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I wonder if those who commented before realized the carry/total was in meters as I was surprised at the low carry distance given your swing speed. 260yds carry and 275yds total is very respectable! For me, I needed a low launch/low spin shaft to keep spin rate down but a 10.5 degree head to bring up launch angle which is apparently a common combination these days. Drastically different than the days of 7.5 degree heads on our Titleist 975D drivers!


Great catch, yep I assumed yards. These numbers are solid


I didn’t even think about that. Assumed it was yards… I’m American and I apologize.


The fact that it's mixing mph and meters is brain-softening.


it's longer than the VAST majority of golfers. They just did this as a stat on a podcast I listen to with the statistician from Arccos. 275 yard average drive is longer than like 99% of golfers in their system. 250 was longer than 95%.


I was very confused until I read your comment


I still smash my 975d 7.5 when I’m feeling nostalgic.


That is interesting because the shaft I have is low launch but I’ve never tried adjusting the loft on the head to higher which would also close the face slightly aswell. I just assumed lower loft equals less spin


Higher launch will affect spin, but with the right shaft combo they could equal each other out and get you in a comfortable space without sacrificing too much on either side. In meters def good numbers - as stated several times in here, get your spin into the 2200-2400 range and you’ll see a significant gain.


> I just assumed lower loft equals less spin It does. A shaft is not going to influence launch or spin anywhere near what a head does.


Adding loft will always add spin. I play a 7 degree setup and still over spin my driver with a tour x stiff shaft. At this point it’s definitely my swing that needs adjustment but I have tried a lot of things and more loft is always bad for me. Your main factor to bring down spin will be closing your clubface which helps reduce loft. Don’t bother adjusting your clubhead to try and favor a draw, it doesn’t work. Just square up properly on the down swing. Your miss with your swing path should be a push or a draw, but you likely see a push-fade with such an open face. Once you can square up better then consider removing loft with your club adjustments to get better ball flight.


If youre a slicer, you want more loft not less. I swing about 112 on average but i play my driver at 11.5 degrees cause if i dont draw the ball i hit a big block


This is not true, esp not if you want to maximize distance. More loft=more spin=more slice. The increase in spin can be somewhat diminished by hitting down on it instead of up, which might help you keep it in play a little more often, but that's not a good long term solution if you really want to elevate your game. You are leaving a lot of distance on the table that could make your approach game a lot easier if you're hitting down on it. Better off seeing a pro to fix the root cause so that you play a high launch/low spin stock drive and still keep it in play.


No, its side spin that causes a slice. Thats why your 9 iron doesnt slice like your 4 because it causes more back spin rather than side spin. Any instructor worth their salt will add loft to a players driver that slices. Hank haney, butch harmon, and claude harmon all say it frequently. 


While I haven't used trackman for my launch conditions, I have used the PRGR for swing and ball speed, and had similar numbers to you when I switched to a Ping 410 LST with a low launch shaft (new to me). I adjusted the loft to 8 degrees and hit huge slices. I raised the loft to 10 and hit bombs!!


For 110 mph CHS, 260 yards is pretty meh. Should be getting 160-165 ball speed and easily over 280 carry.


Face to path and smash factor. You’re swinging to the right but the face is further right, so you’re hitting with a pretty open face and adding loft and spin


That was my thought too. Hitting a weak slice that's adding spin. Get that fixed and get middle face contact spin goes down and smash factor goes up


Coming to say this as well. Dana Dahlquist has an amazing video lesson to address this in the Jerome Ruffin YouTube series. [You’re welcome](https://youtu.be/r9bTKXu8A1E?si=7KbODPQdZbeG8VN9) Check out the first segment ‘Wrist fix to close face + add rotation’


This is pretty cool. My swing coach taught me that the back of my left hand should point toward the ground at impact to close the face and compact the ball. Over time I’ve learned that the amount of draw can be controlled by how direct the back of my left hand points directly to the ground or toward the horizon. It’s a cool little trick.


What Jerome Ruffin just came outa nowhere with the incredible lessons hey?


