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Surviving is pretty much easy but it's just simple surviving. The hard part is not able to feel joy or hope, struggling finding a reason to move forward. I breathe, I eat and I even can sleep for 5 hours if I'm lucky. Sometimes I'm lucky enough to forget about my loss for a couple of hours. But honestly overall I feel like I'm in prison even tho it depends on me to improve my life for the better. But for now I still struggle even with basic tasks, I could start cleaning and abandon it halfway just to lay down and cry for the rest of the day. Still counts as surviving cause I'm still alive I guess


Existing, and nothing more.


I don’t know. I don’t know if I can. I’m just answering so you know you are heard. X


Holding the way they loved you for yourself. Recognizing that they wouldn't have loved anyone that way, and that you were utterly deserving of that love. Turn it inward.


By just breathing


Same here. The only answer that I've been able to find that question, is that love has the power to transform us. And sometimes this happens through loss. I understand this mentally, and spiritually, but emotionally I'm not really quite totally there yet.


I exist. some days are easier than others because I'm numb most of the time (bpd - emotions were difficult before my mother died). but when it crashes down on me, I don't want to survive 


I’m trying so hard every moment that I can to do something resembling life into my days. It’s been a hell of a journey but six and a half months after my son died I can cook and eat food when I am hungry and want something to eat. I can wake up early in the morning if I need to. I can’t really talk to people or do a lot of things, but every week I am getting out a little bit. Sometimes it totally sucks but sometimes I have nice moments. I don’t really know how I do it - the alternative is giving up.


I haven’t figured it out. I’m almost 2 years out. I sleep a lot. I have a beautiful wife and perfect baby. I’m trying to keep going for them. It’s hard.


Barely tbh 💔


I drift from day to night to day. I’m constantly tired and forever seeking the oblivion of sleep. I don’t recognise the person I used to be


I think, “my loved one would NOT want to see me suffer so much”. He’d want me to at least TRY to have some happiness. And yet, even that is hard! Especially when I keep telling myself that I’m so READY to move on to the next life (afterlife). Suicide is not an option, but I’m ready to move on? My friends and family keep encouraging me. They’ve been a Godsend. So I keep going, for them.


People ask me how I am and I respond “I’m here”. It’s the most honest answer I can provide. I’m just here. I’m stuck in a cycle of living but I’m not really living. I even laugh and joke but I don’t feel the joy anymore. I’m trying to be good to myself because I know he would want that. That’s the best I can manage though.


As an only child losing my mom has been very, very hard. I feel I am living in an alternate world without her presence and guidance. RIP mom.