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How does an average height human less than six feet tall ..uhh.. “mate” with a giant that is 20-25 feet tall and have a kid together? Edit: It was meant to be rhetorical not actually seeking an answer people.


He crawls inside and then back out. (I already feel the need to delete this comment)


Yeah I feel I need to rephrase my statement it was meant to be rhetorical I wasn’t looking for an answer 😅




He went Lemmiwinks on her.




I bet there is a lot of engorgio and polyjuice being used during magical sexy time.


Lol. Imagine the cosplays 😂


The black market on celebrity hairs would be insane


oh my god lmfao


Silver back gorillas which are much taller and stronger than human beings have smaller "thingies" as compared to human males. Maybe it's the same for giants. They could have smaller or equal input/output devices.


Get creative. Aim, spray, pray. Kinda like putting out a fire with a fire extinguisher.


Just wanders into a cave, does his thing, walks out again.




Disenchantment does a storyline around this. It seems like someone in the writers room had this exact question about Hagrid’s backstory. I think they did a pretty good job making it make sense.




That the trio camped in a random place in the UK (~250K km2) and just happened to overhear a classmate and his travel companions discuss key information within earshot of their tent.


A lot of Deathly Hallows was literally just plot convenience. This, them camping out at grimauld place and remembering the locket, harry saying Voldy's name by accident, the portrait of the previous Slytherin headmaster being with them, Griphook just happening to be at Malfoy Manor, Harry conveniently getting visions of plot details etc. its my common gripe about the story:


I agree with what you’re saying, but coincidences/irony do happen in real life too, they just happen a lot more in books because, well, they were written thoughtfully rather just us experiencing random life events


Yeah you're right. I just think DH had too much of it


Nothing wrong with that opinion there’s definitely more than the other books. I would say the locket shouldn’t count though that was something planted in previous books that’s a callback


Fair point


Yeah we aren’t seeing the days and weeks and months where nothing remotely coincidental happens


If you really nitpick this hard the whole franchise is like this. Every book.


Or most books really.


Maybe to a degree, but the previous 6 had a very organic like feel to it. Maybe one or two instances. DH just felt like convenience after convenience


I just think "Fate" is a thing from the beginning! How likely is it that the rat ends up in the newspaper, and then the newspaper ends up in Azkaban? How likely is it that only Harry notices the note in Hermione's hand? How likely is it that Stan Shunpike's hood will slip down at exactly the right moment.


Yeah you're right. But those had an organic feel to it IMO. Well maybe not Hermione's paper. But DH felt way too plot convenience heavy


But it's not as if they were constantly encountering goblins and the like, of course it would be a bit more logical if the place had something to do with the wizarding world, but I think deserted areas are a bit of a rage in the UK. That's why people consciously seek them out and they are no longer deserted. I come from a village and it has happened that people have met their "neighbors" on the other side of the world.


Possibly ya. But them just happen to be hearing in on Goblins randomly? They weren't even close to Gringotts lol


This goblin doesn't seem to be entirely happy with the way his people are doing things, and I think he's on the run too. Hence the partnership of convenience with Ted Tonks.


And the trio just happen to run into them lol. Like wtf


Coincidences do happen in real life tho 🤷‍♂️ But I 💯get that the scene you're referring to was just a little too convenient.


While I agree that it's a very big coincidence, but coincidences like that do happen in real life. Like years ago we were on holiday in Austria and my mum randomly ran into an old acquaintance who also happened to be on holiday there.


I don’t find it surprising that people run into acquaintances on holiday destinations - people have obvious reasons to go there and large numbers do, so these things happen. The place the trio runs into Dean is the exact opposite. It’s not visited by many, it’s a place chosen to get away from people. It’s described as a “steep woiden slope“ descending to a narrow riverbank somewhere in Wales. To me it serms much more coincidental to run into Dean here than if they met at, say, the Eiffel tower, because Dean has good reasons to want to visit the Eiffel tower, I don’t need an explanation to understand why he would be there. But why did both he and the trio chose this steep wooden slope next to a river in Wales? There are so many places just like it. I’m sure JKR could have come up with a reason to have them meet somewhere, it’s that she didn’t bother at all that makes it so jarring to me.