Dana works with a lot of very advanced players, low single digit to tour pros. I mentioned Jerome Ruffin because his skill level would be most relatable to good portion of golfers on this sub. His YT series is called ‘Scratch to Scratch’. He started learning golf from scratch last year and is on a path to get to scratch. He has about 5-6 lessons with Dana which are GOLD imo. This is his full time job, has a production team, series of lessons and learnings and part of me is thinking he’s leveraging his YouTube followers to expand his reach to drive activation / adoption of his own personal tech project but that’s a diff convo.


Ya totally, I had just never heard of the guy, and then all of a sudden he has this legit YouTube series with incredible coaches.


So I was able to watch the vid up until just before they move to driver. I understand the goal with this is to hit lower, “hook” shots left but then once you get it, what is the move to get them to fly straight? I may be confused or may have missed it


Bingo. If your face:path was -1 instead of positive 3.4, you’d turn that fade into a draw and add 30-40 yards. Close the face a few degrees. Spin rate and all that stuff everyone else is saying will fix itself when you close the face.


At your speed you should be playing x stiff shaft as well


Also that spin rate is too high for a driver. That’s going to cost them some distance.


The cause of the spin rate is the face to path


Spin is way too high. You could easily hit 1,000 rpm less spin


Try hitting downhill more often.


You think it’s a swing issue? I’m hoping so drivers are expensive


Completely ignore everyone here who is telling you about new drivers, it's 100% a swing thing. Your path is in to out, and your face is significantly open to path. If you close the face you're going to turn a push slice into a draw, and you're going to lose like 600+ rpm of spin and be in a great spot.


https://preview.redd.it/znsetd67vk4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbe3872f1a96dad82bc6efede510942d911baceb It’s still high spin


I responded elsewhere, but the italics do mean that the spin was estimated and not measured. Given those club conditions I'm pretty sure this had to be super low face if the spin was actually that high. By the way, do you have launch angle on any of these? I'm curious about that. It could tell us a lot about what's going on.


Gonna need some launch angles here as well. I use the Ping driver chart my go to resource on what I need to hit. You can always try a stiffer tip shaft and play around with golf balls. [https://wrxcdn.golfwrx.com/uploads/monthly\_2022\_05/PingOptimalChart.png.fa579bd72d9c72f7bcb9c96867063a17.png](https://wrxcdn.golfwrx.com/uploads/monthly_2022_05/PingOptimalChart.png.fa579bd72d9c72f7bcb9c96867063a17.png)


curious about the launch also. If it's launching somewhat low adjusting the loft up 1 notch could fix the issue. I was hitting very similar shots as these with a 9.5d driver. my miss a push slice. adjusted it up to 9.6275 or whatever the incrementss on my driver are and gained 15-20 of carry due to the better launch and also the fact im not spinning the ball to the right as much. literally doing nothing different.


It probably closed the face a tad at impact. But those are some solid numbers! Not jealous at all.


yes, that's exactly it. I'm half tempted to try going up one more but I'm happy with the results at the moment so i'll save that for if issues creep back in.


You’re in both *meters* of carry and *miles* per hour of swing speed? lol, confusing. 


You probably hit low on the face. Your smash factor is low and your spin is near 3000


It’s a face to path issue, everything else in your swing looks good based on those numbers. You just need to get that face closed at impact and you will see the spin come down and your carry distance go up. Your numbers are solid though, closing the club face might give you another 5mph ball speed and 10-15 yards of carry.


This is the most logical answer. It's not even off by much. 2 degrees. Should be a minor adjustment.


I got fit for a driver recently, walked in with 3500 rpm, walked out with 2200 rpm with just different head and shaft. With already positive AoA, wouldn’t count on reducing spin much with just swing adjustments.


Different head and shaft? So a completely new driver?


Reused the grip


Grip is in my impact zone


New grip is the only thing in my price range 😀


Haha, yes. I was trying to say it wasn’t just the shaft, but it was a whole new driver. Both the head and shaft moved the needle.


You are also a low single digit handicap though who most likely already has a much better swing than OP. He should definitely get his swing checked before dropping a grand on a custom shaft and head.


I got a custom fit driver for under $400. Callaway Rogue, it's not the latest model but was still brand new. My point being that if you go somewhere that doesn't just want to sell the newest model, you can get a great club for much less $$.


Smash factor of 1.42 +/- 0.02 is probably better than me. Everyone can probably improve their swing, but scoring well is mostly about playing the swing you have.


