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Dean Thomas secures a wand for himself during the battle of Hogwarts, as he doesn't have one at the start.


Obvious one, but Voldemort used the elder wand successfully until he used it against its true master in Hogwarts. He said it was capable of producing his regular level of magic. Edit: Unless you're talking about using the original wand that chose them, in which case this one wouldn't apply 😅


Good point! Reminds me of how Lockhart picked up Ron's wand without winning it properly and that spell also rebounded. Obviously there was another factor at play, but still interesting to consider.


I was thinking of that one, too, but I couldn't say he used it successfully 😄 But of course, I think he would have, if it wasn't broken. Plus, he wrestled it away from Ron. I know not all wands follow the Elder Wand rules, but it could have had some small amount of allegiance to Lockhart, maybe. Edit: Although I guess you *could* say he used it successfully since the spell did work... I guess it's a point of view call.


Didn’t Draco’s wand change allegiance since Harry disarmed him


Yea that was the most obvious one. I've been searching for other examples where this happens. I first noticed it when neville uses Hermione's wand shortly after he disarmed her, thus winning at least some allegiance. I'm always amazed how many seeds of foreshadowing are planted along the way.


The conditions around disarming matter. In a practice duel, there's no intention to keep the other wand. Ollivander says the manner of taking matters. He also says, "if you are any wizard at all you will be able to channel your magic through almost any instrument." Neville didn't need allegiance from Hermione's wand in order to use it effectively. He had confidence and intention to make his use of it more effective.


I still see it through the condition and context around it. Yes it was a practice duel, but I think the wand would have known that it was friendly practice. The wand hasn't switched allegiance, but I do think Neville had won some respect from her wand, which was more than could be said about his father's wand, since ash is the most loyal to its first owner. At least in my head it makes total sense he could using it temporarily while fighting on the same side as Hermione.


I can agree with that. If not allegiance, then respect. If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.


Hermione uses either Neville or Harry's wand in the first book. They're about to be caught by filch during the midnight duel and they reach a door on the 3rd floor that's locked. She uses one of their wands. Up until this point in the series, since it's book 1, no one had used someone else's wand and no one was dueling yet.


Good catch. Never noticed that one


Sirius in the Shack uses both Ron and Snape's wand, on different occasions I suspect but I'm not 100% sure, that Pettigrew uses Voldemort's wand in GOF


He definitely does use voldys wand for like 3 murders and apparently used it to sever his own hand


Yeah just remember that Harry saw Cedric's shadow during his fight with Voldemort and he was definitely killed by Pettigrew


Voldy uses Mr. Malfoy’s wand at the beginning of DH. Thats the wand he has when they move Harry before his birthday and everyone discovers Voldy can fly without a broom or anything.


Hermione not getting messed up with her battle against Bellatrix while using her wand is pretty insane when you think about it. Also Bellatrix herself killed Tonks while using someone else’s wand.


Lockhart using Ron's broken wand.. on himself


Another example is Pettigrew successfully using voldys wand. But this was all under voldemort's direct orders, plus Pettigrew was the one to reunite voldy with his wand.