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Fantastic game, but it's one of those games that can actually make you want to give up to it on certain rng hits. I put it down due to the frustration it was causing and picked it back up years later. Great DLC and a great mod community. It's one of those games where you feel the rush of actually beating it.


the key is you need to consider the characters as resources that are to be spent .


For sure, and the game tells you as much, but a lot of people sometimes have a hard time losing a character with investment put into it. The first time I lost Dismas on a bad rng roll, I was like....there went my lvl 5 for nothing. It's a fun high risk high reward system depending on whatever you are trying to get done.


Yeah. It wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t lose hours building up your characters. Doesn’t stop me from playing it, just stepping away.


That’s sort of why I ended up not getting very far in it. I don’t have much time to game anymore and so a game that throws away my progress, whether intended or not, is just not something I want to play. I think the game is amazing and I enjoyed my time with it, but I couldn’t get very far in it


That's why most put it down and don't finish it. Myself included, though I do hope to do so one day.


Well at least with mods, losing them becomes less of a chore.


Which is why this game isn't for me. Great game, just not my style. I enjoy punishingly difficult games but I hate having to have different teams while people heal or straight up have to replace a person who died.


Considering the characters as resources is fine. It’s just a slog to build those “resources” back up when you lose them. 


Resources that require dozens of hours to level and trinket farm. High level characters are replaceable, that does *not* mean they are expendable. At a certain point the game just turns into a massive grind to offset bullshit RNG deaths and that's straight up not fun.


No, it's quite possible to be good enough at the game that you never lose a party member. The really skilled players have done it before. If you're having to "massively" grind in order to offset your party deaths, you're playing the game incorrectly.


Like xcom? Fuck. No. I can't lose private ballface all over again 😭


yeah, Xcom is brutal like that. They allow you to fully customize and name your soldiers only for them to miss a 99% shotgun to the face and get killed xD. "what's that, you're attached to this soldier ? ha-ha !, fuck you ! "


I would name my squad after my roommates and they’d watch me play. Whenever one of them would die, I’d remake them as a son/daughter. One of my friends lost like his entire bloodline throughout the war lol


No I pack bond immediately


took me a while to adjust to that, coming from games like xcom and whatnot


what turned the corner for me was realizing how important it was to upgrade the stage coach to get replacements coming in that are already higher level and skilled. WHen I first started playing I neglected it thinking it was better to build up my own guys.


That’s why I mod the game to change that. I make battles harder overall, but it’s more forgiving when it comes to tossing people away


My dumbass naming my characters after friends and loved ones…


I loved it up until I realised that when you had a good level team you couldn't go into lower level encounters. Absolutely killed all interest in it for me. And for the sequel too.


You can technically "cheat" DD1 for the difficulty but agree. Sometimes I would see an item and want it, not have enough lower level toons to nab it.


Tell me more about cheating!


So select your party like normal. Figure out which dungeon you want to do, know it's place on the map. Pick a dungeon your party can actually go into and go into the screen where you pick your supplies. Immediately exit out and try and spam click the dungeon you wanted to go to. There's a slight delay in the game where you click it fast enough the game will enter you into that dungeon regardless of your party. So you can take higher levels to easy dungeons if you want. There must be a moment when backing out where the game hasn't registered your party yet. If you don't get it the first time, keep trying. The water levels are easier since the map and the enter button are right next to each other. There's a good YouTube video on how it works.


Hah brilliant, nice one!


Idk if it's what this person is referring to, but there's also a mod you can use to remove the level restrictions.


Radiant mode removes (or at least lessens) that limitation. I actually didn't enjoy the game until starting again in radiant mode. The game is still plenty hard, it just makes the penalty for failure way less harsh and removes almost all of the tedious grind.




