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Banshees from mass effect with the ability to warp jump to you and insta-kill and when you played platinum level in mp *shudders*


Oh yeah, those enemies were pretty bad.


The screams still give me goosebumps..


I miss mass effect 3 multiplayer :( It was such a simple yet well executed concept. And I never paid for a box or whatever crap they lumped in


Great bonding experince with other players when you cobra launcher the banshee that's grabbing someone.


Oh yes scary and powerful creatures, hate them


I haven't thought about how much I hate and fear mass effect banshees in a long, long time. Those are some salty memories.


I wasn't even playing on the hardest difficulties, and the part with the Thanix missiles and two banshees on top of everything else nearly broke me.


I loved farming them in Multiplayer. There's a sweet spot on one of the maps where she can't grab you. I also played Geth Juggernaut, so I couldn't be grabbed or one-shot by enemies. Built for Hex Shield and Turret with flamer and shield regen, and the Squad was set for life.


Nemesis in Resident Evil 3


Everybody gangsta until Nemesis chases you onto the next screen over


The first time that happened I actually screamed.


I was watching my brother play it when he rented it and I may have only lasted 10 minutes. I had nightmares for months. Edit: may have been 6/7 years old.


Dude the same shit happened to me but with resident evil 2. I was 7 when that came out and I had terrible nightmares of being eaten alive for at least a month. Absolutely terrified me as a kid. Had never encountered "zombies" before witnessing my older brother play the beginning street scene and dieing. My mind shattered a little bit lbvs.


When he sprints, he SPRINTS


Trying to take him down in front of the police station to get the eagle early was fun




even worse for me was seeing their markers appear on your compass before seeing them proper. The unmistakable jittering lines moving around erratically means that they are very close and what you choose to do next is very important. šŸ˜Ø


What you donā€™t do, run into the cabin after you get stung and cause it to autosave when you really havent hardsaved in a whiiiiile


Those things scares me to no end you get hit once and 3/4 of your hp is gone and they are impossible to shoot without vats


Remember my first time going to the wrong direction midgame on fallout.


ā€œMan, screw the main questline, I can see Vegas from here ima go northā€ *cue trauma acquisition*


A blind deathclaw? No problem I'll just run pa-- aaaand I'm dead


Funny how the blind deathclaw is programmed with higher detection than the normal. It's like daredevil from marvel.


Who tf decided they should have 18 points in Perception anyway?


Yeah I was so confused at first which made it extra frustrating. Why is this fly an indestructable killing machine?


Tbf those are not flies, even their IRL counterparts are terrifying


So that players don't rush Vegas 5 minutes into the run.


Runebears from elden ring. I might be level 300 but Iā€™m not fucking about with those, always straight onto torrent and the straightest way out.


Runebears arenā€™t even worth fighting. For all their difficulty, they give you no runes.


More like runbears then


More like Ruinbears, cause they ruin my day.


I have some +24 frost claws specifically for them. Run right under them and start wailing away, a lot of their attacks miss at that range and as soon as you hit them with bleed and frost most of their health is gone.......otherwise, I nope right out.


The dot matrix printer in Papers Please.


I can still hear my reprimand being printed.


Holding my breath an extra five seconds every time I approve/deny someone and eyeing the bottom of my screen to see if it starts printing....


I memorized the exact pixel that the person walks over when it starts printing. I watch it with hellish intent and probably waste a good amount of time doing it too


Yep, have a PTSD from the sound alone


Halo 2 Jackal snipers. I need not elaborate any further.


And Rocket Flood... they're more unpredictable.


I recently replayed CE, I don't know how I played that as a child, the rocket Flood have no chill. I spent the better part of an hour replaying a checkpoint in one of the Flood missions because THREE rocket flood were camping a chokepoint.


The tunnel of horrors even in the banshee I was no match


On Legendary I'd know exactly where they were well in advance and still die to them over and over. Fucking assholes. Love that game.


Itā€™s like you head shot them with a beam rifle or carbine then their two friends see you and BAM. Respawn and take out a different one. Respawn, take out the other one. Respawn, stare at screen, mumble obscenities, try again. Respawn, grumble grumble. Change angle of attack, take out one and know the other two canā€™t see you. Respawn. Surprise!! Fourth one is there. FUCK!! Repeat process.


