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Give him every type of cancer And watch as the tumors fight for dominance over his sad, pathetic body




Easy. Simply grab his head, grab his jaw and pull until his stupid fucking bucktooth alligator jaw is no more. Then you must waterboard the fag in pure liquid uranium.




Yippee Kye yay!


Boiled, let out before death, all limbs cut off, sealed up, eyes plucked out, reboiled, let out before death once more, than fed to rats to die slowly.




Scientifically slowly pull apart each and every part of his body limb by limb organ by organ until he is just a brain in a glass jar, may not look bad at first until you realise he is stuck, suffering until the day he dies, he’ll that might not even come! It will take ages until some idiot shatters his jar! He will forever just be there, he will be nothing but a simple internet interest, a tourist attraction, simply suffering.


I would give manny nicotine poisoning by making him vape a whole bottle of salt nics in a sub ohm box mod and covering him in nicotine patches.


Nicotines bad 🟦


Yes that’s why I quit. Unfortunately for manny nicotine poisoning is often fatal for someone his age and size. Thank you for the drinks


Also use some of the drinks to get him severely drunk and feel like shit


I would put him inside a box full of roaches for 24 hours, then I would take him out and attach him to a wooden bed and have small acid drops fall on his stomach for around 10 hours, lastly and to finish the business I would put him on a mediaval spanish donkey




Testicular Torsion




Tie him up directly to the speaker for a live Loded Diper performance, let the music blow out his ear drums, and then untie him so he can be trampled to death by the incoming mosh pit


Mystery ranking


Put him in a big pot of room temperature water with no escape. Then slowly heat it up to a boil




Rip out his small intestine, wrap it around his neck, stick his heart up his ass, rip his eyes out and glue him to his nonexistent ballsack, and hang him by it.




good thing, can you please check your DM


Pretend like you never saw this and do not tell anyone about this


sure, don't worry to about that, just come to DM please


Jack’s death in Friday the 13th Part 1 (1980) done by the mom




Shoot him in the back of the head and then feed his body to a bunch of pigs (they'll eat anything). Quick, easy, simple. He's not worth the effort of a super elaborate or brutal killing.


🟦straight to the point. I like it


Baking Soda into his system. (Tell me the color since my device hates colored squares.)


Yellow 🟨


Feed him to silas scratch






Turn into a cannibal and chew his arms and legs off, leaving him to bleed to death.




Take cough syrup and mix it up with Iodine and Lye. Then take the strike pads off a match book, then go to a hardware store and then look near the paint thinners for Muriatric Acid. Then bring a pot into a rapid boil and then get hydrogen peroxide. Then go to a farming store and buy PH strips and PVC pipes and those fuel cans that make outdoor grills light. And then stuff it all in Manny's tiny little body.


🟨 i have no idea


cuz that's how you make CRYSTAL MEEEEEETH


Blood eagle




Crucifying him to sacrifice him to the gods to remove all sin from the world once more. And when he dies he’ll be sent to hell and have every day be him getting tortured in different ways, such as his mom actually punishing him and him fucking burning alive.


🟨idk bcz religion is a controversial topic maybe


Fair enough, I had just hoped that he could be used for good or something like that 🤷‍♂️




The Wooden Horse/Spanish Donkey


🟩already heard it


Having the brat freeze to death








Bro what


It’s a joke based on the Reddit glitch that caused you to respond to my comment twice


That happened? I probably forgot






Braizen bull, but dont instantly start the fire, have it slowly warm up overtime, and it becomes increasingly hot and uncomfortable so it really sets in. Then pour lava down the hatch where the screams come out




Reach into his back cavity, remove his spine, and beat his corpse with it.




Give him thousands of paper cuts, throw him in a vat of lemon juice, then dehydrate him with a tub full of salt, then put more on him. He will suffer the most painful death known to man.




Cover him in paper cuts, pour lemon juice on them, then skin the area around the cuts. Proceed to light him on fire until he gets third degree burns, then extinguish it. Finally leave him in a humid garage in the middle of August


Femur breaker




Brazing bull




slingshot the little bastard into the sun




Punt that fucker's head like a football into a spike over a pit of lava


🟦extra credit for the lava


We getting drunk with this one


Punt him into a pit of alcohol and light it with fire


Happily pull him out the lava stuff him in the bottle and treat him like a molotov cocktail throw it at a tree and whatch him burn


Or smash his head open with beer bottles


Cut off all limbs so he can't leave. Psychological torture by saying "Ploopy" soft and quiet (in a spooky way, not a calming way) but get louder and louder. With each "Ploopy," go from poking him with a toxic needle (think a death penalty gone wrong where the executed dies way too slowly and internally suffocates with their own foamy poisonous spit) all the way to a toxic impaling with a massive sword. If he hasn't died by now, shove his severed limbs through his body by more impales.