How the magical world can stay secret when wizards are born to random, non-magical people.


It doesn't. But they modify memories, remember?


Oh right.. sorry what is it they do again?


Sorry, could you remind me who “they” are?


Accidental Magical Reversal Department


They don't modify the memories of muggke parents with magic kids. Petunia in a jealous moment says something like "they were all so proud to have a witch in the family" Same with Hernione too cause she talks about using magic to fix her teeth but hrr dentist parents are against it. I think the main defence is if you started going round saying your child is a wizard someone is going to ask for proof (when the wizard just won't do any magic because of magical laws) and you quickly become the village nutter


They modify memories of accidents when it's a big public show.


Aww I thought you were talking about parents of Muggleborns getting memory altered.


Your not wrong that’s exactly what they responded to


I think that is often enough the case.


In an attempt to answer that question, White Wolf came up with Technocracy.


The Time Turner is probably the biggest one. That opens up so many plot holes, but I think it was worth it for the sake of the plot of the third book. Communication is really slow in the Harry Potter world. People can teleport, but to send a letter they literally tie it to the leg of an owl and wait for days or weeks. Yes, later we see people talking through fireplaces, but that seems to be the exception - owls are way more prevalent. The Muggle technology that they have and have not picked up seems strange and random. They have radios and cars, but they don't use electricity, TVs, or phones, even outside of Hogwarts where those things can be used, and even though many wizards are muggleborn and would have grown up with these conveniences and could be expected to continue to want them. This is a small thing, but it bothered me that for two of the three tasks of the triwizard tournament, the audience is just staring at a lake or a hedge.


Most wizards don't have cars and radios, it's mostly Mr Weasley with his muggle tech fetish But I agree that it's completely ridiculous that they don't use technology. A simple security camera and alarm system could have solved so many issues, as people constantly break into any "unbreakable" room


I agree that most wizards probably don't have cars. But radios seem pretty common. They even have magical radio stations, so there is definitely a sizable audience.


Most wizards don't have cars, I agree, but it is a known technology to the wizarding world. The ministry owns a fleet of cars and employs drivers. Harry and the Weasleys use them to get to the train station in book 3.


There's the knight bus as well


To play devil's advocate to my own point, in half blood Prince we do see that professor slughorn knows what burglar alarms are and can easily circumvent them with a freezing charm. But he's a pretty exceptional wizard, and I don't think we could expect everyone to know to do that. In any case, I agree that they could have made their lives easier with a little more muggle technology. The first two wizards to discover text messaging are going to put Eylops Owl Emporium out of business.


All you'd have to do is to hide the alarm behind a false panel. (and modify it to be instant). You'd get an instant notification, so long as you weren't in a place of heavy magic like the Ministry or a school of magic.


Slugworth has a PhD in paranoia, I bet he also had a firearm, a couple of knives, and a smoke bomb hidden somewhere on his person in case he gets expelliarmus'd.


I wonder if it's something most wizards see muggle technology beneath them, whereas people like Mr. Weasly and Slughorn know how to use them to their advantage


I just realized they don't use electricity... Like students from a muggle background must be going crazy? So all these people raised in the wizarding world from the beginning just carry the candles and lanterns everywhere at night? That sounds stupid


The first book must have glossed over Harry's "How to Light a Lantern" class.




So they have to carry wands like torch light


Only where we would need to. There’s still oil lamps and candles on walls, chandeliers and such… but they’re powered magically, so they’re even easier to light and put out!


If i were a wizard, i would rather have electricity


Why would they carry lanterns when they have wands and can use lumos? I think Hagrid and Filch are the only ones with lanterns, but Hagrid isn't allowed to use magic, and Filch can't.


I mean wands are no better replacement for electricity.


Magic seems to be a pretty ok replacement for electricity, tbh. Especially in the pre-digital age.


Take a look at live marathon or cycling. Most of time they are only staring at an empty road. Students are fine being forced into attending a boring events as long as they have free classroom time. They can hang out with their pals or flirt with their partner.


Why does the Time Turner and how it worked in PoA open up plot holes? It was pretty clear-cut that it was a loop, and travelling back didn't change the past. (for the sake of this I'm ignoring the Cursed Child because how time travel works in that is contrary to what was established in PoA)


But using time turner for study kind of change the outcome right..? You will get a high mark in exams and relieved from stressed.


