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Elphael winning is an absolute shock. I’m not exactly complaining as I love that one, but I always heard that it was the most divisive.


I mean like a lot of things in elden ring, people have begun to love more about the late game over time 


I agree, the endgame was probably my most memorable portion of my first playthrough because it had back to back my favorite bosses of the game. I just know a lot of people didn’t share that sentiment.


Honestly all I hate is mountaintops and the godskins. Everything else is great 


I actually like all the mountaintops except the flame peak portion. And yeah godskin duo blows but can be a guilty pleasure if you summon a fully upgraded spirit. I’m also gonna add Gideon ofnir to “endgame things I don’t like” But I’m very fond of everything else. I quite like fire giant, Maliketh, mohg, and Godfrey are my 3 favorite bosses, farum azula is amazing. Not to mention how good the final boss is. The snowfields have a great vibe and fun secrets, haligtree and elphael are very cool. And malenia is iconic. There is a damage increase in mountaintops but I think that is more of a result of Morgott being too squishy and not hitting hard enough. Other enemies hit very hard in leyndell already, Morgott just doesn’t do the same, which makes it feel like endgame spikes up. Having at least 40 vig by mountaintops is chill. I had about 50 and barely noticed a damage spike.


Never understood the godskin duo hate, frankly, it's better designed than O&S. Watch people downvote me without even trying to come up with any talking point on why Godskin duo blows.


I just think it’s unfun. I know they’ve changed the ai, but I feel like the godskins aren’t designed to be in a duo fight. I miss the duo fights when both members of the duo fight existed solely to complement each other. I also miss when killing one would mean the remaining guy would get a buff. I don’t feel like this is what happened with the godskins (or most duo fights in elden ring for that matter). 


It hate that they share a health bar. Why can you just not rush one down?


...but you can rush one down? And they do have separate health bars.


Is that a patch? They used to share one up bar and when one died it would just revive 15 seconds later


Always has been the case, I played at launch. They each have a separate hp bar but they share the same pool. You could always kill one first then the other one will revive the previous one after awhile.


They’re really not bad if you’ve got Sleep Pots


Great gank bosses rely on a dynamic between them to balance them which is usually that one is slow and heavy and the other is light and fast or one is ranged and passive and the other is melee and agressive. The godskin duo are both fast and hyperagressive so that is one that they failed at. Whilst they do enter a phase when one casts and the other goes in melee the breaking of the philars means that the ranged godskin always has a clear shot. This wouldn't be an issue if there was a clear indicator of the attack coming which is why it worked with demon princes and sister frieda since you see the area you have to move out of to not get hit whilst cobsidering the attacks of the other demon or father ariandel. However the worst part is that both can go into hyper agro melee mode which is imo the worst part of demon princes but they had the decensy to indicate it to you using the light up system. I didn't play ds1 so i can't compare them to O&S but i can confidently say that this fight is shit and the best gank in elden ring are the fell twins.


>The godskin duo are both fast and hyperagressive so that is one that they failed at. That's false, one always stays behind and throw ranged attack while one would be on the front, unless you triggered both of their 2nd phase at the same time. Then you only have yourself to blame. >However the worst part is that both can go into hyper agro melee mode Again, straight up misinformation, this only happens if you trigger their 2nd phase at the same time.


Bro I literally just fought them the "one always stays behind" is not true at all lmfao.


I literally just fought them rl1 too. You must be doing shits wrong


Godskin duo, Melania, and Fire giant are the only bosses in the game I really can’t stand. The mountaintop area with all the crows is just disappointing but it’s not a hinderance


That's exactly what I predicted when the honeymoon phase passed for Elden Ring and it got lots of hate, players would eventually warm up to it and see it has tons of great content.


I sorta understand. Elphael is a good mix of beauty and brutality.


It's a beautiful place that kicks your ass and has two of the best bosses. Beautiful, challenging, memorable, and just a little BS to give it that extra spice lol.


I also thought it was extremely fun to traverse and find all the hidden shit.


I'm guessing Malenia being one of your two. Which is the other?


Loretta. Technically between Elphael and Haligtree, but I'd say she counts.




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Even the actual start of the Haligtree is super sick, mind you not gameplay wise, but i remember going through that area and.being awestruck.


Ds1 player arriving in Elphael gave me the exact same feeling that arriving in anor londo did the first time. That alone, triggered my nostalgia so hard I immediately fell in love with it.


