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I’d like to see a pic of the vehicle on the outside and see how low this bad boy is riding.


I want to see a video of how this bad boy is stopping.


Oh it will stop alright. The rocks on the other hand...


Just gotta drive like you're heading to the church potluck with your grandmama holding the crockpot in her lap


Or like you spent the whole night before pressing garlic and dicing whole tomatoes for your famous chili


I toast my own ancho chiles. It's a recipe passed down from Malones for generations - it's probably the thing I do best


You're riding shotgun in both seats.


Yes ! Me too! Ps I hope no innocent people get hurt .


If you're moving rocks like this, you're not innocent, and you're sure as hell not smart. Darwin be dammed


Pretty sure they're waaay more concerned with the other people that will be outside of the car


Yes that’s what was thinking some poor guy at traffic light gets rear ended by dumpvan


Or it stops but suddenly there is a tsunami of rocks coming from the windshield.


Dumb as a ~~box~~ car of rocks.


I want to see if there's enough loose space that those rocks slide back and forth during the drive and end up popping upen that tailgate, after destroying it.


Low and slow, momma *low… and… slow*


Oooooh Ramon! I haven't seen you that low in *years*... My 3yo loves this movie right now.


About as low as your typical 150 / 1500 pickup truck, which are also not rated for this heavy a load.


There is no way you’re putting over a sq yard of gravel in a stand pick up box without an upgraded suspension.


Had a 78 international scout, needed to move some dirt. Found a drop in liner from a truck in the barn , set it in the bed of the scout, put one ( large) backhoe scoop in that bitch and it squatted all the way down.


Put your mom inside your car, just imagine OP's car riding a little bit higher.


RIP that car's suspension.


Now imagine if it was manure instead of stones/gravel


"I hate manure"


Two coats biff


When did Reddit become a hive of us old people 😁


Get the hell out of my car old man.


It's "make like a tree and leave!" You sound like a damn fool when you say it wrong!


Horse manure's not that bad. I don't even mind the word 'manure.' You know, it's, it's 'newer,' which is good. And a 'ma' in front of it. MA-NURE. When you consider the other choices, 'manure' is actually pretty refreshing.


George is getting upset!


And it was around this point that she mentioned the boyfriend. 


Ok George can'tstanzya


Well, you are a guy who tried to rape someone (and was then mysteriously hired by her future husband so you could be around her and your kids…), so you take your manure and keep your complaints to yourself Biff.


Now Biff, don’t con me…


That's about as funny as a screen door on a battleship


What are you looking at Butthead? Say hello to your mom for me.


It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


*insert Biff running into a manure truck GIF here* edit: autocorrect made Biff into Buff


It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


And I thought they smelt bad on the outside.


“I don’t care!”


Heh. You’re just describing my first car! It was a compact sedan from my grandma, but grandpa used it to haul manure and fertilizer for the farm. He even owned an old Chevy truck, but would use his wife’s car to save gas money if he wasn’t hauling too large of a load. I don’t think we ever got the stench out….


A true shitbox


I think that would be easier on the suspension. 


RIP the driver if they hit anything. Talking to paramedics they'll tell you about how many people die in wrecks because of something in the cabin that is unsecured hitting them when they get into a wreck. In this case if you hit something head on not only will the dash and airbag be coming at you from the front but you have 2000 lbs of rocks coming from behind you. You'll be crushed to death.


And RIP to whoever has to unload that. Shovelling rocks is EXTREMELY difficult work. Now try doing that hunched over with no room.


You're saying that as if they're not going to back up full speed with the rear hatch open and just slam on the brakes.


No no no. They’re going to drive up a couple of 4x4s they have lying around, that they’ve placed on an angle from the ground to the back of their buddy’s pick-up truck. That way the rocks fall out the back, like a dump truck!


More likely 2x4s.




1X4s my friend


Turn up the bass *loud*, crank the volume, and the gravel will pour like liquid, I swear!


Lol. I would love to see that. The vehicle is heavier and takes longer to stop. They are definitely going to crash into whatever is behind them.


…which would cause a sudden stop which would unload the rocks! Check mate!


Meh, you could just take a garden rake and just scrape the top layers. That’s how I’d do it at least, fuck shoveling that nonsense.


They should have thrown a tarp down. Once you get enough unloaded, you can pull it out and the rest will come with it.