Make him stand in an anime convention no food no water for however long it takes him to perish




Tie him to the ceiling, feed him sh*t, hit him with metal poles, make him smile and ask for more beatings, and use him as a punching bag, then burn his legs with candle wax until he physically can't escape, then after 30 days slowly and painfully rip his arms and lags of then finally waterboard him and throw him in a slow cooker until he burns to death








Glue an open jar of rats to his face then blow-torch the other side of the jar so the rats have to eat their way through is face


Tie his hands and feet together then add concrete blocks to his feet then dump him in the middle of the ocean


Surgically remove his lower jaw, skin the bottom of his feet and trap him in a cell with 1-2 inches of standing lemon juice/salt water mixture at the bottom, once maximum agony is endured,  bend every joint in his fingers backwards, then use drywall staples to staple his clothing to his body and force him to undress himself, then take him to the parking lot of the nearest hospital to give him some hope of surviving, just to shoot him in the head just before he enters the doorway. Wait 15-30 minutes and let the local police take me away.


I also forgot, stuff a wet rag in what's left of his mouth, shallow enough for him to breath, but deep enough to muffle the screams of agony


Slowly break off every single finger with a wrench. Then use the same wrench to beat his stupid alligator face in and proceed to give him paper cuts on every single square inch of his body, use a water gun full of hand sanitiser and cover him in hand sanitiser. I don’t want him to die. I want him to give him a reason to never wish to be born. As soon as he doesn’t feel the pain I throw him into a dumpster full of used heroin needles where he belongs.


I would kidnap him and slowly stab him and start cutting his stomach open and slowly rip off his limbs than bash his head and eat him


Human centipede with a guest(s) of your choice.


Remove his teeth, insert said teeth into urethra, remove toe and finger nails, slowly flay him, staple his mouth shut, cover him in honey, and place him in a dark and musty pit with a single rat. Give him like an iv drip or something so he doesn’t die immediately. The rat will eat part of him, get full, and keep coming back as it gets hungry.


Rip his jaw from his head then shove peanut butter down his throat


Kamikaze directly into his crocodile ass mouth.


Three words, Skin, Him, Alive


give him papercuts all over is body then pour high grade cleaning alcohol, then tie him to the floor and put rats in a cage on his stomach so that the rats’ only way out is to rip through the unfortunate and agony filled victim.


thrown into woodchipper


if SCP's were real, show him every Keter and Euclid SCP that has breached containment at least once, and at the end throw him in a pit with all of them. But that's assuming SCP's aren't real. Or are they? *moon men plays*


Strangled and thrown through a glass window on the 8th floor of the building


Slowly pour molten rock down his throat


brazen bull


Throw him into the fireplace


THC Poisoning while being burnt alive in a pit of flame resistant (and venomous) cobras. Oh and can't forget the Toxic Latina on the side


The electric chair and then we blow him up


Scaphism. A little milk and honey on a boat


Buy a steamroller to crush him


Keep it simple and have it be execution by firing squad


shoving his face into a sander and watching as the sandpaper turns red


goat foot licking technique basiccaly goats have VERY rough toungs and they can lick to the bone so id use that :3


Chinese Water Torture until he dies. He will always be fed and hydrated so he won't die early from that stuff


Step 1. Take Manny to Fredbear's Family Diner. Step 2. Have Manny visit Fredbear's Step 3. Shove his stupid ass head in Fredbear's mouth. Step 4. Let Fredbear do the rest and enjoy the view.


Lure him with honey into a honey pit. Pull him out using a claw machine. Make small cuts in his body and then find the ant hill of a bullet ant. Lure all the ants out. Fill the ant hill with lemon juice mixed with salt. Bring the ants back. Once the torture is finished get the ants out and find them a different home, then put Manny's head in a protective bubble, and fill the anthill with cement. Then clean out the dirt so that we see Manny in an ant hill, trapped forever, unable to move, seeing everything.


Stab him, Shove a raccoon in his ass, make him drink gasoline, drop him in a bathtub full of ticks, light him on fire, shoot him 98 times, nuke him, then encase him in wax, and then drop him off mount everest, then bury him in cement, then break him out, then shove a grenade in his mouth, pull the pin, then cover him in gunpowder


Tie him to a chair, beat him with a burning hot metal rod, pierce his eyes with nails, snap his lower jaw off, crack his kneecaps backwards, slowly saw off each of his fingers, then to top it off, force a grenade down his throat and watch his puny body get turned into red mist


lock him in the white room




Strapped to a busy highway and then left to rot for vultures to consume


Cut him down, tear him apart, splay the gore of his profane form across the stars, grind him down until the very sparks cry for mercy. End him here and now.


