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Hey yahoo coming out in 2023 and not 2003


Right? Lol


FWIW I think it was actually a pretty good game that was fun to play along with and I was disappointed to see it Memory Holed so quickly. Google would have made much more sense than Yahoo though.


Mind of a Man. Wasn’t funny, didn’t have a clever premise, lacked any engaging format/execution of the game, terrible hosting & guests, the contestants were mindless drones. Horrible.


Man v Fly, Get a Clue, It Takes a Church and Common Knowledge are my least favorites.


Blank Slate and Hey Yahoo are the weakest of the most recent ones.


*Faux Pause* from the late '90s. It basically took (relatively) obscure game shows from their library and gave them the MST3K treatment. Which honestly could've worked if it had even an ounce of MST3K's charm and wit...but, spoiler alert...it didn't.


I’ll freely admit to being the only person on Earth who liked *The Money List*. But the show was a complete flop on another network, I don’t know why they thought it would succeed - or why Fred Roggin gave up his successful tenure on GSN Live to host a show that was so obviously doomed. *How Much is Enough?* was just watching people watch a clock. It’s honestly fun to play because of the strategy aspects but massive props to Corbin Bernsen for managing to get something even mildly watchable out of it. I remember one episode he took a call in the middle of an episode and the fact that was the most memorable single scene of the whole series says a lot. *Hidden Agenda* and *Love Triangle* were also both shows for some reason. At least *Baggage* relished in its own stupidity.


I also loved those first two shows! I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers them. My personal worst was Caroline and Friends. It haunts me to this day with how much I hated it


I had blotted that piece of garbage out of my brain.


I only vividly remember The Money List. It was part of their new idea back in I think it was around 2009 of introducing newer shows(Hell, they even had an THREE hour primetime block). The only good show I can even say was half-decent was 20Q.


The idea of the money list was OK. What drove me nuts was that you spent 99.99999999999% of the program literally listening to people argue. Divided had the exact same problem, apart from its obvious problem named Mike Richards.


I loved the money list. It was fun to just rattle off a list of stuff I knew. I watched an old episode the other day where in the bonus round they had to name presidents who served before 1900. Just hand me the money. Divided was a fun concept but it got old in a hurry.


I just don’t like to watch people argue. I deal with enough of that in actual life. Game shows are supposed to be an escape.


Divided was fun watching idiots lose money by arguing. Haven’t seen much arguing on the few episodes of the list I have seen. They seem to have a good split of pop culture and general knowledge type questions so I would do well if I drew a pop culture savant partner.


I have to listen to people argue off the TV enough. Surprisingly divided had a worse crime than the arguing. It’s name was Mike Richards.


I wouldn’t say you’re the only person who liked The Money List: it lasted 12 seasons in the UK.


Blank Slate is up there for super recent ones, Hey Yahoo! Also.


Most of their late night programming from around about 2007-08 was pretty terrible(Celebrity Blackjack was one of the worst, Think Like a Cat was an freak one-off, Bingo Night in America was meh), but the two worst I can think off, and I don't even know how these got the green light was Carnie Wilson Unstapled and Chuck Woolery Naturally Stoned. Dear god, those were fucking terrible.


Carnie Wilson was such a negative presence on *Unstapled*. I don’t know why anyone thought that was a good idea when she came off so unlikable. Hell, I remember the *ads* for the show were better than the show itself. That’s not how this is supposed to work.


Think Like a Cat! In an interview years later, Chuck said he only did that one for the money.


Not in that era, but there was also this weird comedy improv panel show starring Caroline Rhea. Forget the name of it.


Funny You Should Ask


I just looked up Unstapled and NS Why would anyone want to watch that crap?


The majority of the stuff would likely be from when the channel rebranded as GSN and moved away from game shows.  As far as specific game shows, my picks would be Get a Clue, Cram, and the Bill Engvall version of Lingo.


I remember liking Cram just for how weird it was, but the Bill Engvall Lingo was just so forgettable. I thought I was just judging it for the childhood nostalgia I have for the Chuck Woolery version until I found out nobody else liked it either.


And unfortunately, because of Chuck Woolery's dumbass Twitter comments, the only good version of Lingo is locked in the vault and will never be on the Game Show Central channel.


Are you perhaps speaking of the very first version (at least that I remember) that was hosted by Michael Reagan? He did quite well, I thought


Why would you think I was talking about Reagan when I very clearly said Chuck Woolery in the first half of my statement?


I was asking trinitymonkey, who said the only good version (their words) was locked up where GSN couldn't get at it. Must have hit the wrong Reply arrow. You want to watch Chuck, more power to you--nobody's judging you


That was u/DNukem170 speaking. I've never seen the Reagan version.


Not to self--do not post first thing in the morning until you're absolutely sure both eyes are open. My apologies.


All good, it happens.


Out of all the versions of Lingo to exist, I think the Michael Reagan version was the best. Did like the No Lingo Bonus Round and it was passable back in 1987-88. The Woolery version was the one most people remember, but no one loved it. Engvall was lame and RuPaul is meh.


No one loved it? Where the fuck is the rock you've been hiding under? It's one of the more beloved GSN Originals and definitely the most beloved of their initial batch. Hell, it managed to get six seasons when most GSN originals don't go past 3.


1987? Good lord, no wonder I only have vague memories of it! I was only twenty-five in 1987..and it was on at like two am (oh, the joys of syndication...).


When you stack up all the originals from the 2002-03 era, I think Cram is the weakest. I still enjoy it though


The worst for me was Family Trade, as it wasn't even a game show. It was a bad reality show.


Blank Slate, America Says, "Person,Place,or Thing" are all pretty poor concepts with middling hosts.


blank slate


Star face (hosted by Danny Bonaduce) was kind of weird and not very watchable


Never saw that one


The blackjack show, whatever it's called.


Catch 21 I think yeah that show is bad lol


It was a one-off, but the 2009 Game Show Awards was probably the cringiest show they’ve ever aired. When I got to the part where people were ballroom dancing to the $25,000 Pyramid theme, I was out.


I am so tired of the un-family feud!!! That show is a shell of its former glory under Steve Harvey’s direction! I can guarantee, every episode will have a sexually motivated question. It’s like the Ghetto Feud. Not Family Feud! Then Steve Harvey walks around with a fake dumbfounded look like he’s surprised when a contestant gives a raunchy answer to the raunchy question. Worst show on GSN. We shut that crap off after 9:00PM and go to another channel. It’s not just me, every person in my personal game show circle feels the same way. It’s just plain raunchy. I am sure I will catch the most downvotes for this but someone had to say it! I wish they would have gotten someone like Wayne Brady! A far superior host.


Catch 21.


The current GSN rotation is largely dull and uninspired - Split Second's tactic is to hit the button without the risk of Jeopardy, and Switch's "scoring system" is stupid. But from the older generation, where they at least tried to make their rotation interesting, they came out with some really **awful** shows: * "Without Prejudice?" - a panel awarding prize money to one person based on tabloid-esque snapshots of their life and outright stereotyping. This, predictably, ended up featuring an outright racist judgement on one episode. * "Divided" - a) Mike Richards, who has now lived out his boyish dream of being a game show host and needs to stop and b) a format tried in the UK and devolves quickly into people arguing, then coldly standing still while money dwindles to $0. Cringe. * "Kenny vs Spenny" - actually a Canadian import, I think actually worse than the grossness of the challenges and loser "humiliations" was the outright abuse towards Spenny in many cases.