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Quake 3


Quake 2 in 1999 was peak for me, specially q2dm1. At university our halls bedrooms were connected with 10mbit ethernet, deathmatches were immense!


Check out the remaster, online is still alive in both vanilla and the remaster, we have our own community as well :)




this dude strafes !


This is the old guy answers. So yes, this is it. 


Q3A was the absolute BOMB


For me OG Call of Duty Modern Warfare and World at War. Spent thousands of hours in them. Great memories, miss those days.


Yes, Halo 3 right before cod4 and this


Playing Mike Myers on old school mode was peak


cod4, waw zombies, mw2 (2009), black ops i (og) zombies, runescape, and csgo


That and Border Patrol on Overgrown


I spent way too much time playing MW2 during my senior year of high school 


Dogs! dogs! dogs!


World at war was peak cod imo, loved that game so much 😄


COD4 Was one of my favorite shooting games by far. I think I had like 30 days clocked in. I think the only game to have more hours is probably Overwatch which I recently stopped playing due to the direction they went.


I miss when CoD was good.


Halo 3


Back when you could just jump into a custom lobby your friend was in and it'd be full with 20 other people you'd never met before, all playing trash compactor and laughing your assess off.


The amount of times I would start the weekend off playing customs with friends & end up in a full lobby of strangers by the end of the day can’t be matched


I think the reason Halo 3 is such a common pick is it had almost everything you could want from a multiplayer. Super sweaty ranked matches, casual quickplay, and hilarious custom games; all in one package. I can't remember if forge mode was included with launch, but it was so so good and allowed for so much creativity from the fanbase.


Forge was underhyped and overdelivered. What an amazing tool and mode.


The only true answer. Was insane just how ahead of its time it was as far as bringing PC customizability to console. Forge mode still hasn't been properly recreated in any other shooter besides Reach. Then you have insane custom lobby options, video and camera mode, the ability to share all of those files with others, and a 4 player co-op campaign. Also big team battle was chefs kiss!!! Even modern Halo games can't get most of that stuff right which very much demonstrates how peak it really was.


Halo 3 custom random lobbies was peak gaming for me. I met so many random people through those lobbies! Good times.


There’ll never be another like it


Halo 3 multiplayer was my favorite! It still is, but it used to be, too!


And it’s not even close


Ultima Online vanilla, yes I'm that old.


So glad someone else has this experience. Those of us who know the danger of traveling from town to town avoiding red Dread Lords are becoming slim. It really made you make friends, travel in groups, and develop tactics. I have not yet seen another game with a limited real estate economy system that made it so fun to get a house. Lake Superior forever !


I was a tamer dread lord 😂 was actually best buds with a red tamer that used white worms. I'd go grey protecting him and we slaughtered hundreds lol. We made such a mess of the skill up bone wall. Man good times


A tamer with wryms and a mage helping is a crazy powerful combo add a dexer and it would take a large crowd to stop those three


God, playing on Great Lakes and PKing between Britannia and the gates were my best memories... Right after beta. Nothing will ever come close


I think the gaming landscape just changed too much for something like this to exist again. The internet was still in its relative early days back then when communities were focused around forums and message boards usually with no more than a few hundred to few thousand users total. Now there’s YouTubers and streamers and everyone sharing and hunting for the meta within minutes. It’s just a completely different world.


There it is…. Just has to scroll for eternity.


Haha, good time man, good times


I’m still scrolling looking for EverQuest…


Listening to ultima stones makes me heavily nostalgic




I loved the Trammel side, where I first started UO. I never got Taming to 100, and I was ALMOST ready to tame a Dragon, when EverQuest: The Ruins of Kunark dragged me away, with a 3DFX graphics card...


I was best tamer on Atlantic server for quite a while. Was literally famous on my server for having 2 gm tamers. Even gm'd other people's accounts to pay rent once haha. Eventually got banned for unattended macroing 😭 character name was Drystard if anyone remembers me. Never found another game where I could literally feel famous. Feelsbad


Never played vanilla. I started I guess blackthorn's revenge. Ended up on Siege Perilous. Loved that experience.


