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I remember that on one point in the manga, Rory can sense Gods do exists in Earth, but they wouldn’t interfere with the Mortals. They were only spectators, and they knew the mortals of the Modern World can handle the Medieval-Fantasy threat. But if anything happens that an evil god would come over to destroy, then one of the Earth deities will bring down their Heroes from the well-known Myths. Heck imagine that a Falmart God going external and trying to invade, the Earth Gods would throw in Heracles, Arthur, Yorimitsu or Jesus to deal with it.


Kung-Fu Jesus or Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter?


both, both is good


Even the non-divine Islamic Jesus is OP.


Ngl as a Muslim myself you are right , he is the definition of op


The Miasma Aura, specially. Then there's the lance and the divinely provided insects.


Uh ... Who is he ?


Jesus in Islam. Being a Kfr in a certain radius? Dead. Being the Dajjal? Impaled with extreme prejudice... Probably while melting. Being Yuj and Majuj? Insects biting your neck and only God knows how horrible your death will be.


What the fuck, I searched these up and they're R E A L


You're welcome, kiddo :D


What about Gun Jesus?


Muslim jesus. If he is able to defeat the dajjal then surely he able to defeat the falmart gods alongside Mahdi.


American Jesus


Nah send in Sun-Wukong


Belakor with a steel chair!




Fo real if he's willing to cross fking dimensions from fantasy to suplex some nerd like Vashtoor in 40K he got my vote


Yknow, I wouldn't mind BIG E pulling a fast one on the Falmart gods.


Big E about to get more souls for more primarchs


**Short fiction of the topic** Hardy: "Don't you see? I am the goddess of the underworld. I'm also the one who is responsible for opening the gate between worlds. Me and the others are the most powerful gods in the existence. Who do you think you are? ***In front of her, there are 5 Earth's Gods. Amaterasu, Jade Emperor, Buddha, Shiva, and God. (Note: God speaks through a burning tree. A reference to the Burning Bush)*** Amaterasu: ... I'm the Sun Goddess, the chief of 8 million gods. Jade Emperor: I'm the Emperor and one of the Primordial Gods. Buddha: I'm the Enlightened One. Shiva: I'm the Destruction God. God: I Am that I Am. Hardy: *Confused* What do you mean "I Am"? Aren't you just a garden god? Jade Emperor: He is not a garden god. And you don't want to mess with Him. ***Hardy then smug and say*** Hardy: Me? Not messing with him? Are you saying that he is powerful? All Earth's gods (Except God): Yes. ***They said nonchalantly*** Hardy: .... Huh? What makes you say that? ***They are all silent for the time being. There is a reason why they are silent. Inside their mind, they had a flashback of when He brought judgment to Egyptian gods. He had bested all 10 powerful and important Egyptian gods with ease through plagues. They all remembered that Ra, Egypt's sun god and creator were bested by Him by covering the light with darkness. After they are done with the flashback, they shiver from His powers.*** All Earth's Gods (Mind): Good thing He's omnibenevolent


\[[cue The Plagues montage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJleW4TCQM0&ab_channel=Movieclips)\]


A moment of silence for the people that got clap by Yahweh during the flood.


Damn i wanna see more.


God, Jesus, Allah, Yahvé, the Greek, Roman, Ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Indian, Aztec, Mayan, Chinese, and Japanese pantheons are gonna have a field day.


That would be the greatest Legendary Battle ever seen.


Isn't allah and god are the same?


They're kind of different due to different religious custom but same overall idea. I would say they're the same God but civilization interpret them differently.


God, and Allah are literally the same being just that the name is in a different language.


Mine leads angel armies.