Yes, it forms a loop, but that loop changes things and you use the Time Turner to effect those changes. If you couldn't affect changes, no one would use a Time Turner. Look at it this way - if Time turners were used logically, then Cedric Diggory never would have died, because Harry would have returned from the graveyard to Hogwarts, told Dumbledore that he had just experienced a miraculous escape from Voldemort, and Dumbledore would have time turnered back 3 hours, apparated to the Little Hangelton graveyard, and rescued Harry and Cedric. The fact that Dumbledore didn't do that is very strange in a world where students with busy timetables get to borrow time turners.


No, you can't change anything because you were two people from the beginning. There is no past with just one Harry and one Hermione. Cedric cannot be saved because no one saved him. This is one of the most logical time travel possibilities, perhaps because it isn't really one. Harry 2.0 and Hermione 2.0 are on equal footing in the timeline. The only difference is that Harry 2.0 and Hermione 2.0 have three hours more memories.


I should have been more clear. In my example above, both Harry and Cedric would have been saved by Dumbledore, and Harry would have reported that to Dumbledore when he returned, who would have then gone back in time and effected the rescue.


The Time Turner doesn't take you to a new past. It takes you to the same past a second time. There you only fulfill what has already happened. Buckbeak never died, Harry 2.0 always saved Hermione, Sirius and himself. Sirius was already free, nobody just knew it yet.


As stated by Hermione in GoF technology cannot be used on Hogwarts grounds due to the intensity of magic. So TVs wouldn’t work where wizards grew up and learned/applied magic in places such as Hogwarts.


They don't work in Hogwarts, but they do work in other wizard places- for example, the Muggle gadgets that Mr. Weasley toys with in the Weasley household. So no, muggleborns couldn't use their electric devices in Hogwarts, but they still spent the first 11 years of their life with them and presumably got to use them each summer and winter when they went home. They at least would still see the advantage of them after they left Hogwarts.


The apparent lack of any sort of regulation on love potions is pretty illogical, given that so many other things in the world are tightly controlled and regulated by the ministry, and that love potions are incredibly dangerous. A couple others: * Time-Turners and time travel in general. You would think they'd be used more often and/or talked about being used more often as opposed to just a student needing to get to more classes. * Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration. The law states that food can't be conjured from nothing but it's unclear why our protagonists seemingly never replicate good food even in instances of food shortages (like in The Deathly Hallows - there are times where they sneak a decent meal, but don't try to replicate it first)


The love potion thing (amongst others) really got me; I’m writing a fic about it now and I’m basically establishing the idea that corrupt members of the ministry are working in tandem with death eater connected folks to take advantage of their unregulated status and use love potions as a form of “acceptable imperius” curses. Edit: I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted on the most random innocuous posts 😭


This subreddit hates fanfiction. It sounds really interesting though


I suppose so! (Kinda surprising considering all of the “what if” posts which are basically ff premises) Thanks, though!


Sounds cool you got my upvote!


Time turners we're a mistake, that's why JKR wiped them off in book 5. For food transfiguration.. It could just be that hard. Probably a school topic for year 7, which only Hermione attended after the last book. As far as we can say, she wasn't that skilled even at cooking with magic.


Anything's food if you're not picky.


Delicious textbooks.


My headcannon is that food replication is that difficult, so it's more convenient for most people to just buy it. Molly only got really good at it because she had to feed her family and needed the money for stuff she can't transfigure.


It can’t be *that* difficult though. Harry refills Slughorns glass when they’re in Hagrids hut and that has to be a similar spell. The trio could have bought a meal replacement shake and kept refilling it.


He’s probably refilling by transporting it from another container. I’d love to stay on the sofa and “refill” my drink from the fridge without moving haha


The time turners are only useful for adding more hours to the day. The fact that you probably age while using them means that you have no added value. >The law states that food can't be conjured from nothing but it's unclear why our protagonists seemingly never replicate good food even in instances of food shortages (like in The Deathly Hallows - there are times where they sneak a decent meal, but don't try to replicate it first) Apparently Hermione can't do it or it's not worth it. In the wizarding world there are shops, Harry and Ron spend hours preparing vegetables in the Burrow. The house elves cook the food in the usual way. Sirius feeds on rats and Harry has to get him food. I think that duplicated food has no nutritional value and may not even taste good.