The worst part about it is that having two people only kind of helps. Halo two was so difficult because if one person dies then you're set back.


They never miss twice... Had to memorize every possible spawn location to beat parts with them.


The winter lanterns in Bloodborne. Horrifying appearance, this haunting song they sing, and the frenzy mechanic. I hate those things.


Snatchers too for similar reasons


Mimics from PREY. Those things will make you go insane.


wakeful encourage tap books library ask frightening ghost future unite


Paranoia level max


So fucking fear inducing, god I loved that game.


Walk into a room and see random objects jiggle. Proceed to apply percussive maintenance to all objects in sight. Get jumpscared by mimic, respond by flailing wrench until out of stamina only to see the bugger scamper out the door to different room. Cry. Repeat.


Redead in Ocarina of Time


The fucking scream scared the ever loving shit out of 8 year old me


When I first experienced it while an older kid I knew was playing it it actually sent me into some kind of state of shock and made me sweat


Redead for sure scared me, but they were nothing compared to Dead Hands. Pure Nightmare Fuel.


This but the ones from Wind Waker


Whitney's Miltank in Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal. FUCKING DEMON. PERFECT ACCURACY Rollout. And my inexperienced ass did not have a fighting type to deal with her.


Original Gold/Silber right? Yeah fuck that. The moment i was done with it i was so over leveled i didn't have an actuall fight till Kanto.


That fucking Miltank. I used to send out my Pigeotto first and just sand-attack it till its accuracy couldn't be lowered anymore, then I'd beat the everliving fuck out of it with whatever pokemon I had in my party at the time.


I must have repressed this memory. Reading your comment brought it back. Fuck that Miltank I was not ready


Malboros in any Final Fantasy game. Screw those ugly bastards and their status affecting bad breath


I couldnā€™t think of what enemy I would pick until I read this comment. Those bastards can fuck all the way off. Also, running into your first Tonberry or Cactuar in a play-through was always a nerve-racking experience.


Tonberrrys and Cactuars at least had this quacky, cute and fun-looking element about them. Not Malboros. Those can suck a fat one.


So like they just turned cigarettes into an rpg enemy??


In FFX, there's a type of Malboro that has insane speed, so the moment you get into a fight with it, it will immediately use Bad Breath and make victory either rough or nearly impossible. I specifically had someone equipped with an armor piece that gave him the ability to act first in combat and just had him flee every time one of those things showed up.


but morphing them into ribbons in FFVII was great.


That damn Regenerator in Resident Evil 4. That creepy bastard would just not go down, got on my nerves every time


Seriously the Regenerator and Garrador both scared the shit outta me as a kid


I love the Garrador but damn his design is something a 13 y old edgy me would do.


It kinda fits Salazar tho


That raspy breathing still makes my skin crawl.


This! As a young teen, it took me several days to complete the level because of how scary the Regenerador were. The way they just slowly walk towards you and no matter how much bullets you put into they just kept coming. Then eventually you get the thermal scope but that didn't make it any better since it was on the sniper rifle and it was so stressful to aim with the analog sticks. And when playing the remake, I rushed through the whole damn level because I didn't not want to stay within the area.


Yeah I didnā€™t know you needed the thermal scope to kill the regenerator


The mimic chests. Every chest I see, I whack just in case. Even if there is no chance of me opening it, I still give it a whack.


I really appreciate how youā€™ve not specified a game and yet itā€™s also just a universal ā€œyeah fuck all of themā€ That really hammers home how awful Mimics can be.


I feel this, and if it's a souls game, shoot an arrow from afar... easier to run lol. That said, be careful what you hit a chest with in dark souls 2, as you CAN break it and the goodies inside


You cal also watch the way the small chain on the side of the barrel is positioned. Normal chests and mimics have their chains arranged in a different way.


Didn't that only work in the first one though? It's been awhile, so I could be wrong


Ancient Leshen, Monster Hunter World


I hate that thing. Good riddance when I finally made the dualblades.


Bioshock. I remember certain enemies would walk around saying the "Our Father" prayer is a slow and creepy way. Really freaked me out.


Spider splicers doing acrobatics while Killings you


Silent Splicers, Splicers pretending to be dead, white Splicers and those awful Boys of Silence.


First time I fought a Big Daddy I had to step away from my computer for a moment.


