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Ian McKellen as Harry, now I know what you’re saying. “Harry is supposed to be 11 and he’s 85” but you’re forgetting, he’s a good actor.


Sir Christopher Lee should do it. He's a great actor, British and everything.


So good that not even being dead for 9 years hinders him!


Maybe he should play professor Binns.


It’s too bad AI wasn’t as much of a thing back then cause I could see him totally down to being depicted via AI.


I keep telling you, he’s 93 years old, and he’s dead!


but you're forgetting, he's a good actor.


“Sir Ian… Sir Ian… Sir Ian… EXPELLIARMUS! Sir Ian…”


Ian McKellen, Tom Hanks in a red wig, and Meryl Streep.


Only if Patrick Stewart can play Hermione no wigs. He does not wear wigs.


He can just PRETEND to be Harry Potter


Andy Serkis as CGI Hermione


I figured Gary Oldman would do all the roles.


He’s going to need Skele-Gro a lot more often in that case. The stairs at Hogwarts will be the death of him 💀💀


Harry Potter fans don't pick Adam Driver to play Snape challenge (impossible)


Adam Driver as Fleur Delacour


*insert John Oliver joke about Adam Driver being more fuckable than a Veela here.


Shatter my knees, you great unwashed buffalo.


well fortunately/unfortunately, they will probably pick entirely British actors like the original films, so Adam Driver is out of the running


This is good news


Very good.


Ewan Mitchell from house of the dragon


Noel Fielding for Snape


He’s mad about stuff, you know all the stuff that's going on in the world. The government, climate change. It’s getting hot, you not noticed? Its a bit clammy.


Most definitely fortunately. The series should stay as British as possible.


And he's literally American, why do people keep choosing him


Hell nah it’s easy, I would not like Kylo Ren in my Harry Potter series. “The map to Dumbledore, where is it”


Somehow Voldemort returned


It's not just me that read that in Kylo Ren's voice?


Fr I’m so glad none of these people are actually casting agencies because the whole show would be fucked


I've always hated that fan-casting. Maybe 10 years ago. But I want Lily and James to be 21 and the "surviving" marauders and Snape to be in their 30s over the course of filming.


Fr, I don’t want any Star to portray him.


Would it be difficult to find another actor that looks a lot like original Snape? I don't know if I'll ever stop picturing Snape looking like Alan Rickman.


I get that Rickman did a fantastic job but he never portrayed book Snape imo so I've never been head over heels with the casting like everyone else. There's the obvious, being that he was way too old and dragged the ages of other castings up with him, but book Snape was routinely apoplectic with rage and childish, with a slouched and fast paced walk. He was an "oversized bat", his mouth sneered and curled when he was victimizing students. Try and imagine Rickman storming the halls en route to the hospital wing, spitting with rage, snapping and yelling at Fudge, screaming hysterically and generally carrying on in a fit, "unhinged", because Sirius had managed to escape the tower on Buckbeak at the end of Harry's third year. He was very one dimensional, he was just very good at that one dimension.


I wouldn't pick him


Tom Hiddlestone would make a good Snape


Nah. He’s Draco’s dad for sure.


I feel like Tom Hiddleston is Lupin


He's to handsome to play a disheveled werewolf who can barely afford to live.


He's too old. Hiddleston is in his 40s., Lupin died at 37.


I hadn't thought of him as Lucius before, but....yes!!


…the original trio, but all the rest act like they’re kids, and nobody acknowledges these are three grown-ass adults.


Pen15: Hogwarts edition


This would be funny as shit


The series PEN15 did that concept and it's glorious


As long as at least one person says “shit he doesn’t look a day over 12”


Hello fellow teenagers.


Chavo Potter


Daniel did this on SNL a few years ago.


Dawson's Potter and the Party of Five


i genuinely don't know who can possibly play mcgonagall as well as maggie smith


She's still alive, let her go for round 2


She’s older than Ian Mckellen. She’s 89 and will be 90 in December.


She’s definitely immortal though, right? …. Right?


Yes in some ways. :) it’s amazing that she was able to finish the movies since she had breast cancer during them.


Michelle Gomez or Michelle Fairley both look like how fans imagine McGonagall and can absolutely deliver a strict, but kind teacher. 


And Gomez has the accent already


And Gomez already been Sabrina's teacher, so how hard would it be to act the part for the Boy Who Lived?


