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If we’re including mountains in the background then Vancouver and Santiago de Chile


Calgary, Denver, and Salt Lake City also fit this criteria.


Seattle as well


Seattle never gets enough love in these skyline threads. I honestly think it’s more beautiful than Vancouver, which everyone always mentions, from most angles. But those are angles most people don’t get to see. I’ve been on a ferry coming into Seattle on a clear spring day and it’s absolutely breathtaking with the waterfront cityscape and the snow-capped cascades as a backdrop, with Mount Rainier absolutely looming over to one side and Mount Baker on the other. It’s so gorgeous.


Seattle is the best by far, Standing at kerry park on a clear day, its epic...


It’s funny, if you google “Seattle Skyline” all of the pictures are from like 2007. It’s quite a bit larger these days.


Ironic because Seattle probably has the best Pacific coast skyline, although Vancouver and San Francisco aren't far behind.


LA, while pictured, imo has the worst skyline of any major pacific coast city. Not sure if that’s a rouge opinion and other people enjoy it.


I mean, LA’s downtown is iconic because it’s so boring. We literally were only allowed flat-top skyscrapers until a couple decades ago, because once there was a fire and they couldn’t land a helicopter on top to evacuate. But I do love our mountains.


Agreed, LA has tall but two few centralized buildings to meet a city its size, add to that since every Hollywood set in the present day uses it, it’s even more recognizable than New Yorks skyline.


I’ve been to Seattle 3 times and have never seen Mt Rainier. All those clouds in the way :/


This past week it has been stunning. Clear days every day in late November, very unusual but we love it


Yea but go up grouse mountain in van. Or take the ferry to horseshoe bay on a foggy day. Seattles gorgeous but it’s way more industrial and has minimal elevation. West Vancouver is the most beautiful place to be. No industry, a ski hill, and views from a mountain over the whole lower mainland. Can see Baker on a good day.


Calgary has a very nice skyline for a city it's size but the mountains are pretty far away


Yeah they’re not always easy to see behind the skyline, but it’s very satisfying being on top of nose hill and seeing the mountains tucked away in behind the skyline.


And Anchorage


I can't speak to the other two but Denver's is as boring as they come if you look at downtown from the west


Giza has a less interesting eastern view… and then we learned perspective


Anchorage Alaska if you wanna call it a skyline lol


Salt lake is incredible, unlike Denver or LA where the mountains are miles away, the mountains are right there, beautiful


Bogotá Colombia


Santiago de Chile for sure.


And Mendoza, Argentina on the other side of the cordillera.




Salt Lake City as well!


How can you think about mountains already, but not about Mt. Fuji and Tokyo?


Santiago is fucking awesome


The pictures don’t look all that impressive, but in person Quito is *breathtaking*


For mountains it’s got to be Cape Town. Loads of cities have mountains in the background, only Cape Town has Table Mountain.


Sofia, Bulgaria as well


Hong Kong


I am surprised that this isn’t higher. The view from Victoria Peak is unmatched.


"You see that big, useless building." \-Jeremy Clarkson


A lot of people here are from the default country and they rarely travel abroad. I'm not surprised that the top answers are about places in US.


Absolutely. I lived there for ten years, and never got tired of seeing the skyline. There were certain days that one could sit on the Kowloon waterfront and look across to Hong Kong, and the skyline would almost look as though it was projected on a screen. It was otherworldly. In addition, as you mention, the view from Victoria peak down onto 500 m tall skyscrapers is just not something so commonly experienced. Whenever I had guests, my favorite part of taking them around was doing a tour around Old Peak Road and Lugard Road and looking down above Sai Ying Pun. It looks like the jungle is just pouring into the city off of the peak. Breathtaking.


Seeing pictures of Hong Kong growing up was what made me fall in love with architecture. Nothing cooler than an insane skyline wrapped by mountains.


Hong Kong skyline is goated.


How is this not the top comment, I saw the image of LA and I’m like is this rage bait?


This is the right answer.


Growing up in HK, I never fully appreciated our skyline until I moved away. Nothing quite compares to The Peak towering above the craziest, most eclectic collection of buildings possible. Also that one scene from The Dark Knight where Batman jumps off the side of the IFC into an incoming C130. Don’t think I’ve ever been so giddy in the theatre before, watching that


Cape Town. Have the mountain smack damn in the middle of the city with its crags towering above you is pretty epic.


