• By -


I inherited elevated t levels from my mum so I‘ve always had broad shoulders and more body hair - also a deeper vocal range and big feet


Same!!! Did you know some people think our mom's high testosterone levels might have actually contributed to us being trans? Like, apparently, in utero an excess of T from your mom can cause your brain to masculinize while your body stays female. I don't know if that's true, but it's an interesting theory.


Yes! I’ve always suspected that this was the case for me. I read that exposure to higher T levels (for female fetus’) may be responsible for same sex attraction too.


Let me add this; my pre T voice always was on the lower end of the scale and now I have a super low voice even low for a cis guy.


Same for me. When I got tested to get on Testosterone, I completely expected elevated T levels, but according to my endocrinologist this wasn't the case. I've always had a low voice, pretty masculine face and a little facial hair growth. I actually started passing pre-T.


I mean, that does kinda make sense


I had a fraternal brother and got a lot of T from. Born intersex also. It’s called the Testosterone Transfer Theory or TTT. Look it up.


I just did. That's weird as shit but also so cool


Yes I actually learned abt that in college neuropsychology. I wish it was more extensively researched. Cool idea


I inherited big muscles from my mom and dad. Wide shoulders and slim hips. Super low body fat. One year on T and I’m now super hairy with small breast’s. But, I’ve had to shave my balding head, but I get complimented on it believe it or not. Easy to stealth. I just feel fortunate for the whole thing. I can’t imagine having some of the problems some of you’ll have, but I empathize with it.


Yooo Same! I haven't even started T yet but I'm a hairy motherfucker


wait, actually same!! alot of ppl confused me as a boy when i was young x33


I also had a deeper voice for being afab so now that I've been on T for almost 4 years (in July!) it's A LOT deeper now, way more than I thought it'd go too but I love it. I was baffled to hear a recording of myself the other day compared to before I started T and I was like holy shit that's a big difference! Also I was naturally more hairy before starting T so in regards to body hair yea I'm good I've got plenty fo that to go around. Facial hair though? Yea no that gene skipped right over me and went straight to my brother (amab). That dude can grow a full beard over night and it annoys the hell out of me lol.


I’m Mexican and was blessed with magnificent leg hair. Hated it growing up as a “girl” but after realizing gender things and stopping shaving I now love it.


Same! Irish/Lebanese. I was hairier than most of my cis men friends when I was pre-T. I actually liked it even as a girl, I stopped shaving in high school and never went back


I’m also Irish/Lebanese! I am also Native American though and they’re pretty hairless.


bro same. I had a nickname growing up being made fun of for it and the stache of course, I am Mexican and Italian.


I’m not *massively* hairy but I was also blessed with enough leg hair to pass for T-induced. There are cis men with less leg hair than I grow pre-T. I don’t love it because it *freaking tickles*, so I still trim it regularly bc the gender euphoria isn’t worth the sensory hell, but maybe when I get Dude Skin on T… I hear it can make a difference in the sensory experience of having body hair, anyway.


We are now shaking hands. Fellow mexican gifted with hairy arms and legs!


me too! and arm hair. got super bullied and shaved them and after my egg cracked i loved it. especially after a shower or coming out of the pool! looks way darker


I had super long arm hair I used to hate and get bullied for :( never rly liked shaving my legs except for dressing up, but kids were so mean


Yooooo that's sick! I have very little body hair, but I get it honest. Neither my mom or dad are very hairy lol. I do get a couple scraggly beard hairs though, and I find euphoria in the fact I need to shave them. Just the act of shaving. It's the little things :D


reading through all the comments and i relate to nothing😭


dude its so upsetting. I was looking through this thread to maybe see if anyone said anything that I have but there's literally nothing. I literally just look like a woman and its disheartening. Hope you're doing okay tho man. 


i hope your doing okay too my brother🫶


yeah idk what i was expecting when i clicked on the comments but i just feel worse now 💀


same : ( went into this comment section hoping to think of something to like about myself but nah I just feel kinda shit now


Honestly, I think it means you have the most to look forward to :D If you decide to do hrt, or even just changing how you present yourself (clothing, hair, etc), everything is new and can be appreciated. There's nothing you'll take for granted, and you know first hand how much it means to achieve that goal. It's inspiring


this might sound weird af but shoe size? mine are pretty massive considering my height (5'0), and it helps me a lot when getting men's shoes.