Elphael is beautiful but I still have a vivid memory of walking into Leyndell for the first time, seeing the stunning vista with the corpse of a fallen dragon and hearing the haunting music of the bubble boys. That is one of the most magical gaming experiences of my life hands down.


Didn't see the voting post, but I at least hope nokron was near the top... The first experience of that level captured *everyone* in a pretty profound way.


Color me incredibly shocked by the Elden Ring results. I never thought anything other than Lyndell or Stormveil would win. Thanks for participating! If anyone has any good ideas for future polls, let me know. I'd like to do one that wouldn't have very obvious answers but would still get a lot of traction and I'm struggling to come up with one.


Best soundtrack from each game? I think this could be interesting!


Mine would be DeS: One who craves souls or Maiden Astraea DS1: Ornstein and Smough DS2: Sir Alonne Bloodborne: Laurence with Ludwig incredibly close DS3: Gael, Dragonslayer Armour or Midir Sekiro: Demon of Hatred Elden Ring: Godskin Apostles or Mohg lord of blood


Those two elden ring sound tracks are my favourite too! They go soo hard. Plus Moghs theme and how it drops at the second phase is immaculate.


I agree with this except for ds1 I love ash lake. For Elden Ring I like Radahn and Fortissax’s theme. Thou has good taste.


I'm between Ludwig and Maria personally. Oh, but the first hunter.... shit I dunno


In DS3, I love a lot of songs which I listen to depending on my mood: Gael, Yhorm, Abyss watchers, Twin Princes, Dragonslayer Armour, a bit less Midir, but there's also the Menu theme song and the Epilogue songs :)


goddamn our preferences match so much id just vote for GodRick's theme in elden ring


Would love to see the best soundtrack, I think it would be more diverse as well, not every game has the clear cut winner.


My favorite soundtrack from each game. DS1: Knight Artorias theme DS2: Fume Knight theme DS3: Abyss Watchers theme Bloodborne: Ludwig the Holy Blade theme Elden Ring: The Final Battle (Radagon OST)


Oh yes I would love this! I love the soundtracks


Best NPC or Best NPC Questline could be fun. Best weapon feels like the next most obvious one.


Best NPC would be fun. Having said that of course Eileen will win but I'm rooting for Alfred.


Lucatiel. For all the games, shes there in spirit.


Best soundtrack or best boss arena would be interesting.


Do we already have worst area? Or smth like favourite or least favourite boss/ mini boss/ regular enemy? Favourite weapon? Favourite armor set?


Best weapon?


Too subjective imo


Stormveil really felt different from anything else in the game, especially a first playthrough. It's beautiful, huge and epic, lots of cool secrets and even a hint of something disturbing causing all these holes and roots in the castle you keep seeing and asking wtf is that? Gave off an unsettling vibe honestly and I love it.




I did that like a month ago. You can check my post history for the results.


Did you do best weapon?


Best and worst enemies?


"Most useful / least useful" spell would be interesting to see, same with "most useful / least useful" special attack. That would add another layer of depth to the usual "best / worst" question.


I feel like the results of this one are… weird. I adore Irithyll and Ephael (and Brume I guess) but how those levels managed to win against Lothric/Ringed City, Stormveil/Leyndell, and Eleum Loyce beats me


Because pretty > level design was the metric for some people


Which makes Leyndell not winning even more of a anomaly if that’s the case


Yeah that was definitely the vibe I got when Anor Londo won for DS1. Don’t get me wrong, the Artistic direction and Aesthetics of the level are off the charts, but for me it was always bogged down by pretty lackluster layout and level design


Ringed city (and Cathedral of the Deep) really is the peak of level design in ds3, even when it's in the endgame, when fs usually gets more slacked in delivering a compact, well thought-out level. And Stormveil is the strongest opening level, as much as central Yharnam. But eh, to each their own. Edit: added cathedral


Eleum Loyce isn't that good in term of design, personally, if we are talking about pure level design capability, Sunken City actually is the best one. And why isn't Elphael better in terms of level design compared to Leyndell? Imo, for level design Stormveil > Elphael > Leyndell and for aesthetic it's the opposite, Leyndel > Elphael > Stormveil. It's not a huge surprise that Elphael wins. Though, I agree Lothric is better than Irithyl in term of level design, but not aesthetic. And it's not like the level design of Irithyl is ass or anything. Ringed city only looks cool, the design is pretty much a straight path. Nothing clever about it really, has very good bosses but that isn't a judging point here.


