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Is it bad that I knew the code was for Eagle 500kg bomb?


No, all good helldivers should know their stratagems. Keep up the good work diver


Especially the 500


No it's the most memed stratagem since the game came out.


Na, we all just got it for a few days and the a PO to kill 200 with it, so we all spammed the shit out of it for the last few days


Not at all, itโ€™s the most memed on stratagem because nuclear warfare funny. Not knowing the code is stranger actually.


There are literally photos from modern battlefields with the 500kg stratagem arrows spray painted on walls, artillery shells, artillery pieces, etc... Could be they are all photoshopped, but it seems like something soldiers would do.


Everyone knows that code.


Correction: that's not a "fellow helldiver" that's a traitor... https://preview.redd.it/d69bzdm5cl1d1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d16920c277793cbffd7210314d9f3cf58ae9568


Had the same thing happen to me...so I introduced him to a point blank quasar




Strange he didn't see it coming, given he must have known he pissed you off.


Only time I teamkilled someone is after they killed a teammate (who was level 3) while they were struggling to do the radar alignment. Long story short he called the low level stupid and shot them, so in return I pulled out my senator and took them out in one easy shot before they left the mission.


Had a fucker start griefing in a defense mission dropping 380s and 500s on us, destroying the deployable walls, and hoarding the resupplies to themselves in their little niche corner by the generators. Towards the end of the mission I told the host to kick them because they were blatantly griefing at this point which is when they destroyed the generators and forced a failure. Host left the game and I decided to kill them before I left too. EDIT: They were also level 90 so what the fuck.


I level 87 got killed by a level 108 for chastised him, killing teammates in defending generator with poor aiming 380 for the third time. His word after deliberately killed me is 'lv 87 teaching lv 108'. FFS, he dropped it just 45m away from us and it wrecked our defense line THRICE! Once is an accident. Twice is learning. Three? They just don't care.


Had something similar happen to me where they would stand on that extrac cliff and kept calling in resupplies in the back where the other 3 of us would have to run back super far to get any. I politely asked him to leave the next one for us and to stop taunting the bugs over at extrac bc chargers and titans can just walk up it and right to generators if you let them. (factory striders will also just snipe the gens) Either they ignored me or just didnt see chat but then they finally join us and drop a 380 right on the center of the choke, destroying all 4 doors, teamkilling 2 of us and then we immediately get overrun and lose the mission. Probably only the second time ive ever kicked someone. every maybe 4th asset mission i do i get someone who ruins it with a 380 or theyre on the extrac ledge and a factory strider or titan paths up that way to gens.


I've gotten annoyed with someone who can't enter a code on a terminal before, but I didn't kill them. This dude had 5 chances to put the code in before I whacked him off to do it myself. I stimmed him for his patience though, and nobody thought twice about it. Now I have indulged in a team kill here or there though, but I never fired the first shot, and do my best to always fire the last.


You wacked him off you say??? Can I play with you next?


While I certainly don't remember wording it like that, I don't hide my errors either. Good catch lol Edit: oh... oh I see what I said now. Damn, dude must've been playing me from the moment he approached the terminal. I even gave him the feel good shot after.


After care is important. Also make sure you use a safe word.


Hahaha just a big circle jerk of hell divers


Maybe a little 2 for on the next round unless you subscribe to the silicone valley efficiency whack off then you could get 4 of us in the next round [https://youtu.be/DzmehB3K4dQ](https://youtu.be/DzmehB3K4dQ) for context


Sometimes I mess with my squad (that I play with regularly). We'll take pot-shots at each other from across the map. I once tried to point-blank tk and sui my wife and myself and it bounced off her and hit our friend instead. We both survived and he didn't. Funniest thing ever. We do this more on low levels, but we don't do it enough that it ruins the fun. When we're playing 7+, we're all business.


Good, that's one less loose end.


Now thats managed democracy. Thank you for your service helldiver.


With pleasure, remember: it is our duty to eliminate all threats human or non-human, realized or potential


*"Truth is kid, the game was rigged from the start"*


Saw B1 (pretty high level, not new) killing A2. A2 asked why, B1 said he wanted the super samples to... A2 killed B1 and left. I also killed B1, told him samples are shared you automaton spy and left,


My intentional team kill was on a guy in a mech with my mech because when someone else was getting into their mech they shot them. The offender had a rocket thrown at him and died immediately because of it then I called them both in and he shot at the last guy who was in a mech so I cut him in half with the gattling gun to let him know that it was me that did it. My most recent accidental team kill was me aiming in first person at the player and firing and afterwards realizing that I was aiming between two devastators and not at three of them. If only I had better eyes ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ


Based on the chat it's either that or he wanted your samples. Super Fact: the Helldiver with the SSSD is marked with the SSSD obj on the minimap. Check your minimaps.


