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What a lovely theory, and beautifully said! https://i.redd.it/fwyq26rioe9d1.gif


That is the nicest little gif anyone ever sent me. Thank you. šŸ„²


Many good points here! And I LOVE the idea of C and A being the TWO extra dashes of mercy in the world šŸ˜ŠšŸÆšŸÆ


Not familiar with that tale but it would seem to fit these two perfectly.


ā€œTwo extra dashes of mercyā€¦ā€ how exquisite, you make a beautiful and compelling case for our boys- who manifest a love greater than gods own. šŸ„°


This is lovely and thoughtful. It leans the story in a hopeful direction


As Emily D said, ā€œHope is a thing with feathersā€, tho I donā€™t think she was imagining angel wing feathers.


This would also make Angel leaving Crowley so much more painful as Crowley sees Angels morality as above gods. Despite this Angel still goes to work under God again which is Crowley eyes diminishes the very qualityā€™s that make Crowley love Angel.


Yes, Crowley sees Angel taking the elevator up as a step down. But I believe that ultimately Crowley trusts Aziraphale to ā€do the right thingā€, and I do, too!


I love this so much. The two extra dashes of mercy. Exactly.


Love this


Beautifully said!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You write beautifullyā€¦moved me to tears!


I just realized that Angel and Crowley were right at ground zero for the creation of the universe. The two extra dashes of mercy were right there together, and took part in earthā€™s creation!


I think in the show at least, God has shown herself to be interested in seeing what will happen, her experiment with Job being the biggest example. I think Aziraphale and Crowley are part of the plan, another experiment to see what will happen. In my own head cannon it's a bit like the original idea Neal and Terry had, with a single character turned into two. I think that we' re watching the two halves fight to reconnect in the face of Her challenges. I think their love is probably far more than the romantic facet we live to stan, but it's the only love we mere mortals comprehend. They, and their love, supercede gender, time, space. Ok now I'm teary. ![gif](giphy|5QVUij8xjA7KYzXZ1e)


I said love match, not romantic love match. Iā€™m with you on it being about a reconnection, making something whole. We might be disappointed if we just limit thinking to a romantic happy ending.


There was a comment that referred to romantic. I thought this was a discussion?


Okay this is so lovely and wonderfully well said I love it!!!!


Iā€™m an ally, but I thought two adversarial forces of eternity working together because of shared goals and mutual respect was a lot more intriguing than a love interestā€¦


You canā€™t really consider either of them as representing their respective adversarial forces, can you? I think being loose cannons preclude that. As Crowley said, he was on his own side and Angel replies that must be lonely- and pretty much joined him. The back channel communications between heaven and hell seemed more purposed towards carrying off the apocalypse.


What you explained is precisely why they are so compelling. They are fundamentally adversarial and opposed but they individually move past it.


Ok-Iā€™m glad you find my explanation compelling. For some weird reason it meant a lot to me to puzzle out why the love so evident between them is so delightful and charming and refreshingā€¦I found your comment about being an ally odd, then realized the big LGBT audienceā€¦ Iā€™, a middle-aged CIS woman. You donā€™t have to be LGBT to adore A & C, you donā€™t need anything but a heart.