Eleum Loyce is very interesting on a first playthrough, but it gets old really fast. The shortcuts are mostly useless, and at some point one gets sick of icicle man #1, icicle man #2, and large icicle man. Brume has the barrel dudes that can be pushed and used to kill most other big enemies, its an entirely vertical level, which makes it unusual and interesting on its own. Has a ton of breakable walls with loot, secret hallways, etc. I think it's far better than Loyce.


Irithyll is such a head scratcher here. Pontiff so iconic but…. Lothric castle??? Hello 👋


I disagree with basically every pick other than Elphael, lol.


Curious what your picks are


I'll just copy and paste my comment from yesterday: >Wow, I can't believe it but I disagree with all of these so far, lol. > >Prison of Hope is mysterious and cool but it's mostly empty. It's not better than Boletaria or Shrine of Storms. > >Anor Londo. Beautiful but there's nothing there. Best area is probably Undead Burg. > >Brume Tower is great but not better than Shulva or Eleum Loyce. > >Central Yharnam is a really good location, but I don't think it's better than Cathedral and Upper Cathedral Ward. > >Irithyll. Beautiful area but it can't compare to High Wall or Lothric Castle or Ringed City. Hell, Undead Settlement and Cathedral of the Deep are also quite a bit better. Archdragon Peak? Come on, Irithyll is mid. > >Fountainhead Palace. There's hardly anything there. You can skip it entirely and you won't miss much. Ashina and Mt. Kongo are so much better. And in terms of coolness factor, Sunken Valley beats it. > >I don't think my tastes align with the community at large, lmao. Regardless, for Elden Ring, I vote **Elphael**.


Common Shulva enjoyer w


I don't even particularly like DaS2 and even I think Shulva was a chef's kiss of level design.


Yeah your reasoning makes sense. I still would agree with a few of the community results (Prison of Hope, Anor Londo, Central Yharnam) but I definitely do disagree with some too. I think Eleum Loyce is by far the best level in DS2, but Shulva is good too. Hirata Estate would be my pick for Sekiro but Fountainhead and Senpou are all within the same tier for me. Ringed City is my pick for DS3 but Lothric and Irithyll are also in the same tier. Stormveil and Leyndell are the top two levels in ER imo, and if I had to choose between the two, it would probably be the former


Another Hirata enjoyer! By far my favorite


Funnily enough I agree with every pick other than Elphael. 


Not that anyone cares, but here's what I would've picked if I had total control: DeS: 1-3 DS1: Sen's Fortress DS2: Shulva Bloodborne: Central Yharnam is acceptable DS3: Cathedral of the Deep Sekiro: Senpou Temple ER: Stormveil


I see you value level design. A man of culture.


My favorite part of the games.


Piggybacking OP: DeS: Latria (all of it lol) DS1: Undead Burg DS2: Shulva / Dragon Sanctum Bloodborne: Central Yharnam / Research Hall DS3: Lothric Castle / Dreg Heap Sekiro: Sunken Valley Passage ER: Stormveil


I can get behind all of those picks. Sens Fortress and Stormveil Castle are some of the greatest levels in all FromSoftware games. I never even knew until much later that guy in Stormveil Castle you meet when you approach the Castle stalks you throughout different points in the level and you can find him various points in the level as you progress. So cool.


He also steals 30% of your runes.


I think stormveil has the best level design but simply isn’t as challenging nor as good-looking as some of the other legacy dungeons 


Sen’s Fortress? I love you for that, cause same.


Yeah, your taste is better than the popular vote.


I care and think the conversation is interesting. You have 4/6 the same list as me! I’d sub Undead Burg or Undead Parish for Sen’s, and Hirata Estate for Senpou.


Yeah I love prison of hope but something about DeS’s medieval castle levels just hit different imo. I definitely would’ve picked 1-1 or 1-3. Also Cathedral of the deep is probably my favourite level in game as it felt almost like a DeS level which I love.


I remember feeling like Shulva felt like an apology for the base game's lackluster level design as whole, to me, at the time. That DLC really knocked it out of the park.


Sen's? Someone, get an ambulance to OP, I think they had a stroke. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) Senpou is a much better pick for sekiro though, I'll give you that.


This is a major W list


Cathedral of the deep yesssssss


People really value memorable aesthetics over level design in a level contest. Central Yharnam might be the only one I actually agree with.


