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Look at the headstamp and tell me that's a round of .45acp.


Whoops I’m dumb could it have been worse?


Yes, it could have been a squib (if it weren't an undercaliber round). In your case right now, there is likely zero damage done and you're lucky. If it were something like a 5.56/.300blk mix up, your gun could have literally exploded.


Noted I know what happened too I’ll have to be more careful


Funnily enough, was reloading 9mm today and was wondering why a case kept getting low charge. It was a .380 ACP case lmao.


Some evil bastard went out and shot a bunch of .380 at my favorite brass scavenging watering hole, took me hours to sort all the damn brass.


If you scavenge lots of brass I recommend plastic sorting trays. They even make an insert that sorts .380 from 9mm.


Got a brand recommendation?


I bought these many years ago: https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1012981319?pid=847836 The 380 plate is an expensive add on https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1012981254?pid=270949 My advice on using these is to not overload them with shells by filling them to the brim. You’ll work faster by doing smaller batches.




I don't reload because I live in an apartment and don't want to be responsible for a fire taking out multiple residences, but I do save my brass to sell later on. Sorting at the range can suck major dick if people are shooting similar but different calibers than you. I don't take brass from others unless they don't want it, which is a huge payday for me, but sometimes it's inevitable.


Buy a cheap fire safe, throw your gunpowder in it. If it does get caught in a fire, it should be able to protect the powder. If it doesn't, it'll at least contain the jet of fire.


Yikes, do not keep powder in a safe! if it does up instead of a fire you’ve just made a massive bomb….


Fire safes don't seal well enough to hold pressure (generally). If you use high explosives it'll go boom but gunpowder in one won't actually *cause an explosion.* I'd *rather* we have low-explosive magazines for this thing, but those are cost-prohibitive.


It's not just the risk of all of the powder going up, it's the fact that if I fuck up somewhere in the process of reloading, I could potentially start a fire. And being absolutely lost in how the process works, I'd be more likely to fuck something up. Plus, all I have is carpet in my apartment. I can't imagine how bad it would be if I tried vacuuming up a spill. I'm happy selling my brass for a box of ammo here and there at the moment.


It is just like blowing out one of those trick candles. If it goes up- Just blow a lot it’ll be fine.


Where do you sell your brass?


Shellsorter sells a metal plate that goes in the 9mm basket to separate .380 from 9mm and it saved my sanity. I also have the .38 Super plate. It's a .com website.


That bastard


Back when I worked at the range someone brought their old Beretta and was having occassional short strokes. He called me over and I took a look at it, shot it a couple times- felt way underloaded. Dropped the magazine. .380.


Did you fire a damn 9x19 outta it?


No it’s a 40 S&W


I knew this. You know how I know lol.


No how?


The same reason I do. Although we'll never admit to doing this.


Perhaps because it looks like a reverse bottle neck


Tried closing the slide and the round came flying out of the barrel?


Soo almost a 9


10mm with birth defects


I witnessed this too a .40 shot out of a .45


lol definitely not a .45


Like a hotdog down a hallway.


Reference Category: vaginal metaphors, Subject source: Sean Penn describes Madonna You are a connoisseur, sir.


Hey! Me too!


Like a hotdog down a hallway?




No.... Like a connoisseur ... Why TF did I get 21 down votes???? Tf did I do???




She is so loose effing her is like tossing a hotdog down a hallway


Fucking? That was cringe


Right? At least throw a f*ing asterisk in there


She said, “Why’d you say it twice?” I said, “I didn’t!”


Further proof that the 1911 is the fucking GOAT. Homeboy forcefed it a .40SW and the only thing that took damage was the dainty little castrato 10mm casing.


A Glock 40sw will feed and fire 9mm. I've seen a few hundred pieces of blown out 9mm brass from ranges. He didn't show the chamber where it could have gotten some jet cutting from the gas that shouldn't be going past/through the case.


also true, but it's not nearly as funny.


I feel like “feed and fire” might be a little bit misleading.


Ya I have a conversion barrel for my G22 to shoot 9mm. You need different mags but the extractor is fine.


Bro took “if it seats, it yeets” a step too far.


Castrato 10mm, my sides man!! 🤣


TLDR I shot a 40 S&W out of a kimber 1911 45 and didn’t fuck anything up


Someone I know shot 9 out of a 40, it cycled and fed reliable trough his orange ts2


That’s cool. I’ve shot a 9mm through a G23. It didn’t cycle and was kinda hard to extract, though


(New to this sub) can you tell me what this means? Why is this bad? Sorry again, trying to learn


It's the wrong size of bullet. This is self evidently bad for many reasons. Putting the wrong explosives in your explosion controlled machine can go very wrong very fast.


Thank you!


The chamber of the gun is designed to fit a given round, .45 in this case. The chamber is what contains the explosion of the gunpowder. In this case, the round he loaded, .40 s&w, is smaller than the chamber, and so without the steel backing up the weak brass case, it exploded. You always want to be careful if you have guns with similar, but not the same bullets for mixups like these.


Thanks a lot!


See how the one side of the case is blown out? That happens when you put an undersized cartridge into the wrong gun. In this case OP accidentally put a .40 in a .45, so the chamber was bigger than the case, hence the blowout. It expanded to fill the space available.


Seen this happen with .380 in 9mm, 9mm in a 40, and 40 in a 45. Happens more often than you would think


Exact same thing literally just happened to my bro and I. We were shooting multiple calibers and he accidentally loaded his .45 1911 mag with 10mm rounds (ammo pouches right next to each other). Took us a few rounds to finally figure out what the issue was. But they all looked just like this one.


Also once upon a time guilty.


Not even kidding, I thought this was some sort of muzzle device until I read more 😳


40 don’t go in a 45 lmao


Did the gas blow out the mag well? I was thought not to cup and saucer a semi auto in case of such an event.


I think cup and saucer isn't recommended anymore just because it's not great for recoil control.


I find it works well on revolvers with tiny grips. But on self loading pistols, excess gas (like from a ruptured case) vents through the mag well. I've just always been curious if that's true or not.


Oh No


I've seen this done a lot more than I feel I should


When you own multiple (similar) calibers; you HAVE to check that giant bag "bulk ammo"... I've seen a few .40 cals get into a bag of my 45 (when I didn't even own a 40) someone once switched guns on the table and I thought it was a Glock 9mm and it was 40... It absolutely fired that 9mm just fine 🙁


It’s ok, once I wasn’t paying attention when loading my Glock mag. Threw a .38 special in there (.40sw Glock) and didn’t notice because I was loading from a group of what I thought was fully sorted .40sw . All that happened was a failure to extract or feed (can’t remember). Definitely took me by surprise lmao.


Similar thing happened to me last Sunday. Accidentally (negligently) mixed 9mm and 45acp in a 1911 magazine cause I wasnt paying attention to what I was loading.  The 9mm fired off, and the casing expanded inside the loading ramp.  Thank God nothing worse happened.


I've done this four times now, three of them for shits and giggles after the first. I was shooting my Glock 30 at the range, took the slide off to put a 10mm barrel in, loaded the 29 mag, forgot to swap barrels, assembled and dropped the slide. It fired with no recoil, and I got a cool cracked boi case, barrel was perfectly fine.


I work at a reloading company and I get these all the time at work


Nazi bullet shell??


If that's a 49 S&W, then the same thing happened to me a long time ago. 


I didn't like that glass anyway.


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