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You ever fuck with dead space?


I LOVED the quarantine sections


A game that had this effect on me. F.E.A.R


Turning around to use the ladder...


Ladder scene I will never forget, I think FEAR was legit my first horror game and I waas not ready.


LoL YARP. I remember very clearly the words that came out of my mouth that day. I am from south Africa so I used some South African slang and swear words


Alien Isolation may just be the thing for you.


Seconding. Scared the shit out of me way more than Doom 3 ever did.


This and Prey




I had this really good Altec Lansing surround sound speakers back then I remember hearing the sound of a crying baby behind me and noped the fuck out. Didn't play it again for like 6 months.


Completely agree, some parts of the game scared me ^^


I loved Doom 3. It really did what I thought Doom was trying to be, pretty freaky and dark. Also loved the way you interacted with computer terminals in this game. Wanna find more games like that.


Quake 4 was made by the same people around the same time. It’s no where near as scary but has similar combat.


I dunno, the 'Strogification' scene is some pretty intense body horror. The gameplay itself isn't as scary as Doom 3, but the main beats of the story are pretty intense at times.


The thing I appreciated the most about Doom 3 was how the gloomy, jump-scary, enemies encouraged you to quite timid at first but the most effective tactic was always charging up to them, jamming a shotgun in their face and pulling the trigger.


Doom 3 is the odd one out of the gang, but on its own merit it's a pretty fun game with a few grating issues.


I found I like Doom 3 a lot better if I think of it as a survival horror game, rather than an action title. I think that's what turned a lot of people off to it--they wanted more of Doom 2, rather than something new.


Id tried to be "serious" with doom 3, they tried a real story game instead of focusing on shooting and pure action. That's why it's not a real doom for fans. Personnaly I loved it but many fans disliked it. Id devs describe their choice for doom 3 as a "mistake", but I disagree. Can't remember which was the video I've seen about it but it was really interesting. I'll post it here if I find it 🤔


>Id devs describe their choice for doom 3 as a "mistake", but I disagree. I think DOOM 2016 proved id was *right* that DOOM3's direction either wasn't the right fit for the franchise, or simply wasn't a good enough action/horror game. I personally think it's a bit of both, as I do not believe that a DOOM game could not work in a different genre. But most of all, I think the chaotic action of DOOM16 is the natural fit for the series.


Yeah doom 2016 suceeds really well to show what the licence is and should be (terrible game, one of the best licence revival I've seen). But I mean doom 3 was a pretty good game (in my opinion), but they probably should making a new licence for it or sell it as a spin off, I don't know.


Yeah. It is a great horror game, but it ain’t Doom game.


Play FEAR, like the first 2 games.


Try the game Prey (from 2007 I think it was released) not the new one. Has some doom vibes.


I hope we get a sequel to Doom 3 in my lifetime. Dead Space comes close, but there was something very special about D3s combo of horror and badassery.


Play it in VR.


Hard no, you psycho


The Suffering did that for me as a kid.


Great game that would probably be loved even more if it wasnt called doom 3


I replayed it on Switch and well... It works like a charm in the bed without any light ^^


I swear Doom 3 is so different than all the other doom games. Doom 64, Doom, and Doom 2 were all low graphic and a lot of puzzles. But don’t get me wrong there good games. The new dooms are more open and don’t really give off a scary vibe. But Doom 3 is almost like dead space and is kinda closed in. It still scares me until this day.


A game way ahead of it's time




Those textures. Beautiful stuff. Love that game.


the doom 3 shotgun isnt real, and with that spread it probably cant hurt you... or revenants or trites or those cthulu damned cherubs


sons of the forest. i literally can't play that game alone...


Resident evil 7 was the last one that truly got under my skin, I could only play it in small bursts and had nightmares for weeks after. Took me two years to finally beat it


ever played S.T.A.L.K.E.R?


Unfortunately, the gameplay itself wasn't really good - you just goot from one room to another, enemies spawn and you kill these. That was great with the fast paced mechanics from the original and second title, but not that much in the third one. Enemies would just spawn behind you, that sucked. Then there was that thing with flashlight or gun, in the original you couldn't hold both at once and you first searched with the flashlight and then you tried to shoot the enemy in the room that was too dark. This was later changed, so you can have the light and gun together, because it really sucked.


The first time I heard a zombie in doom 3 like at the beginning where things started to go down I instantly shut the whole pc off. I was that scared as a kid 🤣