Fr. Irithyll winning is crazy to me


Everyone knows the best level design is found in The Undead Settlement and The Cathedral of The Deep


Cathedral of the deep is my personal favourite level in ds3 cause it has the best level design imo. I like how it has everything connect back to the first bonfire and it’s use of shortcuts, as well as all the optional paths that make it feel more real. Really felt like a DeS level to me which I love


Without a doubt, yes.


100% those are the best places in dark souls 3


the best area in ds3 is a street from Bloodborne rofle


I personally prefer Sen's over Londo and Ringed City over Irithil but I don't think it's just aesthetics. Anor Londo is the peak of Dark Souls in many ways. It feels genuinely glorious. It's not just amazing aesthetically, it manages to evoke a feeling. My favourite DS level is Sen's Fortress, because it feels almost comically evil. Level design per se doesn't stick in your mind. There isn't a single healing item in all of Latria and that just supplements its mood so incredibly well


Anor Londo was very underwhelming.


It's the only thing that explains Anor Londo and Irithyll there. Brume is correct from a gameplay pov as well, though. And Elphael is amazing: verticality that doesn't rely on elevators connecting flat levels, soldiers as the enemy type, which is the best enemy type in the game. Cleanrot knights as the strong foe, which are great enemy design. Two Avatars which are always easy/fun to fight and give a ton of rewards. A crapton of lore. 10/10


I prefer sunken valley over brume in gameplay tbh, but brume tower being there doesn't surprise me either. Also yea, Elphael is amazing design wise. Leyndell actually has the better wow factor, imo but Elphael is no slouch on that either.


I will never argue against Shulva. But I think Brume has more wide appeal because people usually hate mazes and poison.


My friend let me borrow their PS5 and Bloodborne yesterday. I just had my first run through of Central Yarnham, and holy shit what an experience. I love knocking on all the doors and annoying the citizens. Bloodborne is incredible so far.


What's your personal picks then? I'm curious


Not leyndell, I thought it would’ve been a slam dunk on that!


Actually blown away that Ringed City didn’t win in DS3.


I’m very shocked my answer (Elphael) got the most upvotes. I was expecting Leyndell or Stormveil to win.


Me too but I love Elphael. Tbh, from the moment you appear on the Halligtree to beating Malenia is my favorite stretch of the game. It really felt like I was playing DLC.


Whoa, I missed the point where Elphael overtook Leyndell. I'm not sure I agree but it's a more interesting choice, and I do love how that dungeon changes the deeper down you go, combined with the ominous Malenian presence


Yall definitely went all aesthetics on this whole thing because ain't no way people didn't think fountainhead palace wasn't a huge pain in the ass


Thats what I was thinking. Cool looking place but that area didn't seem great for gameplay. Its just so open and imo not enough signposting for where to go. I think I had to look it up. Easy enemies except for a super punishing debuff. Looked pretty though.


Senpou temple is the best IMO. Also so beautiful


That's insane lol. Starts off with the only good stealth section section. Leads into the Okami warriors which are some of the most fun enemy types in their catalogue.


I’m more surprised by the lack of people voting for Farum Azula


Agreed lol it was my favorite area too and I thought it would gain more traction in the polls. Guess I was wrong lmao 


My favorite area. Excellent design + looks awesome as fuck as well


I'm fine with the results but I would have picked Sen's Fortress, Lothric Castle and Stormveil Castle.


All my favorite levels in every game are some sort of castle, and yet not a single castle was voted best level. Kinda crazy


It’s really funny how Anor Londo pretty much won twice here.


Three times if you count Irithyll XD


Notice not one of these is a poison swamp Miyazaki!!


We can't let fromsoft people vote ever again.


How did most of these win lol People probably get swayed a lot by visuals Fountainhead, Anor Londo and Elphael are certainly some of the most stunning levels produced but there are more fun levels to play in all these games


Couldn’t agree more. Someone recommended Farum Azula yesterday and it left me thinking “visuals only?” because the gameplay of that zone was annoying at best. It was just filled with the most annoying enemies to fight for the sake of difficulty


Endgame areas in a nutshell from Fromsoft. Usually super overtuned to “keep pace” to the player. Makes for some artificial difficulty I usually prefer early/mid game areas and end-game bosses in most of these games


Unfortunately true. Not universally though. I feel like Bloodborne resisted the urge and arguably has the best ending acts of the FromSoft games from a gameplay perspective. I don’t recall any Bed of Chaos bs or crazy gank increases with mobs.


That was my vote for Sekiro! Also agree with Elden Ring, Souls 1 and 3. But no love for Cathedral of the Deep?