"blue, fuckin put it in or drop it" Tbf I have no clue what is he talking about but at least he wrote something. Unlikely samples, most likely some SSSD. It's much weirder when they don't and just randomly start spraying everyone; just... they get moody or smth.


It's like he though his backpack was some objective.


its odd because he isn't carrying the SSD he has 2 hands on his primary and even ads' and shoots.... I think brother man was just down that purple haze.


Well, samples are shared so he was just being a treasonous dick.


He didn't have anything, if it's samples this guy can rot like the traitor he is.


I teamkilled once for a vid and it was just me and my friends it was to reinact general shepheards betrayal from mw2.


Yeah but that's friends and if your not TKing friends then your not friends. Blueberries are different.




Destiny and Battlefield players have been using blueberry to refer to noobs for a long time as well


I miss the days when me and the crew dominated in 4... Get a good support crew to run outside your tank and you can command a map.... Does help if your anti air was on point too...






I absolutely positively am sure that I saw that vid at one point.


that guy likes randomly team killing


I only teamkill when they walk into my cluster bombs. Or when they see my clusterbombs. Or when I even think about calling a cluster bomb


Same I'm often yelling "Back up W1!!" Just *after* the strat leaves my hand. Sorry :,(


Me watching as the newbies rush toward the very armed hellbomb I just armes while I scream at them to NOT:


Me: "I'm bombing, dont rush in" Them: Rushes in "Dude wtf why didnt you say anything teamkiller"


I had a guy so afraid of getting team killed by my Tesla Tower that he took out his pistol and deleted it even though it wasn't anywhere that we needed to go. So instead he got team killed by my primary.


The only time I've done that was when a teammate put it right where you load SEAF artillery. \~4 of us died to it, and there wasn't a single enemy in sight the entire time


This is undemocratic behavior. You should not be bragging about this. You are wrong.


You can report him now since he commented all that.


I did


the dumbass realized you didn't have the SSSD and left out of shame


Just about to say the same. Only reason I could think of why he left so quickly lmao


I thought it said "Fellow helldiver turned me on"


Same! I was *very* confused lol.


Did you see how much his ass got pumped (full of flaming lead)?


I had to do this to a guy that grabbed an SSD and ran halfway across the map with it instead of uploading. Thankfully he understood after. He was like level 12.


TBF the objective doesn't highlight until you drop off the SSD, I still get confused where to take it


I totally get it, the UI is weird. He wasn't responding to voice/chat comms though. I had to put him down.




Eh had some loser on diff 7 mission think that we were losing a few too many reinforcements (2-3 in the space of a few mins) and decided to rage about it and tk everyone for being 'useless'... then quit. We went on to finish everything and get most samples. FU mike, whatever your full name was. Bitch.


I dropped a whole bunch of samples at the extract about halfway through a mission. Another player picked them up and started to fuck off with them as I told him to leave them at the extract. I was so very tempted to team kill him. I wanted to team kill him so bad. But I did not. Thankfully, things worked out. He didn't die until we were extracting anyway, and someone got the samples before the pelican arrived.


This was the right move. Good job helldiver. We donโ€™t shoot fellow helldivers we shoot bots and bugs.


Murdering your fellow Helldivers in cold blood and merely wanting to murder your fellow Helldivers in cold blood is what makes the difference between a good Helldiver and a Great Helldiver.


I was on a retrieve essential personnel mission where you have to call down the sssd and stick it in the box as part of establishing the uplink and my teammate grabbed the sssd and just started trucking across the map. I started yelling into the mic that he needed to come back, that we had to put the sssd in the box. I tried to get his attention but he just kept running. So I shot him in the back of the head, ran over and grabbed the sssd and ran back to the objective and stuck it in the box. He messaged me angry in all caps threatening to report me and everything else, I said turn on voice chat and you would have heard me telling you that you were running the wrong way that we needed the sssd in the box. Seeing as I'm on PlayStation and I don't have a keyboard handy, typing out anything in the text chat would have taken way too long and he would have gone way too far before he got the message. He was in a party chat not paying attention, and I was forced to make an unfortunate decision to save time and prevent potential tragedy as this was a level 8 mission and he was running towards a patrol.


Be honest, was this just an excuse to show off a sick drop pod titan kill?ย  Because you get an upvote either way.