The time Turner thing makes me also wonder that if people could just use time turners to change the past why didn't just use it for the good why don't just go in the past and kill tom


Going too far back in time results in catastrophic consequences: >‘As our investigations currently stand, the longest period that may be relived without the possibility of serious harm to the traveller or to time itself is around five hours. We have been able to encase single Hour-Reversal Charms, which are unstable and benefit from containment, in small, enchanted hour-glasses that may be worn around a witch or wizard’s neck and revolved according to the number of hours the user wishes to relive. >‘All attempts to travel back further than a few hours have resulted in catastrophic harm to the witch or wizard involved. It was not realised for many years why time travellers over great distances never survived their journeys. All such experiments have been abandoned since 1899, when Eloise Mintumble became trapped, for a period of five days, in the year 1402. Now we understand that her body had aged five centuries in its return to the present and, irreparably damaged, she died in St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries shortly after we managed to retrieve her. What is more, her five days in the distant past caused great disturbance to the life paths of all those she met, changing the course of their lives so dramatically that no fewer than twenty-five of their descendants vanished in the present, having been “un-born”. >‘Finally, there were alarming signs, during the days following Madam Mintumble’s recovery, that time itself had been disturbed by such a serious breach of its laws. Tuesday following her reappearance lasted two and a half full days, whereas Thursday shot by in the space of four hours. The Ministry of Magic had a great deal of trouble in covering this up and since that time, the most stringent laws and penalties have been placed around those studying time travel.’ [https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/time-turner](https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/time-turner)


Wasn't the whole plot of the cursed child time travel way beyond 5 hours?


…I think you’re right. But then again, that book was a mess


Thankfully we can confidently call it a play and not a novel physically distancing it from the rest 🤓


Fr fr 😭


And if you’d seen it you’d also know that was because >! They were using a secret illegal prototype time turner that someone (I didn’t catch if it was a death rather or ministry guy) made in his basement, so it didn’t follow the rules properly and yeah catastrophe happened !<


This is exactly why I keep trying people that cursed child is [bad] fanfiction.


Indeed, fellow Ravenclaw 😉


The conversions for wizarding currency are absolutely horrendous. Definitely need some sort of calculator spell to work with the 29 k/s and 17 s/g conversions.


In real life, pre 1971, a pound was worth 20 shillings and a shilling was worth 12 pennies. Okay, at least these are not prime numbers, so not as crazy as wizard money. But there was also the guinea. And that was worth 21 shillings. We're lucky she didnt tell us how wizards measured distances.


Well obviously long distances are measured in Quidditch pitches, which are 173 brooms long, each broom measuring 4.75 wands, and each wand is 7 and 2/9 flobberworms.


I was reading like, “Okay another comment to scroll through,” and then flobberworms made me cackle


Yeah but the guinea was only for expensive items and professional services. I bet those prices would be in a nice round guinea number without any need to subdivide into £/s/d


So are imperial measurements and people seem to be able to convert them without calculator spells. Don't ask me how, but they are.


What I don't get is that Harry knew Dumbledore put on the ring and received a curse, yet he still decided that he should wear the locket to keep it safe. Why didn't Voldemort put a similar curse on the locket? I don't believe I'd wear anything that belonged to him, especially knowing it was a horcrux.


Kreacher has been in close contact with the locket for years and he wasn't cursed. And when they were cleaning Grimault Place they had all touched the locket already and were fine.


I believe the trio wearing the locket ( and the inevitable change in mood and personality) was a nod to lord of the rings .


The ring was different because it had another enchantment on it in addition to being a horcrux. I thought that Dumbledore tried using the ring to resurrect Ariana not knowing it was a horcrux, and then tried to destroy the ring while wearing and using it which backfired and caused him to be cursed. The locket (so far as we know) didn't have any other enchantments on it, and they didn't try destroying it while wearing it.


Dumbledore was cursed just by putting the ring on, not because he tried to destroy it while wearing it.


