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A Khal Drogo prequel would be cool. Someone who remembers the books better than me can correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like we don't really get a ton of back story on him, at least not compared to some of the other bigger characters


Omg how slow am I? I always thought it was Karl Drogo until right now reading your comment.


Karl was his cousin. Not nearly as famous. Lost lots of battles


Super short hair


The pony that dismounts the world.


Moved to Gin Alley in Westeros. He got in a bit of trouble.


I hear Gin Alley has a fucking legend


What he did with cable in the 90s. Huge.


But he did go on to have a kid, who made a mean patty. You might've heard of little Karl's junior.


Bah dum tiss


He's the cousin that lives in the city. Karl "Urban" Drogo.


You can't lead a hoarde while being named Karl. Not allowed.


Except of Khal Karl, of course, but that's another story... 


‘The fiercest warrior in the desert. Kevin’


But you can lead a Karlasar


This does not have my consent


Yeah. Khal is a rank. Like saying “chief Drogo”.


Excited to watch Khal Urban in The Boys tonight!


For years I thought Hermione was pronounce hermie-one


So did Victor Krum


Lol I thought it was her-my-one


That’s Khal Drogo’s alternate life in New England


A warlord named Karl is a funny thought.


lol I would have as well if I didn’t watch it with CC on


That makes Dany the Karleesi.


It’s actually Carrrrl


Out of curiosity, did you think all the other khals were called Karl? Or that Dany was the Karleesi?


Yeah Khal Drogo was a really cool character that deserved so much more screen time. It's a shame we didn't get to know more about him. 


Tbh i don’t know how much there would’ve been on him previously. Obviously a khal for at least 4-7 years so some amount of warfare but it wasn’t like he was known for great deeds. The anecdote of him killing a khal and then his son sounds cool until you realize that probably happens every time khalasars clash. He was chosen by Illyrio and Varys because of his numbers. They envisioned a 10k army of mounted warriors landing on the shores. Khal Drogos story ended before it began because of Danny’s childish and naive nature. One of the sadder story points of the series that the show just glosses over.


How was that Danny's fault? One of his body guards challenged him in open rebellion. He was cut and it became infected


Arya post GOT… I need to know if she makes it west of westeros.


My choice too. A ton of Book foreshadowing hints at the voyage and its success: > "The star of home. Arya stood at the prow, one hand resting on the gilded figurehead, a maiden with a bowl of fruit. For half a heartbeat she let herself pretend that it was her home ahead." AFFC Arya I This is her in the ship's prow looking forward. That scene ended Season 4 and was paralleled in her final scene in Season 8. She is the maiden and following her star. She will be at home, and the voyage will literally be fruitful. Columbus first sailed seven months after the end of serial wars; Arya sailed what seems to be months after the end of serial wars. And thanks to Columbus and his successors, Europe finally got chocolate, tomatoes, potatoes, cane sugar, tobacco, ear corn, coffee, quinine, etc. from the New World. PLUS new sources of gold and silver. Pretty damn Fruitful!


Isnt coffee an old world plant? and quinine is from the andes. Sugar cane is from asia i think.


Yep coffee originated around Ethiopia. But only became big in Europe around the same time as discovery of america


My firts thought was why is it called arabica if its from the new world


Haha very good, that's smart I didn't think of that


To be fair ethiopia is not realy close to arabia so it was still not a usefull thought


It's pretty close? Just across the gulf of Aden (Ethiopia used to go upto the coast) so like max 50km away?


Im gonna be honest with you i am pretty dumb and bad at geography Ethiopia is not where i thought Ethiopia was


Well you accidentally came to a very intelligent conclusion hahaha. Next time just own it :P


I think the Sea Snake prequel will scratch that same Sinbad itch :)


would be boring as fuck honestly, nobody needs an entire series dedicated to assassin ninja girl with plot armor.


