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Snap load your power package


I tried this and now I'm getting reddit ads for peyronie's disease


It’s ok to scrape the side if you can’t hit the back


That's fine, ever see the dough hook attachment on a KitchenAid mixer? Imagine what that does to pussy walls.


Reddit comment of the year


You pulled your groin mid range session then proceeded to hit more balls?


Once you get into your 40s, if you let a muscle tweak stop you you'll never leave the house


I feel this to my core


You mean your slightly pulled core?


at 40, you don't heal from injuries, you just manage them...


I have this new fun thing happen ever since crossing that age milestone where in one of my ribs on the backside will kinda pop outta place. Sometimes it happens from something intense like getting tossed in no-gi grappling/wrestling. Sometimes it happens if I yawn too hard. I basically just wait a day or two then do whatever it is i'm gonna do because fuck it.


I walked from a fresh bucket after blowing out a rib. Took weeks to heal.


Actually had something like that happen at the very start of a range session at the end of last year. I wasn't letting a large bucket go to waste though, so I just proceeded to swing a bit slower and really not over-do it. Best shots I ever hit in my goddamn life.


Tell me about it, I’m 42, sprained wrist in no gi last week. Have golfed two rounds since, hitting irons is excruciating


I’m 31 and this is already true Lmao it’s so bad


It’s not your age my dude, it’s your lifestyle. You should not be crippled before 50 years old. Not sure why people are taking so much pride over it 😂


Nah it’s not. I play multiple sports and lift 5x a week. Lifestyle is the same as it’s been for the last 10 years, I just feel and perform worse


Well there’s clearly something you’re doing wrong then. 31 is considered to be in the window of physical prime for male athletes across many sports. You shouldn’t really be noticing a dip in any until at least 35.


This frightens me. I jumped back into golf after a couples decades off. Hip flexor injury after 150 range balls. Came back a week later and still felt it. Started to compensate for it and ended up with an intercostal muscle strain that is crippling to say the least. At least now I am forced to let the hip heal correctly. https://preview.redd.it/2fw2kk4zmp0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a791af155074d13f4b6afb2aff76359d1b767ef Now my clubs taunt me every day. I know for a fact I will start playing before I’m healed. I can imagine my tendons being dried out brittle from lack proper hydration over the years.


Warming up, stretching, physical therapy - not optional for me anymore. I also wear a knee brace when I play. I'm trying to play into my 70s, start taking care of your body now.


I hope I’m long gone by that time.


At 53 you wake up injured


Even if you don't leave the house you get the same problem. My body will then hurt from not working out/stretching *enough* and it's a different kind of pain. Damned if you do/Damned if you don't


Tis true. A dozen surgeries later I don't know what's going to misbehave while playing golf. Right shoulder was sliding out on my backswing last week. Had half a bucket left, so I shortened the backswing. 🤷


I’m 27, tried this last week with a pulled groin. A few days later the whole inside of my leg is purple. Had a Dr’s appointment today, full tear of an adductor muscle. A month of rest before starting PT. Missing most of golf season. Moral of the story is to sometimes let it stop you or you could make something worse. Oh and don’t drink and swim.


Mid 30s and I have back tweaks all the time. I tell myself ‘no golf this week’ and by Wednesday I’m at the range. It’s part of life.


I paid for for 75 balls and damn it, I'm going to shank every single one of them.


Heard that homie


38 years old. I always leave the range in pain. Is it possible to feel good after a practice session. It’s worse than the Monday morning blues. I feel like my life is wrecked limping bAck to my pickup. #1stworldproblems


Braver man then me


I pulled a groin the other day while hitting balls. It wasn’t mine though.


You little minx






I had a toenail removed this past week and played the next day. Grind don’t stop.


Just pour some beer on it and then you’re good to play 36.


Someone’s gonna think I shit my pants on the course every time I swing


If it gets me under 90 I'll drop a log down my pants leg on every tee box


If you aint poopin, you aint tryin hard enough


Well, have ya?


I did once


My life rule: if you haven’t shit yourself as an adult, you aren’t living on the edge enough.


Can't know where the limit is unless you cross it, brother.


Never trust a fart.


Some people just aren't taking enough chances in life


My friend always says, "I don't trust any man that hasn't shit his pants at least once."


I hangover sharted on a 3rd tee box before. Donated that golf towel and underpants to the trash can.


No stains, no gains


But now I know where to hold my towel instead of chucking it on the ground


Activate glutes, engage core, hit bombs




This one piece of advise changed everything for me.


It's either Rob yelling at me or Jake Hutt spittin' bars


Imagine the collab. So much potential


Now watch this drive


Still can't believe that is real.


Don't half ass everything, whole ass one thing


Both cheeks.


Ahhhh, the 3 monthly EUREKA moment….Youll be back with us hackers in no time


The amount of EUREKA moments I’ve had over the years lol. OP just hold on to the feel as long as you because it will not work at some point in the near future.


I joined a new gym and they have a bench that is specifically for glute bridges. I know it’s the big butt move from all the influencer videos but boys, put your pride aside, do glute bridges, and hit your bombs.


do glute bridges and shit your bombs




Oh Reddit never change




I need to borrow some sweats


Sometimes adults like to wear stretchy pants when they golf. It's for fun.


I hope you found the play for long consistency. Been playing for 22 years, all of my swing secrets are here today and gone tomorrow


Yeah, same. I hover around a 1-3 handicap and it’s been that way for the past 8 years. I practice a lot and try to get better (lessons, range, putting etc) but I just haven’t been able to get to scratch.