This is exactly what I did when I hauled stone in my truck. My wife made fun of me for putting it down thinking I was protecting my bed and I'm like uh, no, I have a plan here... watch.


Actually, I just went and picked up a bunch of compost this weekend with my girl and SHE was the one who was smart enough to put down a tarp. Still had to shovel a good amount out before we could move it, but it did make things easier.


“Saved” $$ by picking up a load of travertine tile for my bathroom; spent $$$$ having suspension repaired.


Story time! Exact same vehicle. Dad was an amateur beekeeper and sent me out to the countryside to collect the honey his friend had put in to jars. So far so good. Honey, I learned, is heavy. I pop the hatch and back up to a small shelter that held the boxes with jars in them. We load the van up and I go to close the hatch. The suspension has bottomed out and said hatch is now glued to the roof of the shelter. Also rear tires are 1.5cm from touching wheel well. Great. So we unload some until it’s free but I’m already worried about the ride home. I start piling some boxes in the passenger seat footwell and seat to spread the load a little better towards the front. Off we go. Long, straight country roads. Thank god. I’m coming up to a stop sign about 1km away and decide to test the brakes. Push pedal, very little happens. Oh fuck. Good call. Pump breaks slowly over the next km and barely stop for the stop sign. *sigh* ok, we can do this. I basically drove home 20km at 30/40km an hour with the 4 ways on. Driving style was more conservative than at -20 with black ice. Get home, throw the keys to dad, call him a moron, and let him know he’ll be unloading alone as he nearly killed me. Bastard just laughed. “Learn something?” Next story some other time: using a 1991 Mercury Topaz 2-door (!!!) as a truck and killing it dead in 3 years from new…


Yeah "Don't assume that the task your dad asked you to do isn't potentially deadly"


As a new father, I'm taking notes.


Even the trucks can go stupid too. Guy I used to work with bought this older truck, like an early '90s Chevy I think, that had a rusted out bed. That's okay though, he had an *idea.* He pulled the bed off and built one using 2x6s, pressure treated because outside obviously. What little suspension was left in that thing completely gave up and moved to fuckin' Belize or something. I'm not real sure what happened to it because I only ever saw him drive it once but I can't imagine it was anything good. We asked but he refused to talk about it.


And the interior. At least put down a tarp instead of rawdogging it in there.


Legit, even most pick up trucks people own aren't rated to have that in the bed let alone whatever minivan/crossover this is


My Tacoma payload would be exceeded by this for sure. Gotta use dump trailers in this situation.


This is just wrong. That’s like a half ton of gravel, maaaaybe 3/4. Any body-on-frame pick up could carry that easily.


I might just not have any idea how big this vehicle is; I was assuming it's a minivan which if that's the case this is about a yard of stone, which is well over a ton


Maybe I don’t either but I don’t think that’s much more than a half yard


It could be close. F150 probably fine, but the short bed could be cutting it close depending how much gravel this really is. Ram 1500 would be in a similar, but worse boat. * F150: 2335 to 3325 lbs * Ram: 1240 to 2320 lbs * Silverado: 2250 lbs * Tacoma: 1120 to 1620 lbs * Tundra: 1600 to 1940 lbs * Titan: 1697 lbs * Colorado: 1700 lbs It is all going to come down to how much stone this is, and what truck you compare the capacity of.


I think any half ton pickup could carry that load just fine


I'd be concerned about having an accident and having a hundred bullet sized rocks flying at my head at 60 MPH.


Yeah. That's a good ton worth of rock, easily. Probably more like two tons. I spent some time shoveling rock at my house last year, and I only took about half a front end loader bucket home each trip because it was so heavy I worried about the trailer I was using to haul it. That half a bucket weighed several times what a full bucket of grain we'd normally use that loader to move around weighs (about a ton). This is way, way beyond what this vehicle (or even your average pickup) is supposed to carry.


How do you think my dad screwed his suspension up lol. By absolute overloading it with tools and using it as a "business bus" Its a family car


Could’ve at least put down a tarp.


Tarp is for pussies, I like the smell of gravel on my morning commute!


stop Bitumen and get back to work


The stones on this guy...


gravel does smell quite nice though


Tarp? I'm surprised we don't see a child seat poking out the top.


And a tiny hand


We're talking at least $6 with tax for a tarp of that scale.


Don't worry It's a lease.


Even better, he borrowed it.


