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Jesus, I can’t believe I just pulled a Linus and kept thinking “but anyone of any race can have mental disabilities, how exactly is this racist?”


Can anyone give me a TLDR of what linus did?


[Linus talking about dropping his fair share of "hard Rs" back in the day](https://youtu.be/MFDiuBomSuY)


The phrase Hard R getting columbused to mean something other than a way to let someone know the way a certain 6 letter word was phrased is hilarious to me.


Ah Jesus is that what we’re doing now? Just call it the r word bro


That's what the video is about. Linus thought hard R meant re**ard, his co-host correct him


Bro just say Voldemort, you dont need to pussy foot about it


It’s taboo!




I'm sure this sub has a bot to auto ban anyone that spells it out... Regardless of context


just say reddited, nobody is gonna bite your head off


Theyre talking about the n word with the r at the end, not the a


Yes that’s what hard R means. Dude above me said people are now referring to the r word as hard R as well


That's what's so asinine about this belief that we can't even mention words. Mentioning them is different than using them. People trying to have a discussion while everyone is self-censoring and half the people don't even know what words they're talking about.


For real, I can see the trauma in USA, but it spreads like a cultural cancer - it has pretty valid uses for many other cases. Heck, there is an whole country today named like this, they should hate on their own country or what? It is the meaning behind the letters. /rant over


That is... a different fucking word, spelled different, with a different pronunciation? Etymological relation, sure...but like...correlation and relatives have the same etymological root, doesn't mean the words are similar in meaning or usage.


Maybe stop trying to turn everything into some unutterable slur.


Where I come from we had a different definition of “hard r” so good to know it covers two slurs


>The phrase Hard R getting columbused Funny thing about that - the usage you refer to is exactly that. It's been used to describe an R rating in US movies for decades now. It's used to distinguish something with an R rating that's on the verge of PG-13 vs. a hard-R rating that is extra violent, sexual, or lots of coarse language.


I thought ya'll were talking about the Peanuts character.


Man you can really see Luke mentally updating his resume here.


I had no idea who Linus was… I thought this was going to be a Charley Brown clip….


It's the Stardew Valley hobo


I was shook. I thought I was going to see a Charlie Brown clip of Linus using the n-word casually.


This is maybe THE most funny Internet moment to me. I am not close to neither of these guys, but it is just perfection. A) They are close-ups friends. This is relevant because it makes the surprise of the friends face so much more authentic. B) Linus is obviously completely oblivious to what he is saying the whole time. But as he is an Internet persona, it is also almost immediately clear that he cannot say what we think he says. C) The confusion is perfect, when the examples he pulls are just believable enough to make you question for a second if maybe he is right? Maybe Family Guy has hard R's? D) And it builds up so beautifully from "in the shows" to "I said it back in the day". Close second to the racist field trip in my book.




Oh. It's some dude. I was wondering wtf the kid from Peanuts did.


Bro same!


Lol To some people, Linus is a current/former tech god, the nerd who managed the socials at a big PC hardware sales company back in the day, but made the dream come true when he started his own company in competition and even surpassed the former company (NCIX). I don't watch him anymore (asshat huffing his own supply) but still...the more you know.


"Hard R means ending the N word with a hard R" Thank you, that's exactly what I wanted to know, but nobody who is answering questions here says it. Why is so hard for people to explain this to non-americans? Do people realize that explaining what a term means is not the same as actually using the term?


It's the social media generation. People are afraid to say anything remotely confrontational on the chance that people take it out of context and attempt to "cancel" them, even though the majority of people aren't special enough to get cancelled in the first place.




But op wasn't asking why we can't say the words. They're asking why we can't talk about the words without dancing around the subject. You don't have to say the n word to talk about the n word. Edit-ironically, I've just been temp banned from a jerk sub for making a racially charged joke that everyone makes there, but because I said the "friendlier" n word that's still in the Oxford dictionary and is still not officially classed as a slur because it means black in Spanish, I've become a scapegoat.




If you're interested. Go through my history and look for the Rock gif.