If we propose that the Gods of Our World use a system of pantheons or "Zones" where they reside, then it would certainly be something that they, regardless of the place, would join forces to claim their authority before these external gods who are those of Falmart. Just remembering that the Hindu Pantheon has thousands or hundreds of Thousands of Deities is something to keep in mind. Like the Japanese Shinto Pantheon with all the "Kamis" Or the Chinese Pantheon with its leading Deity who is the Jade Emperor. Then there is the Greco-Roman Pantheon, which is certainly the best known. Or the Sumerian Pantheon, this being probably the oldest in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Persian Pantheon with its God Zaraostra, Zaraotrism. And of course do not forget the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. If we make all these gods and pantheons something where they all live together and exist at the same time like in Shumatsu No Valkyrie (Record of Ragnarok) or like the Fate Franchise. They certainly can for several things. * That the Gods of our world, upon feeling the Invasive presence of external Gods or entities related to them, make their "Return to the World" and show their presence to Humanity in protection from the threat that would be the External Gods. That will certainly cause a stir in the world but knowing that the authority of the gods is technically unlimited, any problem or event that Chaos causes in the world would be suppressed or calmed, since Man cannot become equal to a God. * That the Gods do nothing and are only spectators of what humanity does with the Portal that opens to the other world where the external Gods live, even so the Gods of our world in the shadows will do whatever it takes to protect it from the gods exteriors and their sent entities (Apostles) to our world. * May the Gods wage war on the Outer Gods for disturbing the peace of our world, which would generate an apocalyptic event that no Modern technology of ours can save us. Certainly this concept is somewhat terrifying since this topic about the divine is not known its real scope, we can only assume that it is out of our control since we must remember the words that a God is "Omnicient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent" which It does not matter if an American, Chinese, Russian, French President, Japanese, Italian, German or Hindu Minister makes any Plan for themselves, the Gods will literally be able to bend their will so that they do not do something crazy that may be worse than they thought. imagine. This does not make the Gods "Evil" since they are Benevolent, what happens is that when a scenario like this occurs, it causes them to make their "Divine Intervention" to avoid greater disasters. After all, we must remember that Humanity was at peace with the Deities until the GATE was opened on the Planet, until now Contemporary Humanity believed that the Gods were almost unreal or myths, after something like this everything is confirmed, and that there really is not one religion or path, there are many that each person can choose. And so far the only Fanfiction that covers this topic is one of Fate, but at least the example of such an event is seen in the fact that the authority of the gods of each pantheon in the world will soon be seen in reestablishing their divine mandates. in the towns where they reside. Like Amaterasu in Japan (Replacing the authority of the Emperor and the Prime Minister as Rulers, technically making the country a direct Theocracy) or the Jade Emperor in China (replacing the authority of the Chinese Communist Party and the president, giving the same as the case of Amaterasu, only here the Divine Domain of the Jade Emperor would be that of all of China, I think it also covers more territory than current China) and the case of the Europeans... Well Zeus and Odin return. Although the case of the Americas would be curious, well, it would be ironic that the acclaimed world power that was the United States is now under the divine control of a Native American Deity, haha, I would say that that is Karma about what the United States did in its expansion to the west against the Native American tribes.


“ and in the case of the Europeans….. well Zeus and Odin return.” Ah shit


I think I forgot several pantheons, but to summarize Europe I put 2 figures from the 2 largest pantheons there, Odin, from Norse Mythology, and Zeus, from Greek (and Roman). I don't know which pantheon would be that of the Slavic peoples, since these are Orthodox Christians. Uhm, I suppose the gods don't care that Europe has alliances with nations elsewhere when these same gods are the protectors of their domains, what would Europe be in this case, so maybe NATO will stop succeeding, the EU maybe still exists. Well, the World will return to a State that was only known in legends or myths, so it would certainly be the end of the Modern World Order (Age of Human Dominance) to return to the Mystical-Divine Order (Age of the Gods)


I don’t think some native Native American deity would really just suddenly control the US because the overwhelming majority of Americans are Christians…..hmmmm this is a something to chew on I see because sure china and Japan would be controlled by their gods because those are the birthplaces of those gods and their religions never really spread much outside out side much. But Christianity spread fucking every where, with Islam not far behind so would they be also controlling the places wherever their followers are? If directly? To me personally I don’t think the gods would ever start showing up on earth and start carving up the world because believers today are spead every where (mostly). If I was making a fanfic about gate I would have just made the gods sent apostles of their own because it would be to much of a headache dealing with the problems dividing up territory would be. AKA crusades/ whatever other word for crusades on nuclear steroids. Because so help me I would definitely become a black Templar