Disagree. I would absolutely watch multiple seasons of Arya off doing doppelgänger assassin shit. Way more interesting then a Jon Snow spinoff where he tracks around some frozen woods.


starks are boring tbh. just revive daenerys, and let her conquer essos again.




Obviously the New World would take the name Westeros, and current Westeros would become Centeros.


The Brotherhoods adventures


I would like a lot of one shots of these. Not an entire series tbh.


Arya Gendry: how is he adjusting to his elevated status? Davos: because he's just fun. 🤓


Davos is that one uncle that everyone wants lol.


A smuggling show about Davis leading up to being caught be Stannis could be really good. Han Solo but GoT


Never tell me the odds! 🤓🧅


Or count my knuckles!


Did you call?


The Sam & Gilly show, done up like a 1950's sitcom but still set in Westeros.


Sam with a Ralph Kramden approach. Tormund plays a Kramer like neighbor.




Lmao 😂


Dario. Hear me out. I think the Eastern areas were some of the most interesting parts of the show. I’d love to see how his rule in Dany’s stead is going. And if the dragon happens to bring Dany back to Asshai where she is brought back to life by some red witch, I won’t be mad at it.


To be fair, I would love to see Asshai. I'd be here for that


Me too. After reading about in AWOIAF I’m obsessed. They could do a whole show about just that place.


Ooh I have that! Haven't made it all the way through yet. It's the ghost grass, edge of the world thing that gets me about Asshai. Like...why are we always in Westeros when freaking Asshai is right there? And Sothoryos! There's so much more to the world than we've seen and damnit, I want their stories


I found most of the essos storylines boring after season 3, but i’m so curious about how everything turned out when daenerys left and would like to have heard more of that, as well as how her death would have affected her societal reformations. Could have been interesting to see from the perspective of the people who were actually living in her new world, while still holding loyalty to/grudges against the old.


This is a good take. Imagine Daario’s wrath when he finds out that Dany conquered Westeros just to be assassinated by her consort/general, which was SUPPOSED to be Daario until the western lords convinced Dany otherwise. Seeing him lead Dany’s armies against Westeros in a crusade for vengeance and Dany being restored to the throne again would make for a great series. Especially with how the Unsullied would obviously be a threat. You wonder how Bran and Tyrion even deal with the unsullied within their borders given that they have no armies, dragons, or even generals with real war experience. Imagining Bronn trying to lead the army is hilarious, especially because Tyrion would never trust him NOT to turn to Daarios side the second Westeros starts to lose


Having a Bronn v Daario fight would also be the sort of thing HBO would blow up and create plenty of drama. Two cut throat brawlers who are better at killing than politics or leading. Both making stupid errors as generals but their sheer viciousness and lack of regard for the rules of war would make a terrific watch.


Yeah, they really made Westeros into a soft target with the ending. The small council and the king are more of a punch line than anything else. 




I have no interest in any of the characters from the main series getting a continuation to their stories in spinoff form. The history of the world is so rich I'd want prequels instead.


The Hound and Ja’quen


This is the answer.


I think the answer is - no one. What makes GoT great, the book and the show, is that it is not about any one particular character. A spin-off focusing on 1 person would feel weird and forced to me.


Well for the sake of the hypothetical you could assume it introduces other characters. Like the story is following Arya but we get glimpses into all the lives of people somehow connected to her story.


So her shipmates :) We can have guest stars of the week and Arya will use her faceless power to set up unlikely couples who happen to travel on her ship. Maybe a few wacky crew members just for funsies.


> I think the answer is - no one. So you agree with OP?


oooo I see what you did there


Couldn't resist


A prequel would make more sense


Any spin-off that has either dragons or white walker or both I'm in.


Personally I’m the opposite, I want something different, give me Davos before Stannis caught him smuggling stuff, or more on the Faceles Men, anything but more dragons and walkers.


Yeah I’m bored of dragons and never liked the white walkers.


Yep they take away from the world building and the political games and just about everything else




I want a snarky buddy cop show with Aria and the Hound solving drug crimes in the 1970s.