I re-read the the post and the metrics are in meters it turns out lol was thinking no way a guy that drives it only 240 would see a ton of help with a new driver.


I forgot to ask but did you get put into a stiffer shaft? And did that also help you hit more consistently in the centre of the face?


Not stiffer per se, just a different profile (it’s also slightly counter-balanced but that may be more of a feel preference for me). Switching heads (Tsi2 -> Tsr3) made a significant difference as well as the shaft.


A good fitter will put you in to the the shaft with the right stiffness, length, kick point, and what other magical vodoo factors we don't know about that best fits your swing. My point is if you're thinking of just picking up any old stiffer shaft off the shelf it might not work out like you hope, they are not all created equal.


100 percent. I have x stiff hrzdrus shaft and it's like rebar and no kick soo hard to use. I have a stiff shaft and the kick point is great for timing up the swing. Then there is cpm in the shaft to help with torque . A fitter might do wonders helping


What head and shaft did you get fitted for? What are your clubhead speeds? I hit some on a launch monitor yesterday and was in the mid/high 3k spins and am wondering how we compare.


Tsr3 with Oban Kiyoshi HB 4 flex shaft. My swing speed is 102-104 mph. Previous driver was Tsi2 with EvenFlow T1100 White 75 flex 6.0 shaft.


Gotcha we are a little ways apart on the swing speed, thanks for the info though!


His swing path and face angle are adding a ton of spin and causing a push slice. There's definitely improvements to be made there.


Yeah I got fit for the driver I’m using now when I was swing around 100mph, now I’m at 110mph without swinging out my shoes I was wondering if I now needed an x stiff shaft instead of my current one which is stiff


Yea, that’s definitely a jump in swing speed. I asked that specific question to my fitter, he said gaining 3-5 mph shouldn’t affect fit but more than that could be an issue and you’re definitely in that territory. A nice problem to have though…


It is a nice problem to have! Means I’m getting more efficient with my swing but in a time everything has gone up in price it’s a bad time to need to start looking at updating golf equipment haha


You 1,000% should be fit into an XS shaft with that updated swing speed. I just got fit and went from a 55g stiff flex carrying about 230y with over 5,000 rpm spin, to a 75g XS that has me carrying 255y with about 3500 rpm spin.  My swing speed is 110-112 on average.


Your numbers are very similar to mine...and agree a new shaft/head would bring spin down nicely. I went to HZRDUS black, 6.0 and 10 degree TSR2...a little more carry (5 to 10 yds), much less spin (and sidespin), way more rollout.


That shaft is no joke. Very underrated and if I have a friend who doesn’t want a new driver but wants more control, I tell them to buy that shaft.


If you have an adjustable driver you can reduce the loft which will reduce the spin.


For someone to ask if its a swing issue it would be helpful to see your swing not just a computer screen


Shafts can be <50$ and you can get older model heads or full drivers for 100-150$


What ball are you using? That’s where I can modify spin A LOT.


Do you flip/cast your hands at all?


Shaft is often far more helpful than the driver head. Assuming you have stock shaft in your current club?


You come to realize it's almost always a swing issue and never the club. Unless you're playing with shafts that don't complement your swing speed.


Absolutely is


Just based on these numbers: 1. Smash factor should be closer to 1.48. Means your not hitting it in the center and/or your driver setup isnt working efficiently for you 2. Spin should be closer to 2500. Anything from 2200-2700 is fine for driver. This is probably also related to the strike. Heel or low on face increases spin. Make sure to hit 3-5 balls closer to the center and then compare that data average to this. Should see a difference unless its equipment related.


I checked the strike location on that tracked shot and it was straight out of the middle of the face just a bit to the right of it


Perfect. The next thing i’d say is you have a really nice club path at 2.7 in to out. But you are matching that up with an open face to path which causes it to go right. Which is perfectly fine if its playable. But if you close that face to path you will see less spin and more of a draw, more distance with this particular equipment setup. You could more than likely get fit for something working better for you if you’d like to keep that little push fade as well if you wanted The one thing you did not post is your launch. If its too low it could be causing issues. But at a 1.9 degree attack angle the launch should be decent >9 unless its strike (ruled out) or equipment related.