Same. I'm not huge but I wear mens size definitely even as a young teen it was difficult for my phobic parents to find girls shoes in my size


Same same,, my dad had huge feet so i got lucky there


Absolutely this. I have average guy-sized feet, which were always too wide for womens shoes, so I've been wearing mens shoes forever basically.


Saame. I have men size 42 (which is like women size 44 for whatever reason) and was already shopping in the men's section before coming out lol.


im 6'2, so taller than a lot of cis dudes


Damnnn I was gonna say height bc im 5‘9 bur nevermind 😭


Same 😭😭😭


HOW- Can I have some of whatever the fuck you have


Dude I'm like 5'2 😭 I'm not even a short king I'm miniature


Same, but I knew a cis guy shorter than me and three other cis guys about the same height, so it doesn't bother me.


I know a single dude that's my height :(


One of my favorite professors from when I was in college is a short bald guy with amazing energy, and I hope to be like him someday.


Lol I’m somewhere between 4’9” and 4’11”. Can’t even reach pringles on the second highest shelf.


Damn, same 😭😭😭


same 😭😭


Same (sobs) T-T


I’m 5”5’ which is small even for women where I’m from (The Netherlands, tallest country on earth) and I always thought about Mugsey Bogues when my hight bothered me, he’s 5”3’ and made it to the NBA (being the shortest player ever) and played for 14 seasons. Absolutely legend


I legit thought I was the only person that remembered Mugsey. 😂


I’m 5’ and I’ve been described as pocket sized 🥲 Miniature sounds cute though.


Listen, I work in a small city and at 5’2 I’m eye level with a LOT of cis-men. One man and I joked about being short and laughed together. I said something like, “I’m short, but I can resourceful.” He does, “Hey! We’re not short! We’re compact!”


HOW *sobs in short prince*


i’m like 5’4, 5’5? i’m jealous >:(


the things i would do omfg


6'2" gang 😎


I’m 5’1 😭


I'm 6' and was about to comment about my height but DAMN it seems I have been bested


Damn could I borrow a couple inches 🫠 I'm 5ft3 maybe 5ft4 with shoes on. I live in a Nordic country so all the women are tall af, I'm shorter than most women who are like 5ft6 😭


I got lucky to have a smaller chest. I started as maybe a B cup and now that I'm on t, it's only shrunk more. I'm hoping when I pursue top surgery in the future it'll mean I'm eligible for keyhole, but right now I can go to beaches + pools and be shirtless without anybody batting an eye and it's great


Same, small chest size but alas — not eligible for keyhole bc while there’s not a lot of breast tissue , there’s still an excess of skin ;/ I’ve got my surgery scheduled for next month finally — after over a decade of T


Wow congrats!!


Congrats! I just had my surgery after starting T over a decade ago, stopping, and restarting a year ago! I hope it's fantastic!


Your chest can shrink?? Don’t give me hope ;-; I am also a B cup


Wow. Do you even need top surgery at that point? Lol


Do you even need surgery then? That's awesome


honestly I'm still gonna get top surgery for my own comfort, but it's gonna be the last thing I get done cause I already pass without it. my plan is to get my name change done and a hysterectomy first and then I'll worry about top surgery!!


Totally makes sense, hope all goes well!


A small one but an Adam's apple. I've had once since I was about 13/14 and pre-T!




Nothing 😭 I have the body, name and voice of the most bodacious woman ever. Can’t WAIT for top surgery I look like a one piece woman but microscopically short


you’re me… but evil!