That’s a good point, it’s been an age since I’ve read it so correct me if I’m wrong, but do we know exactly what caused the curse to his hand. Was it just putting the ring on? Was it when he tried to use it? Was it when he tried to destroy it? It still worked as a resurrection stone for Harry afterwards so I wonder if Dumbledore did get to see Ariana at some point 😲 that would be a cool story. It might have helped him make peace with his looming death if he got the change to apologise and be forgiven by her spirit.


Everything about the Fidelius Charm really. Suppose I'm Voldemort and Wormtail hasn't told me yet where James and Lily's house is. Nevertheless, if by coincidence I stand right at James and Lily's house, what do I see? Is it just invisible? What if I then try to walk through the brick wall onto what I think is a patch of bare land? Do I just get magically repelled? Well then surely I'll know there's a Fidelius Charm in operation right here. What happens if I send Fiendfyre right at the spot where the house is? Will it destroy the house anyway or not? Apparition. Any time I end up in a duel with someone nasty why don't I simply Apparate away?


With Number 12 Grimmauld Place it was written that house 11 and 13 where next to each other and when Harry learned of house 12 it appeared, squeezing it's way between 11 and 13 seeming to push them to the side, something like that is likely what happened with James and Lily's place.


Agree on the first, but the second one is not as simple. It is established that apparition needs a lot of concentration, to the point where a good portion of wizards actually never/rarely use it. When Hermione tries to Side-Apparate in the 7th book to get away from a wizard, she splinters Ron as she is distracted. I guess aurors could be trained to be able to flee a duel like that, but that is never discussed in the book


Also apparently you can't torture or imperius the secret out of the secret-keeper, so them choosing Pettigrew over Sirius made no sense to begin with.


I read recently that it did actually make a sort of sense because Sirius was the one that was the obvious choice. When a secret keeper dies it leaves everyone else that knew the secret as the secret keeper, so they just kill Sirius and move on to their actual informant who can now reveal the secret. Sirius therefore is almost literally bait, which is messed up in its own way.


Well first of all, I don't know why Lily or James couldn't just be their own secret keeper. But even if they can't, Sirius would be the only one to know their location anyway. So if he died then the secret would just be forgotten.


Wizards needing glasses…


Imagine Lockhart fixing Harry's eyesight and accidentally popping his eyes out


😂😂😂 horrible


*"Overreacting, Harry ripped his eyes out of his head (much to Voldemort's confusion), threw them into the Forbidden Forest, and told Voldemort off."*


From a lore perspective I wish we got more information on why the spell went wrong. Did he use the wrong spell? Was his pronunciation wrong? We don’t get many examples of advanced magic use, and Lockhart messing up the spell so badly shows that there’s a lot more to magic than knowing the proper incantation and wand movements.


Lockhart was a professional yapper and wasn't the best in his job I think he messed up spells just as seamus did


Did he actually cast a real spell, or did he just yell random words and wave his wand?


I think it’s that, honestly. Like, so many of the spells are in Latin. I don’t think what he said was even a real spell 😂😂


Maybe it’s one of those things where one tiny slip in pronunciation takes you to a very different word in another language. He could have meant “arm bone mend” and said “arm bone vanish” with one little mistake


Like "It's leviOsa, not levioSA"? But still, we're talking about Lockhart here. My headcanon says, he just made something up and it did... something.


How umbridge survived being taken by the centaurs


In addition to what’s been said, I’d add these. 1: the absolute lack of understanding of the muggle world, even from Wizards who live near them (like in London) or work with them (Mr. Weasley). It’s cute and quaint but makes no sense at all. 2: the fact that after presumably decades of time if not more, the fact that Thestrals bill the carriages is such an unknown. Surely people over the years would talk about it. 3: that the Hogwarts Express - a big red steam locomotive - can go from London to Scotland and no one ever notices it.


3 can absolutely be explained by magic


Point 1 indeed makes very little sense. I mean, there are TONS of muggleborn wizards. They should know how muggles live?! There are, in fact, so many muggleborn wizards that would be good teachers of this topic. And come to think of it, they literally have a muggle studies class at hogwarts.


Maybe peer pressure? At young ages, we're way more susceptible to it and I bet young muggleborns desperatly want to fit in.