The stalkers in TLOU2. Not because they're hard, they kinda are, but it's more so just because they freak me out lol.


I think they're the scariest because, unlike runners who just b line to you, you really feel like stalkers are outsmarting you tactically


Turning around and seeing one of the peeking from behind a corner then running off scared the shit out of me. I remember saying "you know what fuck this" and quit trying to sneak around and just sprinted through ignoring everything until I got outside


For me its the hands from Elden Ring, I know they aren't hard to kill but holy shit do they creep me out!


Also, fuck the lobster.


Those were the worst and always showed at the worst possible times.


Stopped fighting them. Began just running for my life


The creepy revenant things that take damage from healing magic are what do that to me


You mean you don't like the way they shuffle towards you spitting acid and making creepy noises?!


The way they casually leap 80 yards towards you and throw a fit slapping in every direction for what feels like 200 hits enrages me every time.


They give me PTSD from another game. Little nightmares 2šŸ˜‚


Oh god they are creepy... I just googled it šŸ˜‚


Barnacles from Half Life. Theyā€™re the reason why I donā€™t trust any dangling rope/wire like object in any game regardless of genre. You can never be too safeā€¦


HL 1 & 2, etc are such great games. They knew exactly how much creepiness people like me can handle (not much) and turned it up just a half tick past that.


I could never beat half life 2 because "we don't go to ravenholm"


Definitely spooked the first time the fast zombies show up!


Iā€™m not a fan of horror games. itā€™s the constant tension feeling, but halflife gave me enough tension I wasnā€™t bored walking thru corridors but not too much that I wanted to play a different game


Also the damn four-legged black things in Ravenholm. Fuck those things in particular.


Toss those barrels around like Donkey Kong


Electric My Little Pony in Monster Hunter World. As a HBG user he was a fucking nightmare, and I needed his skin for my armor. Fuck Kirin.


As someone who's never played it, I'm genuinely confused about the electric My little pony


My nickname fo Kirin him is Thunderhoof.


Those damn skinny zombie things in Ravenholm from Half Life 2 Their screams to cow like moans in the distance still gives me the chills


We don't go to ravenholm


Whenever I consider playing HL2 again (it happens on a regular basis), Ravenholm is always what makes me hesitate or change my mind. Is the game worth going through Ravenholm again? Yeah... not sure.


Paradox had to ban the phrase ā€œremove kebabā€ or similar on their forums because real life racism and the hate their game(Europa Universalis 4) engenders towards the Ottoman Empire was melding to the point the moderators couldnā€™t distinguish between the two. France is in that list too, I donā€™t think ā€œremove baguetteā€ ever caught on however.


For CK it was definitely Karling hate.


Cliff Racers in Morrowind. Most annoying to date for me.


All praise St Jiub


When you encounter the Flood in Halo.


That goddamn one with the rocket in the narrow corridor. Fuck that one in particular.


The reaper leviathan from subnautica. Really doesn't help that i have major thalassaphobia and couldn't do much in a game about being underwater.


My thalassaphobia is so bad, holy shit I can't even watch subnautica. There was a Jaws game on ps2 where you were Jaws and I still stayed out of the deep water.


If you think subnautica is bad, don't look up the game "Stranded Deep". It's like subnautica except theres even less between you and the creatures of the deep. I had to stop playing that one because i couldn't progress with diving underwater and i just couldn't do it.


I didn't have thalassaphobia till I played the game.


The rabid variations of Skags and Stalkers from Borderlands 2.Especially in UVHM.They're fast and deal a lot of damage,being able to three shot you if you are going for OP levels. Also Dukino's mom.Fuck Dukino's mom.


Dukino's mom, also known as living breathing tank


Chrysalids in the original x-com.Ā  The ones in the remakes weren't much worse.Ā Ā 


Would you kindly...


OH YESSS. I love the bioshock franchise.


The guardians from BOTW. When I first started they were genuinely the most terrifying thing. And now that the music from the guardians is used in some memes is being used my PTSD has only gotten worse


Can't even trust the dead ones...


Reaper leviathans will alway be the scariest thing to exist for me


The gargantuan leviathan mod gained a lot of popularity recently and for a good reason. In my opinion that's the coolest and most absurdly scary thing I've seen.


Basilisks in FromSofts games.


