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I enjoy seeing old sticky posts in my rooms of long gone friends and family. I really hate how theY deleted my cousin's account years after he died. Really hurt when I found my teleporter no longer working to his room. Cried my eyes out as I would go back to his room every year for nostalgia, pet his dog, update his stickies on how life is going, etc


I woulda sued the shit outta them


This makes me sad.


Nostalgic ofc, and having an old 2009 acc with rares worth 10k + ingame currency that i bought when i was like 12 with our phone at home making my mom pay 200€ for the telephone bill back then and she wooped my ass after she found out




What are the rares?


For nostalgic reasons i have an old hc/exe job room :D + a couple more rares in my inventory [old hc job room](https://ibb.co/hWLcGD9)


Oh man I remember I wanted a throne chair soooooooo badly. I was hoarding the green couches to buy one but couldn’t get enough before I quit the game to go to RuneScape


I still log into my account I made in 2008 to pet my cat


That is so sweet and kind of you


Mine are 18 years old at this point.. and that really.. I dont like that at all.


Nostalgia for sure, I'm pretty rich from back in the day from the casino days and I literally just sit in my room and bathe in nostalgia. Roam from random room from time to time to flex my Christmas 06 badge haha


I still flex my Christmas 06 badge too hahaha always got it on


I log in but I barely play, I tried getting back into hosted rooms but it’s as cliquey as it ever was, and I’m just too old to deal with the drama. But the new items and events are still cute, I’ll still buy some of the new items and just sit in my virtual room all by myself 😩


sad, but since the community has diminished a lot, this is now the reality of many old players


I log in sometimes when I am bored and to keep my account from being deleted due to inactivity. Usually I go in, see how dead it is, visit some rooms but notice the people are tight knit friends already, visit my own rooms and leave again because of boredom.


I really wanna try to get back into it, but my question to you is. How fun is playing this on a new acc free to play?


Currently trying. Atm not so fun but ppl are sus at u for being so new. Every game I went to though I was an alt lol. But I think it will be fun once I level up.


I jump on for a bit and take a look around. Sometimes I check my rooms just to make sure everything is there, someone gained access to my account back around 2009-2010. Would love to get back into hosting some games but I just don’t feel like I can spend too much time on habbo anymore.


Nostalgia and great place to socialize for someone introvert like me


I’m still trying to get rich. What I have now would be rich back in the day but is poor by today’s standards. I feel like 90% of furni is junk worth 1c on MP.


Log in, fail to get another badge, log out


I just still enjoy the whole trading aspect. I dont know any other game that allows it in a similar way. And all the nostalgia for sure


I think you're on .com, on .it it's almost nothing


Ahh yes i am, i can imagine most other hotels are just very dead. .com is also pretty dead in trading but in comparison still alive for sure. I mostly marketplace trade because shops barely sell anything too. I wish habbo merged all in one and became one big community


I think it's the final goal of the sulake, managing a single hotel with a single language is also much easier. The NFT issue goes precisely in that direction. However, I believe they are afraid to speed up the process


Sweet sweet nostalgia. Bobba!


I actually have a job on Habbo! It’s called HIA! :D keeps me busy and active for those credits, join us sometime<3




Mostly for chatting and doing wired stuff, but right now I'm helping a friend to host a game he has


Nostalgia for sure and I worked so hard to trade up the ladder and have the value my account has its hard to just quit. But I have no more time invested a d I only get up for a quick nostalgia high and get off after 10 minutes


I like looking at my rares lol https://ibb.co/2nJmXhF


I actually don't know! Pop on once maybe twice a week, almost instantly get bored and AFK till my laptop goes off. Not sure why I do it and what I am expecting.


I logged in for nostalgia and I stay for the friends I’ve made on there


I still have some friends there and we talk occasionally! I also did meet my boyfriend there lol. I'll give a rundown of the story of us, ain't no e-dating over here lol! I saw him (I'll call him G) in NX a few years ago when the room was still popular but thought nothing of it! Fast forward to May 2023, we are both in the same room coincidentally and I was in a conversation with someone else who asked where I was from (I'm from California if that matters). He saw that and instantly started a conversation with me, we quickly found out we actually live an hour away from one another. We became friends and started coming on every night to hang out. Fridays and Saturdays, we stayed up until 5, sometimes 6am because neither of us wanted to go to bed lol. Eventually I gave him my number and we facetimed, played iMessage games, etc you get the idea. Funny enough, our first date wasn't even planned! I was supposed to go hang out with my irl friend (he kept trying to call it a "friend-date" even though I stated countless times I had no interest in him) at some place near where my (now) boyfriend lives, that friend flaked bc I mentioned that G was going to come and hang out with us so we can meet for the first time, instantly he said he no longer wanted to go. Since that friend flaked, G said he could pick me up so my ticket wouldn't be wasted. He gets to my house and we instantly embraced. He met my mom (for context, she's Filipina..iykyk) and she whispered to me, "I have good vibes about him", I took note of that for the entire day! Fast forward to current times, my parents absolutely love him, (which was definitely a shock to me because they didn't like any of my previous partners). We will be a year together on the 28 this month and moving in together this fall or next spring! I'm still in college (Bio major, I plan on going to Veterinary Med School in the future), he works full time (also has a degree - BS in Psych) and starts his job with his county soon. I plan on getting a job at the local zoo or one of the museums down there when I move! He’s on reddit too, it’ll be funny if he sees this lol; i love you G 💌 TLDR: I have friends there and I met my (now) boyfriend there who I date irl on Habbo.


Something to do at work. I only run a shop and shop hop and literally nothing else


Nostalgia. Though my account is gone for some reason so I kinda struggle with staying lol. Accused of being an alt due to a new account etc. But I plan to build my account up again for the nostalgia


Chat with random people and specifically find and visit rooms built by artists. There is a whole layer of Habbo where people build just to build for arts sake and its the equivalent of interactive paintings.


They deleted my account for being inactive still annoys me now


the friends i've made along the way :')


I don’t play I just check for nostalgia.