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The amount of retries that i did on WD-EX-8 CM is more than any other boss stages https://preview.redd.it/qhztml8zps9d1.jpeg?width=705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37a0e57c10f31b83ea43d72d36b4274c7e0ff06c No that's not edited, he actually said that šŸ’€


Same energy https://preview.redd.it/kuo8lf4vqv9d1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9c7f8c657919dc9c3b53b4a6da25022d357039


I have this https://preview.redd.it/wzjyqglqzw9d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a008b2a3c5b6f17ba5cbd3a2fd96ca6eab7887a Nice to see the source, what is it from


Fate/Grand Order America Singularity


When the boss is just as strong in both gameplay and lore.


When the Boss not only lives up to the hype, but is actually Stronger as a playable character https://preview.redd.it/4hm8nctxit9d1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=66aa79104be5b35c33f75ea0546b67ea0f966cf4


Lucky bastard.


>Take my advice. **Kill yourselves now.** Peak. I will Sir.


I hate this boss so much... Words cannot describe. I have PTSD.


Bro forced my Surtr to retreatšŸ˜­


Reminds me of LowTierGod meme where he sings "Kill YourSelf song" lol


Wait is this when confronted Old Well or the old Reunion


Pretty sure itā€™s old Reunion.


The disrespect of him farting all over the stage too


These mother f'ers I swear to god.


https://preview.redd.it/jalnw3zpms9d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=6eb154247f403dfe3b103fd61eef86d186ce99b5 When the Boss attacks your frame rate šŸ’€


Amusingly on release, Camelot Singularity fights has a sandstorm mechanic plus effect as well that tanked performance.... So you could say Gawain did attack players frame rate too (if I'm not too far from what this boss does to your game.)


I think it should be easier now since we now have reaper guards that attacks everything on range unlike aoe guards that are limited to their block count


no, ReedAlter( them combined will nuke your phone)


Reverse Curse Technique: Heal.


If you think that's bad then wait until you see the mosquito swarm in one of the stage in Shu's event šŸ’€


"Natto Gohan! Aburaage!" Intensifies


Is that IS4 boss ?


Looks like Essense of Evolution who you'll meet soon enough in a couple of months.


They are talking about frame rate so it should be OD boss EoE


I never beat od-8...


limbus company ricardo


MY HAIR COUPONSā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Woe, Mind Whip, Dieci Squad upon Ye


Freaking StarRail Mr. "IN THE NAME OF PRESERVATION!" Like goddamn Gepard your suppose to arrest me; not beat me to death!


https://preview.redd.it/zmhi0xcd4u9d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=e823d74e57605d39990a45750c004020cb3a416c Local British man summons half of Antarctica on top of you just because you canā€™t get a few space heaters working


The heater is such bait. Thought I could get away with leaving one unlit but hell nah, my entire squad cannot tank his nuke twice. You really need to lit and maintain all of them, the only good thing about him is you can control when he will nuke.


This Boss is the reason Nightngale came out of retirement. With S3 being able to make all your Ops tank hits even with 2 unlit heaters


I just summoned skadi on top of him and he died


The least lore-accurate AH team.


Just wait for Ulpi shenanigans


Nothing that Eben the Goat can't oneshot with buff lol. Kinda funny looking him respawn just to blast him back to Victoria.


https://preview.redd.it/7ix83kt3lu9d1.png?width=158&format=png&auto=webp&s=6be80c3e576159f9157b347bcf777d3b865b70cc I am the one, I'm here, infiltrated


Your time has come to be downgraded


Weakest Goldenglow fan :


For me, it's most of the bosses in Arknights. Even though I don't play it anymore, it's still the only gacha that I've found genuinely challenging.


Gawain from FGO -> the genuine first wall you experience in the game and the main reason why Euryale was a common raised low rarity back in the day Essense of Evolution from Arknight -> that boss is bullshit unironically worst designed boss in game history, the fight wasn't fun and the fact that you kinda had to somehow get consistent auto for his stage since it was a good farming stage made it much worse The Endspeaker from Arknight -> This boss was very annoying and had me fail his stage multiple times, granted tho looking back I actually think this boss was rather fun to figure out despite my initial malding but he did indeed hard kick my ass Rat King from Arknight -> Damn a lot of Arknight ones lmao, Code of Brawl was a rather surprising powerspike in enemies strength at its release and Rat King was especially hard due to relative lack of good art damage dealers then, still to this day the only Arknight stage where I simply couldn't clear in the og run and had to wait for rerun to beat it


https://preview.redd.it/bw1deoj3sv9d1.png?width=479&format=png&auto=webp&s=866bfcb2347144bf67c932938eba5e984744c11b This was a wake up call when he came out.


