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Amazing post, even if it feels like fanfiction. Truth is, this is a very diffucult market and a lot of people aren't made for it. Some find their footing later, some never do, some don't even try. I am happy to hear this success story, it gives me newfound motivation after having to drop out of the best university in my country. I will be 20 in october, i am unemployed and out of school, so things aren't looking great. In the meantime, i published my first "book" (which is actually a very niche sketchbook) and i managed to get some stores all over Italy to buy it. I am getting invited to small events and am even making a little money from it, So, even if i am a complete failure by academic standards, i still have a little satisfaction from the fact that some people enjoy and even spend money for my designs and ideas. Cheers to brighter tomorrows, lmao


I think I’m going to stop procrastinating and finish up this project now. Thanks for the motivation and the kick in the ass.


I loved reading this. Made me reflect on my own journey so far. We’re all gonna make it, all of us pen tool pirates.


I went to a school with a similar graphic design program to you. End of year reviews were brutal. At one point many students in my class were given ultimatums to transfer to the ad program. We were all used to the brutal critiques, but being singled out to change majors was something else. The most damaging events of my career provided pathways to better things that would never have formed otherwise. Many blessings in disguises.


GOAT post. I was in a graphic design program(got accepted in 07) and I've seen a lot of great designers that didn't go through a design program. it's totally possible with hard work, mentorship, and learning.


I loved reading your story. I feel the struggle. Glad that you’re where you are now and i hope i can reach far too.


Love this. Even though I've "made it," it's still a great read and very motivating!


Thank you for this!


Do you have an OnlyFans site? :) Great story. In all seriousness, failure in most cases is a great way to learn. I guess if you repeat the same mistake over and over, that's a different story. I've worked for some of the most innovative brands in the world where 'failure' is embraced. We'd say, "the road to innovation is paved with a 1,000 glorious failures." Don't be afraid to fail, that become paralyzing and you lose the ability to design. Design should always be about pushing the boundaries 'appropriately' for the project and the client. Janis Joplin sang, Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose. Hang in there.


Beautiful story, very inspiring! Happy for you and hope you're going to enjoy your career path for many many more years!


I really needed to hear this story today, thank you! Not having attended design school, I persistently find myself doubting my abilities. This post is a reminder that failure is good and I need to chill out and let life do its thing :)


For a young design student like me, you've just become an example to be admired like other famous designers. I'll surely come back to read this post whenever I feel discouraged. Thank you!


Will save this post for a time I can sit down and read it all. But I'm sure it will be inspiring nonetheless. I definitely do understand the idea of feeling hopeless and every day I still feel that way. But recently I decided to be more.proactive with finding a job. I've been transitioning from a generalist to a motion designer because even with my experience I'm not getting any hits on whatever I apply for. The market is so saturated right now that it's become employers choice for who gets hired. The worst part about being jobless is the uncertainty of the future. In a few months you could be homeless if you can't find a job, you have to completely restrict your spending, and life just becomes fruitless. So its nice to see success stories that went through the fire and flames to get there. Right now it just feels like that there is no point in going the extra mile because Everytime I've pivoted or tried to stand out it didn't make a difference because the end result was the same.


Heck yea! I loved hearing your story, and so happy for all of your success after putting in the work and dealing with the rejections that come in this industry!


Thanks man, got fired today from what I considered my dream job and it lifted me up reading this. Cheers!


I know the feeling. Take the rest of the day and relax. Try and clear your head. Go for a walk or workout. Play video games or have a beer, whatever you need to do. Get your stuff in-order tomorrow, enjoy the weekend, and hit it hard on Monday. You'll find something!