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A good start is probably pet-safe or baby-safe floor products.


Will do, thank you! Less chemicals are probably better for me as well!


It sounds like you're doing great! I would just avoid any harsh chemicals, or if you do need to use them, rinse the surfaces with water afterwards. Also I would leave out little bottle caps with some water for them to drink, or leave the faucet in the bathroom dripping. They are excellent hunters, so they will find plenty of bugs inside and outside to eat. If you want, you can leave an outside light on at night to attract more bugs for them to eat. Hope you and your house guests have a great day!


Thanks! They now have several little bottle-cap water stations set up. :)


Awwww this is so sweet!! Wishing you all the best with them :)


Thank you! :)


You could try adding decor that could double as hides for them. I imagine they already have places they feel comfortable in their respective rooms, but it doesn’t hurt to give them a little more to hide and sneak around :)


Thank you! I ordered some hides and was so excited when the delivery guy brought them. Hopefully it helps them feel a little more secure! :)


Also a south Floridian, and I love seeing these little guys! As other commenters said, avoid harsh chemicals (especially bleach), and try to avoid air fresheners/incense/candles in less insulated areas of the home or wherever you normally see them. They tend to search out water, so you could leave a teensy source somewhere you feel comfortable with. Lastly, you could try hanging up some hides on the walls, although I’m not sure if they’d use them or not. One last thing— this post melted my heart and really made my night. It’s so refreshing seeing people being welcoming/accepting of little critters :)


Thank you so much for that information! I got them several little hides for corners/under furniture to retreat to whenever I walk by. I would have done hanging ones but live in a rental and don’t want to put holes in the wall. (And the house is older and I know from past experience that sometimes command hooks still pull of paint when removed) They also have little bottle caps for water as well. :) But oh my gosh - yes I try to love on nature as much as possible. My father is an avian biologist, so I was raised to have a healthy respect for all critters. I actually feel honored these guys chose my house…even if it was just out of convenience, haha. Hopefully these lil fellas stay happy & healthy; I’m always sad when I find a dead one shriveled up in the corner.


That’s wonderful; I also hate finding them like that so I hope it helps. Hopefully they will enjoy the new stuff :D


Let’s hope so! But Now I’m always tempted to shine my phone light to peak inside the hides and see if they are getting used…but I know that’s counterintuitive and would scare them instead lol