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I have seen sexier stuff, doesn't bother me as long as it ain't bikini booba shit. Some of older official playmats are plenty sexy. On a side note it's mostly girls bringing the sexy stuff including anime.


As long as it's yeah not literal porn I think it's fine? Obviously each lgs will have its own rules of us it g rated PG rated or an m rated night. Like some allow the occasional swearing others none cause they do have children play. I feel this whole discussion is being taken too yes good no bad when each place is different. As to the side note there is one sexy/anime tiddie playmat in my house and it's my partners cause she wanted anime tiddie vampires to play Markov on lmao.


There are literally perfume ads on the TV that are way past this mats level lol


Never seen them at my LGS, but I have seen them at larger events. Judges are usually quick to shut it down.


Gay is only good if it’s not aesthetically pleasing welcome to current year


Aesthetics? Yikes!


lol, turn it around on them by proclaiming them to be “not inclusive”


Would be cool if that worked but the zombies don't grasp that concept.


This is the most tame mat this is tamer than many official wotc mats.


Which official mat is more sexual explicit than this one?


Fuk em judges. I wonder if they'd still say that if it was a loli.


Guy I know has a "Smothering Tits" playmat and goes to an LGS with it all the time. A lot of guys keep saying they don't want to go to that LGS because it allows "sexist behaviours" But the LGS has twice the female population as any of the other LGS in the area. Turns out, women dgaf if you have a sexy girl playmat as long as you treat them like normal people.


"Twice the female population as any of the other..." ......so 2?


Alright listen here you little shit




Lmao you killed me 🤣


Two times zero is still zero


wait, 2 times 0 is still 0…


There really is such a coddling of women in nerd circles when they are often just as, if not more, perverted than the guys.


Yeah, the few women who show up at our FLGS are 30-something diehard fujoshi types who are way, way into yaoi... Needless to say they all run the Pride Bearscape in at least one EDH deck.


Yeah I’m not looking either of those words up


My fiance for example. Such a degenerate, and I love her for it.


Women generally have never cared about stuff like this. Only those brainwashed by the academic Marxist ideology deign to complain about such things. Normal women like sexy women the same way normal men like sexy men. If Superman was a fat, unathletic loser he wouldn't have became popular among boys. Likewise, if Barbie was a frumpy fat girl she wouldn't have become the most recognizable toy for girls in existence. People who cry about how sexy characters are "unrealistic" and set bad standards for others are simply losers with no desire to be healthy or better themselves. They want society to see them as pretty without having to do any of the work. Typical mindset of a brainwashed Marxist ass-hat.


I have one with little boxes that says "land" "library" and shit like this


I do too lmao


Mine has numbers that can be used to track life totals


I went to an event once with two mats — this on top, Bearscape on bottom. When some moron called a judge, I asked why one was offensive and the other wasn’t and was allowed to use this one. Throw their hypocrisy right in their face.


Judges playing UNO while you were playing 5d-chess, you have my respect. Gotta get that Bearscape Playmat to pull this off too


I fully support Pride Month and such, so I was happy to get that secret lair, that Bearscape play mat, *and* the one pictured. If you being an ally stops at “men like attractive lesbians so they’re not allowed”, you are a performative asshole. Unfortunately, most activists fall in that group.




Clitoris tokens. 💀💀💀


I bet they hate having to make new clitoris tokens every time because they can't find them.


Which is weird, because they for sure know it's in the box..


Underrated comment. Almost spit out my drink reading it.


Sounds like an eccentric bunch at that lgs


See, what you should have done is said, "oh, you're a cringe pervert? Bye." People like that need to stay in their dank, dark little basements where they belong. Displaying your fetish on everything you own is mental illness, and in this person's case they seem to have compounding mental illnesses.


I have a playmat with a Chiss girl on it in lingerie. Made it for the sole purpose of waging psychological war with one of my pals who basically couldn't concentrate on the game at all because of the boobs. Now I can't find a use for that playmat since we stopped playing together.