Yeah they are all really good points of advice. I’m just going I can get the spin down with the current club. I only got fitted for it a year and a half ago but my swing speed then was around 100mph. Driver fittings are just so expensive now haha. Thank you for your advice though it was really insightful (:


Totally get that. 10mph is significant and will surely increase spin all else equal. Start by closing that face at impact a bit 2:1 ratio between club path and FTP. Dont change a thing about your path. And i wouldnt swing more up on it either at least to start. Just strive from something closer to a -1.4 Face to Path and see if you like the ball flight and numbers. Change one thing at a time! You look like you have a pretty solid swing already my guy


Now you mention it I did get this swing aswell, with the closed face and the carry was better but attack angle even higher but smash factor not as good. I’ll tweak the swing a bit with what you said but your right with the path and face it did lower the spin on a worse hit shot https://preview.redd.it/l5i71yecpj4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e6b16199788368834c1a99622745aa739910366


Yes it did. And keep in mind the italics there are a guess from Trackman. And spin, especially on driver, is crucial for distance and control. So hit a couple where it isnt italicized either (like the first pic) and hopefully that spin gets closer to 2500. You should be closer to 290 roll out for sure. Smash in this one is better. You should be able to get to 1.46 with any equipment though. Equipment is only going to help a small amount With that. Get you a can of Dr scholls just to make sure the machine is calibrated and its actually in the center


An update to this my man. Saw the commenter mention this is in meters instead of yards which is a great catch. I totally missed that. Everything i mentioned above are still good things to explore and still apply if you would like. You still want to have a bit lower spin than that ideally. But your distance is already really good. And repeatability and consistency is the key. Trust me from experience most of the time it isnt worth changing your golf swing for the optimal numbers, if it isnt going to help keep the ball in play. Without knowing anything about you or your swing (lol) I would still push you to close that club face at impact, having the ball come more back to where you are aligned. But if your telling me you are hitting >50% of your fairways on average i might also say just put a low spin ball in play and call it a day. For example, Tiger woods liked to play his drives at 3000 rpm for optimal control. Whatever works for you!


Haha that’s okay yeah I’m from australia so meters is what I use. I’m still gonna play around with what you mentioned but like you have just mentioned the swing I’m delivering is super repeatable and my drives arnt flying off the face of the planet. All playable drives so I’m not looking to completely adjust my swing again because I’ve worked hard on it for a while now. I’ve just had a goal of reaching 270 yards carry (250 meters) for a while on a consistent basis and I’m so close but wanted to see if someone could interpret the numbers better which you have so I’m grateful for that! I will update this comment thread in a couple weeks of working on what you’ve mentioned and keep you updated haha!


The math here checks out, you’re pretty optimized. Typically you can expect 2.3-2.5 yards per mph of driver speed. 110mph means roughly 265 yards of carry, and 242 meters = 265 yards. https://www.golfwrx.com/64715/carry-distance-vs-swing-speed-chart/


Your ball speed, swing speed and smash factor are all amazing. The only two things I would focus on to see 280ish is: lower spin like the person said above and I’m not sure what your launch is, but you’re looking for about 11-12 degrees of launch


This guy fits clubs


You’re not getting a 1.43 smash factor from the center of the face. Check again.


1.43 smash factor for a modern driver is actually a fairly bad strike. That’s not a middle strike on a driver, that’s a middle strike on a game improvement long iron. A scratch player will AVERAGE 1.49-1.5 smash. All mid and below handicaps should be targeting 1.45+ average smash. It’s actually a surprisingly large margin for error on the face to accomplish that.


Would love to see the launch angle


Same, my guess is despite the positive AOA, this is a low spinny bullet


Kinda seems like a bottom of the face heel side strike. That would lower launch, increase spin, cause some of the right miss and reduce smash.


That, plus maybe some forward shaft lean with the driver (which is not normally advised).


my thought also. i was hitting the low spinny bullets with a push slice miss....turned the loft on my driver from 9.5 to \~9.6 or whatever the adjustment is and that slight adjustment to the face angle corrected it.