Tilda swinton!


Think this is the biggest problem the casting department have got. There were so many iconic parts played in the films that the new cast will struggle to live up to them.


Robbie Coltrane is a hard act to follow, but I would like Mark Addy to be Hagrid.


God’s I was a wizard then!


"start the damn Triwizard Tournament before I piss myself"


Thank the gods for The Fat Lady and her tits!


Bobby B having a baby dragon would be hilarious.


“I’ve got seven classes to teach! Do you think honour keeps them in line? It’s Fang! Fang and Grawp!”


Ooh absolutely! Seconded.


That's actually a really great choice!


I do not care, as soon as they get the ages right!! Give me 21y/o Potters and Marauders in their mit thirties!


Daniel Radcliffe as Voldemort. That would be a head-spinner.


Only if we get Ralph Fiennes as 11 year old Harry. 


Dan needs a chance to NGE-HE-HEEE Ralph back.


Fiennes could be Dumbledore!


Someone said this I think, but hear me out; Dan as Runcorn Emma as Mafalda and Rupert as Reginald


I would love that! A quick cameo that won't take focus away from the new trio in the first few seasons


Bro that's genius


That’s the only OG trio cameo I like, and it’s perfect.


This has to happen


Short king voldemort 😤


I think Benedict Cumberbatch would be SUCH an outstanding Voldemort


He'd be so creepy 😬


He would need to wear insoles.


Insoles, probably more like Gene Simmons’ platforms


Daniel Radcliffe as James Potter?


Too old, I'd really like it if they highlighted how young James and Lilly were this time, unlike the movies. They were only 21! It's so much more tragic.


I think, correct me if I’m wrong, the want for Adam Driver to play Snape isn’t because he’d play the character well as an individual, but because his appearance, mannerism, and even his tone of voice sound like Alan Rickmans Snape (but American). We need something new and original but honoring and respecting the books.


Yes. *Please* let it not be Adam Driver.


I want the marauders to be YOUNG


You're not casting Adam Driver as Snape, you're casting him as a younger Rickman.


I’d really like Snape to be not played as Rigkman did. He’s great but he didn’t play Snape from the books, he played ‘Alan Rickman plays Snape’


Can you elaborate? I can 100% understand/ agree with people’s problems with Ron (for example) in the movies, but I’ve never quite been able to put my finger on this one. I don’t agree/ disagree I just, don’t get it? Other than potentially snape in the books being meaner, but I’ve judt assumed it’s a script issue rather than an actor issue


Snape in the books is pettier, more vindictive, and more reactive. He shouts and gets upset more. He can run hot. Rickman’s is smoother, more in control, and frankly more likable. I think the guy above you is saying he wants a Snape you can really hate, a little bit like Umbridge, whereas Rickman’s, while great, was a bit too cool/respectable. Personally I loved Rickman’s take, but I admit it’s not exactly the guy from the books and would be interested in seeing something closer to canon.


That makes a lot of sense, thank you! I’m currently rereading the books for the first time since DH came out, and it did surprise me at the end of PoA, Snape’s outburst when he saw Sirius escape, particularly telling CHILDREN that Lupin was a werewolf.


Yeah, that’s it really The best example of this is things like him getting the DADA class to read about werewolves, his reaction after Sirius escapes, how he acts when capturing him in the first place, the incident with Hermione’s teeth and even when he referees the quidditch game In the movies you can actually like Snape as a character more before his redemption arc. In the books Rowling goes out of her way to make him so dislikable that even if you enjoy him - which you really can - it’s very hard to like him


Get the OG Dumbledore’s son to play Dumbledore. Jared Harris. That would be neat. Loved him in the expanse, chernobyl, and foundation.


I was today years old when I learned that Jared Harris was the son of Richard Harris. And yes, I could absolutely see Jared Harris as Dumbledore. I just don’t know if can make him feel old enough.


I hope they cast the generation of Harry's parents correctly in terms of age. James, Lily, Snape, Lupin, Sirius, and others are all supposed to be much younger than they were in the movies.


Tonks was supposed to be the same age as the older Weasleys, tops!


Tonks and Charlie supposedly just graduated the year before Harry arrives.


Nat Tena was the right age! She was 22 when OoTP was made, same age Tonks would have been in OoTP.


Tonks was also supposed to have short spiky hair!!!