Their chittering sounds are burned into my brain forever


Basilisks in DS1 are an absolute nightmare due to where theyā€™re placed, but Iā€™d argue theyā€™re not nearly as bad as I remembered in the other games. With Elden Ring in particular, you usually get a lot of room to maneuver around them, and the plus side to them is they never deal any lasting damage, itā€™s just all or nothing. Unfortunately, thatā€™s what wormfaces are for


The suckers from Bloodborne. If you've played you know the ones. They hide in corners, grab you when you least expect it and drain your currency as well as your health.


RDR cougars. Those fuckers are completely invisible on PS3


Wolf spiders in Grounded


Donā€™t even get me started on the infected wolf spidersā€¦


Winter Lanterns from Bloodborne


That yellow blobby dude from the early MegaMan Dr. Wily stages. You know, the one that breaks apart and shoots across the room? Fuck him. 7 year old me could not handle that thing. 40 year old me is still intimidated by him.


Yellow Devil. Nightmare fight without the glitch


Every enemy in Soma. I've never played a game that was that scary and stressful.


god yes. the ones where you canā€™t look at them were something else šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


The End from Metal Gear Solid 3 - you have no idea he's sitting you from. Even if you know what you're doing, you'll have a difficult time looking for him.


The Volatiles in Dying Light. Freaking terrifying.


Dark Elves in God of War 2018 are fucking annoying. It's like they're designed to be upsetting. An ability that makes you blind. Constant unblockables. In the air and able to dodge. Frustrating.


All Sekiro


Bone wheel skeletons.


Androids from alien isolation


Lag and its not even close


The Theron Guard from Gears of War 1 was the most infuriating enemy I've ever faced in a video game. These guys were fast, tough, and hit like trucks. Their torque bows could take you out in one shot on higher difficulties. The pumping station's layout made them even more annoying to deal with. I still have nightmares about those arrows


Someone understands my pain šŸ˜­ The guard appears again on a DLC for gears 3 but they're severely nerfed.


The Butcher from Diablo 1




I raise you Duriel from Diablo 2. LOOKING FOR BAAL?!?!


Playing D2 as a kid and not understanding how important resistances were, every playthrough I would beat Duriel by just using town portals and throwing myself at him until I whittled him down.


Mostly enemies, you can only stop and not kill. The worst was always Nemesis in RE 3. That fucker was fast and could follow you through doors.


I had nightmares for months after I played through Amnesia. Lotsa folks sharing stories about enemies that were challenging or annoying, but you can't fight back in Amnesia and that's what made it so scary for me


Still the Flood from Halo mission 343 Guilty Spark


Croakers from payday 2ā€¦


Frog police


ā€¢ Big Daddy/Big Sister from Bioshock ā€¢ Thereā€™s this TUFF juggernaut style monster inā€¦ either some zombie game or Gears of War. I forgetā€¦ itā€™s been a *long long time*. BUT that thing was seriously awful. ā€¢ The Fel Reaver from World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade.


>ā€¢ The Fel Reaver from World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Describe this enemy: It's a 60 foot tall demonic robot powered by Fel Flame that shakes the ground as it walks and emits a deafening Alarm noise. How'd it kill you: Snuck up on me.


The deathsquito's from Valheim.


ā€œITS NOT OVER YET!ā€ Monster Ock from Spider-Man.


Hunters, from the original PS1 Resident Evil. They jump out of the way and waste precious ammo, while dealing a good amount of damage, too.


Star Wars Dark Forces, those damn sewage creatures. Unreal, the hallway with the lights and the runner mob. Hexen, basically anything especially in the dark.


Dianogas! Fuck those things, I HATED the sewer level in that game.


1. Dead Hand 2. ReDead 3. Wallmaster OOT had some creepy shit.


Those floating tomato dudes from Doom. Xan from Unreal Tournament.


Metroid II on the Gameboy, the Metroids. The music and speed of those when you stepped in the room was terrifying, even in black and white.


I played a boss from Evil West last night for 2 hours with a friend.....like I think it was called Bluch or something. That shit rivaled the difficulty of some of the hardest Soulsbornering bosses.Ā  There was a point where I got it down to 15% health and got killed and I laid on the floor with my head buried in my hands for a few minutes.Ā  Fun game though.Ā 


I have hated a single enemy type more than I ever hated the Pontiff Knight's from dark souls 3. Mfs have longer combos than sister fucking Friede.


