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Because the entire purpose of the ruse was to make Harry's death look like an accident and allow Voldemort to return to power unnoticed. Had things been done correctly, Harry probably would've been found dead in the maze as a result of a tragic accident and Voldemort would've been able to remain hidden. Harry disappearing in the middle of the school day would've been an incredibly difficult thing to do and would have been been highly suspicious.


You’re telling me Voldemort didn’t want to brag about it??


Not yet. Even with Harry surviving, Voldemort was secretive enough that he was able to stay under the radar for a while longer. He was able to shore up his forces for all pf book 5 while the ministry did nothing. It would’ve been really hard to fight strong, open opposition from the Order and the Ministry right after getting his body back. It was a lot easier to wait until book 7, lurk and quietly build up power, keep people subdued with fear instead of giving them a clear enemy to rise up against, etc. He wanted to brag AFTER he had fully taken over the ministry and was super strong.


Oh I'm sure at some point he would have wanted to, but all of this was pretty much explained in the books. It would have been far more advantageous for Voldemort to kill Harry under cover and return to power more secretly. Failing to do so allowed the Order to be aware of his return almost immediately and therefore instantly begin working against him. Conversely, if Voldemort had been able to kill Harry in secret, he probably would've had at least several months of being able to operate under cover and grow his army without much interference.


Barty must have been hoping that everyone would forget Harry didn't actually enter the tournament if he was killed.


The idea was to teleport the body back into the maze. It would've looked as if he died to the final challenge


This has nothing to do with my comment.


It would have been suspicious, but there would have been no proof that voldemort did it as at that time no one knew he was back, the last thing voldemort wanted was for anyone, especially dumbeldore, to know he returned.


The proof was there but Barty must have been hoping Harry being killed would distract everyone.


Voldemort wanted his return to be secret, and if Harry had just disappeared, it would arouse a lot of suspicion. Voldemorts' plan was to make Harry's death look like a tragic accident, which was not so uncommon a thing to happen in the Tri-Wizard tournament. Of course, the plan would likely never really have worked anyway since Snape could have reported back to Dumbledore about the Dark Mark, but Voldemort still considered Snape on his side at this point. The Dark Mark reappearing isn't as much evidence as Harry was able to provide either


My take on this was even though it doesn’t explicitly say it in the book, Hogwarts has protections in place so you can’t make a portkey into or out of Hogwarts. Dumbledore is the headmaster and is able to lower or override those protections as he is the only one that makes portkeys into or out. Fake Moody just added on top of one of Dumbledore’s portkeys. The Triwizard tournament was the only time those protections were lowered inside the grounds, so it was the best time to get Harry out of Hogwarts.


But... they use a portkey in the 5th book straight from Dumbledore's office and he doesn't lower any protections then. Besides, there are all sorts of ways into the castle as seen in all of the previous books. Charlie Weasley's friends are able to fly over from Romania over the castle's walls, Harry and Ron fly a flying car straight into the Whomping Willow, Sirius and Mr. Crouch both make their way through the Forbidden Forest to get into the grounds and Hagrid manages to come back from his mission with the giants early with Grawp through the forest too. The Knight Bus can easily get to Hogwarts too. Not to mention that Harry uses floo powder to speak to Sirius in the 4th and 5th books. If there's all those ways in, there will be plenty of ways out.


Because only the Headmaster can create Portkeys into or out of Hogwarts. So Crouch Jr. had to piggyback his Portkey spell onto an authorized one.


I read a theory that it was done like this so Crouch Jr, who had been closely studying Harry in his mannerisms and thought processes throughout the year as Moody (and had seen Harry throw off the Imperius), could assume Harry's position and Harry would be kept as the real Moody had been to supply hair for Polyjuice. Dramatic but sneaky. That is, if Ron and Hermione didn't immediately pick up on the difference


Wouldnt make a very good book ngl


For the same reason that the main character in a horror movie doesn't move out of the haunted house.


Voldemort so loves drama. Everything he does is so over the top. Not just one horcrux, but 6 AND three of them have to be in items of historical importance because of course they have to be. He also wants to duel Harry in front the Death Eaters and the crowds. Honestly, the guy needs to chill out.


His arrogance was his undoing after all


Because >!🌈Plot⭐!<


Voldemort absolutely loves drama. But the point was to make it look like an accident so no one suspected Voldemort. If he disappeared on a regular school day, there'd be a big search. If he disappeared in the maze, then they could figure he probably got eaten by a skrewt Edit: wtf is astreet? My phone is stupid with autocorrect lately. Corrected to accident.




I know a drama teacher, he would absolutely do this.


Fake moody wanted Harry killed by Voldemort.


Just remember how sick Barry crouch jr is for inviting Neville to his office in that scene




Portkeys doesnt work inside Hogwarts at all. And Moody wanted Voldemort kill Harry. Plus its a book :) It has to be exciting...


To be honest the Knight Bus can go to Hogwarts grounds, it has in the books to drop Harry off. It would have been so easy during the first task to have fake Moody escort Harry off grounds to the graveyard and then take him back to school if Voldy did decide to keep him alive and seen as a raving lunatic. Shouting Voldy was back and all that but no one would believe him and the conflict in school could still pop off and Fudge deny it all. Or he could be obliviated and fake moody stay in place while Harry is having funny dreams and such, until Voldy attacked the school or something. Certainly could add for more drama and suspense but I guess it would have been more fun to have the reader see the challenges through Harry than having him as an audience member trying to push past his mental fuzziness to focus on dragons and such.


Dumbledore surrounded Hogwarts with thousands of protective spells for entering and exiting the castle. One can't simply walk into Mor... Hogwarts. Being a Portkey an object that allows you to teleport to another location. Clearly, the protective spells would have to be altered for it to work. On the day of the competition, I believe the Portkey would take the champion directly to the champions' part of the arena. In this case, Crouch Jr. must have made the alteration. Other than that, I think this was the only school day at Hogwarts when the protective spells were changed so that a Portkey could work at Hogwarts. Not to mention what has already been answered. Voldemort wanted to return gradually, and Harry's death was supposed to look like an accident in the maze.