Same here.  Played regularly from launch till like 2008 and on and off for around another decade.     Those first few years were wild, and a truly novel experience.  I'll never connect with another game in the same way.


No MMO has even come close to the thrill you felt in UO


Vendor buy bank guards recsu recdu I will take thee


I have fond memories of that game. I feel like full loot PvEvP games like that are not really possible anymore with all the guides and people trying to min max every single aspect of the game. Also no microtransactions and no transmog made the game so much better. You see someone with a shiny cool armor, it means something, it's not just a skin.


My ex always told me how much fun she had playing ultima with her whole family back when she was young. I was so jealous, also I totally missed out on ultima in its prime, so that's a bummer.


I was in 7th grade when my brother came home from his first semester In college and told me about this. We bought our first home computer for him to take, so save for a few weeks before he left, computers were just a thing we used at school or wealthy relative's houses (1997). 'dude, my roommate plays this game called ultima online. It's like Zelda, where you fight with swords and bows, but you can also just be, like, a farmer or blacksmith. And you play with hundreds of other people on the Internet. Oh, also, check out this other game we play in the dorm hall every day. It's called Carmageddon. You race, but you also run over people for repair money. Also, have you ever heard of this show called South Park?' When big bro came home for the weekend in October, it was +100 Culture for middle school me.


haha I hear that, it was a great MMO. had to be careful not to wear your best stuff while just wandering around. buddy of mine got banned cause he called someone Hitler while standing infront of the bank 🤣


I used to play in like 98, we participated in a player run town called PAWS on Pacific server. Good times.


A veteran, not old.


Took way too long to find this. It’s really a shame MMOs peaked with Ultima Online and haven’t even come close since.


Halo 2


2 weeks straight having my Xbox on, headset on, falling asleep waking up in lobby. Super bouncing, Team Slayer and Doubles matchmaking, shit talking, T-bagging, hosting glitch lobbies, and peak hygiene neglect, I fucking miss it so much. 😭


I had my same username as here, used to play with my roommate (cheezydogg) he would come home from work with a 30 pack of shit beer, I’d have a bong at my feet at we’d be degenerates well into the morning. Eventually got a second XBL account to play ranked doubles with my other roommates, had two 30” CRTs in the living room. A lot less responsibilities then haha


SafeTrojan Man was my original GT and still never changed it to this day, 18 years. I must had been 14-15, no alcohol or weed at the time so I was also in my prime mentally when it came to reaction time and shit. I peaked and will never achieve that again haha


Yeah but nothing beats pulling off an amazing play while you can't even see straight


Ahhh super boucing an glitches. Zombies. Glitching lobbies. Such an epic time. The amount of custom games i had compared to halo 3 was insane. I miss these days.


Double shot and BXR!


Anyone remember XBconnect? Halo 2 Tower of Power was the best.


I spent a lot of time on XBconnect playing Halo CE. I mostly hung out in the trivia chat room when I wasn't playing.


Halo 2 is only correct answer. Prove me wrong.






This was it. The skill curve was damn near vertical but once you got over that crest you were a god amongst men.


Well put. I had a friend on that game, where we would concoct different ways to duel each other, like mid-air direct disc launcher hits only. Or take turns skiing across a valley while the other one lobbed mortars. Some days I swear I just knew where they were going to be before they did. I have never before or since had a game where I could see into the matrix like that.


Some of the most fun gameplay in the history of shooters. VGCG


I was wondering where my Tribes peeps were at. Former member of NOPE, enDless, Inq, and a few other CTF and Team Rabbit squads.




Can’t believe this is so far down the list. It’s like the grandfather of MMORPGs…


People don’t seem to know that leaders from the most prestigious guilds were recruited to design encounters in world of Warcraft (Tigole and Furor). Nothing has ever given me the feelings of community like EverQuest


Never will. 


