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What if I’m just playing with a friend? Would I be able to do well then to show just the one person? What if they then record me later without my knowledge, could I still do well?


You could do it in front of a group of people, but if even one person tried to record it, or time it, then you wouldn’t be able to get a good time


What if the game has an un-disable-able built in timer


Are there any games like that? If that’s the case I guess you’d never be able to get a good time, or any recordings you make would perpetually corrupt or break or not record properly


There's a few. What about a game that isn't actively timing it, but you are able to get the times from how the save files work and this is an officially recognized technique in the speedrun community, would your save files just corrupt? (There's no games that do this that ik of, Ik there would be some where it does something similar)


You can just assume that if there’s any way of verifying or proving your “speedrun” took place it will be invalidated by data corruption, or accidents or random glitches or simply not work at all for whatever reason


So I could never have a save file in a game like that if it existed, sad


Well you could, it would just never let you show anyone


Ultrakill has one that’s always on, but you can’t see unless you press tab twice


So I'm the one that finds a shortcuts that everybody gets used to using and when they used to using I find new better shortcuts I'm definitely a speedrunner's best friend


You become the best guide YouTuber for games. This is also slightly exploitable with games that have a really strict completion time like FNAF games(excluding 6 & Steel Wool FNAF).


I'm ok with falling on my sword so others can cross the stream on my back in this case.


Some garbage ass power. Should be on r/shittysuperpowers


.. did u even bother to read this subs description? People just misuse this sub and it shows


I mean this shitty superpower doesn't even make you the best at the stupid thing it gives you. Not god tier at all, is it? Maybe if you were the best video game speed runner.


It does though. Youre the best skip finder, which is huge for speedruns. Look up the story if the barrier skip in windwaker


But you're not the fastest speed runner. By the definition of the power you're not the best speed runner in any way that might matter beyond "cool! I'm good at this when nobody's around."


That isn’t the point! Read what they are saying enough instead of mouthing with no clue what you’re talking about. The power makes the best at finding timesaves, skips and whatever else. It makes you the best at the finding the most optimum route to complete a speedrun in the fastest time. You are not the best speed runner but are a speedrunners favourite person. You could easily be ridiculously well known in any speed running community with this ability, they will love you!


Ok. So in what way is that "god tier?" Even for a shitty super power that's a shitty limit. And I sincerely hope you talk to people with that shitty attitude in real life. If you're gonna be an arrogant POS at least be consistent and do it full time.


God tier superpowers isnt actually about god tier superpowers… “Things that arent actually overpowered, but are funny so we pretend they are overpowered”


Yes, but they're supposed to be good among shitty powers. This is shitty even for a shitty power. Being the very best speed runner would be a god tier shitty super power. This is literally "you can help someone be the best at a hobby but you can't be the best yourself." That's just the shittiest version of a shitty super power.


The fact that you clearly don't understand being in a team shows. You could make millions creating content of skips, become the best coach for speedrunners or do tutorial videos There's fucking loads of outlets for this. Your whole argument is basically the most selfish mentality ever. Andres Iniesta was the greatest assistant to Lionel Messi. Just because he wasn't Messi doesn't mean he wasn't hailed as a hero.


You could have people pay you to be a skip finder, or take down skip bounties, find new glitches that lead to crazy routes, etc.. once you have the reputation speed runners would pay you to find skips so its not entirely useless, plus it would be neat to be able to easily find exploits. Also it says any game so youd be able to find crazy glitches in competetive multiplayer games as well, be rhe worlds best patch tester


Happy cake day!🎉


Still doesn't fit, because it's not even remotely funny


"Those who can, do; those who can't, teach." I'm *absolutely* cool with this power. I like watching the highlights and learning about speed running, but I'm shit at video games. Always have been, always will be; and I don't have half the time, patience, or drive to burn out on trying to become a speed runner. But this takes me from a casual enjoyer of speed running to a guru in the space. Sure, I can't make times; as stated, I'm shit at video games. But I gain some notoriety; as a *finder* of glitches, a *teacher* of shortcuts. Helping those accomplish that which I cannot. I find no shame in that position. Assumedly, by the nature of the title of the subreddit, I will become akin to a god within the speed running community. Close enough for me.


I'm not sure I can call this god tier


Read the subs description


It's not funny at all though.


For you, lol. I'd have a hell of a good time playing and finding shit out, AND I'm doing a service to the speedrun community. Two birds with one very fast stone.




Looking for this lol


But the other people would be able to see my starts so I'd still help the community


So basically I’m bad but I have such good luck that im good?


doing random shit on a game with friends "check this shit" breaks the entire game


Where’s the meme with the Red Mask, and guiding others to that which you can’t have?


I have my friend record it than


Shit I’d take this superpower. I can never get a good time on record for completions, but being able to quickly show time saves and lead the charge on that? Yep, I may not be internet famous for speed runs, but I’ll be famous for finding super useful time saves.


So what, you can hit crazy skips, but never all in the same run?


You could do them all in the same run, there would be no way of proving or recording it


people are heavily underestimating how crazy this power is. you would literally be a god within the entire gaming community, break every game you touch, and could easily make a career out of your power. maybe you won't become a literal omnipotent god, but whenever you lay your hands on any device, you might as well be one


Companies would want someone with this power just to test their games.


Loads of people on this post obviously know jotting about speedrunning. They all say it isn’t a god tier power but it is. In some games it can literally take years to find new skips and with this you could probably do it in days or even hours. I would love this power, always wanted to get into speedrunning but I ain’t good enough for it.




So I'm a glitch hunter




There are bounties for some specific skips in the speedrun comunity. Like in Mario 64 in the clock lvl where that dude got randomly teleported upwards, and the most common therory is that a solar particel hit the N64, which caused that bug. If you can figure out how to do it consistently you can earn a couple hundred bucks. Also you can just make a yt career out of finding and showing new skips and stuff. So it's not a completely useless power, but nowhere near godlevel