Any time I play with my succubus Veibae mat I openly refer to it as “Distraction Tactics” and place my cards so that they frame her ass so as to potentially distract my friends as long as possible. I do the opposite if kids enter the store, but return to form when they leave. I’m not a COMPLETE monster. 🤣


Chiss? Whats that


It's a species in Star Wars


They look like my reddit avatar.




Where is Lilianna's ass?


Sold it to Bolas, remember?


I would bring this mat just because WOTC hates it.


Massacres, mutilations, planar genocides and parasitic Gigerian bodyhorror, all 100% kosher, but then we hit an overton window as soon as a witch shows a little ankle meat


Yeah, we live in bizarro world, where clinging to the sexless innocence of childhood is billed as 'acting mature', and embracing the beautiful realities of sex and sexuality between consenting adults is 'creepy and weird'. Unless it's hairy, overweight naked men in a hotspring; then you're stunning and brave.


Ah yes, America.


I saw literally that mat or one with the exact same pairing (Lili and Chandra) at a GP trial back when they still had GP trials.


I have one. Unfortunately I don't have anywhere to play mtg. I live in acworth, ga know anywhere I can play


Thus art is special though. It was official art so anyone who owns it jots it around


It’s not official. Steve did just a sketch for fan art. Almost costed him his job because people stole the image and colored it.


I wish!


Yes. At my two LGS but this is clean compared to the crud people here bring. The only time the store staff at either location say anything is when there are kids playing or present in store. Then they enforce the no nudity rule.




This is literally mtg lore


Yes. People are that crazy and horny. But if you're planning to buy that, research to make sure that it ain't a scam.


I have it. bought it because of the constrovercy back in the day. its for memes. its funny.


We see it all the time at our LGS. No issues at all.


No but I have the naked version on my card sleeves


I own that mat and have played it in multiple legs. It is mild and no one has ever said anything.




I have the Valentine's Day Charlie from Hazbin mat. It's a sexy cartoon girl. I don't really care what people think. One guy at mine collects porn mats and brings them out for a laugh at games where everyone is in the know. Best mat is a car store's oil ad desk mat a guy cut to size.


Yooo I got the Millie one ! It's my fav mat I use it all the time


The Millie one is fire. Her entire personality is wife goals.


I have never seen a mat like that IRL, but it would make sense because we are in Pride Month right now.


I work at an LGS that has a ton of the Dektech double deck boxes from Gem that open up with a (usually) lewd image. I can't tell you how many of these I've sold to women 😂 ratio is like 4:1 women to men. Turns out, everyone likes hot anime people. The "kitty" one with a choker on the front is especially popular with the goth commander chicks


Just read the room dude…. Not that fucking hard, if there’s kids obv don’t pull it out, if there aren’t, pull it out and judge based off how people react


I have one similar but they are [naked](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51qQIIrRfyL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg). I obviously carry a normal playmat just in case a judge or a player wants it gone (totally respectable and understandable)


Fun fact this was a wizards endorsed playmat that Steve argyle actually did the art for himself


Do you know the difference between girl versus girl and girl on girl? Girl versus girl means one person wins. Girl on girl means EVERYBODY wins.


I've seen players bring in even worse playmats than this... and no surprise, those guys are every bit as creepy as you might suspect.


I mean, its kinda cringe


yea a lady that was married had it and she got it from her husband, she was German and he was Dutch.


I have one playmat that has a woman on it. Would this be considered nsfw/indecent for a LGS? https://www.serenitynorwich.com/product/hcd-playmat-daughter-of-death/


I’m going to call this piece “Love, in Black and Red”


How about "Dos Racks"? Get it? Eh?


I wish


I’d support them yeah it’s just a playmat


Do it.




I see no problem with it


There is nothing wrong with this playmat. Beautiful art. If people have a problem with this already, how can they ever watch tv or open a magazine.


I played someone with this exact playmat at my local MH3 pre-release.