Bruh same😭 literally have nothing to show for. Luckily my chest shrinked at least a tiny bit when losing weight, but other than that? Nah. Got big hips and I fucking hate it


Nah same I’m short and my hips are wider than my freaking shoulders😭 I’m don’t even weigh that much so the shelf from my chest to waist is SO BAD. I’ve just accepted that I’ll always look comically fruity for a guy




BRO SAME?! i have this blessed and cursed hourglass body type, sure many girls would kill for it but i HATE IT. plus i'm short and somehow my voice is always on customer service mode, even if i can make ir lower 😤


Unfortunate Brothers this whole comment section 🤝


I've always had a pretty masc face so even pre t people would usually assume I was a cis guy. My voice was pretty neutral as well so I'd pass in the majority of situations. One of the best compliments I've received was when I met my friend's friend and when they found out I was trans said they though I was just a really pretty guy.


Was about to say, i wasnt perceived as a guy but always on the "pretty" side of androgynous. Like no matter what i did, long or short hair, makeup or none, i was always seen as butch or lesbian-coded. Made me feel bad when i was in my over-performative feminine phase, now t has lended itself well to my features. Im practically passing in a relatively short amount of time


Me too dude! It’s so cool! But I also get scared so many ppl know me pre-transition when I was in my hyper 💖✨feminine✨💖era and I live in a very transphobic area 😬


Same, especially when I started wearing hats all the time. Didn't matter if I was at work, school, home, wherever, I had a hat on and my hair up in a tight but also messy bun that would give off "I've got a man bun" vibes lol. After that a vast majority of strangers would call me sir and use he/him pronouns. Even remember one guy complementing me on my "man bun" saying he wished he could have one like mine and it was soooo affirming cause I hadn't started T yet at that point. Still wear hats a lot but now that my hair is super short I don't have to worry or stress about hiding it as much as before.


My hairline. I have always had a really high forehead and I have always heard how it looks like I am balding and how extremely masculine it is. I was always told to wear bangs and cover it because it was so "ugly". But no, I got lucky. I have been on T for almost 8 years I think and I still show it off. It was always so undeniably masculine I think it helped me pass when it was harder for me. Doesn't sound like much but hey, maybe my big pale forehead also works as a reflector when it's dark. It could save my life some day.


dude same, always had a mahoooosive forehead and i hated it as a ‘girl’ but i love it as a guy 🫣


Big foreheads and higher hairlines are so damn attractive, I dunno there's something vulnerable and hot about it lol. Thought so before finding out I was trans and gay and I'm so glad mine is like that too


big forehead gang goes hard 💪🏻


My voice, its pretty low even without vocal training


Yes! Same here.




i've had a pretty masc or at least androgynous face my whole life, and have always had thick ass eyebrows that definitely helped me pass sometimes pre-T


I was gonna comment that I had fluffy eyebrows, but thick sounds better 😭


Honestly, a good handful of stuff and I’m super thankful for it all. I don’t take it for granted one bit. Pre-Top, I didn’t have a large chest, I’m a bigger guy so I was actually able to pass it off just man boobs at the pool. I had a stereotypical stocky Mexican build too, with just a broad torso, some hips but a big back. I got my dad’s big ass hands too. My voice was deep enough to sound pubescent, so when I started T at 15, it slowly tapered downward in a natural timeline. People in my area are also generally less nosy and in your face. This led to me being able to transition and simultaneously remain stealth through high school.


Nothing at all


your flair makes me wanna tell you good luck on the big chop!!


holy crap yeah that’s soon!!! i’m like nervously excited for you. good luck!


my birth name, also. it’s Dakota. although i don’t go by that name, i LOVE the name and i’ve been thinking about possibly recycling it for one of my kiddos eventually (if my parents don’t think that’s too weird.) it feels lucky though, because even though i haven’t gotten my name changed legally, my birth name doesn’t tip anyone off lol. also, i have a twin brother so i sort of knew the timeline of my male puberty because i watched how his facial hair grew in and stuff. he’s super supportive too, which is nice. i also got lucky that my parents are lesbians and were immediately supportive. i came out when i was 12 and started T and blockers at 15. i feel really privileged in that way.


