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I think things would happen much differently. He'd have his body back minus Lily's protection in his blood. He would summon his death eaters (and repeat his over-dramatic speech from book 4), so Dumbledore would still get a heads up from Snape that he was back. Voldemort may have tried to take out Harry sooner when he was less capable and very well may have been successful. He only killed Harry himself in DH because he was convinced he was now immune to Lily's protection, so this time, he'd have someone else do it. Harry would stay dead. Lucius would never have planted the diary on Ginny. This was what got Dumbledore focused on Horcruxes, so those might have stayed safe. I think Voldemort stood a good chance of succeeding. At least as good of a chance as he had this first time.


The Harry Potter series would be a lot shorter


Harry had sacrificial protection... He literally hurt Voldy, no matter if voldy's plan succeded or not


Dumbledore barged in right before Harry passed out. So he would have been defeated by Dumbledore.  If Harry hadn't come to stop Voldemort, he would have never been able to get the stone from the mirror. 


The question is "what if they succeeded?", not "would they have succeeded?".


Yes, so if Voldemort had succeeded in getting the stone from Harry and acquiring the elixir he would immediately have been bodied by Dumbledore, as there is no scenario where he can succeed in acquiring it without someone of similar selflessness getting it for him.




He would have to leave Hogwarts because they would check everyone , Quirrell will have to go with him as he would need someone to take care of him, Harry will come to him someday


I imagine Quirrell/Voldy flee the school with the Stone. And then Voldy uses his expertise and knowledge of potions and magic to use the Stone to build his own body again. He probably also allows Quirrell to use the Stone so that he doesn't die from sharing his body. What I want to know is what were the actual consequences of drinking unicorn blood on either of them?


Bold of you for thinking that Voldemort actually cares about him...


He doesn't care about him. But he does understand the value to demonstrating that loyalty and sacrifice can lead to rewards (just like giving Pettigrew the silver hand as a demonstration to the other Death Eaters)


He'd definitely leave. He'd use the elixir to make his own body, which would kick-start the events of the second war. I think Fudge would be more amiable to Dumbledore, seeing as it's earlier in his role as Minister and he hasn't got that arrogance yet and is still relying on Dumbledore a lot. The Chamber wouldn't open, because Luvius wouldn't give away the Diary. So that horcrux wouldn't be destroyed. And Dumbledore still might not figure out that it is horcruxes that Voldemort has used to make himself immortal. The war would be much more difficult.


If Voldy got the elixir and got back to full body, the first thing he'd do is kill Quirrell. Quirrell is a witness and his loyalty is unreliable. Voldemort would want secrecy over his return. Following on from that, he'd probably do all the things he did from OotP onwards. He'd want his followers back, and he'd want to take over the Ministry.  He'd be very reticent to go after Harry immediately. He's aware that he doesn't know what protections are in place and he's been screwed over by that fact once, plus there's no desperation factor overriding his critical thinking.