That Lily/Chandra design is the sauciest play-mat I have seen actually used in the wild. Even then it was at a 18+ midnight prerelease event and belonged to a woman. My LGS said “We will let you guys bring whatever play-mats you want until it becomes a problem in this Family friendly establishment, where there are likely going to be children around.” It hasn’t been a problem in the 15 years I have been playing there. Also this store uses the, “Don’t be a dick rule for,” for building a diverse and inclusive community. Which has won it the reputation for being the best place for anyone to play in my area.


Absolutely, if I had one


From a lore perspective shouldn't this be Nissa and Chandra?


The illustration is objectively impressive, however I don't think this would be appropriate for a family event regardless of age groups. I would extend that perspective to any similar artwork depicting any combination of characters; these are more private collection pieces or, at most, something to hang in the cheesecake corner of one's hobby space. I'd never play with it, and I'd find it corny to play against. That said it's rather tasteful relative to some of the fan-art that exists exploiting erotic themes. The artist took time with this, literally illustrating every crease, and the composition is such that the lines direct the eyes to tell multiple stories. In terms of universe building and story canon, I think it would be a decidedly better fit if it featured Chandra with Nissa instead of Lilliana. Otherwise, this is good, as this sort of art goes.


God I hope so. It would make the stench more bearable.


If an LGS asks someone to put this mat away they better not have so much as a traptrix single.


I've seen that exact playmat in my LGS. A married man was using it and it was strangely enough the only offender.


*SIGH.* Yes. A whole commander deck. With these sleeves, then went on a tangent mid-game on how this is his favorite pairing, nevermind the actual Canon story.


My eyes roll into the back of my head every time I see some sexualized playmat. Some dude used to always use big titted anime girl playmats and it’s like….dude just go home and fuck the body pillow we all know you have.


C9mpared to some playmats that is the tamest of the tame, it's not overtly explicit, and both subjects are fully clothed. Compared to the hentai playmats and ahegao nonsense that is out there, this doesn't really even register as inappropriate, but that is a generally subjective term. What is fine for the stoner taking a break from their anime drenched game cave, is likely going to horrify the Conservative Christian parent that has bought little timmy and Jane to their first pre release/fnm/drop in game. I do remember seeing this at my local magic club when the image first appeared, thought it was cool. Actual hentai and pornographic material on playmats in an all ages environment is just cringey as fyck though. Like have some self respect.ffs.


And people don’t agree when I say that Rakdos is the gayest, this should prove my point


They're a lot more common in Yugioh than Magic


If any of the other posts on this sub are to go by, it's not any worse than a fully clothed character with a rainbow background 


As a player and former store owner, yes. Some people bring such playmats to stores.


When I first starting playing magic at game stores, it wasn't uncommon for a table to have a few mats with scantily clad women on them, sometimes official Magic art and sometimes anime girls. Everyone was pretty normal about it, it's not like the guys using those mats were creepy weirdos, they were just dudes. Nobody ever got offended by it either. It usually wasn't any more explicit than some of the characters on the cards, so nobody really cared. I also remember the game store being a fairly low stress environment overall. Everyone was kinda just happy to be there and play cards. Recently, I've started playing at a local game store again, although the vibe at this one is significantly different. Obviously there's not much art of scantily clad women to be found anywhere in the shop. Most of the posters and stuff are from more recent sets with that samey realistic art style that you see in promotional art for Magic nowadays. In addition to that however, everyone there seems to be a little on edge all the time. It doesn't feel as much like a friendly place to come play games at. It feels... and I'm going to use this term in a strictly descriptive and apolitical sense... a little more conservative. There's more of a pressure to act a certain way, less people laughing and goofing off. Everyone's a little on edge. I'm not going to claim that the change in wotc's art direction and shift in what's acceptable at game stores is entirely to blame for that, but it's definitely one contributing factor. Scantily clad girls on a playmat certainly establishes a relaxed and non-professional vibe at any table. If you disallow that sort of stuff you remove something important from the equation.