Overall, I think SA as a whole is pretty underrated. Sure, there are bad parts but the good parts are very nice and unique.


Why did you pick a 25 year old photo of LA? Skyline has changed soooo much since then. In the last 2 boom cycles since 2000 the skyline is like double this, including a new tallest.


Vancouver, BC and Seattle, WA. The water, the city skyline, the mountains. Just beautiful.


Seattle, looking from pretty much any direction is hard to beat.


Except don’t look at street level


Streets awash with insane addicts, it rains all the time, and unaffordable. Yes. Don't visit or move here, it's terrible!


Agreed. Never move to Seattle. It’s full anyways.


Got that Fraiser line drawing action.


PNW is just gorgeous in general


Seattle. The space needle is very well known internationally which makes it’s skyline iconic


Pittsburgh, but I am very biased. Such a stunning entrance, especially if you've never been.


I've been to Pittsburgh once and was blown away at its beauty. Then I went to a Pirates game and was blown away by the scenery of downtown while watching the game.


The best part of watching a Pirate game is looking at the skyline-kidding. (Source: Pittsburgher—although they might be decent next year) Either way, thank you all for visiting our city and for the feedback on the beauty of the place.


Been to tons of pirates games and you aren’t kidding, the best part is the view no matter what happens on the field


PNC is amazing. Next time, you should take the incline to Mt Washington.


Went to a White Sox @ Pirates game a couple years ago and loved the view. Also extremely jealous as Comiskey Park could’ve been similarly oriented towards our skyline.


It actually looks really cool, especially with the two rivers converging in downtown


If you're into skylines Pittsburgh is a must visit. I like it even more than NY's despite it being a fraction of a fraction of the size. It really punches above its weight.


It is great because you can't see from a distance from any direction. Once you can see, you're right there in the middle of it.


There is also a natural overlook from the south with Mt Washington. [It gives you views like this of the skyline.](https://i0.wp.com/takemytrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/1200_05b_pittsburgh.jpg?resize=1000%2C600&ssl=1)


I love the incline.


Two rivers you say…




Pittsburgh is by far the most underrated city. I will never forget driving through a tunnel in WV and thinking, “so what a giant city is just gonna be on the other side?” And I was floored by just how beautiful Pittsburgh was.




Chicago and Pittsburgh are the two best entrances.


Where would you say the Chicago entrance is? From the skyway/south?


Going east from Ohare on the Kennedy They’re all good though


The only city with a front door.


I love the (deserved) love the Pittsburgh skyline gets in these threads! Coming out the tunnel on a clear summer night is always an experience no matter how many times you’ve done it.


Doesn't matter which direction you enter from. The tunnel has the ultimate wow factor but sometimes coming down the Ohio River Blvd, from Cranberry and from Millvale are just as interesting.


By far the best mid sized city skyline, and I say that as someone from Cincinnati


Also from cincy. In my experience Pittsburgh is just a better version of Cincy. Bigger hills and mostly better preserved (although Union Terminal is probably the best train station in the US)


Drove my family cross country. I took them through Pittsburgh and they were surprised by how such a big city and skyline appeared out of nowhere through the mountains and forest. One of my favorite skylines for sure. This coming from a New Yorker.


Seeing downtown from Mt Washington is a must if anyone visits the city.


I miss coming out of that tunnel!


I lived in Pittsburgh and agree. The topography, rivers and bridges really set that city apart


Hell yeah. I’m biased too, but it is objectively an amazing skyline. And pictures don’t do it justice. You really have to experience it for yourself


Sydney (harbor bridge, opera house), paris (Eiffel tower), nyc, dc (washington memorial, capitol building)




Yeah Toronto has got to have one of the most recognizable skylines on the planet


It’s that CN Tower/Skydome duo right off the lake.


Toronto is grand, but I’ve always felt the architecture is a bit lacking compared to other massive skylines like Chicago and NYC


Chicago! Hands down.