2. - especially since Harry witnessed the murder of his mother. He was an infant, but he had nightmares of a green light while living with the Dursley’s so surely he should be able to see the thestrals from day 1 at Hogwarts. Never made sense that Cedric’s death triggered that not his mum.


I always argued this. I think someone told me something about being able to comprehend the concept of death was a key factor in perceiving them


> Harry Potter was unable to see Thestrals for years after his mother was killed in front of him, because he was barely out of babyhood when the murder happened, and he had been unable to comprehend his own loss. Even after the death of Cedric Diggory, weeks elapsed before the full import of death’s finality was borne upon him. https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/thestrals


I've checked some wiki on Quidditch participants, there is somehow a country that existed after being founded in 90s by Muggle world yet also exist in Wizarding world. So point number 1 can be problematic indeed.


Lack of common knowledge. Cant get it why not to learn basic subjects needed in everyday life


Also they didn't teach something like reproduction in Hogwarts did they?


No sex ed at Hogwarts it seems. Also no language classes


Fetus Deletus is a NEWT level spell


Imagine Snape riffling through rolls and rolls of parchment, reading essays written by uneducated children. No wonder he was bitter


This one is semi explained (or hand waved away depending on how you look at it) early on (book 1 or 2 i seem to recall) as Witches and Wizards are said to not be logical, i forget who said it however.


Book 1 Hermione states this when they encounter Snape's potion-bottle logic puzzle


That's the one, been a couple weeks and forgot the details.


Neither logical nor literate. How do they read or write? Or count. Or speak other languages with students from abroad.


They get homeschooled until they start at Hogwarts. They learn how to do basic stuff like read, write, and count at home.


The fact that Voldemort took so many steps to ensure his immortality, but never had a contingency plan for if his body was destroyed


Maybe he did but wormtail was the only one who knew? Once he faked his death, he decided he’d rather be a rat than bring back his master. Awkward lmao Maybe it’s was Bellatrix or one of the others that were captured and imprisoned who had the details, so they weren’t able to help until wormtail stepped up. I’m surprised he wouldn’t let someone like Lucius in on the plan as well though, he’s got the intelligence and skill and resources to be useful in that situation Is there an in universe reason why his arrogance might have stopped him from wanting to share it, or did JKR just overlook this one


My guess is he was just super arrogant, and didn't think he would ever need to. But IDK it doesn't really follow that someone would make 6 horcruxes and then do nothing else


The oldest modern sports are about 150 years old and they have evolved a lot during that time span. The tactics have changed drasticly. Quidditch on the other hand have not evolved at all even though it is hundreds if not thousands of years older. In a sport where the game is won and ENDED by catching the snitch the tactic, at some point in history, should have moved towards catching that snitch. Having the chasers only play interference, having the whole team search for it etc. etc. It's simply not believable that they all still fly around like idiots like the sport was just invented. Rowling also makes the mistake of having the longest game ever played being a world cup final. This tells us, what should be clear to anyone by now - she doesn't really grasp how her own sport works. The world cup final should be super quick as THE ONLY THING that matters is catching the snitch. The longest gave ever played should be some sunday league quidditch game played by middle aged dudes, not by the supposed world elite. Also, and this is maybe a smaller problem, but it's not likely that a sport where the game in theory (and as it evolved more and more likely) could end after a minute should ever be a popular sport by common wizards. Why make the effort of going to the stadium every saturday when games are decided on a wim, and you most likely wont even see anything of it.


as much as i agree with you, we don't really know the logic behind the behaviour of the quidditch balls. does someone bewitches the snitch to be extra fast and barely catchable? does it "remember" the previous games and comes up with a tactic? is it a brand new snitch for every game? is there any difference between balls used in professional sport and school games?


Quidditch isn't thousands of years old though, first mention about something similar to it is from 1050, it was partially established as organized sport some time before 1150, Golden Snitch was added in 1269 and Quidditch keep evolving until 1883.


I was just guessing about the age, as it doesn't really matter. Zero tactical evolving is 150 years is more than enough. Football have changed drasticly in the same time span. If quidditch was a real sport, or written by someone who understands sports, it would be played differently. Everyone would be focused at the snitch.