The titan kill was just a lucky bonus


That dude called you worthless then you went and killed a Titan He was soooooooo fucking wrong


That was just a lucky kill


Nah dude, I try landing on that part all the time and just go right through


Dang. I didn't even notice.


that was awesome!!


He was already triggered and talking smack in the chat.


fuck this guy, how did you made your UI curved?


It's just in the settings


From the chat there he seems convinced that you are holding something you need to put somewhere. I don't know what, "put t in or drop it" means, but killing you would get you to drop whatever it was he thought you had. I don't know why he was expecting people to read the chat during a fire fight. Get a mic... it is 2024.


He thought i had the SSSD


Looks like treason


I team killed a level 26 yesterday for taking both my guard dog and laser cannon immediately out of the pod on landing


That's a cardinal sin against managed democracy right there, you don't steal another helldivers stratagems as right as they dropped




You can take your teammates' stuff only if they die, and you give it back right after they meet up with you and they're still on cooldown. Straight from the tap? No good.


Just kill the traitor THEN court martial them


Sounds like he just enabled pvp mode.


What is "T"? He is asking to drop it?


I think he's saying "Put it in or drop it" but I don't see an SSD under his arm?


He was talking about the samples maybe. Put it in extract or drop it


He only had 2 rares when he died though ๐Ÿ’€ TKing for rares is nasty work ๐Ÿ˜‚


We can definitely agree that it wasnโ€™t โ€œfor no reasonโ€ these two were duking it out before this happened


No for sure. Has to be something to it man. ๐Ÿ˜‚


#The traitors name is Catzuko. Shoot on sight


Oof, it's gonna be reverse Dremskiy.


Kill on sight order for catzuko


clearly some kind of new stealth technology the automatons have created , report this to the nearest democracy officer at once i0


Even killed the Titan on re-entry I normally phase right through them


Yep somehow I manage to land directly under them when I try to hit them directly. Which makes it so much fun to not get stomped.


I think it was because the armour was damaged


you had a fly in your back so as an exemplary Helldiver he had to exterminate the bug.


I think he did a power play with out communicating it out and use op as an attack pod for the big bug..


why are there so many griefers in helldivers compared to deeprock galactic, a similar type of game? in my entire 40 hours of deeprock (rookie numbers but still) ive only ever run into 1 real griefer, but in helldivers the traitors to democracy show up like every 1 of 5 games. What about this game encourages this behavior? is it because helldivers is the shiny new game so all the degenerate leaf lovers from deeprock jumped ship to betray democracy instead?


I've got a hell of a lot less hours than many


I hardly meet griefers, I think people are just more vocal about it in HD2 because we DO NOT TOLERATE TREASON. that or I've just been lucky with matchmaking. I have seen quite a few control freaks though, that bitch and complain if you don't play the game "their" way, one of my squad members (from work) was one of them. ( I've never played any other game with him, but HD2 had just about everyone jumping in and out.) I usually just ignore that shit and spread democracy the way I know how. What was great was that after several matches of him barking orders I ignored, my stats would be overall better than his. more kills, more accuracy, more samples, fewer deaths, no friendly fire, and when the scoreboard comes up, he would always just say, "Interesting." I was always very tempted to shit on him and tell him if I followed his advice, I'd have stats similar to his. I just kept quiet though and enjoyed the fact that he was bamboozled by the fact that, much to his annoyance, he didn't know everything, and wasn't the best despite always holding rank over us.


At least you were able to kill the bile at the end. That's the only silver lining to this.


Couple days ago I had a guy drop the 500kg bomb in the middle of an extermination map (tiny) which killed me, my exo suit, our other team mate, and himself. I dropped in and picked up a quesar cannon which I had before getting nuked, and he killed me again saying I picked up his instead of mine. Told him it was fair since he wiped the whole team making me lose mine in the first place. He said the first death was my fault for not waddling my exo suit out of the way of the bomb he dropped in the middle of the tiny map while I was fighting two chargers. I dipped, not staying around with team mates like that.


This has been happening to me more and more when I play with ransoms. Which is most of the time. So much so that I've set the game down for almost two weeks now. It's so frustrating when it's a TEAM game.


The only time Iโ€™ve TKโ€™d a person on purpose is when theyโ€™re my friends. Or they say something treasonous in chat (itโ€™s fun to RP a bit). Outside of that, one instance comes to mind when I threw a 380 down to kill or distract some Heavy Devastators, and one unlucky soul got hit. He called me stupid for calling it down on โ€œonly fourโ€ of them. I retorted that TKing is inevitable in this game, and is comical at times. He immediately TKโ€™d me, said โ€œyouโ€™re rightโ€ and kicked me from the game Monkeyballs, I hope you know youโ€™re a traitor for that >:c


Un democratic


It was just an automaton spy, pay then no mind.