give him multiple paper cuts right? then i rip out his teeth one by one slowly then i dunk him in citric acid letting him float there for a few days then i drag him out make him fight muhammad ali stay with me then slowly i pull of the skin from his finger i keep it going till hes nothing but raw meat then i toss him to the gators and let them finish the job


blood eagle torture


No idea who manny is but I am ok with sharing my ideas now if you don’t want to get caught I would say break the neck then cut up the body then bury the bones 50 feet underground and eat the flesh but if you want to have some fun have teltubies the old baby show form the 90s on loop while they are in the Roman candle that is a torture where the victim is let’s say 50 feet in the air glued or taped to a pole and them and the pole is covered in wax and light the bottom and fire and dont forget the tv show or you can put millions of cuts on him then make sure that he stays awake and soak him in a bath of lemon juice and hand sanitizer and make sure the tv show is on


Bury him alive in a coffin filled with maggots and a small airhole so I can hear his screams


skin and pour salt, let him writhe


Kidnap him, then tie him to the chair. Once tied slowly peel out his skin out with only knife. While peeling pour some alcohol on jis meat so it hurts. After peeling all his skin off, Remove his eyes and every organs. Once organs removed, remove all his bones. Once removed, cook him and open a burger business using his meat as a burger patty.


Chloroform him, dump him in a pit, and fill the pit with concrete as he wakes up. They'll never find the body


Shoot him once, stab him multiple times, gun him down for about 5 minutes. When his body vanishes, take his head, deep fry it, then microwave it, then feed it to a pool of piranhas, and then set the pool on fire.


I would boil him and then fry him then freeze him and then throw him off a roof into a giant grinder (who says i made it first try😉)


Pump him full of enough adrenaline where he can still feel everything but can't go into shock then skin him alive. After that I will rip out every single fingernail, toe nail, and tooth. The fun still hasn't started because then I will cut off every finger and toe with a chain cutter I will then dislocate every single joint in his body break every single rib and then grant him the sweet release of death by throwing him into the ocean because the salt will make his last moments agonizing and he will drown because he will have no way to swim


give him to reimu, if he doesnt die bring her to the sdm to be eaten alive by remillia and flandre


Not killed but kept alive in a cycle of perpetual torment, always so close to the sweet release of death but never being allowed to die


Shoving a cookie up his crack to see if it brakes his consoles


I will skin him but make him imortal so I can put hime in salt and bleach in a domain expansion so he says there for the rest of eternity and every year or so I will make his pain receptors 10 times more active


The classic electric chair with one limb at a time while it is slowly rotting with flys


Blood eagle


Scoop out his organs, blend them up, and make him drink them


Peel his skin with a potato peeler but not off just where its just hanging off by threads at the top of his head and throw him in a pot of salt


Put him in a small 4x4 foot box made of plywood and padded with foam and ply feed him so her doesn’t die by feeding him a pickled jalapeño and eventually I’ll give him a Carolina reaper to kill him (btw room has no light to he is bored and starved


Strap him into a NASCAR going 200 miles an hour straight at a thick concrete wall. He has no HANS device. He is drugged with epinephrine and adrenaline so he is hyper aware of what is about to happen to him. The car strikes the wall and Manny’s head lunges forward at 200 mph. He sustains a basilar skull fracture, meaning his skull has separated from his spine. This injury is typically instantly fatal with no pain, but the drugs are keeping him alive and aware of the intense pain he is in. He is left there, paralyzed, bleeding out of every orifice of his body, unable to pass out due to the drugs. He dies after an hour of unimaginable human suffering


light him on fire then stomp out the fire to brutally murder him. To dispose of the body, we throw Manny into a lake with alligators and watch them eat Manny.


Imprison him and hit the his forehead every hour with a salt lamp


Vacuum Chamber over a fire


Brazen Bull


I torture him dressed up as a witch


Slowly lower him into the slowest acting acid to make sure he suffers


Blood Eagle


Shove a chainsaw all the way up his ass so that it comes out of his mouth, then turn it on


saw. down the middle.


Grab him, tie him to the ground, cut off each one of his toes one by one, hang him until he is almost dead, then cut all of his limbs, cut all of his skin off, leave him there until he is almost dead then set him on fire.




Death by a thousand cuts in a septic tank


firstly, we let him breath in mustard gas until he passes out. next we put him in the brazan bull for 3 hours. finally we use the blood eagle torture method on him. and then pour lemon in it.


Easy Tie him up, hot glue a jar with a rat on his face, heat up the end of the jar and make the rat eat through his face to leave through the back of his empty head.


Rip his eyes out, shove them down his throat, then impale him and throw him in a vat of acid.


Trapped in a boiling hot cage with tuberculosis and every form of cancer while being lowered into a pit of lava.