Minus my fat distribution, I have always had a pretty masculine build with wide shoulders, big feet, etc. My face was also masculine pre-T and has only become even more masculine. Also pretty lucky with the amount of bottom growth I got 😛


- Male middle name at birth, just had to change my first name - Small chest, not sure what it is in bra sizes but I'm literally too small for double incision I recently found out (for perspective, too big for keyhole. I'm getting peri). I can pass without a binder and was told by my surgeon in my recent consultation that I look more like her cis male gynecomastia patients than a trans man - My family let me get on T at 13. Bonus good luck: The only gender specialist in my state at the time did an actual house call because she just so happened to be travelling nearby. I've passed as male pretty much since I came out because of it all being so young I've had a lot of bad luck too but I think the good luck outweighs the bad in comparison to other trans people tbh. My main bad luck is just my body not taking well to T (periods didn't stop, lack of bottom growth, hair loss go brrr)


My bellyhair. I love my bellyhair xD


My body in general. I never developed a pronounced chest; it's tiny, so I don't have to wear binders. I don't have any hips or butt, so I don't have the traditional hourglass shape that's associated with femininity. And my face looks very gender-neutral. My voice sounds quite gender neutral as well, it's lower than other women's voices. I haven't done any T yet (due to the inaccessibility of healthcare), but I already pass as a guy. Most men who approach me treat me as a man. My sisters on the other hand got all the feminine genes 😂 I guess as the oldest one I took all the masculinity from my parents genes, so my sisters can be the fem queens they always wanted to be.


Being intersex I guess?


I have a masculine face and body people assume he/him for me until they hear me talk then they switch to she/her 🙄


I think my childhood photos? I wanted short hair since I was 7 so I just looked like a little boy :) it made me very happy when people called me a boy and idk how I or my parents didn’t know sooner 🤷‍♂️


I got very lucky with the structure of my body. I already had a fairly masculine frame before I started T. I’m 5’8”, I have wide shoulders, my hips aren’t super prominent, and I have large hands. I started passing really quickly once I started T


I have very wide, veiny and rough hands that look like a man‘s. I also have a somewhat deeper voice than most cis girls but not as deep as a man sadly. I also like that I have broad shoulders from swimming all the time as a kid. My entire body has a little masculine vibe to it considering I‘ve never really bothered to take care of it in a feminine way


For me it was also name. I did go by a different name in high school but grew out of it and felt like it wasn’t worth to anxiety with my parents finding out so I switched back to birth name. On top of that I have a really masculine build in general: broad shoulders, tall, big feet (big enough to usually use the excuse that men’s shoes fit better, cuz they do) and generally pretty small breasts (think I’m a B? Idk cup sizes). I did have a really high voice and feminine face pre T but I’m only two weeks on low dose and I’ve already had lots of voice changes. In general I got really luck.


I have broad shoulders and a handsome face. Could be worse off!


My chest is an A cup even though basically every afab in my family has D cups, i just got lucky not developing further ig. I also look p masc and i pass about 60% of the time pre T!


my height. i’m 5’10”. and my jaw i think. i have a very square face.


I have a really androgynous face, even with "longer" (chin length, but that's long for Me) hair I got gendered correctly by strangers (That is, until I opened my mouth and my Less-Than-Androgynous voice came out)


Having a gender neutral name is really cool! I got lucky with my body. All the women in my family have really curvy bodies, big chest, small waist, not tall, normal shoesize. But I always had a very androgynous body with no curves, A cups, wide shoulders, a visible adams apple, huge feet and hands. On both sides of my family all the women have blonde hair and blue eyes while all the men have brown hair and eyes and I happen to be the exception which kinda makes me believe I wasn't meant to be a woman from the very beginning.