Chicago is the best. The only thing other skylines have going for them that Chicago can't replicate is mountains. But you want to talk about pure, human-made beauty? Can't beat Chicago


We got Lake Michigan to make up for it which is actually blue water compared to that green water they got in New York


Chicago has one of the best skylines, if not the best skyline in the country. Very unique buildings


The thing that’s always struck me as why its skyline so unique is the fact that it’s all visually cohesive. The major buildings have very clear aesthetics while the others blend into them or have aesthetics that work naturally with them while still being iconic in their own right. Manhattan is impressive in sheer size, however it’s still fairly uncohesive as it has only spread out over time. It also is a boon for Chicago that it isn’t on an island or anything similar, so when you drive into the city you can see it from all directions and you can also see it from Gary or New Buffalo. Having the Sears Tower also makes it significantly easier to point out downtown from afar. Hell, in high school we could see the Tower everyday walking to the train or going out for lunch.


I don’t know about the hands part but Chicago’s pretty good


Only correct answer


I find Los Angeles skyline to be boring I know I’ll catch a lot of hate on that. And it has nothing to do with the city itself but its lack of any stand out buildings. It’s a nice enough skyline but for a city as huge as LA you’d think they’d have a beacon of a tower. Something the entire state can brag about.


I'm from LA and I actually think it's quite a popular opinion? Nobody here even really likes it. From a purely manmade perspective, it's pretty dull and not a whole lot going on there. It's not iconic in the same way Seattle, NYC, Chicago, etc. are for sure. But when you *do* see the snow capped mountains that's a different story. They basically do ALL of the heavy lifting for the memorable skyline. I'm actually quite a fan of the new Wilshire Tower and its spire. It's a beaut from a design perspective, but the problem is that it's so radically different from the rest of the buildings that it doesn't quite fit in. The sky lobby and bar, though, are second to none. Views are unparalleled and you can almost always see the ocean. It actually makes me wish they got serious about redeveloping downtown because in theory it would literally be the perfect place for a gem of a district with those views


I almost commented LA for the bad skyline list. It’s small for the size of the city and the smog makes it not pop the same as others unless immediately after a rain.


I feel like in the last 20 years the smog has almost become a non issue for DTLA area? Not talking about particulates or general pollution, but like that thick hazy smog specifically. In the early 2000s, it was an entirely different story. But I've seemed to noticed over the years since 2010 in particular that it's become less and less of a thing outside wildfire season and the occasional scorching summer day where the heat naturally draws it out? Whatever's left mostly gets blown over to the Inland Empire lol it's actually a big problem for them


I recently moved back, and while it’s better than when I lived here 20 years ago, as an adult now that loves to have his windows open when weather permits, the layer of black dust that quickly builds up on every surface is very noticeable.


I get that too!! I also am a perpetually windows-open adult lol but it’s actually much worse for me in NYC


The LA basin will almost always have an air particulate issue. It's surrounded in three sides with mountains and a near constant west to east breeze that traps particulate matter above the city, aside from the rare Santa Ana winds that blow reverse. I lived in the area 2017-2022 and noticed the air wasn't too bad, but like others noted, black dust seems to build up on a lot of surfaces. I can't imagine what that place was like in the 1960s-70s though.


This is a cold take if you're talking to people from LA. Nobody here really likes DTLA. I've actually come to love it since I moved there, but it took me my whole life to begin to like it. Personally, I think the video of DTLA from Boyle Heights/Mariachi Plaza is the best view of the skyline, it allows you to see all of the historic buildings in east downtown like city hall, along with all of the newer skyscrapers.


In North America it’s New York by a mile. I’d add St. Louis thanks to the gateway arch, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle and Toronto thanks to their respective needles


Seattle also has Mount Rainier in the background too.


From the right angle. The angle I'm looking at it right now (from Bellevue) it has the Olympics behind it, which is also very nice.


The skyline from West Seattle is insane though. Could be second only to NYC.


My mum, in Nottingham, England had a big framed black white photo of new Yorks skyline in her kitchen for years. My mates mum had the same one, neither have any connection to new York. This is pretty normal but would be considered abut random and weird if it was any other city


I feel like that’s a true test of an iconic skyline. London, Paris, NYC are recognizable around the world and draw attention and appreciation from people who otherwise have no connection to the place


Don’t forget Calgary in the needles category, we got one too!


So does San Antonio!