Wtf is this subreddits obsession with being allowed to take sexualized playmats into their LGS??? It's strange. Stop it. Be better. Take a cool dragon playmat or something awesome like that. Not this weird stuff. No socially adjusted person is bringing this playmat to any LGS


But can the cool dragon have tits? /s


even better: bring *plain solid color mats* so i can make out all the fucking cards on it


At bare minimum a consistent and simple color pallet so it can't overwhelm


They're so socially unaware they don't realize that when people see them with their weird ass playmates, anyone who is normal thinks "oh this turbo virgin loser is so sex obsessed it bleeds into their hobbies and then they try to integrate strangers into observing their fetishes" They are absolutely degenerate weirdos and most likely the same people who belong to subs where the goal is to find other "straight" guys to jerk off with. There is a weirdo like this on spelltable who asks if people are cool with him playing with this mat and his anime titty proxies. I told him no, he scoffed at me not wanting to engage in thinking sexual thoughts with him while we were there to play magic. He had no recourse for someone saying no and everytime he played a card I ramped up the insults and making fun of him. I'd like to think I made a minor impression, it's clear the majority of people he's been playing with have been letting his shit slide. Why ask if people are cool with it if you can't bring another deck or quickly side board out your filth? Total weirdo pervert and I'd bet good money he's a fucking loser by every life metric.


Isn't it hubris month?


What zero pussy does to a mf


Yes. Although if the only thing you bring to the table is tits, it’s going to be a pretty boring game. Personally I dunno why people bringem, maybe it’s something aesthetically pleasing to look at, but honestly I think it gets old. Sexy card sleeves? Ok. Sexy playmat? Alright. Sexy…proxies? Bruv you need to get a gf.


When I used to go to lgs I noticed that the guys who look like they've never touched a boob have the hentai playmats. Those of us who have dated other humans tend not to be so openly horny with our gear.


I have a slightly more NSFW version of this Matt. Would I bring it into a LGS? Probably.


this was drawn by an official magic artist who then took it down so there wouldn’t be any backlash bc wizards doesn’t approve of art like this (unfortunately). however it’s a kids game. keep it for your at home group, i’m calling you out as a creep if you bring it to an lgs


It wasn't they didn't approve what was going on, it was they didn't approve of WHO WAS IN IT. The argument was that he made art for Wizards, so anything he made, even if for a commission, held an air of authenticity. Therefore, wizards told him to take the art down so they could retain control of their characters. Then they threatened to fire him if he did so with any other big named characters.


Okay, if it's a kids game, then why'd WotC print Secret Lair Bearscape? WotC is inviting this kind of gay behavior, so let's give it to them.


How is it a kids game?


He literally sold these playmats at a GP he was attending as one of the visiting artists


Look, what you do in your own home does not concern me one bit. But if you whip this out in a game against me, I will think less of you and am less likely to play with you in the future. Also, if you use this in the LGS, I'll ask you to remove it. I don't like oversexualization in the games I play, especially in an environment where kids may be present. Of course: You do you.


Perhaps in other place but you cant do that on my lgs, while mtg player are all adult there lot of kids that play casual and competitive pokemon. The place also serve as boardgame cafe so there lot of family going there. I my self hate this kind playmat is like people that used hentai eye shirt.


I've seen that one specifically a few times. And anime Girls one with lewd but not really porn/naked all the time.


I have seen folks do this.




I find it incredibly hot and always have, but if I owned it I would never leave the house. My buddy, who was a manager, banned it due to it being sexually suggestive (also, there were kiddos present).


I've seen one example in my time at any lgs. Dude had sleeves of that art. Idc as long as no kids are around and no one is visually uncomfortable, but im not afraid to be the one to say look, there's a kid here now, use a different deck, or this person looks uncomfortable play something else. I want people to be able to sit and have fun, regardless of who they are.


Wouldn’t liliana’s face be melting at that point?