This is in part my problem, specifically regarding the one Vestal the game sees fit to give me (in a dozen+ dungeon expeditions in this latest playthrough). She either dies or goes mad and I have no dedicated healer, or I do everything I can to hang on to her and she outlevels her usefulness. With no level restrictions, this would be less of an issue. If I could train a class like XCOM, this wouldn't be an issue at all.


Does it have difficulty setting?


It does. You can play normal up to stygian I believe? Even normal can have its pitfalls.


It does, but it can still be punishing on any difficulty


Mods are the real difficulty setting like, changing how much equipment a character can take or letting higher level characters do lower level dungeons.


The biggest change in difficulty setting happens in your head, and that setting is _really_ hard to change. The game is much easier if you allow yourself to be a ruthless, cynical bastard. Hire adventurers to just use them as cannon fodder. It's when you get attached to your ~~lackeys~~ heroes that you get in trouble and make the game harder than it needs to be.


I don't know who would downvote you, because this is exactly right. If you play on Radiant/Darkest, this game is the easiest game around because it doesn't even have a failure state.


I've never even got close to finishing it. I think I've only ever had one go at the actual Darkest Dungeon and gave up immediately lol. Still played hundreds of hours and is one of my favourite games. Just too much of a grind.


The mod scene for the game is actually insane, there is so much good art and mods for it. Especially the mod that is essentially a whole ass Japanese expansion for the game.


That was my experience. The brutal side sometime was unavoidable, unwinnable, and othertimes it was just so painful it was not enjoyable. There's another in a similar genre it reminded me of, Urtuk. I love turn based tactical games like xcom, but that one drove me mad at times.




Does anyone else have a love hate relationship with this game? lol. The temptation to keep playing always pulls me back


It’s my most played game (537 hours). I’ll sink a couple of dozen hours into it, get to the last couple of levels then get frustrated/bored and quit for six months. Then I’ll download a few mods, fire it back up and repeat the same thing again. I’ve been playing since it first came out and I still haven’t actually beat it. Might be time to fire it up again…. This time for sure.


Curiosity, interest, and obsession — mile markers on the road to damnation.


>Then I’ll download a few mods Oh man! There's mods!? What have you done, now I'll have to check them out xD Any cool mods you can remember off the top of your head mate?


Oh god yes, so so so many mods. Mostly, I've dabbled with some of the QoL mods like more inventory or more stack size. There are tons of new character mods that range from basically porn to really well thought out and well done. Heck, there's even an entire game overhaul mod (Black Reliquary) that has it's own steam page and everything. It's been a good 8 months or so since I last played so I don't know all the mods I had. Basically, give them a browse and see what catches your fancy or if they fix any of the parts of the game you didn't enjoy.


I wanted to try Black Reliquary mod but apparently I have to own CC and shieldbreaker DLC first.


Those to combined are less then $5 now.


I have the base game but not the DLC. I would like to try Black Reliquary but I don’t want CC because of how mixed the reviews are.


Crimson court is a fun addition to the game, and you can turn it off and on.


Holy shit I thought this was just me. This was the only game I played during all 4 years of college lol. Had the same exact experience playing it as you did. Finally ended up committing to a run and beating it like a year after I graduated.


If you are that worried about it, if you spoiler the darkest dungeon each of the levels are pretty trivial. Going in with the right comps, right trinkets and knowing the paths to takes on darkest makes it brainless.


"Slumped shoulders, wild eyes, and a stumbling gait - this one is no more good to us."


The endgame just kinda sucks. When you already have s pretty good team and the grind of the endgame comes through it just becomes more tedious than anything. I get that spoilers is to use more than one set of characters but damn


I think I love it as much as I hate it, and I really love it.


I enjoy it but I felt bogged down by the management complexity, moving around trinkets and constantly choosing skill combinations for characters that could die. It also really punishes you for lack of preparation and it just started feeling a little tedious if I aspired to optimal play. Idk I’m a little more impatient with stuff but I just don’t like when the number of variables gets too large. Also the whole vibe of the game can start to weigh on you as your people get killed and go insane haha.