Galleons are described to be as large as hubcaps, why and how do they store them?


Were they actually the size of hubcaps, or was the muggle campsite owner in GOF just exaggerating (or misremembering/loopy from the Memory Charms)? I assumed that they were generally bigger than your average coin, but not necessarily quite that big. But either way, they typically store their money in a bag. Bags can be made to be bigger on the inside than they are on the outside with magic, so they’re not necessarily hauling around giant, heavy bags of coins; it’s just a normal-sized bag enchanted to hold much more than it looks like it can hold.


in the philosopher's stone I can't remember the exact line but it mentions galleons are about the size of huge discs/tires


I can’t find any description of their size in PS. They also carry the DA galleons in their pockets in OOTP, so I don’t think they’re actually as big as tires. Either the campsite guy in GOF was exaggerating, or the hubcap-sized coins were foreign coins, not galleons.


Imagine how big the bag of galleons was when Harry won 1,000 of them for the triwizard tournament.


how did they even have room in the hospital wing for that!? forget the hospital wing what about Harry's trunk? Then he casually handed them over to Fred and George in a train compartment and they somehow concealed them from their family!?


Right? It feels like galleons in that case are more the size of quarters, but even 1,000 quarters take up quite a bit of room. Unless the bag had an undetectable extension charm on it?


The rules of quidditch are asinine to anyone who actually understands sports and are clearly written so that Harry could be the most important player. There isn't any team sport where one player completely does his own shit completely isolated from the rest of the team. It doesn't lend well to team synergy, especially when you can't even communicate with your player across the field. How the hell is the team captain supposed to tell the seeker to change strategy?


Harry saying that if I die a natural death I will break the power of the elder wand. Dude you of all people should that is not how it works and you just explain it in front of everyone in Hogwarts so if you are relying on no one knows about the mechanism of the elder wand ownership that is not going to work either.


Considering how the Elder Wand/Deathstick dropped in and out of wizarding history there had to have been other owners who “died natural deaths” while still wielding it, and its power had clearly not been broken in those instances, and even before the movie where he truly ended its power, I didn’t believe for one second that it couldn’t be claimed again by some other wizard pulling it back out of Dumbledore's grave


True, which is why Harry snapping the wand is a change that I strongly welcome. In the hindsight, this war would surely go into history books and it would be well documented. Dumbledore’s tomb, which is the last known location of the wand, would be a rather obvious place to look for if someone has the intend. OK maybe Harry is just 17 years old, is extremely exhausted and may not be in the state of thoughtful planning, Dumbledore (‘s portrait) you just let him do that? lol


Harry's one year old son jokingly steals his father's holly wand and suddenly a toddler owns the most powerful weapon in existence


Shitting your pants in public instead of having toilets because it's Muggle tech.


All. The. Secrecy. At least amongst wizards and witches. If people just talked to each other.


the LACK OF FOOD in deathly hallows camping scene! I can never understand how Hermione never knew how to go camping or to bring equipment, a stove, ramen, snacks. She even says she's been camping, like what?? we love manufactured drama


She didn’t need to pack a stove; the tent had a kitchen: >Harry and Hermione half carried, half dragged Ron through the entrance of the tent. The interior was exactly as Harry remembered it: a small flat, complete with bathroom and tiny kitchen. He shoved aside an old armchair and lowered Ron carefully onto the lower berth of a bunk bed. Even this very short journey had turned Ron whiter still, and once they had settled him on the mattress he closed his eyes again and did not speak for a while. >“I’ll make some tea,” said Hermione breathlessly, pulling kettle and mugs from the depths of her bag and heading toward the kitchen. She didn’t have food in her bag on they day they started camping because they’d been fully expecting to return to Grimmauld Place: >Hermione had not packed any food in her magical bag, as she had assumed that they would be returning to Grimmauld Place that night…


ohhhh haha ok


Mail delivered by owls instead of literal teleporting servants or magic or anything else other than birds


At least they replaced the owls with floating memos in the ministry! Hey maybe the wizarding world uses mail as some sort of owl conservation project


Yea that was cool. But why cant memos just fly through fireplaces or something ya know? Definitely looked cool though.