I only shot someone when they shot somebody else as they were boarding pelican one. They must've been buddies or something because we went on to play some good missions after that


I think we should be making a naughty list with confirmed vids like these and having them blacklisted by the masses!!


Has to teamkill someone yesterday but that was because I died after just calling in all my support equipment and they just helped themselves to my stuff without asking. I gave them a minute to realize they maybe picked it up by mistake, but had to exercise my democratic will on them to retrieve it. Sometimes I'll pick up equipment from dead teammates, but I will always check multiple times before just helping myself.


U got that titan. Seems like a good reason lol


Some people have this notion in their head that their way of playing a game is the "right" way to do things. I'm guessing whatever he was referring to in the chat window had something to do with that. Completely uncalled for, obviously, but he didn't see it that way.


He was likely referring to the SSSD, but OP clearly didn't have it, given they were using a non-SMG primary. And, y'know, the map would have said as much. He wasn't just insistent that others weren't playing right, he was also objectively wrong in a way that's easy to double check while doing so.


Only intentional team kill I ever did was to a guy who stole my jump pack and refused to give it back.


All my teamkills have been accidental. Even if I thought they deserved it I've never intentionally killed a teammate. I have, however, refused to reinforce a teammate who had dropped 5 stratagems on my head in the first 7 minutes of a mission.


Only time I ever team killed was when the game was new. Teammate decided he wanted to try my equipment without communicating with me. After I spawned back in I reciprocated and they never did it again. The funny part is that they missed several times before hitting, so I had enough time to be confused why they were shooting in my direction.


dude forgot you can't shoot your primary with sssd




The Dickheads that throw a reinforcement stratagem into a mega swarm of enemies, or throwing it at a undetonated hell bomb and then shooting the bomb are traitors of humanity.


Was it cause the supply pack you had?


Nah it was empty


Okay just checking some people are very particular about those things. But looks like he was being a asshole


One of a bunch that fuck up with the game


C4 = C**t


from the chat it seem he shoot the wrong person, supposingly you need to insert the hard drive or something?


I had one helldiver think it was fun to melee me. I don't understand people


You know how when you run out of bounds you are labeled a traitor and then you start getting bombed? Well they should make the same outcome happen for people who teamkill except with more accurate bombs.


I did have the marker follow a guy that didn't have the drive but quickly shut the hell up once I saw he didn't actually have it and it was a glitch. This guy is just a dumbass unfortunately. I'm sure that's why he quit immediately afterwards, he noticed it wasn't on your dead body


Lol are you the guy from the other post? Did you take his Ammo backpack?


Other post? And it was my backpack


Is this him? https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/n5QQuGrwlq


From the replies and the text chat it appears to be the SSSD that's being talked about, hence "put it in". So no, not the same guy.


Not enough info, need more clip I had a quick mission to wait for some friends when 3 shit heads joined to kill me and started bitching when I kick them one by one By chat alone I could look like the asshole but is not the full story


I had a guy team kill me because I took his AMR. We dropped near a gunship factory and quickly got swarmed. I got reinforced and saw an AMR on the ground. I go to pick it up to shoot at gunships and Player 4 killed me without saying anything. I get called in again, land next to him, and blow him up with the crossbow. Player 4 goes on mic and says, "Just to let you guys know, Player 2 killed me for no reason. You should kick him. I'm going to leave the lobby now."


Had something like that happen to me as well, except in my instance the teamkiller was the host. I get reinforced, immediately reinforce a guy that just died, see another teammate being chased by a hulk and then spot a convenient pile of gear nearby with a quasar in it. So I grab the quasar and line up a shot to the hulk's vents as the guy I reinforced is landing. As the shots still charging up dude walks up to me and blows my brains out with his senator and promptly kicks me from the game.


Loyalist vs Separatist


For the Republic!


Had the same thing happen, I didnโ€™t receive an explanation though.


This is becoming far too common.


Had a very rude cadet follow me around, then die from standing too close to a grenade, when I was opening a container. mister proceeded to chase and shoot me, thinking it reasonable for a cadet to call their superior officer Noob when their insolent behavior was pointed out. Since the rest of the team was equally talented, they got a lesson in humility by having to clear the mission on their own, without the marshal who was carrying them until that point. I doubt they even cleared the nest. But boy, silly disrespectful kids can be so annoying.


