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thats that physics we havent explained


What physics explanation is there for black smoke baby monsters coming out of vaginas that go on to murder an aspiring king?


Or dragons, Direwolv3s, Demons made of Ice , little green forest people the shoot fireballs, J'aquen Hakar, ..... .


Why did you spell direwolves with a 3?


The three is above the e , my bad 🙄




No idea, it's unexplained. Most magic in this setting seems to be about transfering energy from one living thing into another thing or giving it form. Compare it to other fantasy settings that have magic yet so gods in the settings, it's all just energy.


Melisandre is an android that can produce programmable nanomachine clouds /s


Must have gotten lost on the way to season 5 of westworld.


Yeah, she wound up on that island too... Where do you think that mysterious black cloud came from?


Nanomachines, son


In addition to the four fundamental forces we know, the strong and weak nuclear forces, the electromagnetic force, and gravity, they also have a fifth fundamental force called "Magical Bullshit". Due to this fifth fundamental force, they can do all kinds of crazy stuff that our world can't, such as all types of crazy vagina monsters. This happens independently of any gods that may or may not exist, and is simply fundamental to the nature of this universe. There, I gave you a physics explanation for it.


I dont know about the gods, but obviously there is magic. The only god you ever get any real sort of proof of is the lord of light, but that could also just be sorcery.


The old gods too. This is why Bran has his powers.


And the god the faceless men worship And the gods the dothraki people worship when khal drago is ressurected by demon sounds in a tent And the great other cuz of white walkers And whatever gods the targaryens worshippes cuz of daenarys powers and her dragons


well... I suppose R'hllor has some proof of existence, insofar as Mellisandre and Thoros have both performed miracles in his name.


The proof there is also much more clear because we see them do things that they don't think they should be able to do. Melissndre has powers, but she didn't think she could save jon, implying divine intervention.


I mean, people wind up doing things they didn't think were possible all the time. It doesn't mean that some strange god reached down and helped them, it means they underestimated themself.


The Drowned God is pretty crazy. MF'ers drowning themselves often and coming back could be taken as proof. Book explains it a lot more than the show.


o rly? i always interpreted it as some cpr thing in the books


That’s exactly it. They fill their lungs and drown and some get resuscitated others don’t.


There are no gods, only men. (And magic)


Have you seen Ros’ tits? Explain to me how such beauty and perfection could exist without divine intervention.


But are they better than Bessie's ?


Thank the Gods for Bessie


And her tits!


The God of Tits and Wine is literally one of the main characters in the show. Pretty undeniable.


It is known


Stannis (via the red woman) used blood magic to summon a shadow that killed Renly. The faceless men/skin changing assassins definitely exist. Hell, they have their own headquarters in Braavos. More than one person has been resurrected via the Lord of Light. The Night King raised a whole port/base/field/whatever full of dead bodies at Hardhorne Dragons. 3 eyed Raven/Old gods/weirwood trees/ etc. That's all I got off the top of my head


The New Gods are a bunch of nonsense but the rest seem to have some real/actual/magic power about them.


I would put for that that this is all proof of magic being real, but not necessarily proof that there are any gods.


I don't know how Thoros of Myr kept raising Ser Beric, again and again. Something was up there.


My theory is that GRRM is actually god, communicating with various characters as the “lord of light”. Essentially George has the ability to just resurrect people because he has plans for them later in the plot. All the characters are just there for the sake of the story and to sell books. So “god’s plan” essentially revolves around whatever George wants to do to make the story compelling


Only magic. We see the most "proof" from followers of Rhlor but all that proof is magic so it could just as easily be insanely complex spells. Old Gods aren't completely stated to be so, but I think from context clues it can be inferred that they along with the Weirwoods are The Three Eyed Raven messing with events, be that Bran, Tree Man, or whoever else may have had that title before. So depending on what you want to call a God, time travelling near immortal beings with mind control powers could be proof of the Old Gods. Really it's just The Seven that lack any proof at all. I'm sure you could scrounge up "proof" somewhere in the lore but I doubt it's as unimpeachable as witnessing a man be resurrected a dozen times. And even, again, it can just be magic without some deity.


There is only one god, and His name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: 'not today'.


Not today.


I am 99% sure that the Red God/Lord of Light is real in their world, and about 80% sure the God of Death is also real in their world, not really sure about any of the others though. I also wonder if the Red God, the God of Death and the "Many-Faced God" are all the same entity with different names?


I have no proof and have only read the first book but I have always been under the impression there was only 1 god in the world. Every culture just seems to call it something different. This god send to be 100% real and guiding all the characters towards it's ultimate plan.


GRRM makes a very big point in interviews out of not explicitly stating if there are gods or not, the way that we don't know if there are any gods or true religions in our world. I'm personally a GOT atheist. I think religions and gods in Westeros were made up to explain magic that they didn't know how to explain scientifically.


no proof at all. it's entirely possible there are supernatural manipulators, like Marwyn and Quaithe using glass candles to enter people's dreams or create visions are whatnot, but no proof that gods are real.


Well, certain someone's *did* repeatedly die and come back to life, so....