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Helluva Boss has been my obsession since I first saw Hazbin Hotel pilot. In the wait for the series, I watched all the episodes and got bent on Stolitz being end game. Now, after this last episode? I don't even know what's going to happen ç\_ç


People in the sub keeps saying that Viv said they ARE endgame. So I refuse to give up hope. Just wish Blitz would stop acting like a prat about everything. But I am glad Stolas is getting a chance to experience some things outside of the abusive relationships his known all his life.


Yeah i honestly have yet to watch hazbin hotel, but I love all of helluva boss and i totally see alot of similarities.


I do recommend hazbin, especially for the music. If it weren’t for Stolitz I would totally not care about helluva


I feel you on like Helluva Boss more than Hazbin Hotel. It took me a while to watch Hazbin cuz I'm obsessed with Stolas and Blitzø. I can't wait to get hurt from the new episode of Helluva.


No spoilers but we do indeed have context for the little bow now. I swear it took me like an hour to watch this 22 minute episodes because I kept pausing to rant or calm down. Just JFC what am I?


oh no... (translation: oh fuck yeah...)


Stolas and Crowley, my babies 🥹♥️ I love Helluva more than Hazbin too!


Helluva and Hazbin are amazing, currently my Nr. 1 Obsession. It has surpassed GO....I am sorry 🙈


Idk about surpassed. But it is definitely easy to experience a much stronger hyper-fixation due mainly to the fact that new content is coming sooner and more frequently than Good Omens. 3 months seems like a long time to wait for the next episode but that’s much less then the waist for the next season of GO.


I totally agree with you there. In the 3 months wait we at least see new shorts coming. I am excited about them too. But I have like 14 tabs open with AO3 fics and only 3 are from GO. It will probably switch one we get a new GO season. But Hazbin is dropping the next one, next year so...we will see 🙈


Wait, the next helluva boss episode will be in 3 months?


Sorry 4. Next one will be October


~~Really? Last time I read about the release dates I think it said it'd be an episode a month. Has Vivzie made an update on that list? Sorry if me asking is annoying, but I don't follow any of their social media so I don't know where to get the news lol~~ edit: nevermind I found the release dates and I remembered incorrectly, it's indeed in 4 months, so thank you for the info, I thought the next one was due in July lol. Oh well, I can wait, Sherlock and Good Omens have trained me to have the patience of a saint.


SO IT WASNT JUST ME?? I totally got it in my head somehow that it was one a month but then someone pointed out it just jumps from June to October and it’s probably because the next episode is vaguely halloweeny. Why didn’t they just push back the first 2 episodes to august and September. It makes no sense to do 2 episodes back to back ten a 4 month wait. Especially since the next episode is unlikely to even have Stolas in it.


I haven’t watched Helluva Boss yet. I need to do that. But, I’ve watched Hazbin Hotel and love that show so I’m sure I’ll love Helluva Boss too


The wait for the next episode is currently killing me. At least with GO it's been long enough I've calmed down a bit, but I'm so upset for Stolas right now I need more asap. Blitz is definitely one of my top favorite characters, but I'm really not upset he's in pain right now. He deserves it and I am here for the personal growth he's gonna get out of it. I spent the whole episode actually kinda happy he was taking the first step and even happy when Stolas finally got to enjoy himself a bit.


Yeah… after the way he acted at the start of the episode it’s quite difficult to feel much empathy for him. I really wanted to slap or strangle him. I know Stolas isn’t perfect but he’s at least relatably flawed instead of acting so shitty that I was actually asking myself “WTF are the writers doing here?!”


https://youtu.be/xCU9IteG7Fw?si=8_5Ke8ejzaToSF6h Great analysis on why things went how they did


I don’t really do analysis videos, but thanks anyway. I’m also very team Stolas, so I wouldn’t watch that video even if I was. As I already said, I know he’s not perfect and he could have handled things better… but he’s less of an ass that Blitz


Its not about anyone of them being an ass, its about trauma and that everyone in both series are broken in different ways.


As many many people have said (most notably Danny Motta); most of the characters are traumatised and broken Blitz is one of a shockingly few amount of hells inhabitants who is just straight up an asshole to everyone that cares about him. As someone who have my own heaping load of trauma, it never excuses that sort of behaviour.


Love helluva. But I can't really understand their reasons as for the ineffable husbands. I sympathise more with Stolas, but love Blitzø. Just an idiot. But not an idiot like Crowley: Crowley was actually able to put two words lines in row and only in the end insult Aziraphale.  Althought....what happens in the last episode, in the end.  Oh guys.  I admired Blitzø for his courage. Wondering if Crowley would have had done the same.  Why do I compare those two? Dunno. 'm sick.  There are possibly any Inps in Go? Should be. Would be nice.