Still playable btw ;)


Really. The good days when you have to had a group and some classes where just useless alone. And when players cared about their names.. not being some cryptic letter-number-shit


I’ll add myself to the old guy pile. Let’s push this to the top, smelling like Tiger Balm and regrets.


I’m shocked this isn’t higher. My friends and family comment on the year that my wife and I disappeared from the real world - we didn’t do anything other than play EQ for a year or so. (Played on Xegony server.) We would get up at 4 am to play for a few hours before work, then go right back onto the gam after work and play until midnight. Literally got like 4 hours of sleep. The memories of traveling from Freeport to Qeynos, trying to get through Highpass Hold, seeing the huge bridge in the Karanas… I swear the memories of that game are as real to me as my trips to Ireland, Hungary, etc. Elspeth the bard who ran me out to the Gypsy Camp in the Karanas to buy my first magical weapon… Dorn B’Dynn in the deserts of Ro. The griffins and giants in the Commons. Fighting the guards in Freeport. Trying to get Ghoulbane from the Shin Lord in Lower Guk. Getting the Flowing Back Silk Sash. Trains in Unrest. The scope of Norrath has NEVER been matched for me. I was also a moderator on the Paladins of Norrath forums, actually got changes to the paladin class made by arguing with the game devs who didn’t know their own game. Man, the memories.


/Shout Train To Zone! /Drag /Shout Has Anybody Here Seen My Corpse?


I see it. Dude consent me so I can drag your corpse to the zone line.


*you’ve ruined your own lands, you’ll not ruin mine!* Fennin Ro server back in the day.


Shocked and sad to have to scroll this far... EQ forever.


Had a binder with all the maps from allakhazam


Same. I've been chasing that dragon ever since




My first MW game and first online multiplayer game. The bar was set high 


It was such a shame when they let it be over run with hackers. The death of that game was a sad one.


Whoever made MW2 remastered multiplayer not be released needs to feel shame.


Wasn't nothing like that shit bro. I got a nuke on wasteland, but the match ended before it went off. I wanted to cry lol


World of Warcraft burning crusade Went full nerd mode back then into raiding :)


Man, late TBC and early Wrath was a BLAST. I still miss it sometimes


I don’t miss the game so much as I miss the people I spent so much time playing with. The guild broke apart over some bullshit drama midway through Wrath, and after that the game just wasn’t fun for me anymore. That was 2009, and I haven’t played since.


WoW was so good. I have friends who never stopped playing and I find it so strange. It feels like a lifetime ago for me


I played 2006 - 2011 hardcore, then stopped completely up until just a few months ago where I played WoW Classic Season 1... then stopped after 4 days. Wasn't because it wasn't fun... it was because it was TOO much fun. Playing literally all hours of the day--completely addicted again. Having gained some self awareness in the past 10+ years, I knew it was either go down that rabbit hole again, or cancel account and uninstall. So that's what I did lol


You have grown up, I'm proud of you.


Same. I also accidentally drank my own piss during this time. Leading raid, couldn't leave desk. Pissed in big gulp cup. Without thinking, took sip from big gulp and instantly gagged That's when I knew it was time to stop playing so much...


Lmfao peak gamer status


Are you even a gamer if you don’t drink your own piss every now and then? 


TIL that I am not even a real gamer.


Was one of the only raiding Boomkins on my server(Thorium Brotherhood) back in those days when no one wanted them The only ones who liked me were the rogues with my improved faerie fire. Great times


Gears of War. Loved running through Gridlock having shotgun battles at the boomshot spawn.


I really enjoyed the no respawn format and watching the last player on your team try to survive and then take out three of their players diving with the torque bow to get the W


Also trash talking the other team's dead players when you were also dead was amazing.


Some buddies and I booted up the second game to play some coop recently. Just a blast to play.


Gears 2 Horde Mode for lord knows how many nights.