$7.95 for delivery? I can do it myself!


I wish it was $7.95 for delivery, that would be more likely $75. Minimum I have seen is $40 and it was a short distance, most I have seen is $125 That said, still worth it vs this method lol. Or as others have said rent a truck.


As long as you don't talk yourself into buying a new $70k pickup because you're gonna need to haul rocks and mulch twice a year. But yeah, i've had yards of mulch, river rock, crusher fines, and all sorts of other stuff delivered, and even though the place is only a couple miles away, i second your minimum quote - it's usually gonna be more than $50. While it would be cheaper to rent a truck for a yard or two, the labor required and trips back and forth to get the truck mean the delivery is a better deal every single time. And anything over two yards of total material - get it delivered.


I agree with that. Only way I think it is worth it to pick up more than a couple yards with a truck is if you also have a dump trailer and if they will load it for you. And even then it is still more effort than delivery.


Small cdl class dump truck can put 15 tons on the ground in about 30 sec. The only snag is if it will fit where you want it dumped.


$125?! Try adding $100 to that in North Texas. You aren't getting material delivered for under $150 unless it's from Home Depot for $79.


My gravel guy delivers a 12 yard load for $75. The heck with trying to pull a dup trailer with my F140, that stone weights about 2600lbs per cubic yard, and I needed at least 30 yards.


With the shovel like that you won't need a back window either.


That's the better outcome. That shovel is moving forward when they hit the breaks. Along with the stones.


You don't have trailers where you live? The small ones meant to use with cars, not with trucks.


Someone who loads their gravel like this probably has no clue how to drive with a trailer


Someone who loads gravel like this probably shouldn't be loading gravel in the first place


>Someone who loads their gravel like this probably has no clue how to drive with a trailer ~~Someone who loads their gravel like this probably has no clue how to drive.~~ ~~Someone who loads their gravel like this probably has no clue how to wipe their own ass.~~ Someone who loads their gravel like this probably has no clue how to breathe through their nose.


hey.... as a mouth breather myself i'd prefer not to be associated with the likes of this


Or rentals. When I need a car, I rent the one that fits my purpose best. Not owning a car saves me so much money I can rent whatever I want and still come out ahead.


Yeah but what happens when my two tons of rocks expire and I need to pick up news ones???


That’s on you for not buying organic


This minivan shouldn't be handling this kind of weight in a trailer either.


Most minivans have the option for a towing package (usually ~3500lbs) and this looks like much less than a cubic yard so around 1500 lbs max. Even with a trailer you are likely well within the tow capacity. My dad used to haul gravel and other things with his Chevy Blazer when he was redoing the lawn last year. Used to have a Silverado or borrow my Colorado but honestly it did everything just fine with a small utility trailer. I think 4000-5000 lbs of towing as well.


4’ wide, 2’ high, 6’ deep seem like conservative estimates here. That’s already almost two yards. I’d guess at least 2 tons, maybe more.


I'd guess that's closer to 4000 lbs. That's every bit of a full front end loader scoop using the loader I drive at work. Last time I used it to load gravel half a scoop was around a full ton.


That is probably true as I now see that the sears are probably the front seats not the middle pilot seats. If close to 4000lbs I don't think I'd feel comfortable even with my pickup to put it in the bed. Honestly, if I need that much at once I'd rather rent a truck if I have to make more than one trip.


A lot of cars can tow much more than you think. I think in the Netherlands (I may be thinking of the wrong country) it's common to haul camping trailers with just normal cars and such. Pretty neat


Not a lot of hills in the Netherlands.


Yes and no. Maximum tow ratings for cars in the US is generally significantly lower than in Europe. From what I've read, US trailers are designed with the axle further back which puts more weight on the tongue. That improves stability at higher speeds, at the cost of reduced tow capacity.


>it's common to haul camping trailers with just normal cars and such. The caravans in Europe are built far lighter (lower GVW) than North American counterparts. NA trailers are built to go further for longer. For example: A 6.5m Hobby Prestige has a max GVW of 1900kg (4200lb). My 20' Fleetwood travel trailer has a GVW of 6500lbs. Why the big differences? Well things like the waste water tank of the Hobby is 23 liters, the waste water tanks (two, one grey water, one black water) in my trailer combined are 300L. Fresh water: Hobby=47L, My trailer: 150L Just as a start.