Adam Driver is way too old. Can we not age everyone up again? Can we just get a 30 year old to play Snape and cast age appropriate marauders too?? People say Adam Driver because of his similarities look wise to movie Snape, but book Snape can look like anyone with greasy black hair. We don't need to match Alan Rickman and I don't think they should.


Hear me out.. will poulter as lupin. I've seen people try to cast him as Peter pettigrew, but I think he's killed some of his more serious roles and would play an excellent lupin.


I would give an arm and a leg for the following:    Liam Cunningham or Iain Glen as Dumbledore (Davos and Jorah from Game of Thrones)    Martin Freeman as Mr. Weasley (Watson from Sherlock)    Olivia Coleman as Umbridge    Michelle Gomez or Michelle Fairley (Catelyn Stark from Game of Thrones) as McGonagall   Rosemund Pike (Gone Girl, Saltburn) as Narcissa Malfoy    Lee Pace as Sirius Black 


it’s interesting that people are so far aging the marauders’ generation up (adam driver is 40, lee pace is 45). i think it would be cool to see actors in their early 30s - it emphasizes how recent the first war with voldemort was, and how devastatingly young many of the soldiers were.


I kinda think the aging up was necessary, tbh. The way the marauder generation was talked about in the book made them come off very well-accomplished and experienced in a way that truly never made sense for mere recent graduates. It also created a weird age gap where the anti-Voldemort side almost skewed too young on balance. Rowling always said she was bad with numbers, and the specific ages kinda fell under that camp imo.


Martin Freeman would be an amazing Mr. weasley


Super short though and most of the Weasleys are tall, but he’d be great agreed


Funny, I never saw Mr Weasley as a big tall guy in the films. I was surprised to see that the actor stood at 185cm. Sheez. Were the actors around him taller or what? I always figured that Mark Williams was no taller than 175cm. Freeman will be a pretty good Mr Weasley. I know the book describes him as tall, but in the films there was nothing powerful or formidable about the character anyway. His height never stood out as an important factor, but maybe that's just me.


He would be adorable!




Olivia Coleman is the only person I can think of who can do better than Imelda Staunton at pissing me off in the role of Umbridge. And before anyone gets offended by that, it's a compliment. Like George RR Martin said to Jack Gleeson for his performance as Joffery, "Congratulations \[...\] everyone hates you".


I originally wanted Olivia Coleman to play McGonagall, but you're right. She would absolutely kill it as Umbridge.


I think she would make a great McGonagall as well, but she was so delightfully vile while also trying to be polite in Fleabag that I think she would be perfect for Umbridge. 


Yes, she was so easy to hate in Fleabag.


I really like the suggestion of Freeman and I would laughed two days in a row if they casted Coleman (I mean, Coleman and Imelda both did the Queen in the Crown). The others I am meh or no, thank you.


I vote Stephen Fry as dumbledore!


I’m thinking Ian McElhinney (Selmy from GoT) would be a pretty good Dumbledore. Old enough to match the age but still looks like he could fight. Cunningham could be a good Moody though. Michelle Fairley as McGonagall would be awesome. Martin Freeman as Mr. Weasley is also a good shout. I like Olivia Coleman, don’t think I’ve seen her as evil before though so that could be interesting. I think it’d be fun to see some of the original movie cast make appearances but maybe as Easter eggs. I would love the adult cast to be completely fresh. My main request would be to keep Lily, James and the Mauraders as their original ages in the books. So Snape’s actor should be late 20s/early 30s and no older, same with Sirius and Lupin.


The british acting profession will be jumping in excitement. This will keep them busy for 10 yesrs plus.


Jared Harris for Dumbledore.


I never knew that Jared Harris was his son. Even though I'm a fan of both, I never even considered that they were related despite the same last name!


I know right? It was the voice. I saw him in Chernobyl and I kept thinking where could I know that voice from? Then I thought “he sounds just like Richard Harris!” Light bulb went on…


That would be a full circle moment as his father played Dumbledore in the first two movies.


He's too old. Plus he's American. I think they still want to keep it to British only.


More important. He is to A-List.






Idt he has bucked teeth


Pierce Brosnan would be perfect as Dumbledore. I can totally picture him portraying the charm and benevolence, the occasional whimsy, and the power of Dumbledore. Nick Frost ('Hot Fuzz', 'Shawn of the Dead') would make a great Hagrid. Jessica Gunning ('Baby Reindeer') would be absolutely terrifying as Umbridge.


