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Hi everyone! I am going to recommend NOT posting your ideas in a public forum if you think there's ANY chance of it actually being a good idea. You never know who will steal your idea and run with it.


Found the Fox producer.


Think along the lines of The Running Man or Hunger Games. Also maybe like the episode of the Simpsons where they get to shock each other with buzzers.


Look up The Chamber. The scariest part, was that it was real.


We already have Hellevator


That one show, the cage I think it was called. People were put in extremely hot or cold conditions and forced to answer questions. Or fear factor. Also think of the Saw movies and use the traps as an idea.


The Chamber.


Murder or No Murder It plays the same as Deal or No Deal, but the briefcases all hold different names of people of differing importance to the player (both people they personally know, people they know of, and types of people like a death row criminal), with a range from the worst option being themselves, and the best being no one. A person in the role of the Banker offers various options not already on the board based on what is still on the board. If the player takes the "deal" or gets to the end and keeps thier briefcase, the subject in the briefcase is killed on live TV in a chamber where the player has to press the button to make it happen and win while the person inside likely pleads for their life. The player gets (some amount) million dollars after completing the murder.


An unethical game show would be one where they offer at least $10 million to the winner,  but the danger of ending up dead is high, with no financial compensation if you die.  Squid Game, offering people money to play Russian Roulette, having a group of people kill each other, things of that nature.


I just want to be clear: are you looking for game shows we'd be interested in seeing, or game show ideas that would be unethical? Because if it was option B, then my thought is: you could have a group of players vote each other out. When someone gets voted out, they get decapitated. Last person left standing gets $100 million. People will do anything for that kind of money.


Kind of like Circle, except they had electrocutions.


Has anyone watched the Inside No. 9 episode "3 by 3"?


Anyone who can’t solve the puzzle, answer the question, what have you gets thrown into liquid nitrogen and then fed to a lion?


Check out the Chuck Barris novel "The Big Question".


You know the Doctor Who episode where they have a future version of *The Weakest Link* but eliminated players are killed? Something like that.


A dating show based on The Lady or the Tiger.