You can rent pick up trucks from home Depot


I used to drive trucks but at one point when it was time to replace my last truck I just did the math and accepted that the cost just didn't make any sense and got myself a used compact sedan instead. I'd have to rent a truck a lot, like much more often than I ever would, before the cost of truck ownership worth it when in reality I only significantly used the truck's cargo capabilities a handful of times a year and often times that was for my friends as a favor. In addition to being cheaper to own, maintain, and fuel the sedan just handled better and had a more comfortable ride on the road than a pickup truck ever would at that time. Also the extra passenger capacity was more useful than a truck bed.


You can also get a utility trailer. Of course you won't tow much with the cheapest car, your car will drive like *ss when towing, you'll have to be extra careful towing back from the shop, and you'll have to hitch and un-hitch the trailer each time, but for many people it's a solution that's inconvenient 1% of the time, while being a better vehicle the remaining 99%.


> You can also get a utility trailer. […] you'll have to be extra careful towing And you have to balance your load. You always want to put the centre of gravity of your load ahead of the axle(s) in order to prevent a swaying feedback loop in the trailer that will flip your vehicle end-over-end like some hotwheels car on those looping racetracks. Lots of videos on YouTube with badly-loaded trailers, loaded by people who had no clue as to why the CoG had to be ahead of the axles, or didn’t care. Plus, it is not enough to simply move the CoG ahead of the axle, you also have to keep the tongue weight below a certain amount (10-15% of GVW, IIRC) or risk having your entire hitch or trailer arm break off. So you are quite literally _balancing_ the load such that everything is optimal.


Utility trailers can be really nice to have around, but I still get flashbacks from when I was learning how to back them up.


That definitely adds to the "pain in the *ss" factor of transporting stuff. But if you don't use that trailer often enough to learn how to back it up, then you definitely won't get much value from a truck.


I had to move semi's with 70ft trailers around a lot at my last job. I learned the further the trailer tires are from the trucks front axel, the easier they are to maneuver. I have a harder time backing a lawnmower trailer into a shed.


Yea, tiny trailers are SO much harder to back up. The only trailers I've ever jackknifed are the tiny 6-8 footers.


Try launching a boat at a busy launch ramp when you’ve never backed up a trailer before lol. By the third time I had that shit down but that first time was a nightmare with everyone watching, eventually had someone come and back up the trailer for me lol. Years later I back up trailers like a champ.


I bet you're just waiting for your chance to back up the new guy's trailer for them. EDIT: Actually, if you want the really cool old man vibes you jump up beside them and show/tell them how to do it.


Interesting - I personally own a truck for occasionally hauling things, but its main benefit is making me feel superior to other drivers with smaller cars. But in all seriousness, American trucks have gotten too big. Legislation is part of it, but its also a market demand thing. I wish first gen tacos were still being made. They're the perfect pickup. About 1/2 the size as the new ones but with the same size bed and bigger payload.


They've gotten too big up front and in ride height. If anything the beds have shrunk.


Mmmmmm 1st gen tacos


I've been trying to find a used small truck that can actually fit in a parking spot and have come to a similar conclusion, the main thing I want it or is 4x8 sheets of plywood and either a roof rack or a van can handle that just fine. Once my current car dies I might just get a minivan despite not having any kids just because they don't make the kind of small, still useful as a regular car truck that I want anymore.


Yeah the lack of compact trucks in the US market sucks and just shows how absurd the US Corporate Average Fuel Economy standard is.


Growing up, my father discovered that you could lay 4x8 plywood flat in the back of a honda odyssey up until you hit the 3rd row seat bracket. We used that minivan to haul stuff all the time.


Unless you need a truck to regularly haul something you should either not get one or buy an old one that is at least cheap. Also the old ones have bigger beds.




I'm sure the delivery fee would be cheaper than the rental fee.


Guess it would all depend on where they got it but this method is probably cheaper but could do untold damage to the suspension depending on how far and how many trips they take.


$20/hour for a rental or…… $1000/month for 6 years?


I don’t even think it’s $20/hour. I paid $24 all costs included to rent a truck from Home Depot a couple days ago. These people who “need a truck for their constant gravel hauling” sure better be hauling a lot of gravel for owning a truck to make more sense than renting one.