I grabbed a swing from a recent fitting where my swing speed matched yours here. Key difference is my face-to-path and my angle of attack. Get those improving, your spin will come down and you'll start hitting a more optimal launch conditions for your speed. https://preview.redd.it/4k4n4fjhck4d1.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcd295a1a80659df8747eb7d3279d04774e08f27


Cheers boss man this is super helpful!


No worries. You've got the why figured out. Now the hard part. Figuring out the "how". =) Also, 2 degrees up is pretty good really. The only real stand out is the face being wildly open to your path. I assume this shot went high right (if you're a right hander)?


Yeah it did https://preview.redd.it/f7g2r79dek4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e21d94b714e598eea30d61956f7677690d215d8 I have this shot also which is a draw but still not near your numbers I’m curious did you get fit into an x stiff shaft?


Keep in mind that spin being in italics means that it is a guess. Trackman isn't amazing indoors for this reason. Given your driver setup and your club numbers you would have had to have hit this one *really* low in the face to get that kind of spin.


This was with an X-stiff shaft but I've never been one to react much to shaft flexes. More about the weight for me. Strike is going to play a big part as well on the distances. eg: my longest of the day was also my least accurate, go figure. Would have finished 30-40m right of the rest of the group I had. https://preview.redd.it/s9my3c8dgk4d1.png?width=1143&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9fc30981bc6427b5f0a616aeba237de3438cdb4


That carry distance seems low for that ball speed and spin.


It's in meters.


Haha that makes a lot more sense.


Your spin rate is killing any distance you would be getting


Your loft.....


this is where my head is at. i play a 9.5 and my numbers were similar. I've been hitting the ball further and straighter since adjusting it up. better launch angle and with the toe closed slightly im not bleeding them right anymore.


This is the answer


Guessing spin and launch angle - ball speed should be getting more carry than that


Trackman 4 is not ideal for indoor usage with woods/driver because it cannot calculate spin axis without more flight distance. This is a significant limitation that they addressed with Trackman IO by introducing a high speed camera. I’ve hit both, and the improvement in driver readings is more in line with what you would see on course. Now you just have to convince your club to shell out $20k for the upgrade.


The RCT balls fix that issue indoors on Trackman 4. Not cheap as far as balls go, but way cheaper than a new Trackman IO.


While I agree the RCT balls do help, I wouldn’t say they “fix” this limitation. The fact remains that the Trackman 4 hardware cannot read spin axis, and you will notice a marked difference in readings on the IO.


Trackman 4 absolutely measures spin axis in indoor mode. ["When using Trackman in "indoor" mode, the club delivery measurements (spin loft and face to path) are used to calculate the spin axis."](https://blog.trackmangolf.com/spin-axis/) Sure, the IO has a better camera and might be slightly more accurate than 4 due to that, but the fact remains that 4 does measure/calculate spin axis when using woods/driver indoors.


“Calculate” and “measure” are two very different things. Trackman 4 does not measure spin axis, it approximates it based on other factors that it can directly measure. This approximation is just that, an approximation. Trackman IO directly measures spin axis through a combination of photometric and radar based sensors (versus Trackman 4’s radar-only).


I'm aware of the difference between calculate and measure. Your original comment says that Trackman 4 can't "calculate" spin axis without more flight distance. Which is not true since it calculates spin axis based on other metrics that aren't flight based.


Okay I see what you’re saying. A better choice of words would have been the Trackman 4 does a notably poor job calculating spin axis. The RCT ball does not fix the issue.


Yeah, that's fair to say about indoor mode. It reads spin axis in outdoor mode fine, but you need something like 30-40' of ball flight.


258 yards carry is not terrible for that ball speed. What's your launch angle and peak height? Where is impact location? Higher on the face will lower spin and increase launch, adding distance.


It was my first time being left alone with a trackman set up so I didn’t get those parameters unfortunately


X-stiff shaft is needed, had similar issues similar numbers


Open path and open face. Push fade that flutters up and away, yeah? Close that club face. Think about slamming the face shut when you pass club parallel on the way to the ball. Intentionally hit absolutely smothered hooks to get a feel for what that closing sensation is. Smash factor will approach 1.5 the more and more you’re getting your strike to the center with the face square to path, and I find that erring open loses smash faster than erring closed. For path/face-to-path a good shorthand is your face-to-path should be half the number of your path, with the sign flipped. Example: path of 4? Face-to-path of -2 is ideal.