This one by far. There were 10+ page Google Doc guides breaking down what to do and how to prepare to even attempt the raid, infographics trying to clarify at what percent he does what and how to deal with them. Then the fight itself required 6 people to coordinate and not fuck up over 30 minutes. People fucked up. A lot.


https://preview.redd.it/pb7jpbrk2w9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50dc79734fb53736f461b1ea054a91489002682a This guy here


One of the OGs. Maxwell was pretty much impossible without following a guide.


Just brought me back holy fuck PTSD


Scrolled way too far to find this answer. /thread


Itā€™s been many years since Iā€™ve last played thatā€¦ Honestly, at the time, I didnā€™t realize that Iā€™ve been playing gachas for most of my life.


Ah, an Elza enjoyer.


Was looking for him.Ā  Very nice flashback. And was definitely a challenge


Change aventurine with him. Heā€™s wiping my team so many times https://preview.redd.it/fuzkge498v9d1.png?width=443&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e5d29f7c6607eacdbb900b0595c4792920f4ddc


https://preview.redd.it/5l7mgy00zv9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=714911590bf98799be965a8e2c0dcdd72250551b Damazti Cluster. This guy made me mald for 2 days straight in H12-4.I started AK late enough to find Emperor's blade manageable but this guy in H12-4 is an invasive Cancer.




Zio from E7


Can we count Abyss? Because there's plenty that would definitely fall under this and are even harder


Tbh most people attempted Abyss knowing they would be screwed anyway. So i think it doesn't count.


That little prick man i swear to god


U oneshot him or you get obliberted I tried like multiple ways ubtil I said fuck it I just gonna do oneshot strats


So true


Wasn't belian more annoying


You make a mistake in Belian, you can recover You make a mistake in Zio, he just fucking kills you


Nah she's manageable, iirc Aras is pretty strong against her.


Belian has annoying bomb debuff. Belian applies bombs when you use non-attack skill like Momo's cleanse. Belian applies bombs before cleanse takes effect. Belian is a joke.


Belian can be cheesed with 4 soul weavers on auto (I donā€™t think Zio can but I havenā€™t tried)


The legendary PokƩmon in PokƩmon masters


People say Arknights is hard, but I just birrowed Ling and breezed through every stage. Until this one. Screw corrosion snipers. They're not a boss but might as well be https://preview.redd.it/crs15trlwu9d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a56b6afa648a15e48c33a5008fddcaae70e04ea


Nearl Light's Light mechanic overall was really painful. Universal range while in Dark tiles while also dealing corrosion damage is just oof. If you have a good deployment order, you would probably do fine.


Good deployment order doesn't really matter for NL-S-5 CM. You're just rotating bodies once they cone off cooldown anyways. More important is mitigating the damage from the melee guys while managing DP


Oh yeah the S stages, I was mostly talking about the mechanic in general but yeah.


https://preview.redd.it/gb83348hcw9d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2fa0e6f790b745fd90294fcc0f82f300b6f7f05 Even though Kim was already a can of whoop-ass about to explode on Sinking Teams, Humbled is too weak a word to describe Jun




This. I thought this is gonna be an easy fight coz i have Zerker Musashi, SpIshtar and Castoria, which are all 10/10/10. So i thought a double Castoria comp would be ez. Little did i know that this waifu is such a pain in the asshole so i waited until Lasengle release those Leyline stones https://preview.redd.it/t79lr9s5ov9d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0f21e003906ba6d21aa8aef8caac14ce75d7616


This bitch caught me so off guard I thought it was supposed to be a forced story loss before I got wiped and it asked me if I wanted to spend Quartz. Also special shoutout to LB6 where I dropped my command spell revive + 3 leyline stone to get past the big boi


We all have PTSD from that giant uterus woman


https://preview.redd.it/cqrqvjn8bu9d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=983de3da59c7049a29357fc5f68c2d19518912f0 Struggled because of the mobs, let alone the final boss


Oh God ch 11 unlocked some bad memories in me.