Pierce Brosnan or Iain Glen - Dumbledore Cillian Murphy or Benedict Cumberbatch - Voldy Michelle Fairley or Adjoa Andoh - McGonagall Eva Green or Katie McGrath - Bellatrix Nicholas Hoult - Quirrell Josh O'Connor - Snape Rosamund Pike - Narcissa Tom Felton - Lucius For the rest im not sure (I find the Marauders particularly difficult to cast for some reason)


Rob McIlhenny as Sirius Glenn Howerton as James Danny DeVito as Lupin Charlie Day as Pettigrew.


And Kaitlin Olson as Lily


Kaitlin Olson as Buckbeak


She'd play a fantastic Pigwidgeon imo


Ever the Pigwidgeon, never the Fawkes


Kaitlin Olson as Hedwig, Buckbeak, Pigwidgeon, Fawkes, Hermes, Errol and every thestral


Danny DeVito should be Pettigrew, he’s the most likely to betray the others and while Charlie may be king of the rats, Frank eats trash.


Kreatcher… [as the troll](https://youtu.be/CtOEig1l8SA?si=dLq8w2YvwCNFgqei)


My assumption is that, like the movies, the cast will be predominantly UK and Irish. Additionally, given it’s an HBO production, there’s a decent chance that actors that have worked on other HBO shows will appear. To that end, I could very easily see some actors from Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon being cast - particularly Iain Glen (at 63, a relatively safe choice to be able to play Dumbledore for what is probably going to be a ten year commitment), Paddy Considine, Matt Smith (he’d be a marquee star as Snape) and John Bradley. After seeing him ham it up as Phoenix Buchanan in Paddington 2, my dream Lockhart would be Hugh Grant, but I suspect he may now be too old. Dominic West (from The Wire, The Crown and The Affair) would be fantastic in this role but he’s such a good actor that it feels like he’d almost be wasted in such a limited capacity. I could genuinely see him as Voldemort.


oh my god hugh grant yes pls


I just hope with casting the parent’s generation they pick actors who are the ages they were meant to be. By that I mean how James/Lily were 21 when they died so Sirius and Snape are 33/34 so it’s more apparent how young the Order really was during the first war


> I think Adam Driver as Snape would be pretty spot on. I really hope not.


Same. I don't get why this is suggested so much. He doesn't really look like the character, he is American and also way too old. I really don't see him in that role


> I don't get why this is suggested so much Because he has long black hair...and that's pretty much it




I can see Bradley James (Arthur on Merlin) as Lockheart.


I like that idea. I think he could also be Lucius.


I think Daniel Radcliffe should play Olivander. It is a small role but I think he is suited to play the eccentric wand maker. It would also be a symbolic way of Dan to pass the magic on to the next Harry Potter. He would also show up for the Triwizard tournament and then of course in the last season would have some fun scenes as well.




Jude Law as Dumbledore! I think he would play Dumbledore as described in the books so well.


Too young and 'pretty boy' looking, even though he's like 51.


Tom Felton as Lucius Malfoy (IK it's not a professor, but it's a suggestion for cast)


Peter Dinklage as Flitwick. But why not just have Warwick Davis again?


Peter Capaldi as Dumbledore


Dumbledore Who


I quite like the idea of Kit Harington as Sirius and Richard Madden as Lupin. I know it's basically copying GoT but still


They're just going to cannibalize the GoT cast for all the adults. GoT had a HUGE cast, and they've all worked together before.


Might work for a fair few. Catelyn Stark as Umbridge, Big Bobby B might make a good Mad Eye. Guessing the younger ones could play some of the younger adults such as tonks, remu, Sirius and the Potters ofc.


I would suggest Thomas Brodie-Sangster for Harry, but I don't think he'll look old enough by the series' end.


I mean, he’s currently 34…he may look young but he could be closing in on 50 by the time the series is over


swear to god if snape, lupin, sirius and pettigrew arent in their mid thirties with lilly and james being 21 i will boycott, sue and report them to 30 different legal agencies.


For all the people who complained when Hermione’s appearance in the movies didn’t match the books, I hope they get a book-accurate Hermione with bushy hair, an overbite, etc. Naturally you can’t predict if a child will grow up to be a stunner or not, as was the case with Emma Watson, they still picked someone who looked a lil too pleasant to play the character who was described in the book.


