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Unfortunately, this is incorrect, the higher tier operations actually give around 15 to 20 times the liberation percentage, while only taking 60-70 minutes to complete (if your team isn't fumbling around in the dark), even less if you only do the main objective. It is however good for solo players. TLDR: Trivial missions are the most efficient for solo players, but helldive is more efficient for coordinated teams.


This is literally 90% of my missions, Im basically the SEAF equivalent of a discord moderator clapping illegal content.


I think this is why we've never been told exactly how much liberation is gained for mission xp before operation bonus. Because it's not balanced such that helldive clears are the most efficient. But it would still be interesting to see the numbers to know where the exact sweatspot is, if people are going to hurt themselves with metaplay anyway. Which, also doesn't make sense, as the DM team would just boost the enemy force resistance to match the new, artifically exploited liberation rate, but you can't stop people from wanting to play a game like a job.


Absolutely this would be boring as. I ran mediums to farm super credits and after an hour I just bought them lol.


I appreciate the effort soldier but it’s ok. Go have some fun. You’ve done your part. No one can ask for more.


Shoot 10 radio towers with AC.


Me and my bro did this grinding super credits, even at lvl 1 if you run around knock out the obj you can still get 20-100 super credits while you liberate the planet in about 10min runs.


We heard you like liberation, so we put liberation in yo democracy, so you can liberate while you liberate!


This used to be correct but since they changed spawns they also changed lib rates