>But op wasn't asking why we can't say the words. They're asking why we can't talk about the words without dancing around the subject. Because if a word is so bad that typing it leads to automated bans today, regardless of the context, perhaps indirect references to the word will lead to automated bans tomorrow, also regardless of the context. Especially as AI moderation systems are improving and can automate determining when someone is talking about a forbidden word. There are people who use indirect references as a way to refer to the word with racist intent, so an AI moderation taking an heavy hand to ban it is not unexpected. Much like how people will say unalive these days, though even that won't hold up once AIs are a bit better.


Non-american here, we don't really have taboo words in a comparable manner so the whole censorship concept of "this word is banned and anyone who says it shall be cancelled" is already really weird to us, as are a lot of other American "racism things" like the whole asking for your race on a form (we are just taught the only race is the human race and that's it, we don't identify with a "race"so it feels incredibly racist for something like that to even exist or the whole blackface thing, for us it's completely normal and ok to paint your skin another colour to play a character etc.) Basically It feels like your whole system is based on racism and instead of putting it aside you fight it with "counter-racism" but using and reinforcing the same racist principles. Now you can see why we may have a hard time working around your complicated "lord Voldemort" system around the n-word


Americans can get a bit bent out of shape when it comes to racism for sure. They lose sight of why it's an important issue to tackle and sometimes focus on stuff that isn't even offensive. But we absolutely have issues with racism in Europe (I assume you're Italian based on a quick skim of your post history). We just have a tendency to brush it under the carpet. In fact, I have a friend at university who grew up in Italy but has parents from West Africa (Sierra Leone I think). He remarked at how much less racist Scotland is compared to Italy.


bro thinks slurs only exist in America.


Geez that’s quick. Thanks EDIT: yep I also pulled a Linus and thought it was abt disability.


Funny thing. People on social media are pointing out that a lot of the people saying “I don’t know what it means” absolutely do know what it means. Theyre just jumping on the “Innocence train” because then they can say what they want, or argue that its not so bad, or try to muddy the waters by insisting it means “R rated movie “ or disability . Feigning ignorance is perfect for trolls, bigots, and Sealioners.


I also thought “How is Hard R racist? Learning disability isn’t a race. Did the article just forget the word bigoted?”


Better than me, I was in the realm of movies, with "Hard R" referring to the most restricted rating this side of porn. Given that it was Stellar Blade, the connection made sense in my head.


Oh man, Linus is so innocent, it's golden.


After that debacle with the cooler they auctioned and everything that came out after that, Innocent isn't the word I would use


Damn I completely forgot about that, yeah not innocent


lol, it actually said "hard R" I thought they actually used the N-word. [https://assets-prd.ignimgs.com/2024/04/23/screenshot-2024-04-23-13-49-43-1713905553711.png?fit=bounds&width=1280&height=720](https://assets-prd.ignimgs.com/2024/04/23/screenshot-2024-04-23-13-49-43-1713905553711.png?fit=bounds&width=1280&height=720) I added a link to the actual art here. I think it's clearly unintentional and kinda funny.


That's....... damn. Not offensive at all.


Exactly, people that found this offensive in the first place are the issue.


The article doesn't say anything about people being offended. I think it's equally likely that somebody posted a screenshot like "haha, look at this" and somebody at Sony was like, "Oh fuck, somebody fix that right now"


Some guy on Twitter posted it and was offended, saying that Sony will take this down before Sony said anything.


Apparently, the “Hard” graffiti shows up in a lot of places in the game. Just some copy/paste graffiti used on walls. In this instance; it’s close to a neon sign that says “R Shop”. Completely different font and signage and everything. But yeah. If you’re one of those people looking for ways to be offended, and you combine the graffiti “hard” with *only* the “R” from “R shop” then you could conceivably have something minute here to get microaggressed by.




> unintentional But what is unintentional? Like what is this supposed to mean exactly? Did we ban the "R" word?