I got lucky to be super hairy with or without T. My hair is definitely coarser and darker now but it's been a blessing (esp. for keeping a nice stubble going).


A naturally lower voice even pre-T. I remember a friends parent asking me if I was a smoker… when I was 13. 🤣 I also feel lucky that I got to experience pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding with few complications.


My height is okay. I'm 5'7 but I'm Hispanic so I'm actually close in height to a lot of cis men I'm around. My shoe size is great. I'm a 9 1/2 in mens and when my mom was having trouble finding women's shoes that fit me, it was the best. And also my broad shoulders. I swam and played water polo most of my life and those sports naturally give you really broad shoulders.


I have massive hands with long ass piano fingers. and some cool veins. so ig my man hands :)


I’m the one odd duckling when it comes to chest size in my family, I have a wayyy smaller chest than others, even the cis dudes. I live for it


My height! I'm 5'10"


My body shape is already really masculine, my Adam's apple is visible, my chest and hips aren't exactly opulent -I barely have any of those-, my shoulders are very broad, I'm the same height as my BF (and actually taller than his dad and his grandpa, and I'm right in the average height in the country we currently live in).


im pretty hairy and i have fairly broad shoulders and hands all pre T :)


flat chest, deep voice pre-t, and hair


height (i'm around 6'2"), small chest (i do have to bind but it flattens me to the point of being passable pretty easily), also i think my genetics are pretty good when it comes to balding so that's nice


Height I guess. I’m 5’11 (180cm), which is apparently a bit taller than the average in where I live. Also I apparently look like my dad when he was in his 20’s (I’m 17, pre-T. Comment came from my mom who doesn’t know I’m trans)


my voice. pre-T, ive always had a deeper voice than most women in my family. i also got lucky with testosterone, i started last year and can confidently say I pass 99% of the time even without top surgery. even when I was only 3-4 months on T, I passed pretty well.


I’ve always had pretty broad shoulders, which help to cancel out my hips.


I have always had quite broad shoulders and if I was born cis, I'd be sick so I lucked out on that xd Also I have quite big feet for my height, which are on the lower side of men's sizes, which makes it easy to find nice shoes.


my friends have all told me i've got a really square masculine face shape


I have a really prominent jaw line with a minor cleft chin.


I have a masc face, angular and strong features. I would pass in photos a lot pre-t, mostly my lower body and voice caused issues. Those are way better on T now though.


Big ass hands and feet. I'm also pretty hairy for being a blonde white guy, I'm pre-T and my legs are hairier than my blonde cis-male friends. My voice alone isn't deep enough to not out me on the phone, but when paired with my looks it doesn't out me. But I think what I'm actually most grateful for is my sister, because when I look at my body I think it could be a lot better, but then I look at my sister and see that I could've been waaay more feminine shaped and I'm a bit relieved


My height. I’m like 180cm which would be like.. 5‘9 or something? It’s average male height in my country


Im lucky to have black hair and also be hairy. I have more leg hair being pre-T than a few cis friends. And we are in our twenties


I'm 5'11" (maybe 6' IDK for sure) and feel truly blessed about it


I actually had a pretty masculine face even pre T. So like it obviously wasn’t the most masculine but I was very rarely misgendered. People just thought I was like 12. Some customer at work literally started arguing with me cuz he thought I was 12. This also makes me really lucky on T cuz those masc features are super obvious now.


Height and shoe size. I’m 5’10 and I wear a size 11 shoe.