Beheaded Kamikaze from Serious Sam




Witches from Left for Dead.


The hidden creatures inside rocks in No Man's Sky. They aren't hard to beat, but you'll be minding your own business gathering ore when **POP** the rock your were mining grows legs and attacks you! It makes me flinch every time I go to mine a large rock.


This is kinda an old school one but Akuma is the first that comes to mind. Being accustomed to the arcade run and feeling confident as I'm about to face Bison, a tough fight but I knew his gimmicks. IN A GAME THAT NEVER HAS MORE THAN TWO CHARACTERS ON SCREEN, A THIRD CHARACTER COMES OUT AND KILLS THE BOSS BEFORE TURNING TO ME. I still remember my heart sinking into panic when it first happened to me. Akuma has been a terror in so many games since as well that he always makes me nervous.


Hufsa from the Moomin game. Hufsa has already traumatized a generation of children in nordic countries so encountering her in the game scared the shit out of me šŸ˜‚




Banshees in mass effect 3. Fuck. Them.


The Ubermorph from Dead Space 2. (And similarly the Hunter and Regenerators from the first & third games). It comes at you just after the tortuous experience of the needle eye machine, and then you have to do that stupid hacking engineering mechanic to unlock the door _while it is regenerating the limbs you just cut off_! Then it hounds you until you finally reach the EarthGov Security Sector... where you then basically enact the final massacre from *Cabin in the Woods*. ...it can see me through the windows... The lights are off, the mass of necromorphs are storming the compound, blood, bullets, and screams of terror fill the air, and it just... waltzes into the carnage, staring up at me...


Those Porygon Z in Temporal Tower in Explorers of Sky


There was this Darius I played against in top lane. I was a wukong. This was years ago. I went up 4-0 on him with the help of ganks. Thought I could 1v1 him. He beat me. Turned into a 56min long match. We slowly lost control and they beat us. I was so pissed. The next game, the same player (Darius) was on my team. Somehow. Except this time, he went Syndra jungle and trolled us. His last words to me: ā€œIā€™m so glad you lost this one tooā€ I spiked my mouse into the ground, and it shattered into a million different pieces in the middle of the street at like 11:00pm.


Parked cars one-shotting me in Fallout 4.


Sans and Undyne the Undying from Undertale. I love both their themes but just hearing the first few notes of Megalovania or Battle Against a True Hero makes my fingers twitch.


Boos from Mario. I have no idea why, but they just creeped me out when I was a kid.


Silent hill games . Just hit different to other games,Real terror and horror man.


Judge Doom in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Fuck Mothman in the SMT series with his stupid voice and stealing all my SP.


nemesis from OG resident evil 3


For me, it would have to be the floating heads from Prince of Persia 2 and the Matador from Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne


You know, that bitch in P.T. got me good. Especially when she stopped showing up but I could always hear her, and then I realized it was because she had possessed me. Even typing this is giving me fucking chills, fuck.


For me it's a tie between Chimeras and Controllers in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R franchise. Chimeras are like two headed tiger monsters that look like they come straight from hell and Controllers are like failed experiments on the human brain to give mind controlling powers and if you get on their line of sight they mess with your head and mind and your Psy health depletes. On some fan made mods, they can force you to commit sliced if they get near you, other mods they can turn you into zombies. Also they look very messed up and have some creepy laughter when they spot you.


Those lanky bastards you can only see with your infrared sniper in the lab section of resident evil 4..




The clock. Not an in-game enemy. Literally just the clock in my room. It's always there for every game. It says scary things like "you can only get 4 hours of sleep tonight." and "the sun is rising." without any words. it just keeps fucking ticking.


Cazadors from Fallout New Vegas. I was so confused the first time they killed me (and also lost several hours of gameplay). The realization that it was their poison killing me still didn't help because you have to remove it after *every single sting*. I can't tell you how many times I freaked out over a fucking Bloatfly because I started to assume anything flitting about was a Cazador.


Cliff Racers in Morrowind. At least the guy from the opening of the game eradicated them all sometime after the events of Morrowind.


Doom 1993 Pinky


Whitney's Miltank. Even if I now know the trick to beating her, I make sure to be 10 or 15 levels above her and stomp her to the ground, due to how traumatic the first fight against her was.