Almost all the Arknights bosses. My brain is not braining against them.


https://preview.redd.it/fll61imlus9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c10cc3104a9ff26d9ede9419cf46f1accdd2cd87 I think Kurokat and Gregory are harder, but I love his design and [raid OST](https://youtu.be/opJyEUVqmv8) ~~still kicked my ass first time around tho~~


He's the best at hitting on your nerves.


I had enough with his games and just used Hinata ex skill on no game speed up and went after who took actual damage


Fun fact: Some of the con-goers for the 3rd anniversary event in JP earlier this year flipped a finger to an inflatable of Goz.


cant blame them...though I personally hate hod alot more.


Raiden Shogun, the first encounter. The boss fight was in the middle of nowhere. And she was starkly more aggressive than any enemy was at that point in the game when it came out.


and she has the Vision Hunt Decree move


From canto 1 to canto 6, bosses that have kicked my ass is First time fighting Dongbaek Expansion/Spicebush Dongbaek, Canto 4 miniboss Motherfucking MY HAAIR COUUUUUPOOOONS guy/Big Brother of The MiddleRicardo, Canto 5 miniboss Kurokumo Captain "I'm a normal human encounter" Jun, Intervallo 5.5 miniboss >!Distorted Heathcliff/Dogcliff!< , Canto 6 miniboss Quite funny how none of it is the main boss lmao. Tho I did manage to defeat them after 1-4 resets


I ran sinking as an idiot vs the canto 5 boss with no knowledge of her sanity top up mechanic, had to wait until the panic nerf patch to clear it out lmao


Ain't no one mention Siltcurrent yet? Bitch literally has unclashable mass attack, fucks with your sanity and then gives you paralysis every turn while also having a fucken 5 coin skill that rolls high as fuck and lemme remind you that you have paralysis so you can't cheese clash it with EGO unless it's like Heath Telepole corrosion.


You gotta gamble a bit and hope once the paralyze wears off after 1 coin, it can clash with the whale The BO however, gotta EGO clash that first and then make sure lights are always broken


I have just finished Canto 6, and none of the story bosses gave me that much of a hard time except Ricardo. And mind you, I'm already late to the party since these story encounters were already nerfed when I did them, but the Ricardo fight was something else. That boss was the first time that I had to take affinities seriously, and I had to resort to cheese tactics since it was overtuned as hell.


That's because it was nerfed lmao, specifically 6-48 and another one that I forgot iirc The difference between pre-nerf and post is vastly different for me imo


I think he's pretty easy once you realize that Ishmael is immortal in that fight. So you run 1 or 2 other with you (Had Middle Sault and Rosespanner Rodya); Use Ishmael to body block, then just burst him down. He's weak to Blunt, so I'm pretty lucky that I have R Ishmael. Boss that I strugge is vs. Ahab as I didn't have much good piercing units.


So it depends on what units you have then. That Ahab fight was not that difficult for me due to owning Pequod Heathcliff. >Use Ishmael to body block, then just burst him down. It depends on what Speed Ishmael has landed and the enemy and who is being targeted. Otherwise, you will not be able to redirect clashes. And Ricardo has like 3 active skill slots, so unless you're running a duo with Ishmael, you will not be able to redirect all his attacks to her in the worst case.


Mother Whale from Nikke. I'm still not sure what I did to finally beat her.Ā 


Outwhaled her


Lol, good one.


https://preview.redd.it/lwrh0r5hmy9d1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=169107e056dccc5367edab45f5efb462f5f6ea82 Unlearn habits or die. Ricardo from Limbus Company got me to change how I play so thats gotta count for something.


World 11 Final Boss in Guardian Tales. Teams were just was not built up enough as I should have had them when trying.


https://preview.redd.it/sx33nr8e8u9d1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcd2791a3561d0f6ff940981417817d18303dc47 not even in the story. this bro during the early limbos was painful af


Pre-nerf Childe wasn't even that hard (and this is coming from a Day 1 player who fought against him with Physical Damage Childe and Qiqi) since his attacks all have AOE guides for you to dodge. It's just a natter of dodging them while attacking Childe in his downtime. Raiden Shogun (in her first battle against us) though is a fucking monster. Is really, REALLY fast (like teleportd behind you level fast), hits harder than expected, and more importantly has nearly 0 guides on the range of her attacks. You have to dodge them by reading the attacks themselves from her movements, which is really hard since she has like 2 different attacks per starting action (for example, if she starts to move her hand upwards, that's either a long range vertical slash, a long range horizontal slash, or a lightning strike around her). And that's not including her 2nd phase, where she literally locks all of your skills and burst, preventing I-frames and healing, forcing you to dodge and doge while waiting for the end of the battle.