Book 'em Doggo!


*smirks at the camera*


I think a white books series would be interesting they could use an episode or season to go over the lives and feats of individual kingsguard especially some of the lesser known ones that are famous in universe but we don’t know much about


Daenerys resurrection spin off


Daenerys as Lady Stone Heart


Sounds awful


The Travels of Arya is a show I would watch


I’d watch a series about The Hound all day.


Olenna Tyrell prequel please, particularly if they can accurately cast for a young Diana Rigg.


Just use Natalie Dormer.


The Red Woman origin story please.


That's the only one that I think could be truly interesting. Like yeah we know she doesn't die for a long time, so the stakes are lower there, but there's so much cool stuff she could have gotten up to and interesting people and other things she could have seen. And it could cover hundreds of years of history in different locations.


The Night King. The show barely show/explain the what-what of The Night King. He's practically just an ice cold animatron antagonist with piercing blue eyes with cool tricks of aliving the unalived. Intelligent and calculative as well. I want to see what's in his head, his personality, his backstory, his real motivation etc.


Kinvara, Drogon, Daenerys and the red witches


Hear me out: Karl fooking Tanner. I’d love nothing more than a Karl Tanner origin story series that details Flea Bottom and doesn’t just follow the rich families and knights in Westeros. A show about the life of crime and poverty in King’s Landing that follows Karl Tanner would be so interesting to me.


Bronn. Pre or post.


Pre would be so interesting. A setting far below and away from castles and high town. Bronn can really move so you know he’d be in so many places and up to so many things


YES! And I want to see exactly how he acquired his skills. Seeing him starting out would be fantastic.


Have him start out as a teen constantly getting his ass whooped. Then like an rpg he meets people, learns skills and upgrades his abilities.


Maybe Bronn should be the protagonist of an ASOIAF/GoT video game.


I'd rather play a game as the king slayer to tell the truth. Final boss battle against the madd King would be dope.


ALL THE THIS! I need young knight Jaime through to youngest member of the Kinsguard Jaime Lannister so bad.


A ‘Cheers’ like sitcom based around Hot Pie and the inn he works at


“Browning the Butter with Hot Pie”. Best cooking show in Westeros.


I’m imagining like an older Hot Pie who resembles an untattooed Matty Matheson


I was thinking Graham Elliot 😂😂 glasses included


I genuinely think you could make a interesting story following Hot Pie at the Inn. You could even integrate some beats from Gendry's story in the books and maybe have them act as an safe haven for children orphaned by the war and covertly working with the brotherhood all while trying to stay in the good graces of all the warbands in the Riverlands via tasty food. Essentially all the POVs are of nobility and nobility adjacent folk, so I think it would be cool to see the common folk be centered in a story.


The Adventures of Benjen Stark.  He’s off ranging for months at a time, must have some pretty cool adventures.  


I’d be down for Jaqen as some immortal passing through generations going all the way back to the first men.




Lady Stoneheart.




Tormund and Brienne: Big Love


every episode could be a 45 min animated weekly rampaging through the kingdoms and free cities.


Arya sequel. She's going beyond.. It would be interesting to see where. Or a prequel with the faceless men would be great. I also have a head Canon that a younger Raven did what Bran did but to the mad king in some way and made him go mad. I'd love to see what happened that made him repeat the "Burn them all" It seems to be a clear reference to the white walkers but it would be nice to see who and how he came to that knowledge.


jon snow in the north beyond the wall


As crappy as they did Dorn in the show I think it deserves it's own spinoff to rectify the cartoonishness of their characters in GOT


Exactly, I didn't really like most of the personalities of the characters who lived in Dorn. I just thought that they could have been written a little better story-wise.


Hot Pie 


Came on here to say this.


Bron. Would love a backstory on him. And which house he was from if it hasn’t been mentioned in the books.