It was clearly unintentional, if anything cultural indifference


Nah, American "culture" is the only culture that should exist and if your language sounds offensive in English, such as "black" in Spanish or "you" (pronounced nee-ga) in Korean, your language needs to be overhauled.


sable rock wipe bake hospital include rotten degree bored groovy


That’s dumb as hell it’s almost as stupid as the Latinx thing 




I'm pretty sure they're just changing the translation, not the words in the original language release. Simmer down a bit. Things like these have to be changed between cultures all the time. Just look at the marvel movies as they're released in China. A lot of the references and stuff wouldn't make any sense to Chinese people, so they change them for their culture. This is just how translating art works. Sometimes things sound funny in the translation, so you fix them.


But that makes too much sense and I want to be angry, goddammit!


Nah, American culture REEEEEEEEEEEE-


What is it?


There is a picture on the article. It's basically just the word HARD next to an R for Restrooms.


The R was for "R shop" as in "Roxanne's Shop"


> next to an R for Restrooms. Well you looked at the pictures, but you didn't read the words.


The amount of idiots that post "this is why" and not even read the article is nuts. It straight up says Roxanne for the R in the first sentence right under the picture.


The image itself even says "R Shop."


why does it matter if its restroom or roxanne? the article couldve just been that image underneath the title and it wouldnt have mattered one bit.


It looked like a pun for Harder to me I guess I'm not getting what's racist about the word harder


It's not supposed to be a pun at all it's just a coincidence they were next to each other. "harder" is not racist, but "hard R" is a reference to something related to racism.


As a non-American, it seems very forced as an association, can I say that? I would never have associated the two things.


As an American, sometimes it feels like people will look very hard to make associations that could possibly be, in a very specific light, when looked at through a certain lens, could be problematic to certain segments of society.


i don't think i would ever assume that the very korean developers are making a reference to a very culturally american slur as a joke. people are wild.


The other day I saw a YouTube short implying that the "definitely an N word" scene from Army of Darkness was actually a racist remark. I never, ever got that impression and I've seen that movie many times. People just like to be offended.


I’ve seen this movie 100 times and at no point did that off the cuff remark ever make me think it was a racism joke. He’s supposed to say “Klaatu Verata Niktu” but the joke is that he can’t remember the whole thing and wasn’t listening when it was told to him.


Nobody is accusing them of racism, people just noticed, and companies normally don't want that kind of attention


As an American, I didn't even get it til it was explained. If some uses the n-word and actually enunciated the whole thing, everyone goes, "oh shit! Putting the hard r on it!" But without any context it's pretty meaningless


Hard r is common slang in for it in the US.




Common slang for...? I am also from the US.


Unfortunately, there's a certain type of person here that loves to connect dots that aren't there.


As an American I would also have never made that association lol


Silly stuff like this happens. People picking a side are being silly too, like two ideas can’t be held at the same time. Hard R isn’t racist intentionally. We still think of it when we see it. We are giving it more power when we adjust for it, but too late can’t unsee. I remember people seeing they sold raw cotton plants at an art store I worked at a few years ago. Cotton still on the stem. The usual reaction was, “haha that’s kinda racist. They are kinda pretty! I want one, where could I put it?” Followed by laughing about what their neighbors would think. No matter age or race the comments were somewhere along these lines. A business just rather not deal with this being the conversation even if nobody is seriously being impacted.


The N word is used a lot as slang but ending with an "a" Saying it with a hard r makes it super racist. Not that I ever use either terms.


Can you explain what "hard R" means? Never heard it before.


I'll let the boondocks explain. https://youtu.be/kKHzEYaNSbE?si=gXErUcjsAumNNvFY


“Hard r” refers to the n-word


no, i believe it's a reference to pirates, who are known for saying things like "ARRRR i hate black people"


there we have, the ninjas finally infiltrated deep enough to win the war. we now know whose better.


The N word, a racist term for black people, can be spelled in a couple of ways. Most commonly when it's used by black people in an affectionate/"reclaiming" way, like in rap music, it's n###a. When used as a slur, it's generally n###er. The first softens the r sound to an "uh", while the latter is a "hard r".


Hard R is a common way to refer to the N-word in America.


With the N-word it’s saying someone said it with a “-ger” and not a “-ga”. Basically saying “hard-r” as in unambiguously used as a slur.


I never knew this and had to look it up. If, like me, you never knew this and are still confused like I was, hard R is a reference to the N word.