The Seattle skyline on a clear evening from the ferry is next level. Although I may be a little biased, having been born here.




NYC, Toronto, Chicago, Vancouver, LA, and San Francisco


Toronto has easily one of the most recognizable. Such an underrated skyline.


Interesting that the answers here are so biased to the US. In my opinion, other than NYC and Seattle very few US cities have memorable skylines. My picks: * London * Singapore * Hong Kong * Shanghai


I’d be hesitant to agree on London… I feel like while it, along with many other European cities, are certainly well known for their architecture, that doesn’t really include the type of architecture that qualifies as a “skyline”. Like when someone thinks of London, they think more of Big Ben than the Shard. Also, idk if it’s just me, but when I think of European cities like London or Paris or Rome, I don’t really think of their skyline as a whole as much their individual landmarks. But I definitely do agree on Hong Kong, Singapore, and Shanghai.


Interesting, I have to say I personally find the skyline in London extremely iconic! The Shard, Gherkin, and the Walkie Talkie are modern buildings that come to mind. I also love that the city preserves the sightlines to St. Paul’s, meaning even with all the big skyscrapers you have a good chance of still being able to see the classic cathedral. Not to mention you of course have Tower Bridge, Big Ben and parliament, and the London eye which interestingly is also quite iconic now. And even more slightly less famous buildings like the O2 arena and BT tower! Flying over the city into Heathrow for me is a treat every time. I do agree that most other cities in Europe don’t really have a single identifiable skyline, they’re better known for their individual landmarks. I suppose that’s partially because not many European cities actually build skyscrapers (I love classic buildings but it’s difficult to form a skyline when you’re only a few stories tall and the same height as all other buildings), and if they do they’re usually located separately to the main city center. Amsterdam, Paris (except of course the Eiffel tower), and Vienna come to mind in this category.


Casually disregarding the entirety of the City and Canary Wharf...


>when I think of European cities like London or Paris or Rome, I don’t really think of their skyline I mean, Paris and Rome don't really have much of a skyline. London has a lot more skyscrapers than they do


London actually have very good skyline, google it


In no particular order: - Kuala Lumpur (biased as I'm from here) - NYC - Hong Kong - Dubai - Toronto - Melbourne - Shanghai - Singapore Sidenote: Kuala Lumpur's Petronas Towers stole the crown of the tallest building in the world from Willis Tower in 1998 due to a technicality that says spires are counted but not antennas. Prior that the crown of the tallest building in the 20th century was held in firmly in the US, mostly by buildings in NYC. Kuala Lumpur stole the crown and ever since then it has been firmly in Asia.


Someone mentioned Kuala Lumpur!! KL has such an incredible skyline with all of its different architectural styles that represent the cultures of Malaysia, yet somehow the skyline is still so underrated…


Thank you! Yes an incredible skyline but not as well known in Europe and North America unfortunately. Even Malaysia as a whole. But mention the missing plane and people will know. 🥲


KL was just an all around awesome city when I visited a decade or so. Great food, diverse populace, friendly enough people and the buildings were really fun! Ate dinner at the revolving tower restaurant. Don’t remember the food *there* being standout, but the views were nice!


Melbourne over Sydney?!?!


Toronto! Just look for our world famous dick and nutsack (CN Tower and Skydome) Also, NYC for it’s sheer size and many famous landmarks, San Francisco because of that Triangle Building, Seattle because of the space needle, Vegas because of all the neon lights, Vancouver because of the shitload of modern glass condos with the mountain and ocean backdrop, and Chicago because it dwarfs most of the ones I just mentioned outside of NYC.


“That triangle building” would be the Transamerica Pyramid!


Chicago, Seattle, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh




As an ardent lover of all things NYC, my only hesitation is that it's difficult to define just one skyline. And all the individual zones have started merging making it hard to capture the whole effect. And then there are places like Flushing which are dense and tall, but are technically still separated into a separate collection of buildings. Though I will say, there are several individual buildings which make it instantly identifiable and thus memorable.


Very biased Toronto over here


Hong Kong, Rio, and Seoul take some beating but am gonna say Vancouver during an aurora


Shocked I had to look this far to find Rio.


Can't believe no one has said Cape Town yet! Table Mountain in the background is stunning. I live in Sydney and it's pretty great too.