My height. I’m 5’10, which is pretty tall for an AFAB person


I’m naturally kinda hairy (and getting even hairier now that I’m on T) and I’ve also always looked almost exactly like my dad so I know what I’m gonna look like when I get further along on T


Facial and hair genes, growing most of a beard at 20 and my family has no history of balding <3


I'm really good at passing as straight. My vocal inflection is masculine af, and I dress like a rural stereotype. That's like all it takes for most cishets to assume youre one of them


My dad basically raised me as he would a son, though with way less pressure than he would’ve put on a little AMAB kid! I never had to dress very girly-girl if I didn’t want to


honestly? a lot. i’m 5’8” 1/2, almost close to average male height in the us. i’ve always had SUPER broad shoulders. i’m lithuanian, so my face is very square, and i have a strong jaw line. i grew a mustache my second day on T. i’m almost 3 years on T now, and i grow a beard better than most cis men i know. they also admit this lmfao. my chest was a B or C cup before surgery, so i didn’t have to bind if i worse loose shirts. and, probably most importantly, i have supportive parents who have been with me every step of the way unlucky stuff would be that i had EXTREMELY heavy periods (T stopped them though!). i also had very wide hips (again, much better on T.) i guess my height could be bad luck since both my parents are over 6 feet tall, but my sister is 5’6” so i’ll take it. my voice never reached a pitch i felt comfortable with. and i had minimal bottom growth- i’m not too worried about this since ive planned on pursuing phalloplasty anyway. my birth name is a funny story. it’s the same as a major transfem video game character (madeline from celeste). it’s a pretty funny story to tell since i don’t mind other trans people knowing my deadname! when i picked out my name, my mom told me that i deadass would have been named that, but my dad vetoed it last minute. that made me realize that this truly is my name


Naturally hairy limbs, a deep voice and large hands and feet.


Bone structure. My mother used to get mistaken for a guy when she was young because of her height, her (lack of) hips and her big hands and feet. I didn't get the height unfortunately, but I got the rest.


I had a lot of body and facial hair pre T and my bone structure is pretty masculine (minus my hands..)


My dad’s genes I got his exact height, his shoes size, his very broad shoulder and a very similar look to him


Broad shoulders! I liked them when I was female and I was immensely grateful for them when I transitioned :) I have a very androgynous body and I love it more and more every day as I become myself. 🥰  I was a grateful for my small chest as well. Large B, small C. I was extremely lucky that my breast tissues shrunk as my pecs grew when I started T. I was borderline eligible for peri top surgery and my surgeon was able to give me my surgery request. 5 years later and It looks fantastic. Scars don't bother me, but I was so scared about losing my nipples to grafts, being able to avoid that completely has healed anxiety in my soul. Thank you for asking this question. Sometimes dysphoria rears it's ugly head and we forget about the things that ARE euphoric and positive


I have a naturally masculine face :3 it’s helped me pass when I was pre-T


I have a small chest and im not that curvy


Masculine/androgenous face


my facial structure always looked amab. even when i was trying to look more feminine people thought i was a dude dressing in girl clothes until i would talk (pre puberty cause my chest gave me away until i started binding)


i also have a unisex/masc birthname and my cousin actually named her baby boy after me (im closeted to her too!) :D i dont actually like the name itself that much and use a nickname with friends but that makes me so happy anyways


I have a pretty deep voice naturally


I’m not very dysphoric about my body even though it’s super feminine, I just imagine how much better my life would be as a masc presenting person.


im quite tall 6'


My name and middle name is Taylor Dawn and I changed it to Taylor Don because they’re both gender neutral names


Birth name for me as well. Mine skews femme but I’m named after an iconic woman popstar, which feels very gay, so I like it. It fits me well. I also was relatively hairy with a small forehead before t. My hairline receded a little, so now it looks typical, and now I’m hairier than male relatives everywhere but my back and stomach. I can’t grow a mustache or beard but my hair is thick so I always have a five o clock shadow, which helps me pass as male a lot.