My playmat is Macabre Waltz Lilliana from SOI, that’s just kinda my favorite pet card art. It’s not masculine but it’s cool.


People bring even worse shit honestly. If I had a dollar for every semi-nude anime wifu playmat depicting a 9999yrs old dragon god trapped in the body of an 8yrs old girl, id be rich. For real, people that frequent LGS’ are degenerate as fuck.


So, is this Straight Kitsch?


Thirsty people do


That is the exact one I have, that I no longer bring to LGS .


It's LGTV friendly, so, what's the problem


I hope so.


The only mats like this I've seen are from the local yugioh crowd, those fuckers can be down right degenerate with their artworks.


I have a friend that has played against a dude with this playmat at a prerelease.


About one in four at my lgs, mostly the anime mats you would expect. Although it is mostly women there that have those mats. That being said the rule is no full on nudity with the exception of the statue of David mat I have, got a pass on that one being actual art.


About as cringe as it gets. We don't allow them at our LGS


Played against someone with the female overwatch cast in bikinis on their playmat. Made me pretty uncomfortable.


Chandra, Torch of Hamana-Hamana-Hamana


Wish I had a fucking lgs.


I've seen maybe 2 in this vein. But that was about it.


One of my friends has this playmat. Just uses it in privat. One of the players in my local game store has one playmat like this just... with less clothes.. He's a weird guy


If we’re gonna make people refer to opponents as Fae, pay a months rent for a box of curled cards, and communicate with adults who legitimately fantasize about My Little Pony, I don’t think edgy playmats are the biggest problem with the game.


I've only ever seen one and it was way worse than this, though as long as you aren't playing with children around this is fine with me, my LGS rarely has children playing.


I've never seen one like this, but if we can have drag storytime then this isn't a problem


I've seen it once and it was from a guy who also was a chain-smoker and has absolutely filthy fingers and nails. I haven't seen him in months though, so hopefully some gave him the boot.


alotta people who purchase mats like these are to big to lift themselves up with their own legs


Ive seen this exact mat out on the wild once. It belonged to a very annoying guy who had no respect and was absurdly condescending to everybody. Then accused other people of cheating in a casual commander game weeks afterwards. As in he will say you cheated a month ago. That was the most annoying part because it implies he noticed it and didnt even have the balls to say anything that day or is just making stuff up to make you look worst for no real apparent reason. Which is a very real possibility.


This is kinda tame. No issues.


I have that one , it’s great for distractions ;)


Anybody have the canceled Squee playmat? Edit: Found it https://www.magicspoiler.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/MTG-Banned-Playmat.jpg


Saw it once at my LGS. Was fascinated I'll tell you what.


Magic will never match the degeneracy of yugioh playmats https://preview.redd.it/yzfft6rj0t8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=252a96b0bf6a55c342aa1379d1deed6c391e955e


Oh my.


This isn’t that bad, I wouldn’t use it, but whatever.


Bought this for my brother after he asked for it for his bday. He has played with it, to surprisingly positive agreement 


LGS are for all ages, which includes kids. Keep your fetishists and unhealthy obsession of porn at home.


https://preview.redd.it/l60zev002t8d1.png?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e41d717aaca39bc3c8c3a6bfbdb18899118eb3 This is the mat I play with most the time


I sure do.


I had a guy with that exact playmat at my first lgs ten years ago, so yes people do bring them


Maybe tone it down a bit from here and it should be fine, I’ve never seen anyone bug abt a big boobed anime girl on a mat


I had one come in with full on hentai involving nessa from pokemon lol. It was funny to see the reactions of the other players.


I was at a prerelease a couple weekends ago and the guy next to me had a mat that was just like 8 or so very well endowed anime ladies in revealing clothes. People totally willing to put it all out there, this looks tame by comparison


How dare you! Now if that was nissa and Chandra, we'd be talking


Better story than most magic stories lately


I flat up rock the ahegao collage playmat, fight me.