"Harder" is not the problem. There's another word that's often associated with the phrase "Hard R". This one looks like an unfortunate coincidence, though.


So when racists say the N-word, they often say it with a "hard R" at the end. Because they're racist.


But they don't say the words 'Hard R' do they? So why is THAT considered offensive.


The two variations of the N-word. One ending with -a which is more commonly said and then the slavery era version ending with -er. Hard R refers to the -er variant etc.


Oh for fucks sake, that's it? Who in the wide world gets offended by this to the point they have to patch it.


Since few people are commenting the answer, it's an n-word thing. Generally n\*\*ga is used in a friendly way as in "my n\*\*ga" while the "hard R" version n\*\*ger is used as a racist derogatory word only.


Thank you for the explanation, and that is the dumbest idea I have heard in days. And I have been hearing myself in some of that time, so imagine the stiff competition it was up against.


As someone from the South, "hard R" is very much a thing. It's the difference between a white guy singing along to a rap song, and a white guy who is racist and probably wants to start a fight


But is it actually usung the N word with hard R or using the phrase "hard R". As far as I can tell as a non-american is that you use the phrase to distinguish between offensive and non offensive cases but how did the distinguishing phrase itself become an issue?


It's only an "issue" because it conjures that word in the mind of, well, anyone familiar with the colloquial meaning of "hard r." That wasn't the devs' intent, and nobody seems to think it was - despite all the strawmen in this thread - but the devs don't want their game to reference that, so they removed it. There is less here than the karma farming would suggest.


Everyday I wake and I wonder... like how did humans even make it this long?


I'm not sure what the point of censoring the words was if the idea of using them is offensive.


Some subs will auto ban you if you type out the full word. I can’t remember what sub I’m banned from, but I was literally quoting what a racist guy said to my black coworker and how quickly I got the old racist dude fire. Banned for hate speech lol. I’m also banned from publicfreakout (I think it’s that one) for commenting in the Joe Rogan sub. It was done by an auto mod within seconds with a message that they don’t allow anyone from a sub that promotes violence on their sub. Which is kind of ironic because the publicfreakout comment sections were filled with people celebrating others getting hurt, and my first comment in the Rogan sub was me telling somebody they were an idiot. I was literally telling somebody who was going on a rant about free speech on the internet something like “you’re an idiot, that’s not what free speech means”. But just the fact that I commented in there got me banned from an entirely different sub lol.


As a non American i have no idea what people are getting offend by




Last time I heard “Hard R” it was in reference to a movie earning its R rating. Weird how some shit goes from fairly innocent to racially charged.


>What is it? A patch is a set of changes to a computer program or its supporting data designed to update or repair it. But that's not important right now.


Surely you can't be serious?


"*I am serious, and don't call me Shirley..."*


God, I love this movie Mayor: "Drebin, I don't want any more trouble like you had last year on the southside. Understand? That's my policy." Frank: "Yes. Well, when I see 5 weirdos dressed in togas stabbing a guy in the middle of the park in full view of 100 people, I shoot the bastards. That's my policy." Mayor: "That was a Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar, you moron! You killed 5 actors! Good ones!"


Jesus, people really need to get a life.


welcome to gaming "journalism"


IGN is literally just reporting what Sony said. The only thing they did was ask Sony if it was going to be removed from the disk as well. They were asking a clarifying question regarding the statement. You know, like a journalist would. This isn’t an op-ed. This is just a publication reporting what a company said. If you want to make a sarcastic comment about the situation, make it towards Sony but IGN literally did nothing here. This is coming from someone who doesn’t like IGN and doesn’t really think they have much integrity, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with this article.


