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LSD on night 1 is a power move


On the rare occasions I've done acid at Glastonbury it's always been Thursday afternoon for some reason. I remember ending up by the glastonbury sign in 2019 at sunset and the sky looked like tatooine, just an amazing dusty saharan orange. Weirdly the most beautiful experience I've had was stood at a urinal for an unknown period of time watching the woven pattern of the blue tarp cover become dancing pixels, just stood there mouth agape and eyes wide with my old fella hanging in the wind.


All the money they’ve spent on trippy visuals and you trip on a blue tarp 😂😂


Wednesday always the best day for trips for me. Too much going on the other days


I definitely think it was the right move for me this time but I’ll definitely be saving it until the weekend next year We took some more on Friday but knew it would deffo not hit as hard which was probably for the best anyway!


How did it actually hit two days after. We had ours Thursday and would have loved to do it again during the festival


It was still great but I’d say half strength. I’m considering taking a 2cb on the Wednesday and saving LSD for the weekend next year. Hoping that the 2cb won’t create a tolerance to the LSD.


At the time I described it as biblical 🤣