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HL protag is in the same league as Starkiller from The Force Unleashed. So stupidly overpowered that it's pointless pitting them against any other character. video games 🤷‍♂️


Ancient Magic is pretty OP. The HL main character can turn a troll to dust with it.


So then why don’t they teach ancient magic by Harry’s time?


You can't teach it. You have to be born with it.


Was that more common at the time? Or was the game’s protagonist unique?


Well we know they aren’t unique considering there were other ancient magic users before them. If there have been any after who knows. They made it up for the game, it’s not established lore


No, but it isn't common, and you could easily be regarded as a squib since your magic skills overall kicks in later in your life (around 15). That's why your character makes skips to 5th year in Hogwarts.


The protagonist is the most powerful wizard I've heard of 😄 Ancient magic. Not only masters any spell easily with hardly any training, but upgrades those spells beyond what we see in the books. Almost always outnumbered, always wins. Avada Kedavra a group of enemies all at once. Not even Voldemort could do that. Book wizards may be more versatile, but I say pure power goes to the protagonist.


The Legacy protagonist can defeat 20 adult dark wizards at the same time despite only having a few weeks of magical training. You basically do a genocide in the game despite only knowing a handful of spells. They could solo the entire 'Battle of Hogwarts', they are ridiculously OP.


After the endgame I could probably mop the floor with dumbledore's beard


Agreed, after a certain level hardly anyone is a challenge


!RedditGalleon for making me laugh at that mental image, it was glorious!


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Easily on par with the strongest characters from the books. Would probably still lose to the big three due to inexperience, but would almost certainly be stronger than Dumbledore at a comparable age due to ancient magic.


Dude can use ancient magic to stomp on a full grown acromantula. If you're good enough, he can take on leagues of goblins, inferi, and a couple of trolls all at once without taking even a little damage. Dude is beyond OP. He's the god of magic.


Actually the one that really is op in terms of power and a Mary Sue to boot is the Hogwarts mystery character.


Should've put us at least on par with Dumbledore & Grindelwald.


I mean the HL protagonist can cast avada kedavra in front of a professor so I would just disregard it.


The Hogwarts Legacy protagonist can take on 30 dark wizards at the same time and has a kill count of 500+ in just their first year of being a wizard, way more than Voldemort or Grindewald. Plus they have ancient magic and can use unforgivable curses every 5mins without consequences.


Like merlin....................then if you take "evil" choice at end and suck up all that yummy ancient power = Like unto a God


You know how you have to suspend your disbelief when consuming fiction, like how we don't try to explain the science behind every single spell used in the Harry Potter books? When it comes to Hogwarts Legacy you kind of have to do another layer of that. I really wish the game had allowed for non-lethal combat, because the massacre we go on just seems brutal and ill-fitting for the setting. I also would have liked an explanation as to why we were starting Hogwarts at 15 and not 11 and how that's connected to our ability to see and manipulate ancient magic. What would have been cool is if there was an opening cutscene of the player character being a muggle and accidentally discovering some strange source of magical power, then upon touching it there's a blinding flash of light and it cuts to a different scene, probably in the Department of Mysteries, where an Unspeakable is monitoring something and he suddenly perks up and gives some kind of dramatic line, like "It's happened again...." Then as the story progresses we could learn more about the nature of the ancient magic and how it turned us into a witch or wizard. Unfortunately none of this happened, so we're left in the dark. Overall it was a fun game, and I do really like the exploration and puzzle-solving parts of it, but IMO they could have done a lot better on the actual story.


You start as a 15 year old so that you aren't playing as a little kid. Imagine the conversations 11 year olds have.


I agree that for the sake of the game it made sense not to start at 11, I just wish they had explained it better in the story.


there are four different stories. The game is not good.