Alternated between Halo 2 and Gears of War during my most obsessive gaming period. Gears of War multiplayer was always such a clusterfuck that it was hard to take it too competitively, whereas in Halo 2's later days, when they finally cracked down on all the egregious cheating (standbyers...), I was a little freak monster at the game. Gears was such a satisfying break from halo though. Super different and satisfying feel, loved it to death. Real shame what's happened to both franchises.


You’re taking me back to my Gears 2 days of claw grippin’ the controller, givin’ hittaz the 2-piece 🍗🍗🤛🔫


Left 4 Dead 2 - the shit we did in it, the laughs with friends, the time we spent… if I was wise enough I’d upload it to YouTube back then and it would be hilarious and cool. Easily we spent hundreds if not thousands of hours in it.


Counter strike source. Had my own server and everything. Every evening the server was packed with regulars and we would have so much fun. It was like going to your favorite bar and see your friends. I had friends from all over the world, knew a lot about them and we would share things and talk about stuff. Peak gaming times for me was there and it hasn't been the same. Although, I have had a lot of fun with helldivers 2 and have acquired a small friends group.


Man, old clan/friend group servers were the bomb. I ran one for a hot minute, but spent most of my time in a couple clan servers. A couple friends and I were regulars there and we had a ton of fun. I remember one night we were T on cs\_office and before they messed with the physics you could stand on eachother's heads and make a human pyramid. So we all bought M249s and camped out as a wall of machine guns at the end of the hall on the side of T spawn. Got destroyed by a couple grenades, but the first few dudes that ran in were confused AF, so it was worth it.


Man , i miss CSS. they ruined counter strike by taking away community servers


they still exist




Took me too long to find this


EVE Online, in 2007. Meta is ever-shifting in a long-running MMO, but this is was a magical time before the suffocating dominance of coalitions. EVE, where politics are part of gameplay.




SOCOM 2 through Confrontation.




Man, I kinda miss slower paced shooters like that.


wow.... nostalgia coming inside, i just buy that game for the mic... and was the most played game on my ps3.... i get the platinum (LEGAL), play every single day, KDA 2.5 :3


Came her to say exactly that. Suppression on Crossroads, LFG


Socom II: U.S. Navy Seals was the absolute shit. Man nostalgia overload.


StarCraft 1….hundreds of hours played with my friends. At one point my battle net login age for my SC1 account was at 165 DAYS of in-game playtime.


Brood War was 10 years of my life.


Lineage 2


Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Get the gold!


Ooo, found the real Top G. My jam was Gammajumping.


Hell yeah, original 6 map rotation with etpro


Disarm ze dynamite!!!!


Unreal Tournament


I still maintain that Facing Worlds is one of the greatest multiplayer maps ever created.


I liked deck 16 :-)


And it still goes strong, community is everlasting and maps are being made to this day. :)




My first shooter


Ons-Torlan was my go to map, well it was the only Base Capture map that the demo includes.


Not enough upvotes, this sub is pretty young


Worms: Armageddon Well of Souls RoseOnline


Eve online, I lived a life of being an internet spaceship warlord, retired into becoming a top 0.01% internet spaceship billionaire running an internet spaceship casino with my friends, and then won the game forever by retiring from that into real life where all the lessons I've learned in diplomacy, logistics, management, how to organize people, and being proactive about creating your own experience out of life have served me well.


Yep. EVE could teach you a lot for life. Got some life long friends there and even from around the world.


Guild Wars (2005). Still play every day.


OG Guild Wars was amazing, 55hp builds were incredible. Wonder if the 55hp item still goes for a lot.


Was? Still is. We're gearing up for 19th birthday celebrations right now, and expecting an influx of returning players. Be one of them. :) As for the -50 health Grim Cesta, it goes for a few Ectos.