Strap him to a broken electric chair. Flay his skin. Pump him with constant adrenaline so he stays alive and alert. Shove razor blades down his throat. Break his jaw off. Break his finger joints one by one. Finally, remove the adrenaline and stomp his head in.


Give him immortality but with pain receptors on at 10^99999999 times more triggering


I would summon firey from battle for beefy die to sit on him for 24 hours and 7 days. Then I would send him to Florida and then I’ll go in gator costume to destroy him with my friends


Tying him into a sack and tossing him into a river and letting him slowly suffocate inside of that sack until animals tear it open and feast on his flesh


Put a gun in his mouth unloaded and pull the trigger a couple times acting like you’re loading it in between each trigger pull. it will scare him waiting for the real bullet, then finally pull out some blank ammunition and load the gun with it and fire it point blank which will cause an incredible amount of pain and agony for it and finally use a flamethrower on him


Slowly cut him up, blend his cut-off bits, and feed him a manny smoothie


Murder is too good for him all he deserves is constant suffering and when he does die I’ll go into hell to torture him for the rest of eternity


Skinning him alive and dipping in acid




Ripping his eyes out and tossing him in the bronzen bull then have him drift in and out consciousness as he is being slowly disemboweled


Feed him to the Great Pit of Karkoon, where he will be digested for the next 1,000 years.


Let Greg and Rodrick do it


Infinite death loop from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure


Step 1 : Gag him with a sock. Step 2 : Skin him alive. Step 3 : Put headphones on him that play someone scratching a chalkboard. Step 4 : Cut off his legs. Step 5 : Inject him with 14 different viruses. Step 6 : Castration. Step 7 : Cover him in Salt. Step 8 : Pour 392°F (200°C) water onto him. (that's double the boiling point of water)


Hokuto Shinken


semi truck


Invent a machine to revive him so I can brutally kill him in every way imaginable


1. Learn the art of reviving 2. Put him through all medieval torture and execution 3. all Greek ones 4. And then boil him simply


Boil him over the pot for the orc for the biggest waggggh


I would take a vacunm chamber, put him in it, than slowly allow he to suffocate as i drain the chamber


Easy, blood eagle


Scaphism, but keep him alive by feeding him until the actual scaphism kills him. Look it up


Throw him in a box full of Australian spiders and shit like that and slingshot it into space


Tie Manny up tight to the floor, and then put a glass box around him,and let every single venomous insect inside that box he will get bitten over and over again so he will be in absolute agony and pain bite by bite then just before he dies pour vinegar and acetone on all his bites so it will burn like hell and then finally punch him in the throat


Extract him from this universe and put him into the Murder Drones universe. Make Uzi into a Murder Drone too, then watch all four of them fight for scraps of his body.


let him live but in eternal torture


meat shredder


That slow moving sandpaper machine


Thrown out the 9th story window of my friend's place, followed by with their printer, TV, and couch to make sure he's dead dead


Dismember him limb from limb, flay his face, and shove c4 down his throat, and wipe my ass with his ashes stuck to toilet paper, and then once he is flushed…..nuke the sewer system!🙃


drug him with morphine and kidnap him. When he wakes up, force feed him a fuckload of salvia and LSD, then drop him off in the middle of the woods. Dress up in a black morph suit and occasionally peak behind trees to drive him even more insane while he’s having the worst trip of his life. Set hidden death traps for him in the woods. And for an added bonus, tape hand written posters to many of the trees in the area telling him to kill himself. Some other signs as well: “You don’t belong.” “They’re coming for you now.” “Abandon all hope ye who enter here.”


Grab him by the head and just swing him around smacking his body against everything like a whip/bludgeon


Call Art


repeatably kill him, bringing him back every time until he goes insane and kills himself


Time to give the blender a workout. And my sister's set of titanium knives too, all on the snivelly brat of a pile of shit called manny.


Quickly lowering him into a scalding hot vat of oil, giving him first degree burns all over his body. Then he is rolled around on a mat covered in lemon juice and sharpened salt shards before being dunked again. The cycle continues until he dies. 


Build a super cannon that won’t kill him only hurt him very bad and build a suit so when you launch him at the sun he will die a very slow agonizing death


Force feed him asbestos


Doesn’t deserve a fancy death, just lock him in a room and let him starve. Better yet, give him just enough food and water to barely survive and slowly give less and less until he withers away. If he doesn’t eat it let the rats roam his room and nibble his toes.




Finally a good server for me


Every way to murder manny (bringing him back to murder him again and again)


Force him to live through all four years of World War 1, with him being unable to actually be killed so he experiences EVERYTHING. Mortars, Rifles, Rats, Disease, Trench Foot, and Chlorine Gas. Once he’s out, I’ll greet him when he returns home. He’ll have found a new appreciation for life. At this moment, I have the power to finally kill him as I blow out his brains with a 6-Gauge Shotgun.


Reverse bear trap.