Pre-neft Childe is a bug iirc. Because some low ar player get to fight him at lvl 80-90 and the other fight him at lvl 40. So the hardest part is not his moveset but getting one-shot with zhongli shield on.


THE TRAIN. Everyone gets humbled by train in nikke. "Oh cool what's an EX sta-OH FUCK"


Brave Frontier. Maxwell.


turn counting... wish more gachas did that ngl, star rail kinda does that ig on some fights


https://preview.redd.it/7kldt5se3t9d1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9f9a046573e147d6260ae5a74c5dd65c326c41c If you can't beat this, this will gives artillery support to enemies around 70% area of the map. Making other battles into suffering.


Man I love him as a character but fuck this guy all the way to whatever the City considers Hell https://preview.redd.it/d8d4vv3czw9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14925982af85972186cb5360fcef2701b9f61ae2


Not a boss, but the dragonspine area and its special boss-like monsters almost made me quit genshin.


_that challenge_


I hope you arenā€™t talking about the one with the cryo abyss mages


Sheā€™s definitely talking about the one with the Cryo Abyss Mages.


Please don't make me remember this on a Monday morning


https://preview.redd.it/h3pedctips9d1.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ae2c9d78e34728a7025909b60524d2454510f1a This cheeky mf, I was not prepared.


Another aoe check boss. Tried this with my fua team first and then acheron spamming the difference was night and day.


Sunday made me build so many ppl


This is probably just because I'm on the newer side and don't fully understand damage rotations, but the Akari boss fight from HI3 Part 2 chapter 2 is currently kicking my butt, even on normal difficulty using the fully-leveled trial characters. I've gotten close a few times playing extra conservatively but there are too many phases, things I still haven't figured out how to deal with yet (the string traps), and they make you 1v1 her with Sena in the last phase so if she took too much damage in an earlier part it ends up being a very uphill fight. Edit: I beat it. Figured out it's better to just fight her directly with Helia in earlier phases instead of trying to deflect projectiles like the tooltip hinted at, and the Sena 1v1 phase apparently also has constant healthdrain too so you need to play that part as a dps race.


gotta love how most of the bosses are from Arknights https://preview.redd.it/xtc7e6tf4z9d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d2d5edc9cd1fd219cb3cfa6a81bfce325857d3 I remember that fucking angel with a flintlock GA-EX-8 CM taking me at least 6 hours of uninterrupted tries and At least 5 OP worth of sanity not to mention the sanity pots


https://preview.redd.it/cwyvugdjh1ad1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=506233016bf5386d517ceece26435b15ae8f91c1 This lunatic horse, pretty much one if not the hardest boss in Arknights if you didn't do the escort mission (and even if you did he's still a pain). He just charges straight at the blue box and freezes you the moment you touch him.


I hate this bug https://preview.redd.it/yqmq9k7cv1ad1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16074bd14d3fa0915acd53b7eb0dd21c7ed70d4e


Sunday humble'd my ipad and made HSR crash lol. Then again, was playing for hours. Scaramouche did the same to my old PS4 that was like 8 years old, on it's death bed rip.


Beth (pre-nerf) - Imagine the boss with 3 phase and each phase has like each hp bars. Then you can't die because if you do, too bad! You gotta start from the 1st phase. Oh and you can't use your gems to retrieve after one time! even if you die with boss 1HP left! Good old day of Guardian Tales


The first time you fight Gepard in SU and he hits you with that ā€œIN THE NAME OF PRESERVATIONā€.


Iā€™m proud of myself for beating Aventurine pre-nerf and even completing all achievements related to him.


I honestly think he wasn't that hard. It's just that a lot of people were caught off guard with bad comps during story.