I have never met a scratch golfer that plays and practices only part time. That’s the one thing I never had. I grew up and still live in the northeast. There’s essentially zero golf for 5-6 months. Air swinging can only help so much. Easy for me to say as a 9, but 1-3 HCP is remarkable and I wouldn’t be too upset for not reaching scratch. But that obviously wouldn’t stop me from striving for it, as you are doing. Just takes even more commitment or natural talent. You need at least one of those.


I know literally nothing about your game and am worse than you. Do you think it’s a mental thing? Or do you maybe not make great decisions but it usually works out because you can swing the club like a boss? Try changing up how you approach holes, if only as an experiment. I do this in a variety of games just to get a fresh perspective, I generally come back with more applicable knowledge. For example. I’m going out this weekend and I am going to play the reds and not touching my driver. Should put me in new situations on the golf course


Believe me brother, I’ve tried it all.


Godspeed then dude. I’m getting back into the sport right now. Played a lot when I lived out west and growing up, basically missed all of college and last year. Played my first round a couple weeks ago (with my old, ill fitting clubs) and shot +3 on 9 (not including a breakfast ball). So obviously I’m just hooked now. Just got some short wedges and testing them out this weekend. I’ve never had a lob wedge or a SW I liked so I’m super excited. Keep at it. You’ll get there


Cheek code activated


I will say, swinging the club like you’ve got explosive diarrhea definitely creates a purer rotation.


Yeah i was 4 holes in with a MONSTER hangover. Beer shits were taunting me by hole 3. I got two gatorlite hydration drinks in me and clenched cheeks for the best round of my life after the double bogey/bogey/double bogey start.


Padraig put it best when he said in the downswing "squeeze your bollocks"


Isn't bollocks, balls?


It is, but it's the same result. If you try to squeeze your balls with your thighs, you're effectively activating your glutes


Love Paddy’s videos. It’s the only YouTube I watch now.


Like you’re cracking a walnut with your ass hole!


I need a link I can’t seem to picture it.


Flex that turd cutter boyz


If the glutes arent firing the ball won’t be flying




I use [this](https://markbellslingshot.com/collections/hip-circles/products/hip-circle) for warming up on lower body workout days, it's great. Might have to bring it to the range next time....


Activating the gluten and keeping the core engaged through the whole swing will also save your lower back long term. So a win-win there.


You know what they say, 'drive for show, activate the gluten for dough'


Amazing lol


> Activating the gluten Ya but it will make your dick fly off https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zz1W0tMiUxQ


I’ll be squeezing my ass thinking of you this weekend OP!


I literally just started doing this the other week. I’m pretty tall and it’s so easy to accidentally shift weight so I started “digging in my heels” by like corkscrewing them into the ground while keeping the weight even. The corkscrewing naturally activates them glutes and my irons and wedges were never the same Still figuring out how to properly apply this to driver though since the stance and ball position is different


My only swing thought with a wood in my hand is get the hips through


Time to give that ass some gas 🏌️‍♂️💨


Am I the only one who struggles with activating glutes? Like am I supposed to be flexing them a little? I’m trying to test it but I literally can’t flex anything 😭


I had this issue also. You need to do exercises to train your glutes to activate. As your glutes wake up, you will be able to activate them more. https://youtube.com/shorts/Fbw_98aWeA8


I think about sitting down on my right butt cheek, without letting my weight get back onto my heels


It only works if you yell like Monica seles on the down swing


I’m 61 and blamed Lipitor cramps for ruining my game. It was actually my back was out and my glutes were tight as hell. Took two weeks to clear! My HDL is down at least


Any tips out there for people with Hank Hill ass?


If you want to have a consistent swing you have to find a way to turn your body whilst simultaneously keeping your head somewhat over the ball. If you sway too much you have to sway back over the ball again before you hit it. A lil sway is alright but too much will kill consistency. Work on pushing lead leg into the ground to start your backswing and you’ll figure out rest from there


Push lead leg into the ground? Which leg is lead leg for a rightie? If you’re saying push left into the ground, effectively putting your weight on the left leg when starting backswing, you couldn’t be more wrong.


Rightys use left leg which is lead leg. May that’s too vague I’ll try harder. Bend your left knee and lean forward as you simultaneously rotate back right butt cheek. This is how you turn.. rotate or add the speed or power correctly by using the natural kinetic chain of the body. It feels different for everyone and not everyone’s body work the same. But if you like the sound of using the ground to power your swing then this is how it’s done. Some people can get away with what feels like 2 quick squats or knee bends to complete a swing. I gave you the lead leg push method. The caveat to this while trying to play golf is there’s so many moving parts in a golf swing that just thinking about this motion or trying to kick start your swing this way will most likely mess your balance up during another part of swing. So what you need to do is do it slow and all in 1 motion In order to get your body to learn it. My tip is to try to keep your knee flex constant and stay tall with head and low with arms. Preferably loose arms until you find the rhythm that kinda swings the club for you. Hopefully this is enough


Sounds stack and tilty. Great for wedges, ok for irons but it's not how "using the ground to power your swing" is done.


Bruise the apple.


That left glute is the golf swing


Grip the gizzard and whip the lizard, I always say.


How do you pull your groin at the range? I’m 26 for reference lmao


I’ve actually found my key is activating the core. Focus on your abdominals rotating on the backswing but also to initiate the downswing.


So what you’re saying is there’s a new drill now. The towel under the arm pits gets a twist with a towel between your but cheeks instead. Hold and squeeze it there through the entirety of your swing until the finish.


Can confirm


Not sure about this theory. Chubbs clearly said it was all in the hips. He didn't say anything about the butt.


Is this what it means when people say to push off the ground?