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Hi LuceDuder. Your submission has been removed from /r/harrypotter because: Your submission breaks rule 4: > Posts must be Wizarding World related. Posts must be related to Harry Potter and the universe in a tangible way. This does not include series actors and their personal lives, political leanings of persons associated with the franchise, pets named after the series, images only related via the title, etc. > - Comments made in off-topic/rulebreaking threads, along with comment threads relating to the above in unrelated threads may also lead to bans. > - Discussion of JKR's personal opinions is banned, defense of her words and actions will lead to a ban. This includes supporting her right to a platform to spread hate. If you have any issues with this decision, please contact us via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fharrypotter)


In my bedroom. While making no noise and pretending that I don’t exist.


Just reading in general but tucked up in bed on a Saturday morning with a hot chocolate and the dog chilling next to me. Bonus points if it’s raining


Once I read the deathly hallows in a small coffee shop in my city, there was a storm outside, during a hot and humid summer day, and the coffee shop was almost empty. I remember the wind entering through the window, and all the indoor plants, it was absolutely perfect.


I like reading at my desk most, idk why


At work 😂




Huddled up in the corner of my couch