Not really, thereā€™s no punishment for retrying and coming back with different comps. Thatā€™s how I got the achievements after all. You have to understand that the casual player has no built comps at all and little understanding of team building. Pre-nerf Aventurine was easy for you, yeah, he was easy for me too, but weā€™re not the norm here. Just the fact that we got to him before the complaints came in and HoYo did something says a lot already. Even OP says that he got humbled.


Oh i don't imply the players themself are bad. I also have one friend with decently built Topaz and Dr.Ration. Boi, he got screwed really hard during the pre-nerfed fight since he hasnt built a lot of units during that time.


Because the boss asks you to have most of your team be AoE units just to hit all the dice so a lot of people were struggling probably because they don't build Herta and don't have any suitable AoE units.


I just go into the fight with a nah Iā€™d win mentality


Raiden shogun first battle in inazuma AQ. Got my ass handed even before her skill lock and make me ran around im circles hoping for miracle lol




fgo ,gawain make me to strategize and and stob using hercules ungabonga star rail ,aventurine(pre nerf) not really i guess i lucky i have full dot team i almost lost but defeat him in first try,the moc version crushed me thought. arknight, almost every late ex stage always make my brain hurt but its fun pgr, some of the event when i star playing need me to lock in real hard since the screen become to colorfull that i need to timing dodge using sound ,


https://preview.redd.it/pfo0k0nrxv9d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=850781908c3880922fff7f61250fb2e580433368 Pre nerf beth from guardian tales. I hate her so much lmao šŸ¤£


when did they nerf her?


In arknights its either the boss or a fucking random mob who will humble you, for in this case its The Avenger from CC#12 and the dodge ducks in stultifera navis


Any late game Another Eden superboss


Guardian Tales players, remember when Worlds 10 and 11 just released?


https://preview.redd.it/acs4ewcmfx9d1.png?width=923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85e7f11bab344db3dd45577b3d2718b95497cb8f Hiero "I know you are skipping stories for Pyrox and did not build your team" nymous


Any boss in Arknights that resorts to 1-shotting all your operators or dropping a Nuke Attack on a bunch of them.Ā  They humbled me into thinking the Devs do this just to be annoying.


Aventurine boss wasn't that hard imo (I went with double sustainers ehe), just that my only shittily built dps is dhil so it was a long ass fight for me lol.


Limbus Company players would commonly say Ricardo humbled them. For me, it was Ahab Trio. Ahab Trio was a nightmare for me.


Wait Aventurine boss battle was nerfed like Childe?


Funny enough his DU6 version got removed due to how unfun the fight was And yes it was really reallly unfun


yeah they made him easier.


[His hair coupons.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HY4BP4KPx4)


https://preview.redd.it/tzlaogzl5t9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de373e41634dc8c8c301a8f6125c8658b552b98 Hit like a truck,attack as fast as a mini gun šŸ’€


This guy comes out swinging the moment you activate the Hologram, jesus christ bro calm down. Really made me study his movesets, used to be that I just let my reflex carry me with boses especially those with wide swings, but his 4-5 hit combos punishes you if you get greedy and try to counter-attack too late. >!maybe Hologram 4 Mephis is a good one too, just when I thought I was getting familiar with his moveset he brings out the shadow clone.!<


FR, he made me change my approach of keeping up the pressure when fighting.


Probably Torment Binah. Any other difficulty Binah is a pushover, but Torment Binah is a different beast all together


what were the nerfs for childe and aventurine?


the store


HSR: the shitty bug in the basement of herta space station. everything else is smooth sailing


Train in nikke back in the day oh boy I hated it so much. Nihilister too that fight took me a month to beat.


LB 5 Part 2 - Demeter. I would give anything not to fight that monstrosity again.


Probably adventure, pre nerf was difficult without having multiple multi target characters


Adventure Time pre nerf was a menace i did like 4 tries on the story boss and if you died you had to go through all the dialogue and cutscene just to die again


STR Blue Gogeta from the dbz dokkan battle 9th anniversary, mf humbled me and put me in my place several times


Gabriel from Punishing: Gray Raven.