I always play this game, inevitably get so frustrated that I have to walk away from it for a bit, but always come back at some point. It's just such a a well designed game.


I want to love it more than I actually do. The combat is great, but the campaign is a slog


Man this game just got me. End game is killing me but what value.


I respect this game, but, my gawd, it can be frustrating to play -- and this is coming from someone who has multiple commander / ironman victories in XCOM2:WotC. The RNG can make or break a run, and there's not a whole lot you can do about it (IME). That being said, I might have to revisit it.


Continue the onslaught! Destroy. Them. All.


Yeah, I read this and heard that voice, haha!


This game doesn't hold a candle to XCOM2 in terms of progression. DD is just way too grindy with little payoff and gets way too repetitive. I've tried to revisit it and I remember why I stopped playing it. Some of the design choices like not being able to use an experienced unit in a lower dungeon unless there's an rng event is just an example of forced grind. The most egregious one is when you start doing the final dungeon levels. Not going to spoil it but it's another forced grind mechanic.


Yeah this is a huge bummer for me, I like my skills and efforts to be consistently rewarded instead of arbitrarily punished or halted due to bad luck.


Is it coming from someone who has multiple XCOM Long War victories though? 🤔


Nope, never played it, and no real desire to do so... but I've heard it's good.


Definitely check it out if you ever want to replay XCOM. I only dabbled into XCOM: Enemy Within's long war, but it was a much more thoughtful, strategic and at times heartbreaking experience. You never forget your first dreadnaught raid, not when you lose all but one of your most stout warriors fighting flying discs and damn chryssalids


I think this is one of those games where it actually reached an optimized enjoyable experience awhile back but then they kept changing it and making it more difficult/RNG based to appease the hardcore fans who replayed it constantly. So now it’s actually less enjoyable for casual or new players than it was several builds ago. Binding of Isaac has a similar problem imo.


I would actually recommend to not get the dlc for this game for some time cause it makes some stuff harder early


Same with Don't Starve IMO. 


Success so clearly in view! Or, is it merely a trick of, the light?? 


The bigger the beast. The greater the glory!


I could never beat the ‘darkest dungeon’ levels and then Brigand Wvlf messed my whole town up.


Listening to Wayne June narrate this game is worth at least $2.50 alone




I absolutely love and hate this game. Its such a fantastic game for the masochist inside of you especially on higher difficulties. I own it on PC and Nintendo switch and it's always a great way to kill an hour here and there ..just don't get too invested in your characters.


NOICE. Just got it. I want something that approaches the frustration of ironman EU4/CK2 fails but without the brain damage :D


Bwahahaha. CK2 ironman is a walk in the park compared to DD.


Depends on your start I'd think! I'm bad at playing as vassal so tried not to get eaten as certain underdogs


I enjoyed this game, but dropped it years ago once my best squad died. Might be time to pick it back up.


‘Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer’ is one of my favorite lines to use.


Back to the pit!!!


Great game, way better than 2, don't waste your time playing 2


This is one of those games where I actually had more fun not playing blind. B/c i searched things up, i was able to focus more on the strategy aspects of the game


Worth every single penny!!! It’s even better than the 2nd one IMO and many others. Remember you will die, don’t get attached to anyone in your party. It’s meant to be a rouge like, but gameplay and fights do go a while meaning you get invested. The loop is fantastic if you go in with the right expectations


Just picked this up and all the DLC. Thanks OP! Might not have noticed otherwise. Haven't played the game before, but looking at the comments I'm excited to get started!


It's great, and yeah definitely look at all the DLC. I knew $2.49 was going to be more enticing, but to get the game plus ALL the DLC for less than $8 is a steal.


Crimson Court seem to have very mixed reviews. It is worth it? I barely have 57 hours in DD1 and have the Color of Madness but not CC yet.