100% U-Haul is the way to go if you have a location that has pickups that suit your need. In the last year or so I've had to haul some large furniture across town—used U-Haul once, and HD the second time. I think U-Haul ended up being $30 total (we didn't even nudge the gas gauge) and Home Depot would have been about $25—problem was, we got stuck in traffic and ended up going past the 90-minute period, and it very quickly added up. OTOH I don't think U-Haul would be too happy if you're hauling a load of gravel.


Hopefully you won't need to stop in a hurry. Because the van will, but the rock will not.


And if you want to slow down to much while going downhill, neither will.


I once got 8 square bale of hay into a 2008 Toyota Carrolla, I never got all the hay out of it, but that's not the point here


We once got 5 people in a miata with the top up. Doesn't make it a good idea.


Those door latches are doing gods work right now


Some people need trucks. Just not 95% of people that own them.


Idc if people drive trucks that dont need trucks, what bugs the fuck out of me is people who buy these big ass suv’s and trucks that cant drive them. Like bud this isnt a little tiny car that you can just whip into a spot no fucks given, you actually gotta use your brain a little bit with trucks. So many are just giant dickweeds that park all crooked as fuck and over the lines or drive up the middle of parking lots blocking traffic. Its not that fuckin hard. Schwoops this turned into a rant.


My biggest problem is how big they've gotten. Like we've children hit because the hood is so high that people can't see that there are small people in front of them. There's also a picture floating around of a big truck that slammed into the back of a smaller sports car because the top of the car could not be seen over the hood of the truck. And the worst part is people het away with it because they don't want to come down on big trucks. There was an article posted here a year or 2 back of a small kid hit while riding his bike across a crosswalk in a resident neighborhood and the lady didn't get in trouble for hitting him in the crosswalk because she couldn't see him over the hood. The article even showed police holding his bike up to the front of the truck to show that she couldn't be blamed since it only came up like 1/3 of the way to the top of her hood.


This has to do with a loophole in US emissions standards wherein the vehicle is limited to a certain amount of CO2 emissions for its size. These usually force smaller trucks to pay more of a tax because they produce more pollution than the other vehicles their size, which incentivizes car manufacturers to just make bigger trucks for the US. So thank backwards ass bureaucracy for fucking everything up to the point that we got bigger trucks that pollute more by trying to reduce emissions.


Sort of but that's not all of it. The emissions thing has to do with the footprint of the vehicle not the overall size so it doesn't really make much sense why they keep getting so much taller which is the biggest problem.


In what fucking world does that mean she can't be blamed? Of course she can, it's her fault.


As someone who literally got hit by a Ford Raptor on the highway last month and is constantly dodging single-passenger giant “off-road” vehicles in a completely urbanized area with mild weather… fuck all these compensation machines equally.


it seems like most people who buy trucks buy them to be the bigger vehicle on the road, so they can aggressively tailgate people


And they certainly don't need to be raised to the height of a toddler


“I need to sit up high so I can see the road” -everyone mutually blocking everyone else’s view with perpetually escalating vehicle height


It's literally exactly like an arms race, with the same end result too (greater environmental impact and more people killed). Fuck 'light trucks'.


I swear, also every time I pull up to a red light , a mega truck or monster SUV pulls into the lane next to me and just completely blocks my view of incoming traffic. Then I pull forward a bit to try and see around then only for them to do the same, as if they can't see above my 5ft tall sedan. Then of course the other monster truck behind me honks at me to go because the road is clear for them sure wish I knew when the road was clear.


Wow. This vehicle will never be the same after this.


I hope you live somewhere flat.


RIP the suspension.


Suspension says;”No!”


Brakes say, "I'll be with you in a minute"


Engine on an incline says, "AAAHHHHHHHH"


None of the "pavement princesses" that I regularly see driving up my ass at 130 kph in the right lane with their high beams on would ever deign to put something like a bunch of filthy rocks in their pristine, unused beds.


20 inch rims and profile tyres. Can't even navigate a pot hole let alone an off road trail


It’s why they are called Pavement Princesses. They will never do a day of hard work in their operational lives.


oh man this comment did my heart good.  well said!


dude, ya got a put a tarp down first


I think “no one needs to own an SUV” is more realistic of a statement, although still pulling hairs


Enjoy finding stones still hidden in there in a year


Oh. My. God.


If he gets into a car wreck. He ded


Nah, the seats will keep all that right where it is. /S


Did he tap it with the shovel, before saying "yeah. That's not going anywhere..." after it was loaded?