It's nothing actually about me but I think I got really lucky when it comes to the people around me. Not a single person has been unsupportive. My friends and family have been great. My paternal grandparents weren't supportive to begin with but came around rather quickly (I believe their lack of support came from a lack of understanding and think one of my lgbtq+ cousins may have explained things to them)


I would say that my name has a masculine form so I just have to lop off some letters and pronounce it differently, but moreover, that I have a natural full beard without T (pcos) that even cis dudes have been jealous of, and a more masculine face and a kinda androgynous voice (I still get ma'amed on the phone, ugh. Looking to go on T this summer tho!).


no top surgery needed ! started out small, T made it even smaller


This is a weird one: my feet. I’m a dancer and have been told by countless teachers and classmates that I have such masculine feet and that’s also made me feel a bit proud


i believe i have pcos (i havent gotten diagnosed but i prolly should lol) and im almost certain i had a hormonal imbalance, and luckily for me, before starting T there was a few things i had that i loved!! a lot of dark leg and arm hair, bit of dark facial hair, periods only came every 3 months and they were stupid light and no pain so none of that really brought dysphoria minus wearing pads, and i really like my face shape. i am pretty lucky with my family. they have their own issues but in terms of my gender, it was a bit bumpy in the beginning but they helped me start T under 18 and pay for it as i dont have a job, as well as briefly looked into breast surgeons for possible top surgery (tho it looks like its gonna be an out of pocket expense at this rate). edit- adding on, always had a pretty deep voice too, not quite male ranges but its been quite deep (spooks me on recordings haha) and thats also cool :))


i went from a DD chest to an A two years on T!!


I was applying for a name change right at the start of lockdown. Judge approved it without even having to appear in court because of social distancing


My "man boobs" (pre T) are both a blessing and a curse. They give me bad dysphoria and dysmorphia but they're small enough to hide with any slightly baggy shirt or small sports bra


When I figured it out, my partner was ramping up to tell me he thought he was just gay, not bi. Luckiest ever!


Honestly, my feet. I always had big feet for a "girl" and had a hard time finding cool shoes, but my shoe size is perfectly common for a man. It's weird because my feet aren't even big, and I'm not tall, but that's just how it worked out. I also sort of naturally have a bit of an Adam's apple, so that's cool.


I may hate it, but I have my father's face. I'm short and I have a large chest, but I have his face, his jawline, his eyes. If I wear baggy clothing I pass most of the time. I've still got a little baby fat on my face, but I look so much younger than I am that most people just assume I haven't had that final teenage boy growth spurt despite the fact that I'm 17.


Really good hair genetics. I’ve always had a ton of hair, which I get from my dad. He’s 71 with a full head of glorious silver hair. His dad had almost all his hair his entire life. I’m coming up on 2 years on T and while my hairline has changed shape somewhat, it’s still as thick as ever. It’s also gone from very straight and resistant to any kind of styling to being loosely curly, which is exactly how I’ve always wanted by hair to be.


For me it's my chest. it's practically nonexistent so i'm able to wear (most of!!) my shirts and tanks without triggering my chest dysphoria :)


Body hair. I was bullied in elementary and middle school for how hairy I was as a young kid. Now I love being hairy


I look like my blood grandpa. I never met him, but I’ve seen pictures of him and wow. Since I started T, I’m becoming more like him and I’m so okay with that. He was a pretty good looking dude with lots of hair and a deep voice from what I hear.


i have cool eyebrows 🫡🥳


My favorite reply, awesome that you have such cool eyebrows 😂


Lol I'm betting you're named something like Taylor 😅🥰


Nah, it's Rowan 💪


My fat fuckin nose lmao It's a weird combo of wide nostrils and prominent septum that I got from my dad and mom respectively. Used to feel really self conscious about it but then I realized it made Me more androgynous.


my birthname, "jordan." always was told i had a man's name. ended up keeping it when i transitioned. my middle name is feminine, but i kept it too because its a family name.


