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Amos Diggory, condescending twat. How he had such a nice son, I'll never know. Of course, this is in the books. In the GoF movie, he seemed OK. And, of course, I take Umbrage at how Delores treated the students and anybody else she considered not a full blood wizard or fully human.


But Umbridge adds to the story line. She is a horrible person while a fascinating character. Amos on the other was just twatty for no reason at all!


Amos Diggory. 'That's my boy' was touching, but he was insufferable in the rest of the book. (I'm not counting Cursed Child because I don't remember what happened there)


He was a douche canoe, for sure. Why does everyone in this universe know Rita skeeter is awful but they believe her stories about Harry. That shit gets me mad


Honestly, Lupin's cowardice is sometimes really astonishing. I also find him to lack humor which makes me dislike him. I further can't stand Molly, she's too motherly and unnecessarily strict, too fond of rules and tries to take Sirius' agency away when it comes to Harry. She's also mean to Fleur.


Percy. Edit: And Marge.


Outside of Umbridge, I find Hermione the absolutely most frustrating character. I know it's unpopular, so this is probably going to be massively downvoted, but oh well


Hermione Granger thinks what she knows is the best and everyone else is dumb


at least mcgonnogal was an old experienced witch to be able to dismiss divination. whos this muggle born witch think she is saying shit like oh its just not an accurate practice. but tbf to her she ends up being right cuz trewalney gave away marks to just any random predictions.


Ginny became really awful as she grew up couldn't stand the way she provoked and bullied my boy Roonil wazlib


Lmao so true. Girl bullied the hell Outta Ron. I hated her in book 6


I am not a fan of Ron but I was so disappointed with her treatment to him


i cant stand my sis at times but shes loads better as a sister than ginny.


rita skeeter just pissed me off


Movies - Ginny because she's too bland and it bothers me Books - Lucius because he's a twat


james. not a snape sympathiser, i know he was twisted in some ways too but, how the hell did he retain all that glory in his friends' eyes?? to quote james himself: he bullied snape "just that he exists". no real reason tf. this was before he called lily a mudblood btw so he didnt even have that excuse. so annoying finding ppl who defend the marauders. lupin is the only one with a morsl fibre worthy of gryffindor name.


"So annoying finding ppl who defend the marauders." Yeh because it makes no sense at all why people would defend a young man who yes, started out as a bully, SAW with an incident involving the whomping willow the consequences of his actions and actively changed. He wasn't voted Head Boy for nothing. Unlike Snake who receded away and became withdrawn and fested in anger, James actively went out of his way to be a good person. He joined an anti-racism organisation using family money to help fund it, became an Animagus to help his friend's trauma and took in his best bro when he was kicked out. Fought Voldermort WANDLESS to give Lily some more time. Teens/Kids can be cruel through naivety and innocence of the world. But James matured, Snape didn't until it was too late.


anyone can be kind to their friends. its not hard. it doesn't take extraordinary moral strength to do good for your friend, it comes naturally. i'm not saying james wasn't a good friend. and yeah he was a good husband too i suppose for fighting for lily and stuff. lupin said he hexed people for the fun of it, and his reformation never stopped him from going after snape. im not defending snape for joining the dark side and condemning muggleborns and muggles to servitude. im saying james and sirius were scumbags for doing that to snape and others. and i simply dont think he made up for it by dying for his family. besides, he wasn't even alive long enough to redeem himself he died like 3 or 4 years after


They were teenagers when they did it. "Anyone can be kind to their friend" yeh but they weren't until they were. Positive growth is a much better thing that should be praised not shamed. "He was a good husband too i suppose for fighting for lily and stuff" is just flippant and a childish description of that relationship.


and being a teenager completely excuses his behavior does it? pretty sure he was always kind to his friends from book 1. i dont get how thats a prized quality. even if it was a big deal, he is still tainted by being a dick. 15 is old enough to realise that bullying isnt fun its just downright mean


Being a teenager is still a developmental stage for humans. It's much better to get those sides of anyone ironed out and gone by the time they reach adulthood rather than let them fester and grow like Snape did. No one is defending bullying. I'm simply saying your judging a TEENAGER for being immature and mean but then ignoring the adult he turned into.


im simply saying james didnt do much to really be worthy of all the praise he's given by the members of the order. his death simply made people remember him as a saint, and ppl ignored all that shit he did to innocent ppl back in school and yeah i gdt the thing with snape tho. snapes no better going into dark arts stuff