Yesterday I teamkilled a guy because he intentionally destroyed multiple very well placed turrets, multiple times. I teamkilled him once and the he kicked me.


I killed a guy one time on purpose. He died on his own across the map, we respawn him back in with us, I die, he instantly takes my quasar and personal body shield. I type and ask if he can please not take my stuff when I die. Fast forward like 5min and him running off on his own again, same shit repeats. I killed him, and barely had time to pick my stuff back up before the host booted me. Theft is treasonous, so I was doing it for the greater good of democracy.


Unrelated... how do you get the curved HUD?




Had a lvl 6 steal my shield pack at the beginning of a mission bc I died trying to take out a shrieker nest right next to where we dropped. Was very tempted to kill them but they were the host lol.


โœ๏ธโœ๏ธโœ๏ธ Catzuko is a traitor


That's the first time I've ever seen someone get to it before their rover could. I swear, the only reason people use that is to TK.


How do you get your HUD to curve like that?


It's a little-used option in Settings!


Eh had some loser on diff 7 mission think that we were losing a few too many reinforcements (2-3 in the space of a few mins) and decided to rage about it and tk everyone for being 'useless'... then quit. We went on to finish everything and get most samples. FU mike, whatever your full name was. Bitch.


What was he saying in chat tho, we need that context


"put it in or drop it" implies SSSD or another package needing placed into a receptacle. OP clearly didn't have it.


Ah ok




I wish it kept a list of your most recent few squadmates so you can at least remember them, for rehabilitation reasons lol


I think in the Friends menu you can access such a list.


been happening more and more often, lot of people getting salty over dumb shit. I had two guys killing each other and blaming me (because of the faulty 'killed by' messages I assume?), but who were really buddy with each other. It took fifteen minutes of offing each other and talking shit in chat while I was solo across the map to realize maybe I wasn't the problem ๐Ÿ˜‚


I'm about as confused as the guy (95) but yea the green is quite self descriptive right there


Best case scenario they needed you to land on the Titan, worst case they are just mean


**Username for the record?**


Mine or his because mine is same as what it says on reddit and his can be seen in the clip


Recall the chat log in the bottom right. He was complaining about something he wanted you to call in or something like that. Can you remember?


He was saying something about the SSSD, before the clip he mentioned it by name, it's difficult to pay attention to the text chat and fight bugs but i know he thought i had the SSSD


Imagine if as soon as that charger hit him while typing the message it just comes up as gibberish letters at the end.


automaton scum


Democracy decided to promote you to "Corpse" also a new Helldiver managed to kill their first Bile Titan in the drop!


Thats a wanker.


How would you have the sssd if you're using primary weapons? Thought holding the sssd meant you are down an arm


Yep you can't fire your primary unless it's an SMG


I got team killed for picking up another players equipment. Except... they were exactly the same and about 10m apart. So then he died about 5 seconds after that and neither of us could get to our equipment when reinforced as it was swarming with enemies at that point.


Another kick on sight name to remember.


Yeah I had some guy named Jim.wong shot me to death waiting for the drop ship. Had seventeen minutes left. And I died and the a holes boarded the plane and I quickly logged out of my computer after that.


Worthless my ass he just killed a bile titan and before that he was mowing down bugs


Cool so just block catzuko. Sounds simple enough


I had some guy deliberately shoot me right before extraction, grab the samples, and say, "Whoops, it slipped." Didn't believe it for a second and left that game afterward.


Did you have crossplay on? Honest question




What was he on about in the chat before the clip? Seems like the reason might be in there somewhere.


The reason is, to kill the Titan with reinforcement.


He was telling me to drop the SSSD or take it to the drop off but I didn't have it


Joined a game with a dude who kept shooting me like once or twice just taking off health, not killing, I asked them to stop in the chat, and they walked up to me and point blank shot me with a shotty... I got kicked after killing the dude like 4 or 5 times... First kill on them I just landed on their head. 2nd, I called in an Eagle airstrike on the reinforce, and after that, I just used sickle and grenade handgun thingy... was pretty funny, ngl


I kill my team mate all the times @moozilla2 mainly because he likes it rough.


Just because you don't need to fill out a C-01 for what you get up to doesn't mean you take it onto the battlefield, Helldiver!


Sometimes I think the MAGAs join games just to get off on destroying Democracy.


Don't bring real-life politics into this, please


But it's so hard when you try to censor me ๐Ÿ˜ซ


This isn't a political subreddit. There is no need to bring politics into this just to piss people off. If you want to do that, go to a political subreddit.


And there you have it boys. Gotta blame trump somehow