, but given the big old oranges tendency to still unfortunately win things (somehow) I thought it would make more sense for him to win


Complete miss that this isn't red or orange.


Ward is a bad mechanic that needs to be scrapped especially for commander


Would you rather just have hexproof?


Which is worse: people who complain about removal or people who complain about protection abilities?


probably people who complain about removal


No, no protection at all, ward hexproof and shroud should go in the bin Especially when ward costs are crazy


You're a commander player right? You do realize you can use a board wipe or another non-targeting effect to get around that right?