>If I was making a fanfic about gate I would have just made the gods sent apostles of their own because it would be a lot of a headache dealing with the problems dividing up territory would be. That would be the same, and knowing how stubborn the current world is, with beings or people who allude to being sent by a Deity. I don't know why the example of Jesus Christ is the best there is, but certainly for his time, if what he did changed the Status Quo of Judaism, something like that, but with the rest of the Deities it would generate a gunpowder that would end the world just because the Status Quo What humanity did during the last 2000 years makes anything or anyone like that generate a disaster, plus there will be idiots with the logic "Bullet to the head and problem solved" or governments that do not want to lose control ( That also includes Westerners) will do everything possible to discredit these people or make them disappear. When I made this scenario I thought in all directions, and to be honest, the apostles would be the option most prone to failure due to factors such as the world's advance in technologies, how immense it is to convince about the facts, the suspicious That They are the current religious entities, and the governments, that on a small scale will not really change anything in the world. We also do not know what the reaction or way of acting of the Gods would be, but we do assume that it is like in the Fate Franchise where the Christian God exists and is among all the other gods. They know how volatile and stupid Modern humanity is, since even though the world is very advanced, there are still fights, conflicts and religious rivalries in the world, mostly between the 3 Abrahamic religions, while a good part of When the population becomes disillusioned with religion, they choose not to believe in anything or not know what to believe in. So being more specific, and detailed with this, the Gods can still divide the World into their zones, but giving the population freedom of whether to continue believing their religions and, certainly not start ridiculous Wars just because a certain religion now has its God. back, it happened before, but now it can go on a large scale because even the Leading Nation of the Christian World now has confirmation that their religion is not wrong and the others are wrong (even though they are all the same) it makes the World be destroyed by something stupid. I'm sorry if this doesn't help much, but I must repeat that the status quo of the world before the Gate died when a certain Deity from another world opened it to ours, and the Deities of our world will avoid anything and anyone that do something crazy just because your irrational mind has that adrenaline rush just because you can do it now. And please remember that in the Americas there were people who had their own Deities before the arrival of the Europeans, which now are no longer important for Christianity, it is obvious, after all this is a Renaissance of the Age of the Gods . Nothing starts easy or fast.


And Mexico becomes a Polytheistic Theocracy ruled by 2 primordial gods and their creations.


There are literally too many gods to put even half of them in a comment, but there are certainly many. So much so that this would be called the "Age of the Gods" for a reason.


A quick correction regarding the Ancient Persian Religion of Zoroastrianism Zoroaster, for whom the faith is named after is, was the Prophet of the religion, akin the Jesus or Mohammad of the time. The actual God(s) of Zoroastrianism, were mainly Ahura Mazda, the God of the sky and the Main Good God, and Ahriman, Ahura Mazda's evil equivalent.


Thanks for the correction! The truth is that reviewing all these religions is somewhat difficult since they have a lot of history each.


How would the concept of pantheon work for monotheistic religion such as Christainity and Islam? Either Yahweh and Allah did a retcon or they're just trolling.


I suppose that the 3 are the same but with different ways of interpreting God. That includes all the sub-branches of these religions such as Orthodoxy, Protestantism and Catholicism in Christianity, Shi'ism and Sunnism in Islam, and Orthodox Judaism in Judaism.


God/Yahweh/Allah, Odin, Zeus, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Ra, Enlil, Jupiter, and Huītzilōpōchtli about to body slam the Falmart Pantheon with a folding chair and a body slam:


Christian god: I created your very existence. So sit yo ass down.


Falmart Gods: 1. Dumb 2. Inexperience 3. Annoying brat 4. Keeping the special region as zoo Earth's Gods (Modern): 1. Too many Experience 2. Veteran 3. Wise 4. Put trust in humanity. 5. Knows when to interfere or not when it's the right moment.


>Earth's Gods (Modern): 1. Too many Experience 2. Veteran 3. Wise 4. Put trust in humanity. 5. Knows when to interfere or not when it's the right moment. Literally what differentiates our world from theirs, the gods are not there to solve all the problems of humanity, they let humanity advance and develop, for when something happens that if it is their intervention, they do it. The gods of Falmart look like Puberty


Tbf, Yahweh did cast a giant ass flood and destroy 2 city but he did settle down in the New Testament.


Literally, a power beyond what can be estimated.


Dying ant vs Tsar Bomb


Falmart gods need correction 💢💢💢


r/ japanesepeopletiwitter


[Looks at notes for personal fanfic] In "GATE: and so the Iron Pact Fought" the gods there follow a set of rules, one of which is not turning any word into their private sandbox. Given that the previous "admin" of Falmart didn't like what Hardy and friends did... ... well, the Celestial Council's head constable is going to get a call to start "trimming" the local pantheon... and when the list of crimes are given to said constable, Hardy and friends will start hearing At Doom's Gate in the background...


I read a fanfic somewhere that Gabriel, the right hand of god, was more than enough to put the falmart gods in their place.


*It's just that he's Gabriel*


Fanfic name?


Forgot what it was called, but I think it was made by kiyone4ever or UH-60 NIGHTSTALKER


Too bad he lost to a gopro camera


The fallmart gods are featless but have trouble affecting more than a continent Conclusion the fallmart gods are loosing to everyone here I can’t think of a pantheon they beat no religion I know of goes bellow multi continent level in power but to be honest the gods evidently don’t care much what’s believed in real life(if they exist they haven’t done anything to stop anything about religion in millennia) so they do nothing


When did Hardy make earthquakes? Because the earthquake that was shown in the series that was cause by the prolonged Gate connection shows that the denizens of the Special Regions never experienced earthquakes before. Even Rory quickly doubted that Hardy was the cause of the earthquake, making me speculate that all of Rory's long life she never experienced Hardy do something like that.