It adds some very unnecessary difficulty to the game. It adds in what basically amounts to vampirism and if your characters are inflicted offers all sorts of annoying extra ways to lose health and sanity. HOWEVER....it adds one of the best non-mod characters to the game roster.


As someone that has played and beaten the Crimson Court DLC, it's definitely very hard, and it's not all that rewarding. At the same time, I am glad that I've got it, and I enjoy the expansion to the game. In terms of the good: The flagellant is great, and probably provides half the DLC value by himself. The new trinkets that combo with each other are interesting, and the expansion to trinkets for Steam Workshop characters is also pretty good. The new missions are quite different to ones in the base game, and the way you access them is quite different, which is interesting and adds a little diversity to the game. In terms of the not so good. The curse meanwhile is quite annoying. Not impossible to deal with, but still, quite annoying.  The missions are arguably bad, and I would recommend looking up the map on the wiki so you don't spend an eternity going the wrong way.  The enemies are then really highly tuned (some of them feel kinda OP) and require good team composition to counter it.  The bosses are then generally quite hard, and require both good team composition, and arguably a little luck to successfully deal with, which can be kinda annoying. If it's on sale, I'd say it's worth it, especially because you can turn on/off the flagellant seperately to the rest of the DLC. In terms of when you turn on the crimson court proper, I'll be honest, it will probably kick your ass the first campaign you turn it on, maybe even the second as well. But you might enjoy the challenge, and you might appreciate the new experience that the DLC brings.


Thanks a lot for the detailed review. Much appreciated.


If you hate yourself, treat yourself! Incredible game.


I loved the game at first. The art style and the narration. I started to get into it. Then after several hours I realized the basis of the game is just a massive grind for currencies. Five currencies you’ve got to grind out to advance. Just too much of a tough grind for me. There’s really no story or anything to motivate you. You could spend 20 hours getting a top level team ready and then a couple crits can put you back to square one. So I uninstalled.


I wanted to like the game and put a good number of hours into it. It just felt like getting kicked in the head repeatedly. I wasn't terrible at it and really enjoyed it for a while but then I just started dreading playing a level and the fun shriveled up. I fully acknowledge it is a really well made game but the game loop is too disheartening for me.


I have this game and think it's great but it's one of those games I prefer to watch someone good stream it vs me playing it lol. Bahroo has like an autistic level of understanding in this game so I just watch him do it


Just 2.50 dollars to break your mental health. What a steal


i must be on my 50th save file. I keep starting a new game because I keep fucking things up


Does it come with a free keyboard, though?


I wanted to like the game but i honestly found it to be pretty boring. Just felt like a neverending grind to upgrade camp facilities and it got repetitive pretty fast for me.


It’s so great and mods are fun too


Yes I too love the ‘cultured’ mods


You can get the SFW versions and even ignoring that aspect of them the characters are insanely well made and balanced.


Im gonna try it right now, thanks to this post




>it feels like I have no control You do. I've beaten Bloodmoon difficulty multiple times, including torchless. If you are making the right moves and maximizing your rng, you will rarely lose anyone. Compared to say, xcom, you have a lot more control over what is happening. The difficulty spikes in this game are intense, and strategies that worked on Apprentice missions will wipe your whole party in a few turns on Champion. Most mistakes that inexperienced players make happen before the expedition even starts. If you feel like you had no chance to win a fight, you probably sent a party that had no chance of winning that fight.


"Compared to say, xcom, you have a lot more control over what is happening." XD XD XD XD XD XD Sure


It isn't a game I can drop hours into it consecutivelexperiences. You manage to beat the rng just right....oh it's one of the better expeirences.


Love this game


Anyone played it on the deck?


Runs great!


Accidentally brought someone into the darkest dungeon with mid sanity. They immediately broke and caused a tpk. I had to take a break after that one.


It's also on Xbox live if you have a subscription


I loved Darkest Dungeon. Sometimes it was so oppressively dark that I actually didn't want to play it because I didn't wanna feel gloom and doomed out lol


That's a great deal. That's less than $3 for over 300+ hours of gameplay right there.