I’m surprised at the result because my ball speed and spin is almost identical to your’s and I carry 254 average.  I’m guessing your launch angle is low.


His data is in meters, that carry is 260yds


Oh lmao ok then


Probably off center hit.


My numbers are similar about 107 mph 262 yd average carry. Reducing spin and increasing launch angle should help. A harder ball might help, as well as a lower lofted driver depending on what you are hitting now. But as others are saying closing the face more square at impact is going to put a lot more energy in the ball going forward.


Face is 6 degrees open to target. Close it about 4-5 degrees and you will be hitting bombs


Numbers not horrible. It looks like meters to me. I hit roughly that distance with 100mph swing seed. Is that a positive attack angle? I think you should just work on a square face at impact, maybe a better release and find out how to get the smash factor up. It's ball speed that = distance not just swing speed. Smash factor = ball speed. Club more square to path and get that smash factor to 147. You should be knocking it 300 yards with that speed.


I agree with you completely. I’ve recently gone up from 100mph to 110mph club speed and haven’t seen much change in distance. I’m thinking I may now need to upgrade shaft stiffness again as with the extra speed I may not be releasing the club very well anymore. Who knows but again I agree with you the face needs to be closed at impact better for sure


Just didn't hit the center of the face. You want to see that smash factor 1.48+, and you want your face to path to be within a degree of each other.


You should be able to get around 290-300 carry with 110 swing speed.


Ping wrote an article regarding optimal launch conditions which you might find interesting (https://ping.com/en-us/blogs/proving-grounds/optimal-launch-and-spin), trackman has a similar feature. It would be good to know your launch angle, because it is missing in the image. The 2 things to point out is that your spin rate is a little on the high side, and your smash factor could be a bit higher. The head and shaft sound fine. I would not go directly with a new driver. Maybe start by taking a bit of loft from your current driver as it should be adjustable.


The data is missing but it appears that you’re hitting it too high. Try teeing the ball a bit lower. This should improve smash factor too.


Everyone immediately saying it's equipment should pause for a second.   Yes that is a higher than ideal spin # but this was clearly a miss hit due to the smash Factor. If this was a thin or heel strike, then your spin rate is actually pretty good. You hit a push slice (assuming you are right handed?), which is also a weaker, higher spinning shot. Post one with good contact and then see what the #s are. Trying to optimize spin rates on a mis hit is a dangerous game because then your good ones will like be sub optimal.  Lastly, shafts don't spin despite what reddit and the marketing says.


https://preview.redd.it/8rovj2nhak4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a635d0a8a992831b750bd992e38b48c7c587311 I have this swing also


That also looks like a mishit.  Can you post the trackman impact position? Also what was launch angle?


Looks like a lowish heel strike. Hitting 2 up should result in less spin if it was a center strike, as well as a smash factor closer to 1.5.


Based on those numbers, this was a push slice/fade. Close the face and this one is blasted with a nice draw.


Spin rate is too high, and your ball speed is a little low. Drop your spin rate down to 2200-2500rpm and get that ball speed up a bit and you'll get more carry.


I have a similar profile of ball speed/club head speed, every fitter has had me use x stiff shafts. There are x stiff shafts that don’t FEEL super stiff, but have different kick profiles. I’d start there first. Finding a proper shaft will help more than a new club head.


Hit the ball with the center of the club face


I have same club head speed as you and my carry is as far as your total (250 meters). I’m not hitting it anywhere close to perfect but smash is usually 1,48–> spin 2500-2700 (could be a bit lower), face to path always on the minus side (2-4 degrees). Like someone already pointed out I’m pretty sure the issue is open face weak slices. Try a really strong grip and see if that helps (that’s what I did when I struggled with slices)


I’d like to see your dynamic loft, but yeah as others have stated your Smash Factor and Spin is a little lacking. Spin is caused by attack angle and loft at impact (dynamic loft), as well as centerness of contact (low and heel strikes are going to produce more spin). Your attack angle is positive which is good, but if your dynamic loft is like 16+ you are gonna get a spinny shot. 12 degrees or lower dynamic loft usually is the threshold of low spin in my experience. Anything under 1.47 is honestly a miss hit. Spin rate with a driver for optimal distance at your speed would be 1900-2300 rpms. Anything higher is going to cost you yards. Your launch angle would be interesting to see too. Low spin and high launch are the keys for optimized distance.