Man, what a time! Thousands of hours logged GW1 and nearly as many in GW2. The original was just a golden time of gaming memories for me. Mained a Mesmer, loved Necro as well. Droknars forge minion Necro/warrior gear tank runs with 60+ range minions melting everything, ecto/shard runs with 55hp, solo farms, spider pet runs, seasonal stuff and so much I can barely recall made PVE so good for me. The PVP I thought was incredibly fun and mostly skill based. HOH had some cheesy stuff like IWAY, enjoyed thumperbunny in Smiteway, well coordinated spike teams with low latency were a problem. Small group of oceanic guys I used to run with in GVG say around the 80-100 mark and occasionally got matched against top 25 or so guilds (mainly Korean) who would smoke us so quickly we learned there were levels to this 😅 And a lot of the music in both games is so good - [Over the Shiverpeaks](https://youtu.be/cSw0CyFYV4Q?si=peiuUI8nfiU7YJRi) is one of the best pieces of music from a game ever imo Thanks for making me remember this!


I still play guild wars 2 religiously xD but I pop into my old gw1 account on occasion


Heard rumors of a third game in the works


Star Wars Galaxies... they don't make MMO communities like they used to. Honorable mentions to Guild Wars 1 and Team Fortress 2.


SWG was unique; I fully think of the forums (particularly pre-launch) as part of the game itself. I don't think any game since has enjoyed such an amazingly engaged community willing to put so much effort and thought into a game before it even launched. I still maintain ties with my SWG guild (though 20 years later it isn't as active as it once was).


Diablo II may have seriously compromised my index finger from all that clicking, but SWG was the absolute peak. I lived in that universe, from the moment I got home, until I desperately needed sleep. The community was so fantastic.


Halo 2


Quake, original Team Fortress mod, quake 3 rocket arena, cs 1.6


Ragnarok Online


Unreal Tournament and Tribes


>Unreal Tournament Yeeaaaah baby, had a native linux client, ran my Ubuntu rig ragged


Unteal tournament


Scrolled every comment and shocked to not find this yet, but EverQuest. Printed maps because there wasn’t one in game, Plane of Fear corpse runs ‘til 2 AM… those were the days.




Goldeneye/perfect dark   Call of duty 2 and 4 (I think 4 was maybe modern warfare 🤷‍♂️)  Mass effect 3  (Kind of a 3 way tie) Edit: shit you said online. Nvm goldeneye/perfect dark. I played those in high school during 2-4 period on n64 lol 😂 


Rainbow Six Siege. There’s a University Student league in the UK, and my team came second in one of the two national leagues in Spring 2020, third in the Summer. It’s still the most fun I’ve had playing that game.


Planetside 2. Spent so much time on that game.


Rolling through the map with a giant armor column. Surprise dropping an entire platoon on a base from a group of galaxies. Sneaking behind enemy lines to cut off reinforcements. Early PS2 was unbelievably fun. That golden age of a FPS, where there is a good mix of good and bad players.






Plants VS Zombies GW Fuck you EA


Dota, dota is always the answer to all these bad gaming questions


BFBC2 was special for me too. I can't exactly describe why, but I thing for me it was the combo of destructible environments and excellent sound design. I remember being on the assault side of that frozen map, where you start on a tall hill and have to cross a yard in front of a building? And I was ducked next to a low wall, which was slowly being obliterated around me, and something blew up and there was that high-pitched squeal as I temporarily went semi-deaf from the explosion, and it was such an amazing moment. I went looking for it in BF3, but couldn't find it. And by BFOne I was too old and too slow to deal with the kiddies any more. So I had to leave competitive FPS games behind. I was also really fond of early/mid 2000s. Ultima Online and EVE Online in 2003. WoW in 2004. Pirates of the Burning Sea, Age of Conan and Warhammer Online in 2008. Those were the good old days. And also the beginning of the end, with Oblivion getting paid horse armor DLC in 2006, and everyone just bent over and took it up the tailpipe. Fast-forward a few decades, and we have full-priced games, with loot boxes, built-in shops, etc., etc. It's too commercial, too monetized, very little soul left outside of occasional gems (like Baldur's Gate 3).