How is the Elphael in the Haligtree better than Stormveil? Haligtree is fantastic for 2v2 in PvP but the level design is nothing special.


Everyone here gassing up leyendell but it is my least favorite area in elden ring just because the shunning grounds are an absolute nightmare.


Lol one of the top comments said Elphael on the ER one, and so many people just wanted to join in. Elphael is beautiful, but that area is really fucking insufferable at times and just not fun. Especially Revenant fucking Avenue. It's not one of the worst areas in ER, but certainly not the best.


I was hoping Elphael would win that one, nice and well deserved


5 Royal Revenant level is the best? ![gif](giphy|pPhyAv5t9V8djyRFJH|downsized)


Honestly I agree with Elden Ring Just when you thought you have discovered everything, you find your self in the Hailigtree. The enemies are HARD AF but godamn the level design itself it's beautiful. Could of easily been a DLC area but Formsoftware really gave it to us for free


As beautiful Anor Londo is, the level design of that city is incredibly weak


In a vacuum it is pretty bad, but I think in context it is great level design. The first portion of DS1 evokes a lot of claustrophobia- most of the areas are really tight and layered (Undead Burg, Sens Fortress, sewers, etc). When you arrive in Anor London the contrast is so evident and it really contributes to that feeling that you are somewhere majestic which was not designed for you, and where you do not belong - a city of demigods


Honestly, I’m fine with Elphael winning. It’s a great area, although I still think Leyndell and Stormveil are better.


Honestly the more I think about it, Elden Ring probably had the best level design all around. An incredibly strong start with Stormveil, then finding Nokron, Raya Lucaria is underrated, Volcano Manor is not only an incredible level but also has arguably the best gimmick boss in the series, Leyndell is probably one of the best if not THE best level they have made with Central Yharnam putting up a pretty good fight. Not really sure of the on the general consensus Farum Azula, but besides those annoying birds I thought the level was sick, and bosses are amazing. Elphael is a top contender as well


How did Leyndell not win?


which crackhead said Elphael? holy shit imagine having that over Stormveil or Llyendell


How the hell did elpheal win!? Bs


Elphael? What the fuck. I would rank it easily as the worst legacy dungeon. No new enemies and nothing interesting in it in terms of the design itself


Absolutely shocked about Elphael and Fountainhead. For Sekiro I would’ve picked either Ashina Castle or Senpou Temple, and for Elden Ring I’d go with Stormveil.


Interesting. I would change every single one of these except Central Yharnam.


I do not understand why anor londo would win. Undead parish is by far the best location. Hell I like sens fortress more than anor londo. I dread running into it every time I see it. It’s the worst part is ds1 in ds3(I’m including irythill because it’s the same location) in code vein and in Elden ring. Core vein’s anor londo is especially bad.


I don’t believe for a second Haligtree won over Leyndell


Senpou temple better not gonna lie


Would’ve gone with Leyndell myself but Elphael is my number 2, so I’m satisfied with most of the results


Holy shit Elphael won?? That was my pick, and previously I'd disagreed with every single one. LMAO. Elphael FTW!


really? I thought stormveil castle, leyndell or even raya lucaria will win elden ring


Who in the name of all fuck said that elphael was the best level of Elden ring


I wanted Leyndell to win, but Elphael is another amazing area so I'm fine with the results.


Love it. Elphael is the culmination of the game. Prison of Hope on the other hand. Wtf am I missing. You guys like being in a goddamn prison?


prison of hope is peak fromsoft level design. Upper latria could also have won because it's so amazingly beautiful on the remake. People talk about the gravity but i feel like it's very unique so i think 3-2 should have won. Plus the npc on the elevator is one of the coolest looking one ever.He's badass and he's acting like he's your ally but he's a bitch. I had to do a whole new playthrough just for him to get the planinum because i spared him twice. If you leave him alive, he kills every npc's on the nexus lmao.


Haligtree isn't fit to lick Stormveil's boots. Level design is worse and the enemies are entirely copy pasted from other areas. Nothing new at all.


People voted for location of their “favourite” boss instead of a cool location. Before Malenia there is Loretta (I know she’s in Haligtree and not Elphael, but I consider it as one location), which you fought once already in Spirit form and is pretty much the same. Haligtree is just Sormveil Castle with a tree. Best looking location for me is Crumbling Farum Azula, that broken place full of whirlwinds is so cool, also has some of the coolest and story important bosses, especially Maliketh.


i hate elphael


Love irithyll, wish dark souls 3 got an open world even if it would be the size of limgrave, being able to explore all of irithyll would be something nice


How tf did Anor Londo win. I hated that place so much!