I want to see the story of Oberyn Martell and Lyanna Mormont surviving in a world full of White Walkers.




I worry that explaining the faceless men too much would ruin the mystery. End of the day the answer is "our God is real and grants us certain magical powers". But it would require some excellent writing to make explaining their goals and satisfying.


Well if we can find good writers to do that, then we can make it happen lol.


Varys obviously


Jaqen would be a really good one. I have wanted a Valar Morghulis tattoo with the coin for a very long time and just never could pull the trigger on it


the beauty of GoT is it doesn’t revolve around one single person, it’d be like any other show and nobody’s one journey is interesting enough to make an entire show about (speaking specifically for the GoT characters…); absolutely RELIEVED that the Snow spin-off was shelved because nobody needs a whole show about him. however, the prequel spin offs should be good. post-GoT I don’t think there’s much story to tell after D&D destroyed every character arc they could before wrapping up.


Arya sailing further west than any before


If a man had a spin-off show, a man would cease to be mysterious.


A man needs to know though, what makes such a man mysterious. A man needs to be provided with more lore. A man must find out secrets.


A man must have good writing, so a man's character is not ruined. A man is not likely to get this. Revealing a man's true name and a man's backstory would ruin a popular fan theory about a man.


It’s a toss up between the former 3 eyed raven, And Children of the forest, their war with the first men, creating the night king and how he turned on the children.


Paud, I really want to know how he gets those girls swooning and we need a spin off to find out...




Can we not just follow Arya on her “what’s west of Westeros” journey? So many options with new fantasy characters we have not explored. Find out why others who have gone and not made it back. All the possibilities with who is now one of the best fighters in the world. Could be “kung fu” style as she travels from town to town on a brand new continent with some overarching villain that is on a new list of hers.


Arya sequel spin-off about her adventures West of Westeros would be sweet. Also, I'd love to see an Oberyn prequel show. More Pedro Pascal is always a win.


Idk about Jaqen. A show with the main character talking in third person would get tad bit annoying And idk who’d be good for spin off, like prequel wise maybe Ian Mcshanes character


Man im just imagining how next level the network head has to be to put together the producers for all these ideas. They would without a doubt be GOT scale and quality


Definitely!!! We barely see him in the books so there’s so much lore to unveil


I absolutely need to know what’s going on w Arya right now


Everyone does lol. She's in my top five list of Game of Thrones characters that I care about the most.


I think Daenerys in Essos should've been its own series, sailing to Westeros is the series finale, and then she joins the other characters on *Game of Thrones*. There was too much going on with her arcs to properly explore them when she only had a few minutes each episode and wasn't in every episode. GoT s1 is 10 episodes and in her section she travels across the continent and goes from a maiden to pregnant wife to barren widow.


I thought they were setting up a spinoff based on Arya's travels. If they wait too long they'll need a different actress.


They seriously need to. I want to see what adventures Arya goes on when she reaches what's west of Westeros.


Tywin Lannister. The guy was already a badass in the show but I would love to see how he became the man he is.


My thoughts exactly


Arya NOT Jon.


Arya. she went outside of westeros and with the skills sets she has I'd like to see her interact amongst the natives


Bron. it would offer so many avenues and areas to explore.


I'd have to go with Catelyn after she dies


I would enjoy a mini series on just Robert’s Rebellion or Aegon’s conquest


I know no one else would want this but a spin-off of Drogon, the Last Dragon. He fulfilled his mother’s promise of breaking the wheel by destroying the Iron Throne so make a spin-off following him roaming the world as the Last Dragon. Like Appa’s Lost Days episode of Avatar the Last Airbender. Show his prospective and other people’s reaction to him when they encounter him. Maybe he could fly past Arya while she’s West of Westeros. Maybe we could see him visiting Missandei’s home island as Grey Worm and the rest of the Unsullied bury her. See Jon Snow and the Wildings in the new true North now that the Army of the Dead is gone. Just a whole show of Easter Eggs and at the end, Drogon finds an entire lost continent of dragons and he spends his last days in peace.