Spin and you are hitting down on the ball (need to swing up with the driver, unlike irons)


250 is fine. Shut up!


Smash factor should be closer to 1.5. You are missing the center of the face. Likely striking a little low based on spin numbers.


Less spin, and hit the center of the face. Your smash factor could use some improvement. The face angle with the club path is giving you that 18 yard fade. Straighten that out and some of those 18 yards go to your distance


Gotta close the clubface. You are slicing it a bit


You reduce your spin rate by increasing attack angle. Shoot for 3 degrees.




Attack angle could be higher, spin is too high, club face is open relative to path. Also smash fac of 1.43 is a little low. You want to be around 1.5, just under is good too. It just means you are hitting the ball off-center on the face (or your driver is dead, lol). Add all those things up and you have your distance loss. With your club head speed you should get much higher carry and rollout to \~300 yards. Hit up on the ball a bit more to improve the attack angle. Make sure you have the ball off your front heel. Try to get it to 7-9 degrees. Bend your right wrist back to get the clubface more square... if it's already bent back, you might need to get a stronger grip. Figure out the contact as well. Use some foot spray to figure out where on the clubface you are hitting the ball. Check your posture at impact for early extension. Seems to cause these kinds of problems...


Gotta be not hitting it with the center of the face. If I have that ball speed it’s going 290


I have similar numbers when I hit a cut/slice. Getting the club face square so that I hit a small draw gives me 10-20 more yards (I know you're using meters), mostly from reducing spin. It also took me a long time to learn a launch angle somewhere in the 12-14 degree range produced the most carry. I fiddled with adjusting my driver both loft, setup, and some weights that I could move around until I found a spot I liked.


I'm not qualified to give advice, so here's my advice. If the face is open, a slight adjustment to your grip might fix it. Also, wrist position at the top of your backswing could be a factor. These are the two things that eliminated my slice (3rd was path, but your path is fine).


With that club head speed you could definitely move to an X-Stiff shaft. The back spin RPM can go sub-3000 which will give you extra carry. Then, cut down on the fade/slice with a slightly closed face or a tad less over the top will give you a bit of a boost as well.


Add the launch angle to the list. You want between 12-18 degrees. If the ball is coming out too low it won’t travel.


To add to this, I’ve got about the same clubhead speed on my driver and I carry it 270-280.


Path is all sorts of fucked up, need to zero those numbers out


As a great man once said... "If you want to hit better golf shots, make better swings."


Looking at the numbers I'd work on that push fade / slice instead!


Tons of spin. Need to get the face closed, swing up more to create a better launch angle.


Those are decent numbers, but you’re generating too much spin. Need to get the face a touch more closed at impact which will result in a nice draw rather than a push - fade / slice.  I would simply try strengthening your grip a bit.


I believe that the convention is multiply your clubhead speed by 2.4 to give you a theoretical carry (in yards). You achieved 259 yards *carry* compared to a theoretical 264 yards *carry*. You aren't that far off... Edit: *carry*


I think that would be carry. I always think 100 mph should be 250 yards. But your 2.4 isn’t too far off anywhere from 2.4-2.6 yards per mph. I’m 90 mph and carry about 210-215.


Low backspin + ball speed=Distance


Your 15 meter slice


Your club is your problem, go spend $700 dollars… 👍


Launch angle is also a good stat. Guessing your launch angle is 20+ degrees


Probably trying too hard bro. I watched a dude 30 years older than me, with a lower swing, hit my clubs further than I do.


PGA avg swing speed is 113, carry is 275. You’re at 110 and 260. Not sure there is anything ‘going on’ as that’s quite similar ratios, other than you probably have less ideal path/face alignment and are less on the sweet spot than professionals. 


No one's asked about height? I wonder if this is simply a lack of loft on your driver and getting the ball further up in the air


Your wife/girlfriend


What’s the launch angle? Your spin is high.


