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Umbridge is clearly the kindest character in Harry Potter... the way she treated half-breeds was sooooo full of mercy and empathy, it brought tears to my eyes


That's nothing on her compassion for "muggles" who "stole" magic to sneak into the wizarding community! She's the most thoughtful old lady I know, like a sweet old aunt in a cottage who bakes pies and cookies and tends her flower beds :D


Theyre not hommade. They were made in a factory. A bomb factory. Theyre bombs.


But what flavor are they?


I see you are a man of culture as well.


I hope no one thinks I am encouraging this but bombs can be home made. For the record, please don't!


(Evil laughter) Jk


mercy like euthanasia mercy lmao


I love how voldmeort is one of the kindest characters 😆


He killed those people with love and affection.


hey dear! I just wanted to tell you that this is the last day on earth! Yes you heard right,honey! You're gonna die! I'm going to kill you! Dont you love that! I can smell the happiness on you! oh wait-


Either the list maker is trolling, or google ignored the word kindest and just gave you a list of HP characters :D


The latter. The list will hardly be manually created. Instead it reflects the thing closest to your search query that Google "understands": a list of characters from Harry Potter.


Yeah, Severus was kind. >!Kind of a douche!<




He actually was mean for kind reasons. He never wanted harry to know that he was helping him. He was conflicted with the fact that harrys father was a bit of a dick and hated him, rightfully so. Its a testement that he brainwashed himself to think of harry like james that made it easy to cause “problems” for harry. Its not clear cut. Really, what major things did severus do to harry to his detriment? Nothing that would have been a detriment to the plan. On a number of occasions he helped harry/ saved him, without harry knowing it was him. He had to be an asshat to keep the truth hidden from everyone, that voldie would eventually return and harry may have to die. Severus never wanted to kill dumbledore. He had to and dumbledore asked him to.


Depends if you base it off the books or the movies. In the movies he is shown in a nicer light. In the books, everything he did was more out of selfishness or obligation. He didn't have to be an asshat to be a spy, he also has fun shaming and beating students down like neville for no real reason than his enjoyment. Not that he wasn't a "good" character, but I wouldn't call him kind.


Severus wasnt kind but I mean, he couldn't really be nice to the Gryffindors because what would the Slytherins who have Death Eater fathers do. They should probably snitch and people like Lucius would inform Voldemort and then his ruse would be up. However, I do agree Severus wasnt a very kind or nice person but he wasnt evil and he is very respectable for the sacrifices he made. He went through a lot of pain and could have easily stayed as a Death Eater but switched sides and followed the path of good in the end. Even if he was a bully.


Hmmm yea but I feel he could have just acted neutral in that case. I get that there is the factor of him being watched by the slytherins, but if he acted nice(although I think that would have been pretty off-character for him) it would have actually worked better in his favor as a double agent and he could have played it to voldy as sucking up to the light to avoid suspicions. Don't get me wrong Severus is a complicated character and I love him for it but I don't think he is necessarily good or bad, I think his nature is more self intentioned, he would have been light or dark depending on wich side would have let him "have" Lily. His whole thing is doing stuff for Lily, but if she would have been dark, hypothetically, he would have stayed dark too.


I agree. Severus is a morally grey character but we can atleast all agree that he was a masterfully written character.




To be fair, 6/11 people on this list you could call kind.


I mean its a list of kind characters , shouldn't 11/11 characters on this list kind?


✨💞 V O L D E R M O R T 💞✨


Why is umbridge on that list??? And Voldemort... REALLY (I bet umbridge made this search list)


Notice Harry isn't in that top ten? What a dickhead.


I’m really questioning who made this list😂


He is kind? He is arrogant and full of himself.


Saving the entire wizarding world from Voldemort is pretty kind in my book lol


This is sarcasm, hunny, I’m fluent in it. And this pal is sarcasm. You clever human!!! Look I just spoke it now.


This is just a random list of characters, right? Right?


Yup , Snape was definately kind .....to Draco.


What I was about to comment 🤣




\*sees that She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is the second-to-last one\* I agree with the title.




Dolores has antivax vibes.


who the hell-


Professor McGonagall anybody?


After seeing the top 2 kindest characters I got acidity😭


Yup Neville is lower than Voldy obviously, I mean he was so rude when he tried to prevent the three to go fight a big dog in the 1st book 😡


Only Luna is fit to be on this list.


How dare you not include Hagrid?!


Harry is not on this list??? And Snape is at the top, WTF!


Draco was pretty kind on the eyes but uh not sure about the rest 🤣


lol so Neville is super rude?


What’s with the Severus hate on this sub? He was literally the best character and brought together the entire series.


I think he is an interesting character but also kind of an asshole and the whole thing with Lily doesn´t redeem him in my eyes


I like Snape, tho I get a lot of hate for liking him, not only from the internet but my own friends too!!


Yeah i like him too, though you gotta admit he is a bit of an asshat


I like him but he is a vile bully. He is redeemed but just barely. The definition of an anti-hero. He is still the best written and developed character though.


The hate comes as a response to the other end of the spectrum. The fans who think he is a good person and defend the horrible things he does.


My mind just conjured an image of Snape sneering at being described as kind. Even he thinks it's preposterous. 😅


#8 7 and 1 r not nice


Everything is good but there is umbridge I am deleting chrome after seeing this.