Some guy here a few months ago made a fancast of Iain Glein for Dumbledore. Now I want that to happen so much, I'll actually be disappointed if that doesn't happen.


Literally all unknown or small time actors, no A-lists or big names.


Gary Oldman as Dumbledore!!!


Cillian Murphy as Voldemort and Robert Sheeran as Sirius. Those are the only too I can think of.


David Tennant as Mad Eye moody :-) Otto Farrant as Bill Weasley (died him red, of course). Stephen Dillane has to be a Death Eater, but not Lucius. I am still thinking on Lucius.


I say we give the people what they want and just make Orlando Bloom super pretty and let him be Lucius. Lucius is 41; Orlando Bloom is 47. We could do it.


Meryl Streep as Hagrid. Trevor as Buckbeak. Daniel Radcliffe as Snape. Demi Moore as Hermione.


I'll do you one better: Meryl Streep as Voldemort. Hell, Meryl Streep plays every single character in the TV Series


Danny DeVito as Dumbledore 


“A few days ago three Death Eaters tried to mug me. And I want to be very clear about something. These pieces of garbage, they don't know who the hell they're dealing with. Right, so these punks...I don't know if they wanted money or they wanted something more sexual. But it's a lucky thing I had my pieces. My wands. Anyway, I started blasting.”


I think the best course of action would be for the show to go entirely silent, fans to not post anything. Wait for first season to come, watch it then judge. If I could somehow filter out HP HBO show all news I would. So much drama always spews from all sides from knowledge about something in the works.


although i dont think he’s attractive i think adam driver is too.. hot? to be snape? 😭 snape is supposed to be a grease ball pale dungeon dweller not this buff man who was a centaur in a cologne ad 😭


I remember the cast commenting once about this. Tom Felton said that he would want to play Dumbledore in a remake, Daniel Radcliffe said that he would want to play Snape.


Rowan Atkinson needs to be in it he could Professor Slughorn or Argus Filch but he needs to be in the show he is a great British actor and should be apart of this series


Stephen Fry as Dumbledore if not Slughorn


Not to jump on the train of suggesting Game of Thrones actors; BUT I think Sean Bean would be a great Dumbledore. My unpopular Snape casting decision: I hope it’s an unknown/little known actor.


Will never ever happen and he is way too old but Ian McKellan is my dumbledore


Matt Smith as Barty Crouch Sr. I just think he'd be amazing in a role like that. He gives off just enough pompous to do it justice. Jodie Whitaker as Madam Hooch ORRRR I think she could be an amazing Prof Trelawney. Hattie Morahan as Aunt Petunia.


As long as everyone is a good actor and the right age, I’m not fussy. I think it’d be cool to have less known actors so there are no preconceived ideas about what they’ll be like.


Cast Jarod Harris (son of Richard Harris) as Dumbledore. Throw some old man makeup on him and boom. The only logical choice.


Shah Rukh Khan as Firenze


My pick for Snape is Josh o Conner personally.


It'd be cool to see the Radcliffe, Watson, and Grint make an appearance, even if as a passingby background characters. A nod to the orginal movies.


This won’t happen, but I would love to see the new trio transform themselves into Daniel, Rupert and Emma via the Polyjuice potion while breaking into the Ministry in Deathly Hallows. 


That’s such a dope idea.


Dev Patel as Snape. He's got all the right looks and the acting prowess to pull off the complexity of the character.


ngl I would go SnapeWife for Dev Patel as Snape


Lizzo as Hagrid


I definitely feel like your not gonna get anyone considered A lister. Because it's guaranteed a 7yr+ commitment depending on how they break down a couple of the books. I think pure A listers will want to keep their options open and not have a Johnny Depp don't wanna do it anymore situation.


Michael Sheen as Cornelius Fudge. After watching him in Good Omens I can see him perfectly as both the friendly/bumbling side of Fudge and the obstinate politician side of the character.


Bro Adam driver is a giant. Isn’t Snape described as being of smaller (or average) stature?


Jeremy Clarkson would be a wild Dumbledore


I would love to see Tom Felton as Lucius!


Jared Harris as Dumbledore


i feel like daniel radcliffe could play harry really well


Patrick Stewart for Dumbledore