Was free on EPIC some time back so I guess most people already have the game.


Anyone recommend a video for beginners? I’m overwhelmed haha


Check out filthyrobot on YouTube


Cood call out. Really liked that game!


I've lost so many hours to this game. Great price for anyone who was ever on the fence about it. Huh, when did DD2 drop 1.0? I totally forgot about that game. I tried the early access, and wasn't impressed. Did it ever get better?


My stupid motherboard fried so my computers in the shop. I miss it :( on the plus side I will be swapping my 3060 for a 4060 while the new motherboard is being put in. Then I will try darkest dungeon.


Are the expansions worth it? Got it for free on epic already.


Yeah, Flagellant in particular is cool as hell. Crimson Court.


I dislike the Crimson Court DLC but you can get mods that get rid of the more annoying parts of it.


"Darkest Dungeon is already in your steam library." Oh...


Good looks I always wanted to play this so....YOINK!


!remindme 48 hours


Yeah I picked up the version with all the DLC for like $7 CDN (I think that's what it cost anyway). That and the Deep Rock Galactic Survivor game. Steam sales just love to suck my wallet lol


Insta bought. Thanks OP. Been eyeing this game for a while already.


If you follow the Epic Store (free game) releases this was given away for free in the last year.


I can understand not wanting a bunch of launchers... but if ur not grabbing free games cause ur stubborn, ur dumb


Wait for sale on GOG instead, so you actually get a DRM-free install.


I'm still upset about how fucking different this game is from DD1.


i liked a lot about this game and finished it, but the rng was too much for me at times. have no interest in the sequel


It’s base game is eh, all the DLCs are $$$


You can get the game and it's dlc on a special version for only $8.


Dang this game feels like a toxic relationship at times. You kinda die inside over a mistake you made like three turns ago and run out of steam. Pretty good game. I should pick it up again


The game is a gem. I own it for ps4 but I'm thinking about buying it for PC at this price.


It looks like it would be pretty fun to play. I used to hate turn based games until I met Persona 5. Then my opinion on it changed drastically.


Don't bother with the 2nd game. It's got a better coat of paint over a much worse construction.


Fun game, but the fact that you need to print out a list of "Curio's AKA road blocks" for the zone you are about to enter, then buy the correct items otherwise you are at a disadvantage was just stupid game design. If you buy the game, follow this list or you will just lose health and items or die for no reason other than you clicked on the wrong thing. https://darkestdungeon.fandom.com/wiki/Curio


was also free on epic games at some point


Highly recommend this game. It's so fun and replayable.


Wow, what a deal! Thanks for letting us know. I've been eyeing Darkest Dungeon for a while now.


One of the best games on Steam, and it's crazy some people haven't played it at that price.


This not coming to Android was fucking criminal imo. I've got it on steam already and just find myself wanting to play other stuff. Can't see how it needs any sort of rig to run it, it would be a perfect train ride / hide up at work for 30min game.


I was really enjoying this game when it first came out, but when I discovered the cheap gimmick of how to effectively level up your characters it just completely put me off the game for some reason. I didn't want to cheese the game but if I didn't, it would nag the back of my mind I'm playing very suboptimally. It's been so long but it was like getting new characters and basically sacrificing them to make your main guys stronger?


Own it, wanted to like it. Just didn’t.


Also has a great mod in The Black Reliquary. Highly recommended


Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit.  Unless *inordinate exsanguination* be considered a virtue!


Also, play the mod black reliquary, it's far closer to being DD2 than DD2 itself.


the rare roguelike with a negative powercurve lol


Sadly I can’t buy the time for it


Great game for the first 10 hours. Then turns into an absolutely imbalanced RNG mess. Fantastic value for that money, but I would encourage any non-hardcore gamer to drop it once they reach red dungeons. They will feel the game is unfair, and that is because it is.