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That's our franchise cornerstone 🥹


>A lot of people who doubted us They still do now Bam 🙄


Yup calling him not a top 15th player etc, sorry fans🙄


I’m once again going to try and engage in a basketball conversation. Would you be able to list your 15 players? No order


Right? It's a pretty reasonable take to think he isn't top 15. Even being very optimistic, he is at the bottom end of the top 15


Man Bam is an awesome player. I love him. But the NBA is such a great league so many players are great. I don’t get how it’s a slight to say he’s not top 15. You know how many great players there are? Sorry fans are these delusional ones who don’t watch anything but the heat. Wonder why heat fans are treated the way they are


Hopefully he can jump into that next tier this season!


Yes! We need that in order to be a championship team. But bam is great as is. I don’t need him to have to carry the load of like an embiid Davis jokic. We just need to put the right pieces around him to truly let him shine.


I say this all the time but there are like 15ish players in the top 10 if that makes sense. It’s not unreasonable to have Bam be 15 when realistically it means he’s one of the best 20ish players in the league. We watch him more than every other player so we see his value more, but the same could be said for any other star player of a team who we don’t get to watch as much of. He’s still only 26 so I expect him to start reaching his full potential in the next 2-3 years where he could cement himself as a top 15 player.


I agree, I would say he is in the 15-20 range for sure


It's simple. All in the heat roster![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


😂 right about that


I'm hype I love all the new talent


Wish we could have those best versions now to help jimmy win. Curious how it all goes, future is nice.


Me too, and there's my list bruhh. I do respect you're an nba fan tho and just not like a complete Homer. I genuinely believe Bam deserves to be on that list. Also keep in mind, the biggest reason he's on it is defense. If he has a true big, I believe all of us will see what he's truly capable of. Ware, Pelle, Keshad, Jaime, Niko is crazy and Bam, maybe Herro.


You already know the list, so I don't have to mention it.


….you never said it


No order really, since u won't shutup lol. You know this already but let me type it out for u. 1. LeBron 2. Giannis 3. Luka 4. Jokic 5. Embiid 6. Antman 7. KD 8. Curry 9. Tyrese Haliburton 10. Tatum 11. Maxey 12. Karl Anthony Towns 13. Kyrie 14. Jimmy 15. Bam


I won’t downvote you or anything cause I disagree with that list or anything. If anything it’s a solid list. Can I challenge it or ask questions or is that it. I’ll drop it if we can’t have a discussion


Yea why not lol, my biggest reason tho is defense for Bam. And he was robbed twice of dpoy, and keep in mind Bam finally has a true big now, so he can finally focus more on scoring.


The lack of Brunson, khawi (I know he’s injured but you had embiid on the list so entertain me), Jaylen brown ( who I’ve always believed was better than Tatum), Morant (was a top 10-15 player before injury, argument for bottom of 5-10 before suspension or whatever is going on) just to name a few from the top of my head. I firmly believe Bam with more responsibility on offense would move from top 20 top 25 to closer to 15, it’s just not the role we need from him. He anchors so much on defense I feel like we’d be worst if he’s given like an embiid like role. Yes he’s an undersized 5. But you’ve got to pump the breaks on expecting a 20 yr old rookie to be thrusted into the starting lineup. Has the tools but he’s raw. Past picks shows that he’s going to be spending more time learning more than anything. I think of him more like a lively. Yes he isn’t afraid to shoot (shot closer to one three a game on decent efficiency, but it was one three) but he needs time to build his frame. Lovely was great this year but even then the mavs got gaffers cause it’s hard to but so much on a rookie when you’re contending


The reason why Ja isn't there, he didn't play all last yr. If I leave Kawhi off I feel like I'm disrespecting him, since he did win a championship too. Jalen Brunson, Spida both haven't been to the finals yet, and I don't wanna disrespect Hali. Bam at 20 is fair, I basically thought u didn't even have him like top 20 and like barely an Allstar. And also only reason Bam is at 15, 2 trips to the finals and probably best defense in the NBA. Facts Heat fam, everything else absolutely agree.