I haven't seen a remotely close to the correct answer yet... Your swing speed is amazing, your ball speed is good, your smash factor is perfect, and you're hitting PERFECT fades. But your attack angle is 1.9, meaning your launch angle is miserable. It's hard to tell exactly without seeing peak height, launch angle, etc... but with 160 ball speed you need to be producing about 15 degrees of launch... and I'd venture to guess you are generating 5. If you'd hit up on it more, and move the ball more forward in the stance, I'd venture to say square hits on the driver would lose almost 1,000 spin and go 30-50 yards further for you.


Put the ball a little more forward in your stance allowing your club head to close completely. Work on getting ball speed over 160 and you will notice a difference


Looks like you’re just coming over the top, get that swing path closer to 0.0 and close your face and you’ll gain 20 yards carry


Spin is too high, get the face more square at impact


252m is 275 yards. that's longer than like 95% of golfers. but looks like you're losing distance because you're hitting a 20 yard fade. tighten that side spin up and you'll get a little more distance. EDIT: for shits and giggles, put the loft up by 1 notch. won't be much of a loft adjustment but will close the toe slightly. I was hitting similar numbers and did that and picked up carry on top of hitting the ball straighter than i ever have........If you don't already hit very high drives.


Your spin and slice.


I’d swap distance on my driver for perfect first putt distance everytime.


smash factor


Trackman settings


Too much spin, what’s your launch angle? Maybe try dialling loft down as a start


Face is open to a right path. Smash factor is low so it’s not in the center. If it’s a draw or straight right ball you are toeing it. If it’s a huge push slice you are heeling it. Find the center of the clubface and square the club at impact


They're generally not bad numbers. Is this about average or a standalone bad one? With golf, it's all about averages. Can you let me know what loft driver you're in? Spin numbers are a touch too high IMHO.


Spin rate is a little high for driver. Something around 24-2600 is optimal


Those numbers look ok. At this point it’s purely club head speed. Your path, club face, AOA, and smash factor are all pretty much in line with what I can tell is likely a pretty straight drive. You need to swing the club faster. It’s not a secret formula


Must be launching crazy low would love to see launch angle numbers swing and ball speed should produce a lot more distance


Combination of things here imo. Open path and open face to path = more spin. With that being said your attack angle is pretty high so I’m still a little surprised that it’s spinning that much. I think this is probably a combination of your cut swing and your shaft. Which Hzrdus green do you have? I’m assuming probably 60g 6.0. If that’s the case, you may want to at least try a 6.5 if you can. Your speed is pretty borderline for extra stiff but given the cut swing the 6.5 should help bring the spin down. Reducing the cut swing to only 1 degree or so face to path should drop spin a few hundred rpm and the shaft change will probably be another few hundred rpm to hopefully get closer to 2000ish Last thing is 1.43 is pretty low for driver. This could be a ball issue if you are hitting indoors as sometimes the balls at the indoor bay are worn out, or it could be a strike thing. I couldn’t say for sure only using these numbers. Also take trackman data with a grain of salt if it’s being used indoors as the numbers for radar indoors are not perfect, especially spin. If you can buy rct balls (titleist balls designed for indoor trackman use) the numbers will be more accurate.


Spin rate and smash factor


Turn the loft on your driver up.


That’s the opposite advice you should be giving to decrease spin. Higher loft = higher spin.


Spin could be various things, doesn't mean its loft, could be impact place on the face causing high spin. But, the main issue is launch, hes not getting the ball up. Id start with that first.


There’s no launch angle metric on here


Hit up on the ball more, get that do around 4 deg, and you will decrease the spinn. Spinn is killing your distance, I have about the same club speed, before I warm up I get around 110 and easily hit 250m carry, with about 2300 spinn. If it's an adjustable driver turn down the loft, if not and hitting up on the ball doesn't help, try to have more shaft lean so that you decrease the loft.


The last 3 things, out to in, a little steep and your face is open at impact. They are increasing your spin and reducing your smash. you should be getting 2.7 times your swing speed, so you could get up to 270 at optimum.


Their club path is in to out


Would it not be a minus figure? Depends on the unit maybe ? Don't see launch angle or dynamic loft which are factors


Minus is out to in


Swing speed could be a little higher..gym and swing speed training and you will hit further


I always thought attack angle should be negative