[https://nordic.ign.com/project-eve/81523/news/sony-says-stellar-blade-art-referencing-racist-language-was-unintentional-will-be-patched-out](https://nordic.ign.com/project-eve/81523/news/sony-says-stellar-blade-art-referencing-racist-language-was-unintentional-will-be-patched-out) Nope. They specifically made the request because the response was sent specifically to IGN. Quote from their website: The "Hard" graffiti, meanwhile, can be found in numerous areas throughout the game. In a statement released to IGN, PlayStation said that developer Shift Up had no intention of creating offensive artwork, promising to remove it as part of Stellar Blade's Day 1 patch. "The placement of two graphics near each other in Stellar Blade resulted in an unintentional objectionable phrase," PlayStation's statement read. "Shift Up had no intention of creating offensive artwork and will be replacing the graffiti for the Day 1 patch." While Shift Up is Stellar Blade's developer, Sony Interactive Entertainment is serving as its publisher. IGN has asked Sony if there are any plans to remove the art from the disc as well, and PlayStation's representative repeated that it "should be removed for all users in the Day 1 update."


I don't really see what the person you responded to was wrong about. Where was the disagreement?


> "The placement of two graphics near each other in Stellar Blade resulted in an unintentional objectionable phrase," To who tho?


IGN literally made this a thing, then reported on it. Look at every version of this photo: it’s credited to IGN. Them flipping shit and making it go viral is why Sony responded.


The way IGN has handled reporting on Stellar Blade... is umm just ah wow... First it was literally violence against woman but when people did not get angry they jumped on to the game must be racist....




Racism was already ended when they changed Aunt Jemima syrup.


I want to know who was actually offended by this.


Nobody. People thought it was funny, but it's also the kind of thing Marketing is gonna tell you to nix once they know about it since it's a 2-second fix.


Yup, moderate to low risk with 0 reward. Nothing to gain at all and takes like 8 seconds to replace.


Oh this makes sense to me then. If it's just them saying, we should fix this thing that people are making fun of and may potentially be offensive, that's pretty decent.


I hope the "fix" is to change the sign from an R to a D


Please read the article. They’re gonna replace the graffitti “hard” with something else. The R stands for Roxanne and is an indicator for her shop so it’s not changing


Didn't you hear? She's called Doxanne now.


Me! I'm offended by that, I mean PINK on that wall? Clearly it should have been a lime green.


it doesn't really matter. the change is trivial to make, and should offend zero people, so if it offends non-zero people it's an obvious and easy decision. but what's concerning is that people seem to be mad they're changing it, as if something is being taken from them, but they won't say what.


> "what's concerning is that people seem to be mad they're changing it, as if something is being taken from them, but they won't say what" This is what I'm seeing in the comments too. Like WTF...


Its r/gaming The general posters here are actual children or a man child


I guarantee you there's going to be tons of videos about how the developers have gone woke or some shit.




I don't think is about being offended but about being a little conscious. For example, even if noone is offended by me using the N word, I would still don't use it.


Ironically you're in the right place.


I want to know why people are so offended that they’re patching it out


While this won't bother me either way, ngl opening the article and seeing "hard r" be the thing getting removed got a chuckle outta me.


Nah that's obviously coincidental. But the fact that it created a problem is hilarious. Bullshit, but hilarious.


it didn't really create a problem though? it was simply noticed and pointed out. and the racist idiots are freaking out and imagining that someone worked *really hard* to find a problem with their game. when someone just... noticed a thing? it's the dipshit "gamers" blowing it out of proportion as if "sony's gone woke bc they changed a wall graffiti! how dare they consider their image!"


I like how someone literally went to Wikipedia to try to edit the “N word” entry regarding “Hard R” in the last 2 hours, but the previous edit was over a week ago.


What a nothingburger.


I'm black and I thought it was hilarious


Sony: "that was unintentional, but we don't want accidental racism in our game either, and swapping it out is a trivial change that has no effect on gameplay, so we'll change it real quick" A million redditors: "Noooo the snowflakes are winning! Give us back our accidental racism!"


Fuckers going “why do you think it’s racist” and simultaneously happy about what they also perceive as racism


Straight up, its a weird ass reaction. Like theyre making more of a scene than the people who reported on it


Because redditors are, very often, extremely racist.


It can be both. Yeah it's an inconsequential change that doesn't effect anything. And it also wasn't a big deal to begin with. Both are true.


TIL ”Hard R” is a thing. What dafuq is everyone smoking?! Because I clearly need some!