I had to scroll too far for this. Me and the squad played BFBC2 everyday. Better than any call of duty. Nothing could replace it until maybe Titanfall 2. I remember the first beta for Bad Company even. And stealing the enemy helicopter and stomping lobbies.


Unreal Tournament. The OG, not 2004. I loved it


Dark Age of Camelot, WoW before burning crusade. got to pvp Rank 14 and quit.




This is my answer. Played it so much that my wife (jokingly) referred to it as my mistress.


I had two friends get divorced over it their wives weren't near as understanding.


I had to scroll so far to find this


Lord of the Rings Conquest! Had a fun group I played with. Also City of Heroes was legit good!


Eve Online. The peak but also the worst.


Why worst? Just because you f**d up your RL being ready for the next fleet battle and POS defence? 😆






Battlefield 4 with the Pure gaming group I found here.


Counter strike 1.5 I'd be in leagues, betting money in PC cafés, thinking about it, talking about it, playing it every chance I had. Which was a lot, because I skipped school for it. My entire social circle and all my hopes and dreams of the future revolved around counter strike. More importantly, I saw no issues with it. I was good at it and I was happy about it.


Oh, now, that would be Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. The memories. It’s surreal to think about it, but I was genuinely incredibly good at it. I was on global leaderboards and clans wanted me to play for them, but I just cruised and did my own thing, crushing it on my own, which annoyed some clan players. Very early on I perfected the combination of quickly dropping grenades, quick-swapping to the gravity gun, picking the live grenades up and perfectly timing the shooting of the grenades. Players had no solution for me, and I was accused of cheating in basically every game, which was a wonderful feeling. I took a break for a few years, and the people who kept playing got extremely good, but it was like riding a bicycle for me, and once I returned I kept dominating. To this day, I have never been that good at anything else. And I can’t impress my SO with it.


Socom 2 and Halo 2


The Halo 2 Xbox live experience was truly a peak moment in gaming history. God damn was that endless fun.


EVE Online... Man the time spent mining and grinding missions... And still only saw like 5% og the game. Also played a lot of battlefield 3/4 in my time.


My fondest multiplayer memories are of Joint operations. Huge 75v75 multiplayer maps with a day night cycle and a base capturing focus (had to capture the bases in order so it was like a tug of war capture the point) matches didn’t end until one team prevailed so it could take hours.  You’d have people who ask the did was fly combat missions in black hawks carrying people to the front and then heading back to pick up the next batch of people spawning in.  Meanwhile some snipers would walk around through the middle of nowhere to avoid being seen, get into perfect position and start picking off targets. Absolutely amazing. I really miss novalogic 


Arma 2 DayZ or more recently, Lost Ark.


Final Fantasy XI for me




Rainbow 6 vegas 1 & 2


Halo 3






Killzone 2 or Warhawk


Golden Era of Blizzard : 2004-2016ish


Halo reach. I spent so long in there. Halo 4 was also great to me. But reach was better than even 3 to me.


I really enjoyed MoH:AA, it was possibly my first online FPS. On GameSpy! But I think the fondest memories I have are from Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. A fantastic game, with dynamic objectives that move through the maps. It had a class-based system, but the less offensive minded classes (engineer, medic) got XP for doing relevant things, like healing people, repairing objectives, setting mines etc. and as you levelled up you got more abilities, and the levels carried through the three or four map mini-campaigns before it reset. And you needed all the classes really to succeed, so teams were balanced and people worked together in an age before widespread voice chat. Fantastic shooter.


PlanetSide 1


15 years of World of Warcraft, from late 2005 to early 2021.


Overwatch before it was ruined


Team Fortress. No, not that one. No, not that one either. The original Quake engine one where each class had grenades.




WoW , Mw2, EvE online


Team Fortress Classic. TF 2 was great as well though