Surprised no one mentioned Cape Town!


exultant thought deserve plants steep bells spark desert oatmeal saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Globally, has to be Shanghai. In US, I’s say Chicago




It’s actually the Paris of the east.


The Rome of the East (of the West)


China also has Chongqing/Guangzhou and Shenzhen which are amazing in their own rights


Not even in the middle kingdom does Shanghai have the most *arresting* skyline. I believe that honor goes to Chongqing.


Surprised no one has said Honolulu. Skyscrapers directly on a perfect beach with mountain tops in the background. Definition of memorable


You're smoking crack if you don't mention Toronto


Wasn’t the mayor of Toronto smoking crack?


London. The eye and big Ben with the gherkin, tower bridge and St. Paul's in the background. Nothing more iconic


With the river weaving through it. And so many distinctive buildings -- the Walkie-Talkie the Shard too.


Seattle, Pittsburgh


If talking memorable, Las Vegas has a skyline many would recognize. The Stratosphere, giant Ferris Wheel, and pyramid come to mind. Along with the strip of immense hotels. I can't quite think of another one like it.


Seattle has my heart




Most recognizable in the US are def NYC and Seattle, there really isn’t anything that looks like the space needle (cn tower ig) but with the mountains too, and NYC is pretty self explanatory. Chicago too as an honorable mention for sure


Rio de Janeiro








Salt Lake City’s mountain backdrop looks way better than LA’s without needing to edit the mountains to look closer


It’s not edited per se. It’s the lens.


Hong Kong/Kowloon


People sleeping on Cincinnati, it’s not as immense as the others but we have a whole chili company based on it. Head north on interstate 75 in Kentucky and you’re greeted by the city as you round a bend.


I literally just made this comment before stumbling across someone who already made it....


Chicago, Il


Minneapolis, very underrated skyline. Especially coming from the south and east.


Singapore, especially from certain angles. Sydney, Australia, with that iconic harbour bridge and opera house.


Personally I loved the Granada skyline. Whilst not as fancy as others I just loved the historic buildings and hill/mountains on the horizon.


New York sailing out to sea from the Hudson . Did this on a cruise recently . Pretty amazing


Chicago and Vancouver are my most memorable North American skylines. Singapore for Asia. Sydney for Oceania. Rio for South America. London for Europe. Cairo for Africa.


Waikiki/Honolulu is pretty neat


Anchorage Alaska has a beautiful skyline. [View from the water.](https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/03/35/70/13/360_F_335701378_sA3gN8QeGSpoVVeUjcZS0lcV7fgOdKqM.jpg)


Melbourne is beautiful


I’d like to throw in the Gold Coast with its long beachfront.


Seattle and Vancouver, obviously.


Prefacing this by saying I do not live there and have nothing to do with Ohio other than driving from Atlanta to Michigan once a year or so. The skyline of Cincinnati when you're coming down the hill of I-75 north from Kentucky is gorgeous. You can see the whole city from that hill.


Sydney if you include the Harbour Bridge and Opera House.


Calgary and Vancouver


Calgary? And Vancouver is just condos. Shout out Toronto


Detroit has a really nice one


Detroit has a surprisingly small skyline given its size and presence of many large corporations. I've always wondered why.


Cars. Car companies basically screwed up the legitimately good public transit system plus highly paid workers wanting a larger house/yard and being able to afford cars meant everything became very spread out. That was the start at least. It's more complex than that with things like the white flight and downfall of Detroit automaking for building shitty cars during the malaise era and whatnot Still has some amazing art deco buildings and churches, but they're not incredibly tall


I agree. And with that, [I like the layout in general](https://cdn.onlyinyourstate.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/29986331515_efdb02a6ff_k.jpg)! The mix of grid and radial isn't earth-shattering, but makes a really cool effect. I also like where the Detroit grid hits the Michigan grid. Even though it isn't aligned with the border, it's a neat way of setting the city apart!


I always thought Detroit's skyline would look better without the Renaissance center. It dominates and overpowers everything else.


bruv that's like one of the iconic features of the detroit skyline


Toronto. The iconic CN Tower amidst the forest of condos and the Rogers Centre next to it.