Mother is 6 ft tall and was a competitive power lifter. So I just was the size of a grown man before getting on T. I also live in an area where the average man is like 5'4 so I feel extra tall


I was blessed in some parts and cursed in others I’m pre-t btw and have relatively low voice, i even had voice cracks but i sound like a 12 year old boy💀💀 I got a “masculine” face and pretty bushy eyebrows. I also got a good amount of leg hair, a recoding hairline (RIP) and lastly got really large feet A LOT larger than my 2 older sister who are taller than me But for some reason i got cursed with a large chest and curvy body it feels like all my estrogen concentrated specifically on those areas. The way my body works is just a mystery to me tbh I still pass perfectly fine as guy since i just wear a lot of baggy stuff and bind, the people in my class think im a cis guy lol i just hope they assume im young or have late puberty


I'm hairy af. I even have hairs on my chest and around belly button, just like a cis male. Recently, I noticed some hair strands on my chin too.


I have a very hairy gut which goes all the way down ya know? It amazes me when I catch it in the mirror. Pre T almost my whole body had blond fuzz so I can’t figure out why my new hairiness is so dark.


I have quite a masculine body type. I’ve always been quite broad. I also have thick ankles and hairy legs and an androgynous face so I’m able to pass very well. I’ve also always been able to act like a boy naturally because I would spend so much time around them.


I’ve always been curvier from front to back than side to side with relatively broad shoulders and I have a decently brow ridge and nose shape, though the rest of my facial features are still pretty feminine. Neither side of my family has issues with hair loss or anything either so we’ll see how that goes once I’ve been on T for longer but I’m a year in and no signs of my hairline changing yet 🤞🏻


I have really broad shoulders and large feet!


Voice and how I look. I’ve been told my whole life I look exactly like my dad, and it’s true. It’s even more so now that I’m on T and things are changing.


my height and build. i’m 5’10, 200 or so pounds, with broad shoulders and well hidden hips


My facial hair!!


I'm small and curvy but I've got really broad shoulders and a lot of upper body strength from being confined to a wheelchair for a couple of years. Even before T I got "mistaken" for a guy from behind a lot. Now I've been on T for a while, I get a lot of confused looks because I can't do much to hide my massive chest but apparently everything else is starting to read pretty masc.


I have broad shoulders and never developed wide, feminine hips. Unfortunately I did get large breasts. 😕


My voice doesn't pass consistently, but it was already on the lower end of the normal range for women, and I think this might have helped with voice changes.


body hair! i have pcos so i guess that came with other downsides, but i always had thick leg and arm hair, a little bit of stomach hair, back hair?? and a little bit of facial hair since i was like 12 and it’s always made me feel really good


Years before I came out as trans, I had my then PCP tell me at a physical that my body’s shape wasn’t really very feminine. She said I really didn’t have any curves or prominent features of a woman’s body, aside from my chest which was fairly large. She told me I was more boxy or square shaped. At the time it kind of upset me because I’d struggled for most of my life with body image and fitting in as a young woman. Now, I’m so glad I’m not shaped any differently. It really helped me pass well before top surgery which was important to me.


I have a very masculine face so I don't really need to bind or anything. I just had to cut my hair and everyone already assumes I'm amab. I can wear whatever, earrings, pink, paint my nails and I still pass.


I’m 5’7 which is still short for a guy but I’m taller than the women in my family and my dad was shorter than me by a bit so I’ve never felt super self conscious about my height.


I’m not on T yet and I have loads of thick, dark body hair, I used to hate it as a kid because I was shamed for it but now I love it! (I know it may be some underlying medical thing but I’m in the middle of getting that checked.)


Im really lucky that i have broader shoulders than my hips(pre t) and i also have a masculine face already so thats really nice


My hands are pretty big and I'm surprisingly strong for the way I look


i inherited a lot of the more stereotypically “masc” features that my mom’s side of the family has — i’m on the taller side, i have wide-set shoulders, a small chest, and a squarer jaw. women on my dads side of the family tend to be much shorter and curvier, so im glad i dont skew that way


being able to grow a considerable mustache and chin hairs without taking t yet!!!! gender euphoria every time i look in the mirror genuinely


I had wide shoulders, and even if they’re not massive I’ve always been told I have masculine hands.


Height and broad ass shoulders