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You need to be a German citizen or at least an EU citizen.


German citizens only. Even EU citizenship is not enough currently. However they are considering opening up the German armed forces for EU citizens in the future.


That is true.The position doesn’t matter,every soldier has to be a german citizen.lso consider how that would affect your standing in your homecountry.Many countries have laws that prohibit citizens of serving in another army.


\> I understand that a sensitive position like this requires German residence and citizenship Yeah, OP seems to already know that


Its a complex selection program. If you fulfill all requirements and apply, you'll run through a series of tests.  Assessmentcenter first with mathematical, logical, language (including spelling), concentration questions and so on. If you pass, then you'll run into the psychological testing. Presentations, group work, conversations and so on.  If you pass all of that, you'll finally get medically checked. Including teeth, eyesight (+color vision), hearing, up to a complete body MRT and the end.  Only about 2-5% of all applicants pass the first tests. You'll be one of thousands. Don't forget that the job comes with officer training and you'll need to study aeronautical engineering, bachelor or master. Its one of the hardest jobs to get into. It needs a very specific fighting mindset, very specific body size and top health, on top of all the other tests. There are german documentaried about the application program, the fighter training and everything on youtube. Also german (private) forums with knowledge for applicants


Not to mention that all of that will be in German.


And currently only open to German citizens.


Yes. The practical training will happen in the US and mostly in english, but the application tests, officer training and most of the bacherlor engineering degree will be in German. Thats one of the most important requirements. Citizenship and top notch language proficiency.


All of this + unchangeable prerequisites like height and age bracket which come long before near perfect health. By the time OP qualifies for German citizenship and until he managed to get naturalized he'll most likely be too old to start training for this specific career. While late 20s/over 30 is possible for most other military things it's not for pilots or other special forces in general, because the education and training path is long and the years you have your health + mental facilities in military appropriate state are short.


Imagine you got amazing potential to be a pilot in every aspect but get rejected because you don’t know how many Ns are in Bananenbrot 


Every aspect includes being an officer and being able to read and write military documents, reports, technical datasheets, being able to communicate with your units and so on. TBH, most of the work those pilots do is planning, after action reports, briefings, you name it.


For every position in the German armed forces as a soldier you need to be a German citizen.There is no way around it.


Makes sense


So I was in a similar situation bad eye sight and considered a laser correction. After lots and lots of phone calls and emails I got an email from "Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrtmedizin" (I dont want to post a screenshot) Officially you are not allowed be a pilot at the bundeswehr if you had any refractive eye surgery what seems to be the case for you. Sorry. BUT there are very limited cases where after individual and longer testing they might make an exception.


Well my Cousin had the same dream. Years in the training only to not be seleceted. He is a "normal' Pilot now. Not one that would fly in war areas. The competition for the airforce was massive.


Please consider that, depending on circumstances, you might loose your Egyptian citizenship by joining the german forces.




No offense but I'm curious why this is such an important dream of yours. I mean obviously it has nothing to do with patriotism, since you want to join an army of a foreign country. It's possible that you will need to kill another human, and also risk your own life. I really don't get why you would be so eager to do a job like that. again, no offense, I'm just really curious.


Also, to become a pilot in the German Airforce, you will kind of autimatically join the officer carreer path. To apply for becoming an air force officer cadet, you have to pass not only a hard selection porgram, but also a deep background and security check being done on you and your family. After all, you will have access to sensitive data and not rarely Nato top secret clearance is required to use and operate mitlitary equipment and procedures. This background check requires to name some trustworthy contacts who will then be contacted to be interviewed about you, your character, behaviour etc..


You need to be German citizen to join. In order to become a pilot one would have to join pretty young and go through pilot school, so coming over at the age 19 and then spending a few years to obtain citizenship means you'll probably be too old. What's wrong with Egyptian air force?


In order to become a part of the Egyptian Air Force, you need good connections with high-ranking officers and possibly pay some under-the-table money.


Still sounds like better chances than Bundeswehr as non-citizen. Btw. most people that decided to join the army to be pilots end up doing something else. So maybe in Egypt you can go to the air force and not be a pilot but do something else connected with aircraft...


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Keep dreaming


Your best bets are rich countries with small own population. Check options for UAE, Qatar or KSA. Still best chance is your own country. Becoming a fast jet pilot in Europe is unrealistic.




Subs Name is r/germany Not r/Deutschland


Because this sub is English only, maybe?


The sub language is English. German language posts get removed. Check rule 6. These comments get made every time someone posts in English. Have you considered that they're trying to obey the rules and reach a broader audience? There are people here who don't speak German but may still have the answers OP wants.