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Genichiro wasn't close to being pure evil. Sure he was a dick, but he sacrificed everything for his country. He was almost a hero


I don't think I would consider Radagon pure evil either. Unless I'm forgetting some huge piece of his lore.


Yea if anything it was Marika going around genociding people. Radagon is too much of an enigma for us to understand his intentions fully


Well Radagon \*is\* Marika, so he definitely took part in the genocides too


Yes and no, he’s not Marika in personality, but shares a body with her. In fact it’s BECAUSE of Radagon that an attempted genocide even stopped. That’s right, Radagon was so hot, it ended a war




Casually makes a definitive statement about one of the most mysterious parts of ER lore. lmao.


Yes and Sif arguably does not fit into her category as she is a mandatory boss, I thought? You have no choice but to kill her so it’s not “out of the way”.


Lmao didn't even notice that one. But yea sif is 100% mandatory Maybe this graph was made with AI or some shit


Its not, Im just really bad at organizing my shit.


Shes the reason why I put usually


He died for the crime of nationalism


He is the hero. How is he a dick? In his place I would have tortured the hell out of Kuro. He even gave Kuro a house to read. Genichiro is the tragic hero of the story


And if he won, he would have been.


He's actually the perfect fit for type 2 IMO. He stands between you and the divine heir, you two could have even been allies if you didn't kill eachother. And the main reason you are there is for the divine heir, he's just in the way.


Opposing nations may speak otherwise. Perspective is everything.


Genichiro is more of a tragic hero than being pure evil. Before Isshin took him in, he was nobody. Isshin and Ashina clan raised him and became literally everything he had as he states after his 2nd fight with Wolf. Its also worth noting that using Kuro's blood probably wasnt even his first plan, Ashina was at the brink of collapse long before the main game events and while Isshin just accepted it as a natural course of things, Genichiro just couldnt.  He only resorted to using Kuro as his absolute last hope when Ministry was soon to attack, he was more desperate rather than power hungry or straight up evil. All he wanted is to protect people that took him in and gave him a place that he could call home. Sure, in-game he is an antagonist, but its only because his and Wolfs duties oppose each other, not the guys themselves. In the end he tries his hardest, resorts to heretical strenght and still fails. I think he is an extremally well written character but there is no way he is evil. Excuse my english 


Honestly the most evil thing he did was sponsor Doujun’s experiments, and even that was driven by desperation. When he stabbed Kuro he wasn’t doing it to harm Kuro either, that’s how you activate the Black Blade’s revival ability. It needs dragons blood.


Well put, I agree entirely.


Your English is better than mine or did I miss something here?


Its not my first language so i just like to apologize in advance in case of doing some stupid mistakes im not aware of


Then there’s Vicar Amelia. Who is kind of a roadblock, but is also a victim of the powers of Yharnam.


To be fair, most Bloodborne mainline bosses aren’t evil, they’ve just been reduced to mindless beasts and need to be hunted for everyone’s safety.


ME LLAMO GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWA! Not mentioning him as someone just in your way is a crime.


How dare you not put respect on Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa. My man was just defending the gate, following his orders.


I'd consider Sulyvahn a story boss as well.


Nah the godskin duo are evil fuck them


Did you know that all fromsoft bosses are either good, bad, or something in between. I’ll literally shiting my pants rn


As the brightest type 3 examples I bring you kalameet, malenia and midir


Also the epitome of type 3 is none other than nameless king


Sir Alonne too


Is Radagon evil? All I think he does in the lore is marry and the divorce Rennala, then marry marika and technically becoming her jailor after she shatters the Elden ring.


is there even a way to skip Sif without glitches? you need her ring to fight 4 kings and they're mandatory 


Genichiro isn’t evil, he’s desperate. And his story is damn fascinating. Always wish we had a dlc where we play as him. Something like what they fid with the MGR DLC. It’s one tragic ass story


It's accurate like saying all bosses are video game bosses. Some are evil, some are in your way, some are optional you kill for pleasure or the challenge are such vague terms you can use them for anything Ooh some are evil, some are good and some are morally grey. Woah mind blown my dude Also Genichiro is not pure evil. He is almost pure good.


Sif is mandatory


that's why I put "usually" in the third collum


genichiro is type 2 imo


Radagon is more type 2. He’s not pure evil, he just values the sanctity of the Order, so you have to kill him to make your change.


He is pure evil, the whole night of black knives reek of him, probably his idea of a coup. He used his two children to do important parts of the job and the black knife assassins had close ties to marika and he could have used them as her (or her consort), about why he didn't bring radahn into this? He was too fond of champions that involving him in killing of one of greatest champions (godwyn) was way too risky


Yhorm kinda doesn't fit well into any of these 3 imo. He lived completely selflessly in defense of his people even though they didn't trust him. But he is also part of the main reason for the story of DS3. Also Pontiff is straight up in type 1 for me. He is the motivator for a lot of DS3 main plot points behind the scenes.


I put him in type 2 because you are at Irythill for Aldritch and the Pontiff is blocking your way.


Radahn and Miquella can fit in type 2. Malenia in type 3.