Oh I guess I remembered incorrectly still the gate is made by hardy and doesn’t it run of hardy aswell so anything the gate does hardy should be able to asswell


Hardy just made a hole in space where it would just randomly connect to other worlds. She barely has control over the Gate, she had Giselle wake up the fire dragon in order to destroy the JSDF in Alnus Hill to close the Gate, but that did not work because Itami killed the fire dragon.


Oh in that’s case there litterly fearless


Also if what I read about the Gate Wiki is right. The Falmart (Special Region continent) Gods hates Zeus and Amaterasu for letting humanity surpass gods. Meaning 21st century humanity has surpassed the Gods of Falmart. When I read that part of the Gate Wiki i lost all respect to the Gods of Falmart.


Because we majorly define that the gods from our world are cosmic levels of threat. Like if all of Hindu minor gods started to fight each other, it will just straight up destroy the whole planet. We are literally talking about planetary scale of destruction and they are only minor gods. And when I hear the whole 21st century humanity has surpassed the Gods of Falmart, I think they are talking about our military prowess. Especially the nuclear bombs they are talking about


Not sure about the nukes, but the Gate Wiki says. >The opening of the Gate to the world of the technologically advanced Earth only makes their justification for suppressing advancement stronger. Hardy, Emroy as well as La and Elange mockingly states that Earth Gods like Zeus, Athena or Amaterasu are fools who let mortal surpass them with technology. To them significant technologies such as **cloning and space travel are like mortals playing at god.**


The falmart God's will probably piss their pants if they discover the existence of even more technological superior races. Like the Great race of Yith, Photino Birds and Forerunners might be considered as a whole different races of God to those guy's lol


"hardy shook falmarts planet" bro where does it says that the quakes happen to the entire planets and not just localized? (if hardy even the one that did it)


I got it from a powerscaling argument I knew an earthquake happend so I took there word for it silly of me I’ll remove it


Initially I would think that earths gods would send someone who can negotiate, like Jesus first, then when the Falmart gods just refuse to listen and attack, the rest of earths gods appear in the stereotypical anime fashion. and the fight begins with Jesus quoting the bible before just straight up socking Hardy (I imagine he would be the most insufferable of the bunch). In the end, Earth has more gods of war and death than the entire Falmart pantheon. edit: I gave myself the image of Jesus just wrecking Hardy's shit and I wish I could actually see it lol.


jesus: \*\*\*get ready to receive some holy spirit\*\*\* hardy: -terrified and confused- what? \*holy music starts\*


The problem with the deities in Gate is that they're not explained adequately we just know that there are deities on the Gate with some powers to influence living things like Hardy and the Flame dragons. Heck one of the chapters where Leilei was possessed by Hardy kinda hinted that the deities reside on another plane that is barely covered with some screen and a thick cloth which indicates they can be reached out or living beings can enter with some permission or by some action. The deities themselves are weird since the author sucks at explaining the plot other than JSDF strong and politics bad.


No no. Not Politics bad. *Politicians* (except for my very wise and pragmatic Nationalist Politicians) bad!


Who would win, a single Pantheon of Gods or Human Pantheon of Gods? Easy, humans, because due to the fact empires rise fall and religions appear and disappear, we don't know how many Pantheons exist.


Considering the Japanese and Indian Pantheons, the Gods of Walmart are outnumbered out the ass


Indian gods are more absurd than anything else. Since we got gods who are the thr rulers upon the earthly elements all the way down to dudes who are beyond space-time, existence and causality.


Individual pantheons would roflstomp them. The Abrahamic God wouldn't only solo, it would be a massacre


When did the Falmart gods said it ? I’m still new so.


They didn't. But since the Falmart Gods acting like a brat saying the Earth's Gods were all fools for letting humanity advance, I was just assuming they were asking for calling them weak.


Rory already shot first during the sankai resort incident, the foreign agents souls got claimed by her to another afterlife after killing each other and she sent some to the other side herself.


I'd like to believe that she got a very stern talking to by Earth's Gods but they let it slide because she was more or less defending herself. Either that or her patron god negotiated everything behind the scenes.


GOD: “ONE MORE GOD REJECTED!” As he kills the Falmart gods one by one with his mere presence. 


If the fallmart God's think it'd be funny to invade our world Big G will just say "you have lost existing privileges" and now they don't exist


(Laughs in Kratos) Not anymore




Someone's asking to get their head chopped off by a Christian crusading Templar night Not saying who but DESUS VULT


Nope, im asking for a Templar purge ala Clement V. Assassins Creed was SUPPOSED to be a work of fiction, in reality it's an allegory of what shitbags they were.