I am thinking of a GoT cooking program: starring Hot Pie (the large kid)


Bobby B


I'd watch a show following Bronn from childhood to meeting Tyrion.


I agree with OP. Realistically that seemed like a storyline that could have gone many different directions. Arya could spin off into a side quest


Just wanted a buddy road trip spin off with Tormund, Davos, and Jon.


Done obviously. They had so much going on in the books. And so much left to happen in show but was just dropped


Oberyn and the hound


Great call with Jaqen! A prequel Spin off for him would be awesome




Bloodraven. It would also be a spin-off of the new show A Knight of Seven Kingdoms. It would have Bloodraven, from the time he was sent to the wall to join the Nights Watch, to when he became the Three-Eyed Raven, and then met Bran. This show could also have Maester Aemon as one of the main characters. Could have the adventures of Howland Reed, and when he met Lyanna Stark. Could also cover the Tournament at Harrenhal and "the abduction" of Lyanna Stark by Rhaegar Targaryen. It could reveal who the Knight Of Laughing Tree is. Have it end with how Bloodraven sent the Dire Wolves to south, so that the Starks would find them.


Arya - I know everyone was annoyed she got the plot line she did, but I was intrigued, and would love to check out what she is doing in her travels.


Obviously there’s only one answer, Mort the Gaoler. The genius show runners in their infinite wisdom even said that their one regret about their masterpiece was not doing more with him.


Not really a character, but asshai and sothoryos. I wanna see whats there.


The onion knight. We could see how he ascended his way to Stannis’ court from Flea Bottom, and it would take us to different places and meet new people to really open up what we know about the Known World. The Adventures of Ser Davos and Lord Salladhor Saan


None. I'm tired of milking any successful IP dry. Make something original.


I think spin-offs of how the people from nothing came into the powerful positions we know like Varys or Xaro Xhoan Daxos (Qarth) would be interesting to watch




Syrio Forel prequel becoming the first sword of braavos


The hound


The 13th Commander of the Nights Watch.


Def Robert Baratheon Would love to see him in his prime and the start of the rebellion


That would be awesome. 


Not a character per se but literally any town or organization in Essos. Volantis, Myr, the ruins of Valyria, Mereen, Vaes Dothrak. In retrospect Essos's history (imo) is much cooler than Westeros's. Maybe Melisandre since I believe she was in essso for most of her life.


Strong Belwas


The Night King


Bronn. Have him followed when he is off-duty doing Bronn things.


Hot pie.


Ser Dontos the sad fat drunk Hot pies cooking adventures


Brienne :) only because she's my favorite character 😁


Sir Barristan Selmy


One of my favorite knights in the Game of Thrones universe.


I completely, completely agree! All of the potential of actually abandoning one’s ego and therefore being able to take on the countenance of others and to do so much good in the world, which seemed Arya’s “calling”, would have been SUCH a good story line!


Arthur Dayne. He was the finest swordsman who Eddark had ever seen. He served under the "Mad King". You could have made a spinoff about his story as he grew up becoming the finest swordsman ever which would have been loaded with action. The rest of the story could be his time serving the mad king which would have shown a lot of good insight/background on how the "Mad King" became the Mad King


Ser Arthur Dayne's story is kind of interesting to me. He helped in bringing down the outlaws hiding in the Kingswood and defeated the smiling knight. He also won a tourney where he bested Rhaegar in a joust. 


Many i suppose but it would be hard to have a spinoff centered around one character in asoiaf. Especially around the timeframe of the first show. We would all just want to check in on whomever is alive.


Melisandre the red woman


First Sword: Syrio Forel 👉🏻


CSI: Canine Detectives 🐶🐺 - The Hound and Arya wander Westeros solving crimes…and maybe find a piece of themselves that they lost.


Shallador sa'an


Arya Stark and her journey to discover "What's West of Westeros"?