Basically every tenth floor of SaGa reuniverse spiral corridor after the 200th floor


Fgo is the gacha game with bosses that have actually given me a hard time and I don't mean the challenge quests, I mean the full on story quest version of the bosses! So let me list some that come to mind: Camelot: -Mordred: enemy ult spam is not fun... - Gawain while considered by most as the harder of the bosses, I only really had 1 scare from his NP almost killing my Merlin. Babylonia: - No notably hard bosses, the chaos tide while annoying can be mitigated by the story supports; Solomon: - Goetia: mostly my fault for being a monkey and forcing a Jalter solo (keep in mind, this was 7 years ago) - Human Goetia: not really as hard but damn did I sh*t my pants when he annihiated my front line. The first 2 lost belts were not that hard and I was able to brite for my way. (Did get wiped once tho because I accidentally broke skadi's break bar lol) Lostbelt 3...was...something, not unmanagable but it did take a while. Lostbelt 4: - ARJUNA ALTER WTFFFFFFFFFFF. Lostbelt 5.5: - Demeter is cancer on steroids and litterally took me 3 revives and SHE STILL WOULDNT GO DOWN! -kirshtaria is fun, you can solo him with mash but it takes a while Lostbelt 6: - Melusine got some pop shots in; - Barghest can go awry very quickly; - Oberon (the subquest to unlock his ascension art) can be very frustrating; - Cernunnos...hardest boss of all time. Took me 5+ revives to beat the mofo (scathach NP spam goes brrrrr) HSR might be a great game but holy crap do they gimp the bosses and make them babyproof. You know that there's been a boss reverse powercreep when I consider SVAROG a harder boss than Aventurine, it's just that the latter stalls for a lot that it may seem harder than it is.


Ā GawainĀ and AventurineĀ certainly......THIS BITCH AS WELL AS BETH FROM GUARDIAN TALES 11 CH ON THE OTHER HAND.... https://preview.redd.it/eop4otoe10ad1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1d9351d2d938bfa601cfe90cfb1606cc0d1dcf7


https://preview.redd.it/yfvnkh6j10ad1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f395501926f1194e73a5efa2c2c588fe84362a0 Fucked my shit.....


Limbus Company - Mr Hair Coupon. [Ricardo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HY4BP4KPx4), he, who is now stranded in the world of briskly. He, who can no longer reach the world of luscious. He will now, commit Total Annihilation on your group of sinners for the crime of stealing his hair coupon. >!Ricardo fight is slightly scripted fight but you still have to take away 2 of his stagger bar(stun) to clear the stage, and you cannot clash him(he is way too strong) so you have to tank his hit, you cannot stall because he will eventually get bored and aoe your A.S.S, at least we got 1 sinner who cannot die unless everybody else die which made the fight more doable. Even when you win, you lose. (FunFact: one of his move is simply call 'Kick' that's how you know he is toying with you.)!< Limbus Company - Mr 'Rules of the Backstreets', [Jun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mZEiuqtpOI), touch him once and he have counter? There is a great chance your sinner is dead as he perform consecutive strike with bleed effect on your deadass sinner. He is tanky as fucks, hard to stagger and brought minion with him, each minion of his just made him stronger. Oh and his encounter is regular(but he might as well be harder than some boss), that mean you cannot change your targeting. God forbid you choose the damage up buff on the mirror dungeon and encounter him. Blue Archive - Vol 3 Boss, Not the strongest boss, not the hardest boss, but as a person who goes into Blue Archive blinded and without trying to get spoiled, man am I unprepared to face it so suddenly. >!This boss require you to use your own unit to fight it instead of being supplied with story unit... for story reason.!<


Nikke has some moments, Chapter 13 Modernia was really hard in the early days, no new player can just beat her un like a week after starting the game, but there's still a boss that even if you have way more power that recommended will still suck, and i'm talking about Mother Whale, it has a shit ton of HP, the breakeable parts and teh boss core are small and hard to hit, also the hit box of the core is weird, and the worst is that one of it's abilities is to summon ads that if you don't kill them fast will have a really high defense and will be hard as hell to kill, and the the boss will have a barrier until it charges it's super attack and will most likely kill you if it hits you, the way to avopid that is killing the ads before it happens but because of the defense boost is hard, the way to do it easier is to use units that have aoe screen wipes like both Scarlets, Dorothy, Modernia etc, and time the burst perfectly to wipe all of the ads when they just spawn, or you will have a bad time.






https://preview.redd.it/cwl41nuxa5ad1.png?width=579&format=png&auto=webp&s=36fbc6055c3677045762abcc9b8c3bfbbb888910 88 attempts for the kill


https://preview.redd.it/7w17k8gzl5ad1.png?width=1738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e5fdc31d5edcbeebb667816902173e16e8b2890 To this day I still don't understand how her bossfight works. Her second phase is Beth on steroids, and she isn't even the season's final boss... And you have to fight her *twice*.