Regarding James, Sirius was just as bad with bullying as he was, Peter as we know has no qualms worshipping evil and Remus struck me as a pushover/follower. As well as everyone else, James lucked out because Snape was considered “weird and a budding death eater”


yea but you don’t see anyone talking about how great of a person sirius or the rest of them were. everyone is always worshipping james because he died for harry but never speaking the truth about him. he was a cruel bully right along with sirius. pettigrew is honestly nothing to talk about, he’s a weak minded follower and following anyone that would show him attention and remus is a push over but i believe that’s because they were his only close friends that didn’t throw him aside because of his scars or his secret. seeing as majority the wizarding world looks down upon creature and beings that aren’t witches or wizards he’s desperate for any kind of true friendship that he can get without being thrown aside once they find out what he really is


That's the reason, when James died, most people only remembered the good moments.


Other than the obvious choices (Umbridge, Dursleys, etc.), probably Stan Shunpike. That's the kinda glory-hunting dude who switches team loyalty every season! He also seems like the guy to have their partner or friend be the butt of every joke as long as it makes him look cool to other people.


Grawp. I also find Hagrid pretty annoying tbh


Molly Weasley. She is a narcissistic control freak who doesn't trust her own children. Treats her husband like a child, throwing him under the bus in public without regard. I detest her.


Snape.He created spells to seriously hurt people, joined a hate group, and then went on to have a long and unfulfilling career bullying and demeaning children while playing the victim in a situation that was entirely made from the consequences of his own actions . Not to mention the time he outed Lupin in a way that caused a massive legislative shift against werewolves.


yeah everything snape did before turncoat-ing back to the good side is fucked up. but like he administered that same warewolf potions to keep him from transforming. but also he kinda had a role to play as a dark twisted guy too didnt he. idk if it was enough to wash away the stain of joinjng voldemort but yk its smth


The anti-werewolf law was made one year before Snape outed Lupin so it's not correlated. And Lupin would've been fired anyway because he forgot to drink his potion and transformed in front of three of his students. He literally proved that he was dangerous indeed and couldn't be trusted.


Honestly, after reading some of the responses and I think there is something to be said about James Potter. I don't hate him as a character (I got over that phase to be precise) as much as I hate how the writing handled it. His bullying was never truly addressed and just brushed aside by the narrative. He was torturing and humiliating fellow student on a daily basis but it's okay because other characters said 'he grew out of it' I think there should have been some scene/flashback/a letter where James himself expressed remorse for his actions. We were shown that Sirius was still mentally stuck in his bully mentality and we weren't supposed to sympathize with him in that scene. Lupin at least knew that what was happening wasn't exactly right but was too much of a coward/follower to say anything. Peter was a downright villain. We were also shown how Snape, the victim of bullying, became a bully towards his students as an adult and we're not supposed to root for him. I guess I just wish there were characters other than Snape (whom we are NOT supposed to support because he as an adult bullied children) who openly disliked James. Or at least admitted James used to be a bad person without making any excuses. James fought for the right cause and died a hero for his family. But it's still possible to be a 'hero' in one person's story and a 'villain' in another's. Wish the writing was better around that.


yeah after sirius and lupin address that byllying thing with harry, its almost like it never happened. its so annoying. bullying at that extent mightve just been what drove snape to the dark side who knows (not defending joining the fucking death eathers calm down guys, just a theory). theres no solid evidence of him showing remorse and apologising either is there. he simply goes from bully to saint james, which just doesnt sit well with me


Peeves. Hands down


Hagrid.. I know alot of fans love him and I don't know why I don't like him. he's just so irresponsible with the trio asking them to come to him late at night so they will get detention. Let three kids them deal with an illegal dragon that he got himself. Tells top secret to the literal enemy and has no problem telling kids about Hogwarts secrets. Gets mad at the trio for not taking his classes even if they just think about their future and not what classes they can take to make the teacher happy.


James Potter. Always hated the character. The remaining 3 marauders are actually fine. It's just James Potter I really dislike.


Haha Snivellus was worse but okay


If there are two assholes, and one of them is “worse”, it doesn’t make the other *not* an asshole.


Pettigrew was fine to you?


Peter was an antagonists, written to be disliked. James on the other hand wasn’t.


Harry Potter at times


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