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URGH!...I hate that guy


He burns you because he loves you


"I can't believe you're leaving!" "I'm not, I'm moving to your ears."


Really wasn't a quick exit, just kinda receded off into the night. *^(\*I asked my barber if he had anything that I could use to keep my hair in...he handed me a shoebox!)* ^(\*\*Never got acid reflux...acid flashbacks, yes, but no reflux.)


40? Shit hit me a decade earlier. No I’m not changing my eating habits, Tums exist.


I don't recommend doing this.  Source: I did this. Prolonged high acid levels have fucked the valve at the top of my stomach, so now it permanently leaks. Has to have the camera-on-a-stick down my throat treatment to verify.   Simply dumping alkali into the acid lake might stave off discomfort, but you are still running too acidic.    I found it was my alcohol consumption, and lager being the worst. Something about that when I turned 30 now just produces buckets of bile. I switched to IPA and massively cut weekly intake and I'm back to normal running.


Agreed. Dealing with symptoms is not dealing with the problem, and the problem is the diet. If we were given a car at 16 and told this was the only car we could have for the rest of our life, how would we treat that car? Well that's our body, we only get one.


Same, except not from alcohol. I've probably had acid reflux all my life. Apparently the burning sensation I associated with being hungry since I was a kid is NOT normal. Around 40, it started to get so bad over night that it was affecting my breathing. Now I get to take Prilosec forever.


Good news! You definitely won't have to take Prilosec forever.


I got used to being able to sleep with a wedge pillow. It's made a huge difference not allowing the acid to sit trying to get through the lower esophageal sphincter.


Do you happen to be a mechanic? The way you worded this made me think you were talking about a car for a second lmao.


I mean it has its ups and downs, after every meal you regurgitate your food a little and have something to chew on (damaging your teeth), and the pain, it almost doesn't keep you up at night, so manageable. It's not my fault that I like to sleep on my right side and eat acidic fruits.


Sweet, I just developed gastric cancer. Haha I'm not coping well.


Careful you'll buy yourself bleeding ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding in the future if you just continue to mask it


I need to start keeping Tums on the bedside table.


I legit have a Costco size bottle of Gaviscon in my bedside table..


Talk to your doctor, there are prescription meds you can take. I take Pantoprazole which I believe reduces the amount of acid I make. But I just don't ever get heart burn now. If I don't take it every day, after a few days my reflux comes back. Unfortunately I don't believe it's linked heavily to my diet, because no diet change I've tried has helped. I also just have reflux basically 100%of the time if I'm not medicated. Tums doesn't even do anything for me.... The acid reflux will dramatically increase your chances of esophageal cancer.


Don't forget groaning when you stand up, suddenly becoming a loud sneezer, and somehow hurting your back in your sleep


And having a bad knee. And then another bad knee at 50. And that’s all the knees.


I still have my hair and acid reflux. At least I still have hair.


Not for long!


Yay! No acid reflux?


Not anymore, it's turning into an ulcer!


40? Dude I'm 28 😭😭


Reflux is a mechanical problem and suppressing the acid doesn’t stop the acid from doing long-term damage to your esophagus. Good news is that surgery can fix the problem. Find a good foregut surgeon because primary care and GI docs usually just pump meds that don’t actually fix the problem.


Don't forget my favorite: Exercise-induced asthma.


Oh man that sucks. So you work out with an inhaler at hand?


Yeah I take it just before I get to the gym


I got hit with the GERD in my 20’s and bald in my 30’s


New roommate: This is my cat, Tinnitus! Cat: ^^^eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee New roommate: You'll get used to him... except when it's quiet, or you think about him.


Acid reflux came and we have been roommates since, hypertension just joined in the party for me..at least I still got my long hair, so that is nice.


Gallstones recently invited themselves. I hate those vengeful bitches, always showing up where they're not wanted while I'm trying to have a good time (eat fatty food)




And he brought his friend, Ear Hair!


Ear hair? No, no, no, I still have my hair, but for every white one I get ten additional ones spread randomly around my body. It's more like hair everywhere! Ear hair, nose hair (not the ones in my nose, hair on my nose), back hair, hair everywhere!


>back hair, hair everywhere! "Here baby, there momma, everywhere daddy daddy! Back hair, back hair!" -The 40+ Cowsills For me it's really just ears and nose. I was keeping my head hair OK (medium bald patch in the back), but then I got Dengue Fever and lost a lot in the front (mild receding turned into significant receding and it being very thin). No grey head hairs yet, but my beard started going grey on the chin in my early 30's. Now the right side is way grayer than the left side if I let it get too long. But I had to give up hard alcohol because of the acid reflux.


Technically you invited him over because of your diet




Change my hair to hair on my head and it's way more accurate. I didn't know my biggest fight would be dealing with bushy eyebrows, fur on my ears and nose hairs constantly. At least my facial hair doesn't make me look completely homeless anymore so there's that..


I think these Comics Need Numbers Just in case


ITT: Reddit, where 30 year olds have the body of 60 year olds.


He's bringing his pals Ear Hair and Droopy Balls, too.


I can tell you my hair never left, just moved from the top of my head to my back.


Beware of bourbon! Nearly choked to death.


Replace swap out "my hair" for "perky tits" and this is 100% me.


My hair didn’t leave, it just packed it bags and moved south…to my ears and nostrils.


This is literally me right now 😭


Pica is a terrible disease...


I have both roommates. However acid reflux is with his brother gerd.


I have a friend who took meds and went for an operation on the esophagus, it seems to have worked for her GERD issues


i got that once and felt like i was about to puke up my heart. genuinely thought i was going to die because my heart was going to come out through my throat


Wait till BPH shows up.


Dude is huge bro


Alka Seltzer is your new best friend... Trust me in this.