Gay dudes in a hot tub shirtless? Yeah sure, make it a secret lair Gay girls clothed about to kiss? Nah fam, gtfo my event. Not condoning bringing shit like this to an event, its simply tacky. I just think it's a funny dichotomy.


Haaa, that's an old playmat design. I've seen a few ppl back in 2017 using those, but it got banned quickly. Funny enough, they started to bring the sexy anime girl style playmats, and those were tolerated.


Someone has apparently never played in a Yugioh LGS or a CFV LGS. Horniest fucking Playmats & Cardsleeves & Deckboxes you will ever see. Not complaining tho. I’ve got horny Playmats & Deckboxes too, lmao.


Oh my. Thanks for the new kink.


lol I've played for years with someone at my LGS with this exact playmat. Sure it's sexy, but not beyond what's already been depicted on actual cards.


That's just porn


I play Digimon at my locals. There's a couple of people that have either a sexy Angewomon/LadyDevimon playmat, or sexy Lilithmon. But I haven't seen any that are borderline porn or of the younger characters in provocative poses.


This isn’t too bad. I think the line is more nudity. The ahegao print thing is weirder


Oh I recognize this... I think a friend had this one... not sure if he brought it to a LGS before .


I showed my wife, she rather enjoyed it


I have a friend with that exact playmat, I also saw this one the other day https://preview.redd.it/z71bq6e8gt8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9683e885b42fa7c1a8f5282a165f544b6614046


Let people play with whatever playmat so long as it isnt nudity/porn/stepping on lore like really who fuckin cares?


Anime girls are fine at the lgs i go to, but this more than likely crosses a line.


Happy Pride!


I have Joker burning a Black Lotus on mine but this art is fine. It isn't some anime chick with a shirt showing 99.9% of her tits. Hell, multiple cards are riskier than this.


Guy had that one for a little bit. I think the owner told him to get rid of it, because he doesn't have it anymore.


that is actually the specific playmat that I use


My wife has that same playmat. Suddenly magic is for everyone but her.


Never seen anything this extreme in the wild, but I do often see playmats with sexy female characters on them in some sort of typical fantasy pose or mildly seductive pose.


My lgs doesn't allow anything remotely sexual whether on playmats, sleeves, whatever. We have a population of some small children in our lgs along with some not weird people who just want to play our card game.


I have this playmat. I would definitely bring it to FNMs and I even got a friend to have Steve Argile sign it lmao. I don't use it anymore just because the novelty is gone and it can be cringe. I had one judge at a GP side event tell me I had to change it or use a different mat but I think it's because of some weird copyright stance and not sexism.


I always use this one.


only if your LGS is based asf


That playmat is hilarious of course you should take it to your lgs. The thing is that it’s “sexy” but in an ironic way cuz it’s two mtg characters. If you are single do not take this mat this is a very magic bro mat


I've seen some very graphic sexual anime playmats/sleeves


Have seen that exact mat at my LGS.


Brought this exact playmat to my LGS for a pre-release event. Was promptly asked to put it away and use another playmat.


My lgs has all the anime stripper chick mats, i have no idea who or what they are but they have so much cleavage… “tell me you’re a virgin without telling me you’re a virgin… “


this is tame and not graphic at ALL


I used to. Legit that same mat. No one cared.


Don't use this mat if you expect a player to come in to your lgs with an easily offended girlfriend


I've seen this one once. nobody cared


I want to see a Venn diagram of all the degenerates who find this socially acceptable and the ones that call this a children's card game.


Good LGS stores wont allow these kinds of playmates for sure.


The only time I saw that Chandra/Liliana playmat in person was at Magicfest Portland. We were playing a 2HG Battlebond game against a very stereotypical looking older lesbian couple, and one of them draped it across the table. I don’t know if it would’ve been worse to see some neckbeard have that mat, but it was still pretty cringey.


Ive seen em, and sometimes shun them for doing so. Between other girls and kids there's plenty of reasons to get rid of that shit. I play on a black mat that has the LGS logo in the corner. Simple, supports the store.