Correct for Dark Souls 2 and Elden Ring. Incorrect for Dark Souls 1 (Ariamis) and Dark Souls 3 (Cathedral). And I haven't played the others. Neat.


Fountainhead Palace is unequivocally the best answer for Sekiro. I’ll probably get hate for saying this but imo it’s the best From Soft level period, at least from a visual standpoint.


Central Yharnam for Bloodborne makes sense. I’ve always felt like that game starts off on a strong foot, then just falls off as it goes. Most times I tried replaying, I’d get to the forest and all motivation to play vanished.


Should do best NPC or best boss next


Nah fuck that. We need proper polls. No way leyndell didnt win guys


Definatly wouldn't have been what I picked but fair enough lol


I agree with this list but for Elden Ring I think Leyndell is the one, elphael is great tho


Fountainhead palace is just a piece of art. I was in awe the first time i got there


Brume tower is so fucking annoying idk how it was even mentioned. sunken city on top.


These are the prettiest levels but not the “best” levels imo, especially Irithyll and Fountainhead Palace, Fountainhead has beautiful music but it’s one of the less fun areas


What a weird list. It’s like we voted based solely on aesthetics. You can’t tell me those are better than 1-1, Undead Burg, Forest of the Fallen Giants, High Wall of Lothric, and Stormveil.


My rankings Demon’s Souls: 1:1 Dark Souls 1: Sens Fortress or Blighttown Dark Souls 2: Dragon Aerie or Lost Bastille Dark Souls 3: Cathedral of the Deep Bloodborne: Central Yharnam is hard to beat but I also love Cainhurst Elden Ring: Stormveil


Weird list


Farum Azula is incredible just from a level design perspective.


Whoever voted for prison of hope needed a sanity check for sure .., gates of boletaria was visually pleasing followed by throne room in demon souls


Missed the post yesterday but man I wanted Limgrave to win, Elphael is a shock


Got it wrong with ds3, Lothric castle forever


I only guessed Central Yharnam, Anor Londo and Fountainhead Palace correctly


DS3 : Cathedral of the deep... I love every second of that level Except the boss.


Nah, no shot Elphael won this one. I mean, it's not a bad area, but I expected Leyndell to win by a long shot. Ngl, ER has very surprising results in those. Maliketh as the best boss (which I agree with btw) and now this? Something's happening.


Can we now do best feet by game? 😋🥵


People love beautiful scenery.. For Elden Ring, it's a bit harder since any scene can be beautiful, especially if the weather is right.. Any underground could win as well, with that starry sky


How did Leyndell Royal capital or Sofria River not win


Half these results feel like they were picked based on which areas people thought were the prettiest looking, not which were actually the "best level", in which case I'd consider the actual design/layouts/enemy placements to be more important than the visuals. There's no way Elphael is a better designed area than Stormveil, its far more linear for a start. Irithyll is cool-looking but isn't a patch on the Cathedral of the deep in terms of design. Anor Londo is a whole lot of nice-looking emptyness.


Leyndell should've won...




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Elphael is very nice looking for sure, but the enemy placement was quite frustrating. That section with the two avatars and the ballistas was absolute brutality.


Ashina Castle got absolutely robbed 😔


Ngl i think elpheal is 3rd place personally. The royal capital and stormveil bbeat it out for me.


I’m so shook that Limgrave not Stormviel won. The amount of times people on here have said “I just want that feeling of experiencing Stormveil for the first time.”


For bloodborne I'd say cainhurst is my favourite aesthetic in appearance wise


Gotta hard disagree with Elphael. It's a cool concept and I appreciate how they tried to make it a more "open" legacy dungeon, similar to Leyndell, but I don't find that design style to work as well as the more traditionally designed legacy dungeons, and on top of that the enemies do way too much damage


I think my most favorite memory of Elden Ring was when I first entered Siofra River Well...🤯


Surprised it's Elphael, I would've thought it would be Siofria River. That reveal from stumbling into an elevator seemingly going to the center of the planet *chef's kiss*


Personally, I think Blighttown should've won the whole thing.


Hot take maybe But I Loved Farum Azula miles ahead of Elphael. And I hated with all my might Brume tower.


me personally i hated elphael 😭😭


Yall actually like the haligtree…? Its pretty but its by far and large my least favorite area of the game


Elphael is dogshit tho? The only area in the game where I actively avoid combat