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I'll add that Strahan does a decent job with Pyramid. It gets a little sophomoric, but they didn't mess too much with the gameplay.


Will have to check that out, haven't seen much of it, but I do love Pyramid, one of the best bonus rounds in a game show ever.


They do a great job. Everything is digital screen but it still looks/sounds/feels like the categories/clues are physically turning. Gameplay is quick and I think Strahan is a great host


I just appreciate it's actually possible to win $100K in any given episode. I sincerely have *no* idea why the original show was called the $100K Pyramid. The prize was $10K, when on earth was it ever $100K? It was such a scam title.


I believe in the 80s it was first bonus round $10k, win the second it was $25, then there was an in-season "championship" of people who won the $25k to have a chance at the $100k.


Specifically in Dick Clark $25,000 Pyramid, going to Winners’ Circle twice was worth a *total* of $25,000; if you won the 7-11 for $1,100 and the first WC for $10,000, you’d get $13,900 more for winning the second WC.


Just the three players who won $10,000 or $25,000 in the fastest time over six weeks. When every winners circle is for $100,000 and crushes the dreams of the opponents? That was real tension.


Clark had a $50,000 version as well that had a format where the top winners came back for a tournament to win the big money.


The reboot is good other than they always seem to feel the need to include some kind of silly double entendre type of moment, I guess hoping it’ll go viral. I’m not a prude by any means but I don’t watch Pyramid for that.


Password is terrible because Jimmy Fallon. Were you able to rhyme the word that is the password of the round? That seems like a cop out and such an easy way to win. Jimmy Fallon is too try hardy to be funny on the show. I wish he wasn’t a repeating player on the show. Weakest Link has been great, they need more episodes. Wheel of Fortune doesn’t need to be touch imo. The Chase needs to come back already, I miss it.


I loved Million Dollar Password with Regis. Idk why they would make Fallon the successor to Regis for the Password franchise.


I agree about Fallon. I find him very annoying and think password would be better if they have 2 different celebrities each week


Agree on all accounts, especially about the Chase, was a great show, could have picked up the pace a bit, but overall it was one I could get the rest of the family to watch with me.


People don't understand the line between comedy, reality and game show anymore because celebrities.


Great post. Agree with 99%. The oversimplification problem will continue because we Americans have zero attention span anymore with phones and whatnot. There is no such thing as a game show host anymore. Whomever emceeing "needs" to be the center of attention because that's what they believe OR the contestant needs the dramatic story then that's what the show is about - the story. Otherwise, Jimmy Fallon running back and forth over "cactus".


This response made me realize that once Pat Sajak retires, that's pretty much it for anything resembling a traditional game show host, and now I'm sad lol Does give me an idea to create a top 5 list of game show host greats though!


Ken Jennings comes pretty darn close


Well Drew Carey ain't that bad


Yeah, he's gotten so much better as the years have gone by. It's absolutely insane to me that he's been there for 17 years now. Feels like 6 to me lol


I feel the same about Wayne Brady!!! I honestly love that they kept Lets Make a Deal so true to the original (been 15 for it 😳). Monty Hall was fantastic, and I think he pays so much respect by not overdoing it. I think he and Drew learned a lot about live audiences from Who's Line, and that helped them keep it engaging on and off screen.


I love British game shows because they’re a lot more sophisticated, understated and challenging. You don’t get all the melodrama and overreaction.


I know I'm in the minority, but I actually enjoyed the McHale version of Card Sharks. I'll admit the pacing was off (if they had three games per episode instead of two, that would have improved things dramatically) but overall I think the good outweighed the bad.


You missed Press Your Luck! The new version is awesome!


Yeah, we watch it, not a priority though. Those last couple rounds can be intense for sure!


The problem with. Catch 21 is it’s about 9 minutes of game and 22 minutes of program. Too much talk, but I liked me some Mikki


I hate how on Press Your Luck.....in the bonus game when thr contestants hit s big cash amount or big prize, they have to run around celebrating, slapping high fives, hugging Elizabeth (well.....I would do that at least).....only to get a whammy on the next spin......then I laugh.


If you just won $200,000 car/motorhome/trip. You would just stand there and clap? Annnnd that’s why you wouldn’t be a contestant lol. You do know that game shows interview all contestants. They are LOOKING for someone like that. I’ll admit I’ve seen the casting director on TPIR miss the mark several times this season (the frumpy jeans/overall ladies last week…. Wow!). But for the most part they get it right!