Trying to avoid ones that have already been mentioned... They're not extravagant, but I like [Baltimore, MD](https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/sites.psu.edu/dist/f/4950/files/2013/12/baltimore_at_night.jpg) and [Providence, RI](https://wallpapercave.com/wp/wp4671760.jpg). They're generally older and neat with a nice transition from houses to low and mid-rise to tall(-ish). I also like how Atlanta has a ribbon of [skyscrapers along Peachtree, from Downtown/Five Points, all the way to Buckhead](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/168/406481015_62422028d2_b.jpg) which looks like it's poking through the trees ("city in a forest" and all that). Wildcard, but I also like how if you squint, Hartford's [downtown looks like a big hill from some angles](http://jackmcconnellphotography.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/1011-1110-C093.jpg) because the transition is so smooth. Travelers Tower also looks great from any angle, as does the [Capitol](https://www.wanderlustchloe.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/State-Capitol-Building-Hartford-Connecticut-.jpg). [Philadelphia](https://wallpaperaccess.com/full/1334323.jpg) isn't too bad either (and the Liberty Place towers, plus the Comcast buildings make it easily-identifiable), and for a bonus, has possibly the [best-looking City Hall](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fujmwem6krbz41.jpg) I've ever seen.


NYC by far


Philly has unique buildings that really stand out. also city hall is iconic


Sydney, Australia you really can't beat the opera and the bridge


The Gold Coast


Auckland has a pretty cool volcano off its harbour , does that count?


Seattle is forever my favorite. Standing on a clear day at Kerry Park, seeing the entire skyline of the city with Mr. Rainier in the backdrop so prominently, and then the water with all its shipping traffic and ferries, with the Olympic Mountains past sound. Its perfection.


The Fresno skyline 😍


For smaller cities, Auckland, NZ is quite iconic with the Sky Tower. Sydney is pretty amazing, particularly if you have a view with the Opera House or the Bridge.


Cincinnati, it's not the biggest, but it has character.


Why so many North American cities here. As a non American the only memorable skylines that are easily recognisable are probably New York and Washington DC. There's really nothing significant or unique in most of these skylines. NYC has recognisable buildings and the statue of liberty, Washington DC has the monument, capitol building, white house. Oh and I guess SF does have the golden gate bridge too which is very memorable too. LV's pyramid, casinos also quite memorable too. My additions to the mix from all around the world. Sydney for the opera house and harbour bridge with the downtown in the backdrop is one of the most recognisable skylines. Hong Kong's skyline of skyscrapers is quite typical but the Bank of China building is one of the most iconic skyscrapers. Not to mention the night views with all the lights. Similarly, Shanghai's skyscraper skyline is also another iconic image with some iconic landmarks. Guilin doesn't have big skyscrapers, but a beautiful panoramic view of mountains, complemented with the city garden's pagodas sticking out. Tokyo with its huge megalopolis has so many angles to choose from. They got the Tokyo tower and easily recognisable snow capped Mt Fuji. Rio de Janeiro's mountains, beaches, and unmistakable Christ the Redeemer. Tiny Singapore has the Marina Bay Sands towers, downtown skyline by the bay area. Kuala Lumpur's Petronas Twin Towers and KL tower. Paris with the lack of skyscrapers but the Eiffel tower peaking through the top from every angle. Istanbul and their majestic mosques and temples. Does Santorini count? With the blue skies and white buildings. There are more of course, but these are just some I can think of. No offence but most of the American cities listed in the comments are frankly quite boring and forgettable. Just having skyscrapers alone doesn't make a good skyline. Certain landmarks, geographical terrain, cultural and historical significance can add a lot of character to a skyline which many cities are lacking. Tall buildings and big highways are traditionally American but please don't start listing every American city haha. There's really nothing special about them.


Americans in this thread resisting the urge to name cities most people probably haven't even heard of:




I can never unsee the Eye of Sauron building whenever I travel to Nashville, so maybe that counts?




Can’t believe no one else is saying this. BofA Tower and Reunion tower make it instantly recognizable especially at night


Dc. Fuck the haters from the other post


Flying into National over the Potomac using the river visual approach is magical, especially at night.




Charlotte’s skyline really punches above the city’s weight… that Pelli BofA HQ, beautiful