AD, Sabonis, Kawhi, Wemby, Zion, and Brunson could be added to this list which brings up the argument that there are more players in the top 15 that could be listed as top 15.


Aye man ngl, savings ain’t got shit on bam. I won’t accept it nope. Other than that, you’ve got solid points. I’m guessing he’s going off of health so he didn’t want to put Zion in that list. Zion healthy is top 10 easy. Heat fans hate to hear it but ADs size and better back to the basket with essentially similar defensive switch ability + rim protection gives him the edge over bam.


No my point is these players can be in the argument for being top 15. Dame, PG, Shai, etc. the list is longer than spots available.


Shai! Wow I can’t believe he didn’t come to mind. Probably cause his ascension was so quick. You’re definitely right. This is why I have bam somewhere between 18-23. Dame can win you a playoff game. I just don’t know how much more he has left in the tank. They still haven’t really truly figured out how to unlock the Gianni’s fame combo. Feel as though he’ll suffer cause of team construction with Middleton having to deal with injuries and get old, Brooke regressed this year. He’ll need more from the team to really get to shine. He can do it but dame is to me more closer to 25-28 at this point


Your turn top 15


It’s pretty much the same list but remove bam, towns, add Shai, Brunson, khawi, jb, Zion, booker ( I can’t fault him that his FO is sabotaging him with these 2k myteam builds) if I really think about it bam would probably be anywhere in 18-23 range


Dude Sabonis, Wemby and Zion ain't there yet lmao. Let's not be casuals. Spurs need to make the playoffs 1st and have a run. Do I think Wemby can surpass Bam yes, but only cuz he's 7'4 Snubs on my list is Brunson and Spida. Ik my list has alot of aging players and only some youth. They however did win a championship.


Zion is honestly there if you think about it. Like really think bout Zion healthy. He’s unstoppable and unlocks that whole team when he’s point. Herb and Murphy (once Ingram is gone this man will blossom with Zion) at the wings help at the perimeter. They just need to get a jrue like pg. someone who is a defensive guard that can pace the game when needed. Mcculloum ain’t it


True, I really like Zion alot too and he does play for my hometown.


You’re missing the point. They can be in the conversation of top 15 players in the league. Sabonis was a top 8 MVP vote getter the last 2 seasons. You can’t just leave people off the list bc you don’t feel they aren’t there yet when there is a valid argument for them to be.


You’re right but man, i just can’t do it. Nice player but i feel like they fall in love with his triple doubles. I’ll admit i watch a lot of basketball and not so much the kings. Is he really that impactful in a playoff setting? I can look at stats but I can’t say my eye test would do much since I don’t watch the kings much


Sure I agree, they can be in the conversation. It's just not a lock tho.


And I’ll say this, what I saw from Wendy this season was as advertised. I wouldn’t be mad anyone has him top 20 or even top 15. He’s that real. If someone could throw him a fucking entry pass once in a while besides their back up point guard it would make his game even crazier


Yea Wemby the best rookie we had since LeBron or Mj


Top 15 is too difficult to determine due to the amount of growing talent in the NBA. I’d probably place Bam in top 20. Also, Maxey isn’t top 15. Paul George, Damian Lillard, Donovan Mitchell, Kawhi Leonard, (I’m sure I’m missing others) are better than Maxey.


People in the own fanbase doubt em


Our time will come folks.


Talking like the Larry O'Brien trophy was brought back home


Please don’t compare him with the whole of the current NBA and rank him, a fair comparison would be his draft class, which was pretty good itself with names like spida, Tatum, j allen and Markannen who are the all star caliber ones . He was as it seems now a top 4-5 pick rather the number 15 in that class. He has been more impactful for Miami than frankly any of those guys (yes I hate Boston) considering he was crucial in the 3 amazing runs Miami could make.