1. How they act like muggles are like aliens - you can literally study them and learn about them. Doesn't bode well for the wizards' intelligence. 2. Time travel thing opened up a can of worms like why there wouldn't be electricity and I'd rather she left that out.


How muggles are treated like a creature from the deepest parts of the ocean. In actuality, witches and wizards live side by side. If you have any questions about muggles, then waiting until taking a class at Hogwarts or finding someone that knows about muggles to ask your question. It just seems so complete backwards


If I remember correctly, we still haven't gotten a proper explanation why Harry couldn't get out of being contract-bound to the Goblet of Fire participation. * He's a minor that didn't want to join, so it should be voidable; * He could just sit out the entire tournament, and even have Dumbledore explain to the school about Harry's disinterest and that someone else must've entered his name in; or * Dumbledore could use the Elder Wand, because if it can't break some game-rules-contract, then Death was trolling Antioch.


I don't think magic cares that much about trivial things, like age.


Harry is not allowed to go to Hogsmead without a signed permission slip but he is allowed to fight dragons and numerous other super dangerous things. It doesn’t bother me that it’s illogical though, I just think it’s hilarious.


The fact that they send each other owls when we know that even without electricity, they have others ways to communicate with each other more quickly (ex: the two way mirror of Sirius)


I find aqurio or what's name it is. The water spell is completely physically law breaking. The ability to spawn water from nothing into the world seems so catastrophic. You are adding molecules into the world that never should have been here. On the other hand you could end so much disaster globally, but chooses not too.


I can reason that as, aguamenti just condenses the water vapor in the air. Thus, it's not creating water, just transforming it from one state to another.


Like Frozone using the water vapor in the air, or Pyro being able to manipulate and expand even the tiniest flame. Neither of them could create ice/fire from nothing. Also, even if they are”creating” water, that’s far from the only spell that’s physically law breaking. Turning living animals into inanimate objects made of completely different materials, like a tea cup, glass, or button, is way more physically law breaking than creating water from the air


Well unless the magical manipulation is actually a form of molecular or atomic tampering, that could explain transfiguration but then would completely eliminate the restriction of food conjuration. 🤔 Well I guess I know what my brain will be overthinking for awhile.😅


Well exactly, if something is just made of some carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen then surely I can rearrange those atoms how I want? Maybe that’s harder than it sounds, or things only want to become certain other things, and that’s why alchemy and philosophers stone is so tricky and rare.


All valid possibilities however I think it's just some contrived inconveniences for the sake of story telling.


Lack of people that want to communicate with their deceased relatives. The concept of afterlife is somewhat not really clear. How can that be when you have many means to find out the truth, right?


Nothing or you don’t get the word magic


how they all had nice skin. LIKE REALLY NOW? no one in the trio or in their close circle had a single pimple


Eloise Midgen stole the entire school’s supply of acne.


Pimpulus remuvus


imagine seamus casting it


It will be your last pimple.


Hermione and Ron romance!


The "fact" that Harry "never" liked Hermione! Lmao!


How Harry didn’t end up with Hermione in the end 😡


The fact that Harry inexplicably was SOOO passive, oblivious and stupid about Hermione! I've read the books, so please don't... They have many moments, even in the books, ever since year 1. Ron was basically verbally abusive in year 1 to her, and they were toxic together. Hermione and Ron had nothing til suddenly in year 4 (& still, later Hermione kissed Harry on the cheek that year.) Also, he's the main character and so is she (male & female). But, even putting all that aside, why was Harry written so unrealistically?? I mean, except for the Yule Ball (when he was even so still obsessed with Cho for some reason), he "Never" looked at his beautiful, brilliant, loyal, good-hearted best (female) friend as more than a friend?? Lol. Really?? Ridiculous. Also, when they were camping alone for like a month after Ron had abandoned them, and they didn't even talk!? 😂 lol. So stupid & unrealistic. In real life, they'd probably be kissing (and banging) as soon as one tried to comfort the other. Or in year 6 when she cried on his shoulder about Ron (& they both couldn't have their sudden stupid crushes) but they were right there for each other... Come on.


Hermione just didn't do it for him. Harry's type was Quidditch girls, not bookworms.










they were always purely platonic to me.