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Well only people who can speak parseltongue or mimic it will be able to open the chamber. Plus, it can be difficult to come out.


Sure but they could just ask Harry to open it. I mean heck freakin Ron opened it in the last movie and he doesn’t even speak snake language lol


Yeah, but I don’t think the ministry would want to ask a child to help them enter a scary place and they still would need something to help them get the baslisk out. Though it’s possible Dumbledore requestEd the chamber to be left alone since the venom is one of the few things that can kill a Horcrux.


How would they have removed an entire hidden chamber/cavern system that had been there for centuries? And also it’s a basilisk not an alien, there is nothing really special about it compared to any other basilisk that existed like the first one that was bred by Herpo the Foul. They are rare sure, but there is sufficient knowledge on them since they are mentioned in multiple books in-universe. And remember, the school and ministry covered covered the whole thing up until Rita’s article in Book 4 saying Harry was a parselmouth was published almost 2 years later so it’s unlikely the wider wizarding would would even know about what happened


How would they remove it? Magic


What were they supposed to do with it?


I had the same question a while back. At the very absolute basement level least, they should have gotten rid of the basilisk body. Other than that, it should have been explored and documented.


Not me thinking the exact same thing!


Dumbledore said he recognised or guessed what the diary was when Harry showed it to him. Dumbledore played the long game, as usual


It’s a plot hole, if anything Harry could have kept Sirius down there instead of having him stay in that cave.