....and that should do 'er...*tap tap*... Yeah...


I get the title is for a joke, but I don't think I have *ever* heard it phrased that way. It is always "The vast majority of people with a truck do not need a truck" (or similiar.) The pavement princesses that I see driving around Texas tell me all I need to know about truck ownership in this state.


Rip windows when hitting a pothole!!


Trailer rentals are cheap...


No one can truly understand the gravelty of this man’s situation


It'd be easier for folks to own a truck for stuff like this if y'all didn't turn trucks into fucking Tanks with 3 rows for the family that cost 65k+


I have yet to find a single place selling aggregates like tis who can't deliver.


And shit, delivery is always so cheap. I was going to go take my pickup to get a load, but between the weight wearing on my little pickup, the fact I'd have to shovel it all out before I could use the pickup again, and the time and gas all that would take, it was just cheaper to have a load delivered. And saved basically a whole day of work.


I’m surprised those doors are still closed lol


25 bucks for a rental bro. 100 for the day. C’mon


Owning a truck for utility is perfectly fine. But I find it funny when people dump thousands into squatting their truck, removing the exhaust, adding LEDs, getting street wheels, and never using the bed. Enjoy paying for gas when your daily "car" takes 5 gallons per mile


Some people just want a truck because it's a truck. Just like all the people who want SUVs just because.


Trucks have their place but it's not like the 3 time's you need one a year justify owning one. Rent one when you need it and save yourself a fortune on fuel, tax and insurance!


Borrowed a friend's car for sure


Why use payload when you could have towed that? That’s a lot to haul even for a HD truck.


"And who needs working shock absorbers?"


Owns a gas guzzling 3-row SUV: "Trucks are bad!" Meanwhile some trucks get the same or better MPG. My pickup has a tiny engine and gets better MPG than my ex's 4Runner but I never heard anybody talking shit about her SUV being unnecessary.


Just wait till you get into a car wreck and all those rocks and pebbles go flying at your skull


Cause you can always rent a truck if you need it for a trip or two like this.


Rent a fucking trailer you nit wit weekend warrior lol


*Most* people do not in fact need to own a truck.


Gravel runs about 100 pounds per cubic foot but can be as high as 140 pounds per cubic foot. I'll stick to the 100 pound number just for the sake of easy math. Also not knowing what vehicle this is I'm going to be making some very rough estimates on some of the dimensions. Notice how the gravel is up to the top of the wheel wells? Lets call that 12" tall. Most suv's have about 4ft between the wheel wells. It looks longer, but lets call the distance from the tailgate to the back of the front seats 6 feet. So, 6' x 4' x 100 pounds = 2400 pounds. If thise were a full size that could easily be be more like, 6.5' by 5' which works out to 3250 Pounds Congratulations. You're now hauling somewhere between a Fiat 500 and a Toyota Corolla in your back seat. I sure hope you don't need to stop in a hurry.


Dare yeah to slam on the brakes.


This is so god damn stupid who would do this


No one needs to own an attack helicopter that dosent mean i cant find a use for it.


I had this argument before. Roommate loaded down a minivan with tools and work materials. That same day his brakes gave out and rear-ended another vehicle. Almost crushed him from all the bags of mortar and tile and tools stacked up behind the seat. Needless to say, his next vehicle was a truck.


As a medic, I've gone to many accidents where someone crashed a work van without a cage. Seat belts and airbags worked perfectly, but the Sawzall or toolbox to the back of the head is what killed em


When i was like 10/11 in the UK there was a PSA video that went round, i was shown it in school, of a singular CD being loose on the roof rack and a guy needing to suddenly break and a narrator explaining the acceleration of the disc becoming like a flying saw blade. I'm 30+ now and i still check behind me in seats when i get into cars, that shit scared the hell out of me.


> Roommate loaded down a minivan […] his next vehicle was a truck. Thieves must love him. Trucks are notoriously difficult to secure the bed, even if you have a canopy or roll top on the bed. I have friends doing blue-collar work, and many of them have either moved to those contractor-grade sprinter vans or are considering doing so. They hardly have the social cachet of a big Pavement Princess, but they can be secured much more effectively. And internally partitioned, as well, so loose loads can’t f\*\*k up the driver. And in many cases, carry much more than any pick-up can, including a full brace of storage cabinets bolted to the inside.


I can hear the car's suspension crying from here.


He should do the cement mixture inside.