What’s being ignored in a lot of the discourse surrounding this is, “what does it cost to change this so it doesn’t bother anyone?” And the answer is that it takes one environmental artist about five minutes. More effort and energy has been expended arguing about whether this is necessary than it takes to just get rid of it. When it takes so little to eliminate a controversy, what is the problem with removing it? It’s not like this is intrinsic to Stellar Blade’s artistic vision. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to avoid offending anyone but in this case it actually takes very little, so why would anyone insist on keeping it?


For those confused, the art accidentally spells “hard R”, which is another way to say the n-word with “-er”, a racial slur against black people with a very bad history behind it for any non-Americans. Whether you think it is an overreaction or not, that’s the reason it’s being removed.


My first thought was that it was a play on Heavy R, or something else sexual. Not the other racial thing.


I don't understand how "hardr" is racist. Can an American explain ? (I'm guessing it's an American thing)


Hard R is a way of referring to the N word.


Ooooh I wasn't there at all ! I thought it was a slang way of saying "harder" and that it somehow meant something


Wait wait wait. I thought the actual slur was in the game. It's literally just the letters "Hard R"? What the fuck people.


well thats not an argument....see those are also just "pixels" but let say you have a kids game and some pixels in a wall that take the form of male genitals....should developers not fix it even if there are "just pixels"?, this is kinda the same, yes those are "just letters" that combined form a racial slur, why it woudlnt be wise for the devs to change it to avoid missunderstandings that could affect the marketing of the game?


there more people are upset about them removing it then there are upset about it being there to begin with


Because its stupid to remove it in the first place


Yeah. Extremely telling


I remember when movies used to go for a “hard R” rating with gratuitous violence and language to appeal to teenagers


That has my first thought. Rated R. Only then I remembered some guy’s reaction to the word in question with him asking: “was it a hard R?”


Oh no! Anyway......


Americans. They represent only 4% of the worlds population but they believe they are the centre of the universe


This is actually really embarrassing. US people are so fucking soft


This is so bizarrely pathetic




No one knew about it or cared


Don't see why people care either way. It's both unintentional and an easy fix.


That's a pretty hilarious coincidence 🤣


White Guilt is directly tied to White Saviour complex, which is inherently racist. These people who constantly look for and bring up racism need to be ignored.


Americans with their mental illness.


Games media really are the worst.


I hate games journalists. More than traffic


lol hard R. That’s a funny coincidence. I’d probably remove it too


Kinda silly but yeah probably better to change it just to be sure.


Not my kind of game so I probably won't be playing it, but I hope it does well just to spite the people that are constantly going after it.


I don't get it. Hard R isn't racist. It's a way to reference racist language. Like saying "the N word".


How is this even news..They're trying real hard to be the beacon anti political correctness game aren't they


I had to google what it meant lol


It’s funny because people even call the n word the gamer word now


society needs to touch grass


can someone explains to me how this is racist? I guess only racist people see this as racist


Ages ago in that left 4 dead clone I can't remember the name of, one of the zombie sounds sounded exactly like the n word and people were legit calling it media censorship unironically when they removed it. I feel like that's gonna happen again lol


Gaming journalists made way more people think of the n-word than if they had just not reported on it. Any jokes about "hard R" would have been confined to 4chan or something.


I think any black person would laugh their ass off at that Only white women get offended by this shit lol




I mean if it's not big deal then what's the issue for them to change it once they saw their mistake? I if you care about this then under your own logic you should seek help to treat your mental illness (not that you know what does that words even mean).


This is a fuckin dipshit take. Sure it's unintentional, but that doesn't mean they "should leave it in." If anything that's all the more reason to change it. ***Because it was unintentional.*** It is entirely reasonable to not want that connection to be made by players. They wouldn't want to cause offense, even if it's an accidental offense - and they most certainly wouldn't want racists to take it as some kind of dogwhistle.


> Should leave it in. > > This wasn't intentional and is absolutely not something to get your panties twisted over. Ok, but you're also getting your panties in a twist over a generic graffiti asset that shows up in multiple places in the game being moved from a singular place and replaced by another graffiti asset in the exact same location? Why do you care, what is your agenda?


Reddit: Nobody should be offended by that Sony: We are replacing it Reddit: We are offended that you are replacing a texture for a game that is not out yet