Why does it always have to be the blonde dudes? WuWa director: "Aight we need a blonde dude to be an annoying boss fight very soon!"


We don't talk about him https://preview.redd.it/8fsv13151aad1.png?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c3e641cf97e86dba6c570e0d4a4176b3ff6398


Childe. I don't even know how many times I had to retry. And to top it off my phone disconnected when I was close to winning, so I had to start all over again


Dif 4 mephis is cancer on mobile. I have beaten all other bosses till dif 6 but i can't beat mephis and i just gave up and will comeback when i have enough damage to obliterate him.


Diff 6 Mephis is super fun rn with extra cam sensitivity selling u off in mobile (don't do it btw). Imma just wait this one out till I have level 90 chars.


I hate when the clone appears outside of my perspective and death beamed my ass off.


Honestly Girls Frontline later bosses were nightmarish. Even if you had top meta teams you had to sweat or get fucked by the arsenal of one shot attacks they throw at you. This is even worse in multiple hours long challenge maps with multiple and/or respawning bosses. The KCCO train artillery very much stood out to me.


Embrace the GFL experience of sending wave after wave of cute girls to their deaths to whittle down boss health.


The only gacha boss that humbled me was the endgame bosses of dragalia lost, I thought my characters were built well, only to get 3 shot. Also I will throw dirt in your eyes, but aventurine and tartaglia pre nerf were not that difficult. if you had charas properly built, you could easily sweep through them, specially pre nerf tartaglia. aventurine you technically needed pior knowledge or prep time if you didnt have a consistent abyss team you could always fall back on


i miss pre-nerf childe šŸ„²my noob self trying to hold on with barbruh, razor, xiangling, and kaeyaā€¦


Childe's nerf was only in the story. The Childe weekly that's been clowned on by Ganyu since 1.2 is the same Childe we got in 1.1


Nothing really, these games are not made to be hard, unless you count stuff like Nikke stages on release with 30k+ power down when you just don't have the dps.


How can Tartaglia humble you? Unless you play without artifacts or food, specifically without the food, it's there for a reason, how can anyone find it so hard to beat him?


Its an early game boss, so most people dont have well built characters at that time. Tartaglia is squishy as heck but also hits pretty hard. So its not surprising. Apparently so many people complained about not being able to pass Tartaglia that they had to nerf his story mode. Is he easier than the other weekly bosses that got released later? Yes. But more people will fail on his boss because he is one of the earliest bosses from archon quests when people still don't have well built characters


Pre nerf tartag could one shot you and most players back then did not have a properly built team much less a unit. I fought him very underpowered so it's kinda my fault.


Definitively it wasn't Galahad, Chloe was too broken against him, who actually humbled me was Yu-Meiren, probably one of the hardest bosses for me at the beginning of the game.


That's Gawain. In any case he's pretty much powercrept by now, Euryale can pretty much oneshot him. But at the point in time Camelot was released he was definitely a difficulty spike. Nowadays the big boss walls in the story are probably something in Shimousa(forced Musashi support), LB5.5 Demeter(again...forced support), and more recently Cernunnos (not forced support this time, but actually hard).


Cernunnos fight actually force you to use Castoria, but because she's so OP and you would pick her anyways people forget about it.


Right, I forgot about that. IIRC she's only 8/8/8 so not as good as an actual Castoria but yeah.


No shes 10/10/10 120 for that fight and she gets to cast another S1 for free every 3 turns


Dang, my bad. Still though, even with that Cernunnos is still a tough as nails boss and I had to SQ revive just to clear it (wanted to get through the story). Maybe on his recollection quest I'll try it out without revives.


Absolutely miserable fight, but Iā€™ll be damned if the stage and theming wasnā€™t sick as hell


He isn't one of the recollection quests. Also Super Recollection Cern would be an absolute nightmare, I'm legit questioning how you could beat him with about 5 times his normal hp and no double Castoria allowed.


no wonder hoyo nerfed childe and aventurine boss, people think theyre hard..